I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

Chapter 111 – To Space Dwerg

Chapter 111 - To Space Dwerg

Translator: SFBaka

We put the matter regarding the suspicious folks on the backburner for now and took the elevator to the commercial block. And so, the four of us started walking around. But…

“It feels really really cramped in this colony huh.”

“The ceiling is too low.”

Mimi sighed as she looked up. Yeah, it is low huh. Termaine Prime and Sierra Prime didn’t have ceilings this low. In fact, they were quite high up. Compared to them, the ceiling of this colony was clearly way too low. So I guess the feeling of being pressed down is because of that low ceiling huh.

“There are a lot of dwarves living here after all. And they aren’t exactly tall. I’m sure they find this height to be just right for them.”


When you say dwarves, the image that comes to mind are those midget but macho bearded uncles, right? So this dimension doesn’t only have elves. It also has dwarves!

“Yeah. Actually, Space Dwerg has a lot of dwarven employees. Dwerg is another name for dwarf after all.”


No wonder I found it familiar somehow. Dwerg really is another term for dwarf. Yeah, I remember now. I heard it from a co-worker. If I remember correctly, it’s a term from Norse mythology. Yeah, that’s it. Speaking of which, Skizbrazunil was also a familiar term. I believe it’s from Norse myths as well. I don’t really remember which god had it though. It’s one of their divine vessels or something.

“It looks like you’ve realized something huh.”

“Yeah. I actually remember the terms from old Norse myths. That’s kinda neat.”

Come to think of it, some of those folks from earlier were diminutive old men and uncles huh. I see. So that’s why the colony’s ceiling is built this low. It’s in order to accommodate them. They built it so a person of my height would just be able to barely walk around without bumping into something. That’s where the sense of being pressed down comes from.

“Norse mythology huh… Come to think of it, you also seemed to be familiar with elves when we first met.”

“Hm? Oh. Yeah.”

Elves and dwarves are staples in fantasy stuff after all. Of course I was familiar with them.

“That’s quite interesting, isn’t it? Hiro-sama is supposedly from some other far away place, but he’s also familiar with elves and dwarves, and his home even has myths about them. If I remember right, we humans started interacting with the elves and dwarves right after we expanded into space, right?”

“Yep. That’s right. They haven’t established interstellar navigation where you’re from yet right, Hiro? Even so, they have myths pertaining to elves and dwarves. How mysterious.”

“I find the fact that this dimension resembles the game I was playing even more mysterious though.”

“Hm… That’s right too. But this actually lends weight to the theory that you’re actually a resident of this world, but just got your memories jumbled for some reason.”

“So you’re saying my claim of coming from a different world is just a result of my memories getting screwed over? That’s actually kinda depressing… But that still can’t explain the memories I have about my former world though. And there’s the thing about my genetic structure as well.”

I tapped my head with my finger and Elma’s brows furrowed in thought.

“Yeah, that’s right huh…… Hm, it’s really quite the mystery.”

“A deep mystery…”

I don’t have a universal language translation implant inside my brain, which is actually standard for those living in this dimension. Other than people at the very bottom of society, most citizens have them.

And even if I didn’t have the implant, I can still understand different alien languages just fine. The beautiful doctor who examined me also found it perplexing. Also, my genetic information has many unknown factors crammed within it, and is very valuable here.

Mimi, Elma, and I don’t really understand what’s valuable about my genetic code since we were all laymen when it comes to that stuff. We didn’t get even 5% of what the doc talked about. Was the research on my genetics progressing well though? I’ll get in contact with Doc Shouko at the Alein system later to ask about it when I have the chance.

“We’ve arrived.”

As we mulled over the mystery of the dwarves, elves, and my origins, we finally reached our destination. It was a building with a huge showroom and a signboard depicting a bearded old man in a space suit straddling a retro-futuristic-looking space rocket. He had a mechanical hammer filled with SF flavor over his shoulder. The hammer looked quite cool.

“Isn’t this signboard a bit too tacky?”

“It’s a classic signboard after all. I heard they’ve used this same logo for hundreds of years already.”

“Mm, it doesn’t fit my taste either.”

Elma shrugged her shoulders and Mimi gave the signboard a thumbs down review. But yeah. I’m sure it really doesn’t fit Mimi’s tastes. Mimi looked like a prim and proper young girl but her taste in fashion was of the punk kind.

But as they say, different strokes for different folks. Oh right. This colony is actually owned by Space Dwerg and most of the people staying here work for the company.

Well, we won’t get anywhere by just staring at the signboard, so I urged everyone to enter the building. Inside, there was a neat-looking large counter where a number of receptionists were busy receiving guests and customers. Since they all had mechanical parts on the sides of their heads instead of normal ears, they were probably all androids like May.

“There are quite a lot of people here.”

Just like Mimi said, there were a great number of people staying inside the lobby. There were people who dressed like mercenaries like us, and people who looked like merchants and businessmen. There were also a lot of men with low statures and robust builds, who were probably dwarves. Maybe they are subcontractors.

“What Space Dwerg is known for is the toughness and reliability of their products. They are quite popular with mercenaries and mercantile firms.”

“I see.”

We looked for an open counter and approached it.

“Good day. Welcome to the Space Dwerg company.”

A receptionist android greeted us with an excellent business smile and slightly bowed her head. Mm, she had bluish-black hair in a bob cut with neat bangs. I don’t know who designed her, but he or she had good taste.

“What is your business with us for today, dear customers?”

“We plan to purchase a mothership. We came here for consultation regarding that. We were thinking of getting a Skizbrazunil, but we also need to check the optional parts and systems you are offering.”

I then handed her my portable terminal. She nodded and placed one hand over the screen of the terminal. It looks like there was a data reader equipped on her palm.

“You are the Gold rank mercenary Captain Hiro, correct? Understood. Please follow the guide bot inside.”


A hole opened at the bottom of the counter and an object the size of a bowling ball rolled out of it. It looked similar to the bot used by Inagawa Tech. It looked quite heavy for its size. Maybe it’s a measure to prevent it from being easily kicked around.

“This way please.”


We followed after the rolling guide bot shining in multicolored lights and were led to the business booth. The guide bot crossed the lobby nimbly and fully avoided getting in contact with the people inside. We finally reached our destination with it in the lead.

“Why are you looking at the guide bot like an overprotective parent…?”

“But I just feel so uneasy y’know. What if it bumps into something…?”

“I kind of get that feeling too, Hiro-sama.”

Elma looked exasperated but it seems like Mimi gets me. Elma was just a bit too indifferent to things like this. Yep.

The door of the private room we were guided to opened, and what I saw inside was a young woman who looked decidedly like an elementary school student cosplaying as an adult by wearing a business suit.


I thought the guide bot made a mistake and checked again. I found the guide bot on stand by outside. Looks like this was the right room after all.

“What’s wrong?’

“No, uh, there’s a young kid wearing a business suit inside.”

“She’s a dwarven lady you know?”


So this dimension actually has dwarven women? And they are actually legal lolis!? But don’t female dwarves also sport beards in fantasy stories…? No, come to think of it, there’s been a trend of dwarven girls being depicted as legal lolis recently too huh. contemporary romance

The door I closed was forcefully pushed open as I was acting perplexed. That was quite heavy-handed. Was she angry or something?

“Dear customers, please do come inside.”

Maybe she really heard me. The young girl’s, or rather, the dwarven lady’s smile looked really forced as she beckoned us to enter the room. She offered us some seats. After we made ourselves comfortable, we also sat down behind the office table inside the room.

“Thank you for coming to Brad colony’s Space Dwerg company main office, dear customers. I am the one assigned to be your consultant for today, and my name is Sara. I am pleased to be working with you all.”

After saying her spiel, she displayed a perfect 0 Yen business smile.


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