I will never be yours

Chapter 102

Selena pov

Hearing them talk in the room I lay completely still to not give away that I'm awake, feeling my new ability sizzling under my skin like a barrier to shield me and I get this feeling none of them will notice anything.

They won't sense I'm awake or that my gift has brought my strength back!

I could portal away from here and get back to my pack but that's not my goal anymore, I'm here for my revenge and my revenge I will get!

"the sun is almost up and you only have a few hours to complete the bond!" I hear a man say in the room before I hear them walk closer to where I lay on the bed, pretending to still be out.

I hear them sniff in the air and stop right beside me on the bed.

"she's about to go into heat! I bet she was close to getting into heat with Kian before you took the mate bond away, this will make it easier for you!" the man says and I hear them both laugh.

I have to admit I'm smiling on the inside because none of them have any idea what's about to happen and once they realize it will be all too late!

I will send them all to their death and even if this will take me too I'm satisfied that I managed to erase them all and get my revenge.

"I'm getting ready to take her in a bit, only need a snack first then I will be back and complete it even if she is unconscious!" I hear Elijah say

"I bet you would enjoy it if she were unconscious instead!" the man says and I have to keep it together and bide my time! It's almost done.

"yeh! I will do it to her later once we are mated, there is so much stuff I will try on her!” I hear Elijah say and feel disgusted by them all.

"I hope you keep your word and let me fuck her once you have completed it!" the other man says and I can't believe how sick can they be?

"you willl I'm just going to give her a small dose of the potion then It will soon be done!" I hear Elijah say and I welcome another shot of the potion, with all the strength and energy I have in my body I will easily take the last energy I need and be ready to erase this place from the map. All that will be left is a large empathy hole in the ground and I will bring everyone down with me who is close!

"Are you sure you need to give her another shoot? She looks quite out to me!" the man says and I hear a pair of feet walk closer to where I lay. The man takes my arm and I feel him trace his nose on my wrist, I have to fight the urge to get up and rip the man to pieces for touching me. I'm disgusted by all of them!

"it's better to give her one extra dose, to make sure she isn't going anywhere!" Elijah says and I hear him walking around in the room for a bit before coming back to the bed. He's fixing with something before he starts to lift the quilt off me, I can hardly contain myself while I pretend to be out, and wouldn't it be for my new gift I wouldn't be able to conceal the truth.

"Ah, she looks beautiful! I'm going to enjoy my time with her" I hear the man say and I feel great satisfaction knowing in only a bit none of these sick bastards will take another breath. I will kill them all for what they have done and no one of them will hurt another person ever again!

"yes she is and my toy to play with, I will ride her in good in every way possible before drinking her blood until her heart is about to stop beating, then I will let you fuck her before I'm having her again! I hear Elijah says and that will never happen! I'm laying there and hoping he will give me the last shoot quickly, can't wait to get this over with!

Hearing several footsteps out in the hallway when I feel the needle shot into my thigh! Now finally I will get the last strength to execute my plan, only a moment more and it will all be done.

The portion swirls around in my veins and I feel great satisfaction, this will be it! The last I need in my body, for every breath I take my gift takes over every part of me.

"there is a lot of activity outside! We should head out to take a look!" I hear a man say further away in the room, wondering what kind of activity it is outside. I don't mind taking a bunch of rogues with them, but I don't like the idea of innocent people getting hurt by my hand.

"What kind of activity?" I hear one of the others say in the room.

"there have been spotted some people right outside the swamp a couple of minutes ago before they left and headed over to the other end! We haven't checked where they went after” the man says when Elijah places the quilt over me again. The potion swirls around in my veins and I get stronger by the second! I bet if I opened my eyes right now there would be a purple glow in my vision, I'm so close now!

I'm still cut off from my wolf and something in the potion is keeping her dormant, well it doesn't seem like I need her strength now with this new gift.

"go and check it out and come back to report what it is before approaching them!" Elijah says when I hear him walk around in the room. They all leave the room and I take my chance to open my eyes and turn my head to the window, seeing the sun is almost up I wonder if Kian still is alive! I haven't felt anything from him since he broke the bond. Tears start to run down my cheeks, hate that I wasn't strong enough to fight Elijah! I lost him, my mate! all I can do now is get my revenge.

He broke my heart when he took my bond away, all that's left of me is a black hole! Wiping away my tears I don't get any more time to think about it when footsteps are heard in the hallway and they are heading over to where I am.

Turning back my head I lay still on the bed when they come inside the room, there are more steps than just one when they close the door. Is he planning on having the other one to watch, then go ahead! They won't be seeing anything!

"she's still out!" I hear Elijah say when he stops beside the bed. I hear him starting to take off his clothes before the quilt is lifted off me and the bed dip when he gets on it, he pushes my legs apart before I feel him climb between.

Laying completely still when I hear some footsteps outside the door.

"There are some people outside the swamp! Do you want us to go outside and take care of it or wait until you are done!” I hear a man say when I feel Elijah's hand being placed on my thigh and he settles himself between my legs before his other hand is placed beside my head.

"wait right outside the house and keep an eye on them. If they get too close take them out!" Elijah says before he leans closer to my shoulder and takes a large sniff.

Now is my time!

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him closer to me and hold a hard grip when I wrap my legs around his waist.

"oh you are awake and eager to let me take you!" he says in surprise and takes his hand to my thigh and tries to get me to loosen my grip on him. But that will never happen!

"release your hold and I will make you mine!" he says and try to get out of my grip. My energy is ready to burst and I only need to let the barrier down before I will blast this place to pieces.

Taking a large breath for what's about to come!

Last time Kian helped me to get my energy back from bursting, this time I will release it all with a smile on my lips!

Holding harder around Elijah when I take my lips near his ear.

"I will never be yours!" I say and open my eyes when I let my barrier down and let go! my energy burst out and this is it when all I see around me is a purple wall!

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