I Will Escape

chapter 31

As he is washing himself he is smirking knowing what just happened. He is such a jerk. I start to wash up. As he is getting out of the shower he smacks my ass and tells me to hurry. I finish up in the shower, I get out, grab my towel to dry myself, and of course there are clothes picked out for me on the sink. I want to ask why the hell can't I just pick out my own damn clothes, but I don't ask. I suck it up because I need to be good until I figure out how to get Jazz back.

The Alpha asks, “Are you done Sabrina,” I don't respond, “Okay Sabrina, you're allowed to freely speak now, so answer me.”

I walk to the bathroom doorway and ask, “Can I have 5 more minutes please?”

He looks at me and says, “Of course.” What the hell is happening to him? Why is he being nice to me? That isn't his style, but I brush it off and continue to get ready.

I walk out of the bathroom. He picked out a black lace dress. It's actually quite beautiful, but nothing I would pick out for myself. As we are walking downstairs to go to the dining room he grabs my head and says, “We are going out for dinner.”

I look at him with shock because I'm really excited to get out of this place. I smile and ask, “Where are we going?”

He says, “We are going to my sister Joyce's house for dinner.”

I ask, “Are Tonya and the Beta going to join us?”

“No. It's just us tonight. They have their own plans for dinner.” We walk outside and there is a car there to pick us up. He opens the door for me and I get in. We head off to Joyce's house. Great I think to myself.

As we're pulling up to her house it is a beautiful log house with beautiful flowers surrounding it. She must like to plant. I don't understand how she says that she knows me so well. It doesn't look like we have anything in common. As we are pulling up to the driveway she is coming out of the cabin. The vehicle stops, he gets out of the vehicle, and reaches for my hand. I take his and we get out of the vehicle. Joyce walks up to us and says, “It's very nice to see you guys. How has everything been?”

He says, “Everything has been good.” I don't respond to anybody. I really don't want to be here. She makes me feel uneasy.

We walk into the house and it's like a mansion inside. It's beautiful. All the furniture is white, the walls are white, it's like the cleanest house I've ever seen. I am afraid to walk around or touch anything because I don't want to break anything. She walks out to me and asks me how I am doing. I don't respond and I don't want to talk to her. The Alpha looks at me and growls because I'm showing her disrespect. He comes up to me, and he tells me that if I don't start acting pleasant there will be consequences.

She then says, “We are waiting on my husband. He should be home within the hour. Why not sit down, have a glass of wine, and relax until he comes.

So we sit down and have a glass of wine. I've never drank before, so I say, “Joyce how has everything been?”

She responds, “Everything has been perfect.”

I respond, “Must be nice to have that perfect kinda life.” The alpha looks at me with intense eyes knowing he didn't like what I said. It seems that I can't do anything right to him. He is a monster, and I can't stand the sight of him. That's all I have is criticism.

He says, “Please excuse us for a moment.” He grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the other room. He says, “Sabrina, if you don't start acting like a good girl then I am going to make sure that you suffer the consequences tonight.”

I respond, “Yes Alpha. I will try to be your good girl that only talks highly of this terrible situation that I am in.”

He grabs me by the throat and asks, “Why do you have to defy me every chance you get! Why can't you just submit and listen to your Alpha?”

I look at him and say, “You are not my boss. You captured me and forced me to live this life. This isn't my life. I did not choose this.”

He says, “Sabrina, keep it up because you know how much I love to give you consequences, how much fun it is, and the enjoyment I get out of it.”

I respond, “You get enjoyment out of my pain.” We walked back into the living room, sat down, and finished our glasses of wine.

Joyce says that her husband is finally home, and she gets up to meet him at the door. I am shocked when I see who her husband is. It is Mr. Jones my teacher. I just stare. I have no idea what to say. I want to shout, “Please help me!” Knowing that he probably is submitted to the alpha as well. Then I sit and wonder what the hell have I been missing all this time? Was I blind to this? Was this planned? Was he in on my capture and the killing of my parents?

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