I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter31 - 30: Human Sentiments, Face, and Inner Substance_1

Chapter 31 30: Human Sentiments, Face, and Inner Substance_1

It turned out that Bella Ross still wanted to help Adam Martin.

She hoped that Harrison Clark could let bygones be bygones with Adam Martin.

If possible, she also hoped that Harrison Clark could make a demo of the new song he had planned to sell to Jenny Hart and let her listen to it.

If it were up to Harrison Clark's previous attitude, he would definitely avoid dealing with Adam Martin again, but this time he couldn't.

This was exactly why he didn't want to ask for help.

Once you ask for help, you owe someone a favor, and then you lose control.

The older people get, the less they act like themselves.

"No problem, Bella, once I've improved this song, I'll definitely find Jenny Hart."

"That's a deal then."

Actually, Bella Ross did something against the rules.

She let Adam Martin and Jenny Hart listen to the demo of "Boring", and Adam Martin regretted it so much.

Usually, singers are more dominant than creators.

But when the creator's talent reaches a certain level, their relationship will reverse.

A top-notch song can make a new singer an overnight sensation, and revive a washed-up singer.

That's why Avril Green maintained her relationship with Harrison Clark even though she didn't need his songs for the time being.

Jenny Hart was not young anymore, and her star was fading this year. Otherwise, she wouldn't stay in a nightclub in Oxfordshire for three days straight.

If she could get a work on the same level as "Boring", not to mention going higher, she wouldn't need to work hard to maintain her popularity with promotional activities at least for this year.

Harrison Clark asked for a favor, and also sold a favor.

He saved face for Bella Ross, reconciling with Jenny Hart and Adam Martin. So they would owe Bella Ross instead.

This was a trade.

The reason Harrison Clark wasn't eager to sell his song now and wanted to keep delaying was another reason.

Although his "talent" was very strong, after all, he hadn't proven himself in the industry yet.

Now, even if the other party begged him, the price offered might not be very high.

Harrison Clark has to wait until "Boring" is officially released and let the outside world hear this sound, then Jenny Hart has to pay a lot if she wants to buy "Deep in the Night".

Harrison Clark only mentioned giving the demo for the other party to listen to, but he didn't say that he would definitely sell it.

The next day, Carrie Thomas woke up earlier than Harrison Clark.

Anyway, they couldn't do anything until the afternoon, so to control cost, the two chose to take the bus to the No. 1 Fly headquarters.

As the leading Internet company in the country, the No. 1 Fly had its office located in the company's headquarters.

When the two arrived, they were shocked by the giant headquarters composed of six large buildings.

These six buildings, each at least 50 stories high, were made of all-glass curtain walls, and were exquisitely designed, both majestic and full of strong modern technological feeling, as well as an impressive sense of design.

It was said that the design fee alone for this headquarters was a staggering nine figures.

Even the fearless Carrie Thomas shuddered.

"Do you think we can get in the door?"

She asked.

Harrison Clark glanced at the eight security guards at the door in their uniforms and standing upright, and decisively replied: "We can't go in now, but in the afternoon someone will come and invite us in."

Carrie Thomas was surprised, "Why?"

"No reason, just listen to what I said."

Carrie shook her head, "I don't believe it."

This time it was Harrison Clark's turn to roll his eyes, "I tell you, beauty, you have already lost bets to me twice in a row. I suggest you think carefully and give yourself a chance to reorganize your language. Because you really don't have anything to use as a stake now."

Carrie Thomas felt uncomfortable for a long time and said aggrievedly, "I believe."

"That's right, isn't it?"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Harrison Clark's phone finally rang.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Clark? I am Howard Bruno. Yes, have you already arrived at the company's gate? That's great, wait for me ten minutes, I'll come out immediately."

Having connections really made things easier.

Harrison Clark had paid the price and finally got the respect he deserved.

Howard Bruno also saved face for Bella Ross, and his tone was very polite.

"This... is it done? Did you know Howard Bruno before? Why didn't you tell me?"

Carrie Thomas, who followed Harrison Clark, was extremely speechless.

Harrison shook his head and didn't explain much.

After the two sides met, Howard Bruno directly led the two inside without any courtesy, arranged for his secretary to take the two to the conference room to wait, and said he would immediately find colleagues from the Cool Song Copyright Department to discuss the contract details.

It was that fast, that efficient.

Ten minutes later, they formally started the discussion, introduced themselves to each other, and then it was time to listen to the song.

Harrison Clark took out the player and copied the demo to the deputy director in charge of song review.Before becoming the Deputy Director at No.1 Fly, he was a well-known composer and critic in the domestic music industry.

It is said that his music appreciation skills rank at least in the top five in the country and that he is really a big shot.

The Deputy Director also didn't avoid it, put on headphones, and started listening on the spot.

After listening, there was no expression on his face, and he waited a few more minutes before opening his eyes. Instead of rushing to comment, he gave Howard Bruno a meaningful look.

Howard Bruno apologized with a smile, "Sorry, I forgot one thing. In this kind of situation, we usually need to discuss it internally first. Please wait a few minutes."

Eight minutes later, Howard Bruno and the Deputy Director returned.

Sitting back down, Howard Bruno said, "Mr. Clark, Ms. Thomas. The quality of this song indeed fully meets our company's standards for signing new songs. Please take a look at this contract."

Harrison Clark took the contract and started to flip it open.

But Howard Bruno continued, "Of course, the song is quite good, but as you should know, our company is large, and there is a strict internal management system. Everything must follow the rules. Though the song is good, Mr. Clark and Ms. Thomas are both newcomers to the industry, so we can only offer you a Tire 3 Contract first."

Harrison Clark frowned slightly.

Although this was within his expectations, he couldn't help but feel disappointed when Howard Bruno said it.

Seeing this, Howard Bruno smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you're gold, you will shine. Once the song is released, as long as it achieves the benchmark data performance, we will continue to add publicity resources." contemporary romance

Harrison Clark nodded silently without expressing his opinion, just looking at the contract.

Four main points.

Thirty percent profit sharing, preliminary Tier 3 resources, no binding for follow-up new songs, and a five-year streaming copyright cycle for "Boring."

These conditions were basically within Harrison Clark's expectations.

Acceptable, but not necessary.

Fortunately, Harrison Clark had planned ahead.

He pulled out a printed document from his briefcase, " Howard, to be honest, before coming to Abertawe, Spotify Top in our hometown Oxfordshire has been actively contacting us as well. However, we trust No. 1 Fly's strength and reputation more, so we still flew here. Howard, take a look at this contract that Spotify Top offered us. We came with sincerity and really want to reach genuine cooperation."

Harrison Clark's move was beyond Howard Bruno's expectation. He took the contract with surprise, quickly scanned it, and couldn't help but be secretly impressed.

As he went through it, he occasionally sneaked puzzled glances at Carrie Thomas.

Howard Bruno was somewhat puzzled.

The contract terms from Spotify Top were really generous!

If it wasn't for the official stamp on the printout, Howard Bruno would have had a hard time believing it.

Completely unreasonable!

Not a treatment for a newcomer at all!

The Deputy Director had just said that this female singer's voice was indeed unique.

In terms of quality alone, this song was not inferior to those signed under A-Class contracts by popular superstars, and even had the upper hand.

But newcomers will inevitably suffer some losses when they debut, and this is inevitable.

Adding to that, although the song is good, it hasn't proven itself yet, so a Tire 3 Contract is safe and not insulting. This is a reasonable market offer.

But now it seems that Spotify Top had their eyes on the same raw talent and was even ready to place a heavy bet!

"Please wait a moment, the two of you. I suddenly remembered something I need to report to my superior."

Howard Bruno left the room again.

Of course, this was an excuse. He actually went out to contact his hidden agent at Spotify Top, asking the agent who was working at the Copyright Department of Spotify Top to confirm if this was true.

Three minutes later, he received a reply.

It was true!

Ten minutes later, Howard Bruno returned to the conference room with an even more enthusiastic attitude.

This time he listened to the demo again and confirmed his judgment in his heart.

Howard Bruno would never admit that No. 1 Fly was inferior to Spotify Top in discovering potential talents.

But this time, he had to admit defeat.

Lewis Brown, you've got guts!

Fortunately, the other party values our No. 1 Fly more.

"Mr. Clark, Ms. Thomas, please take a look at this contract."

This time, he finally brought out the Tire 2 Contract.

Strictly speaking, it was a B+ Contract.

In addition to the rigid resource matching reaching the B-Class level, it also directly benchmarks the A-Class with a fifty-fifty share in the traffic revenue!

Moreover, a signing bonus was added to it, giving a one-time payment of 50,000.

This amount of money may not be much, but it represents a certain status.

Typically, only A-Class Contracts would get a signing bonus.

But this time, it was an exception.

Although a mosquito leg may seem small, it's only small for No.1 Fly, which has a large business. For Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas, this amount of money is huge and solves their urgent needs!

It's really embarrassing for them to admit that they are genuinely poor now.

So poor that their socks are worn through, and their big toes are exposed to the wind.


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