I Promise You: A Dark Military Romance (Scarred Executioners Book 2)

I Promise You: Chapter 22

My name is Damian Rider. Daniel Rider is my only child. My only son. The most lethal operator in military history.”

Why is he talking about him like that’s his only identity? Like that is what Danny only is to him?

“I am aware of that.”

“Is there a place we can speak more privately?” His question sounds more like an order.


The break room?

No, there will be too many people.

I look for the closest room possible, anxious to hear what he has to say. The fact that he came to my job to talk with no warnings or heads-up intrigues me.

“There’s an empty hospital room we don’t usually use for patients. It’s being remodeled. We can talk there.”

His lips curve into a devilish grin, satisfied with my answer.

“Lead the way.” He bows, throwing his hand in front of him.

It doesn’t take long until we reach Room 12. It sits at the very end of a hall, far from the chaos that is the ER. It hasn’t been used in weeks.

One cleanly made bed with fresh sheets sits in the middle. A sink with a mirror. And a counter with a faucet and napkins in a corner.

Your typical hospital room.

Damian closes the door behind him, sending me into a slight jump of nerves.

I don’t think I like this…at all.

“So you’re dating my son.”

I nod. He doesn’t waste any time getting right into what he came here for.

“Grim Reaper is what everyone calls him, and they call him that for excellent reasons, Ms. Alvarez.”

He walks by me, his shoes clacking with each step as he passes. I step away, creating distance between us.

The aura he gives me isn’t good. I can feel the tension he’s trying to hide underneath his expensive suit and tie.

He looks out the window at the courtyard, pulling the blinds down, then turns around.

“You know he’s more than just a Navy SEAL, right?” I can’t help but feel protective of him. With the insight Danny has given me about his father, I almost want to curse at him.

I’ve only been in the same room with Damian for less than a minute, and I can see why their relationship is so estranged.

This man radiates a frozen hell and not in a good way.

He scoffs, chuckling as he shakes his head.

“You don’t get it. A woman like you will never get it.”

“Excuse me? What’s a woman like me?” I narrow my eyes, seething inwardly, and can already tell this conversation will be atrocious.

He doesn’t answer. Instead, he smiles sardonically.

“I’ve been made aware that Danny was to be a father but unfortunately, the fetus passed away.”

He did not just call my baby a fetus.

“Fetus?!” I shout, appalled. I hold my stomach, protecting my baby’s honor.

“You mean your grandchild,” I spit, holding back tears fueled by venomous wrath. I look around to see if anyone can hear this man’s ridiculous, outrageous words, but the door is closed and we’re far from the nurses’ station.

“He doesn’t need to be distracted by unplanned or rather premeditated pregnancies to trap him.”

Is he really accusing me of this?

“What? Do you think I tried to trap Danny?” This is my first time meeting anyone from my boyfriend’s family, and I never thought it would go this way. “You don’t know me. You don’t know our relationship. I love your son with all of my heart. I would do anything for him.”

“How do you know about our billion-dollar fortune? My businesses? Who told you? That must be why the relationship started and went so fast.”

My mouth gawks open. Each word that leaves this man’s mouth has me concerned.

“My son has a reputation to withhold, and you threaten that, Ms. Alvarez.”

“My name is Ari,” I interject.

“I don’t think I need to learn how to say your name since you won’t be a part of my son’s life anymore. I don’t need to bother with minor details.”

“I don’t need this. I don’t need to be belittled by you. I love Danny, and I don’t need to explain what we have together with you.”

“My son has a couple of years left to give from completing his twenty years of a polished military record and career, and I’ll be damned to see him throw it away over you, over a fucking nurse.”

Yup, and that’s my cue to walk out of here.

“Goodbye, Damian.”

He snaps his teeth.

“I’m not finished.”

“But I am,” I spit, turning around to leave.

“You step out of that door, Ari, and I’ll be making some calls regarding your position at this hospital. I was a SEAL once, just like Danny, a highly respected veteran,” he drawls, his jaw twitching with stipulation. I grab the doorknob, just slightly about to flee the sapping energy he radiates through me like a drain.

I stop when the threat of losing my job rings loud and makes me hesitate.

“Unfortunately, my son isn’t quite just like me.” His large, veiny hand enters my personal space when he clenches the door right underneath his fingertips, gripping it harshly. I step away from him, retreating to the other side of the room.

“I blame my wife for that. She makes room for weakness and I don’t have time for that. I can separate my love life from what needs to get done. I’ve taught him that, you know, work will always come first. Devote your life to work and that’s what makes a successful man.” He readjusts the collar at his neck, looking down at me with a fake façade. His body is collected and composed, but his eyes scream at me with disgust.

“Do you want him to throw away all of his hard work? If you say you love him, show him that you love him by putting him first before your own needs, Ms. Alvarez. Don’t let him throw away his career after all his hard work and sacrifice. It seems to me you can’t handle this military spouse life, anyway. He deploys a lot. He already had to take a long leave of absence to be by your side when he had never done that before.”

“We lost our child! I died in his arms! I can’t believe I have to justify this for you.”

Still, he holds his ground, stony-faced.

“How sad. I pity you,” I blurt out.

“Why’s that?”

“Your son is more than just a special operator, Mr. Rider. He’s giving. He’s strong. He loves to paint, build things, and help others. He’s the strongest man I’ve ever known. He’s intelligent, and he knows how to take care of me. He would’ve made an amazing father.”

“That’s very kind of you…maybe even a little naïve. Still, Ms. Alvarez.” His eyes pierce through my own like an arrow. “You don’t belong in this world. This military world has already eaten you up, chewed you, and spat you out, leaving practically nothing behind.”

So, he does keep tabs on his son.

“Your brother. A fallen sailor, right? A fallen brother?”

I open my mouth, but he doesn’t let me finish. His treacherous words keep going.

“Navy SEAL…what was his name?” Damian taps his jaw sarcastically. “Paul Alvarez. What a shame, my condolences.”

Now my blood is boiling. No wonder Danny doesn’t speak to this man.

“Don’t talk about him,” I say, with hatred pouring out of me like acid.

“I’m just saying. After all that you’ve been through, I understand you, Ari. I fully understand why you second-guess your ability to be with someone in the military. It’s not for everyone, and it certainly isn’t for you.”

Did he overhear my conversation with Lori? Has he been stalking Danny and me like a creep?

“I suggest you stop talking to her before you lose the ability to do so.” My eyes pop open when I realize who it is. “Tread your next words carefully when you speak to the mother of my child.” Danny’s tone deepens harshly behind me. I turn around, pivoting my feet in the middle of the hostile relationship between the two.

He’s back.

The built-up anger I have slowly subsides briefly when I see him standing by the door. He’s in his uniform still, a dark brown shirt with camo pants and his favorite knife on his waist.

It feels like a fireball of utter affection is bludgeoning me when I hear his protective, familiar contention.

I face Danny, whose stature is anything but kind or welcoming toward his father.

Damian’s eyes soften for half a second but then light back up like a flame, burning holes into his son.

They both look so much and act alike when angry.

“Hello, son.” Damian’s tone shifts to a defensive, authoritative, as if to assert himself over Danny.

Before I can get to breathe in some vengeance, he continues while Danny burns holes through him.

“Haven’t seen you in a while. I was just—’

“You were just leaving.” Danny stalks two steps forward, each step sending a threatening message.

“Come on, don’t get offended, son. I just wanted to meet Ms. Alvarez. Make sure she got a proper welcome into the Rider family.’

“Her name is Ari Natalia. If you disrespect her again, it’ll be the last time you ever utter the word family. It’s the one thing you were not successful at keeping, Damian. Or do you need me to remind you of your failures?” He takes another threatening step forward. His gaze sharpened with edge. I think he’s referencing the affair he had.

My lips flatten with anticipation. The madness between them is waiting to unfold with one wrong word or sudden movement.

This isn’t happening. Sweat begins to coat my skin as Danny’s hands ball into tight fists. I haven’t seen Danny this angry since that one night he revealed Paul’s death. I’m afraid of what he’ll do.

“She doesn’t need anything from you. You’ve never cared about my personal life, and she is my life now.”

Damian glares at me before turning back to Danny with a forced smile.

“You’ve changed.”

“Leave, Damian. Or I’ll be the one making calls to have you barred from this hospital.”

Each word pummels Damian’s ego and I find it hard to relax my shoulders from the pure tension.

“Daniel, what’s with the hostility? I haven’t seen you in months and this is what I get? Why haven’t you called your mother since you’ve returned home?”

“I’ve been busy.” He’s cold and curt.

Damian shakes his head, grinning ear to ear like this was a game of chess. He walks toward the door, brushing by Danny with no fidget in his step.

He walks out the door but stops before turning the corner. Danny watches him like a hawk the entire time.

“By the way, son, she is not a mother…not anymore.”

It felt like I was stabbed in my heart when those words left Damian’s mouth, and I felt enraged to the point where I wanted to slap his face.

My spirit shatters into a million pieces at his parting words.

He didn’t just say that. How could he be so cruel?

Danny goes full-blown rigid. His eyes darken with anger. His breathing escalates, and I can tell he will not be doing so much talking anymore and he’s about to do something else.

I rush toward him, practically leaping to his side. My heart stops in my chest. I won’t let him and his father further destroy each other.

“Hey!” I grab his shoulder and intertwine my fingers with his. “It’s not worth it. Stay,” I plead with him as Damian leaves us alone. He closes the door behind him with a soft click.

Danny looks different from the last time I saw him. He has camo paint still smudged all over his face, like it’s worn off.

“Now I know why you don’t speak to him. I’m so sorry, Danny. Just know I’m here for you…always.” My heart breaks knowing that that heartless monster raised Danny. I can’t imagine what his childhood was like, living under the same roof as Damian.

He relaxes underneath my fingers.

“Don’t be sorry.” He walks around me and closes the curtains behind me, shielding us with another border of privacy.

He cups my face with both hands aggressively, kissing me hard, and I melt. He forces me to tread backward until I feel my back hit the wall.

“It’s been too long…” he breathes against me. I’m instantly thrown off, but so turned on. I’ve missed him so much, too.

“Grim. Lock it up, let’s go.” Rooker’s authoritative voice snaps me out of our passionate seclusion. He bangs on the door three times, purposefully hard and fast, and my eyes bulge open when I realize we’re not alone.

“Oh my God, Danny! Rooker is here?! Is your whole team here?” I hiss, keeping my voice low, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. The door is unlocked. The curtains only give us a thin layer of privacy if it gets swung open.

I perk up to meet Danny’s sinful grin as my sudden swell of internal shame amuses him.

“They are.”

His eyes almost closed, calm and collected, unbothered, smirking like he’s about to devour me completely, and there’s no stopping him.

“Make something up,” he demands before he goes to my neck, biting it hard, ricocheting a moan to escape from my lips.

“I…uh, I’m administering him fluids, he’s umm…he’s—” He bites again, his teeth sinking into my skin. I moan, resting my head against the wall. I close my eyes and face the ceiling. Then, Danny starts to suck on my neck. His fingers slide down into my waistband, and I swear I stop breathing…and then I gasp when I feel him touch my throbbing heat, which bolts a sharp spark inside me and spreads like a wildfire.

I’m in trouble.

“Dehydrated!” I squeak out just as he kisses my lips, miraculously keeping my voice professional and less hasty, like I’m not just getting felt up by my boyfriend in a hospital room. I kiss him back hard, leaving little nibbles on his bottom lip as I do and I grip on to his hair, pulling him closer.

He doesn’t stop, his movements don’t quit, and his tongue, God, his tongue, continues to move inside me…he knows how to work my body.

Rooker scoffs and walks away, chuckling.

He’s not stupid. He knows what we’re doing, but either way…he gets the message and his footsteps thud away. There’s no fucking IV bag in here, either way he leaves us alone, buying us time.

“You’re going to get me fired, Danny,” I complain about the possible outcome if I get caught. Especially if it’s from Doctor Reese. My new boss has zero patience, and I can’t imagine what he’ll do if he finds out I’m skipping work. He ignores my warnings and slides his fingers inside me.

“Already wet for me, baby,” he groans in satisfaction. “Stop being so scared.” He pulls on my hair.

“The only way you’re leaving this room is full of my come.”

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