I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 250

Lila’s POV

When I got back to my dorm, Becca was already there. She was curled up on the couch and reading a

book. I quickly mindlinked Enzo to let him know I was going back to the dorm knowing that he was

busy helping the board clean up after the election and make sure students were okay. “We’ll meet up

later,” he had told me after telling me how much he loved me. He always knew what to say to make my

heart skip a beat. Becca looked up at me with worried eyes when I entered the room. “Did you find

Brody and Rachel?” She asked. “I found Brody and talked to him,” I told her. “But not Rachel. Someone

told me they saw her leaving campus with her father and Alpha Jonathan.” I couldn’t help but be

worried about her. “Alpha Jonatan?” She asked, raising her brows. “Wasn’t he in a meeting with you and

Sarah?” “Yes, but this was after the meeting,” I told her. Her brows furrowed together. “Why would he

be with them?” She asked. “And what was her father doing here?” “I’m not entirely sure,” I said honestly.

“But I’m kind of worried.” “Did you try calling her?” “I left my phone here,” I told her as I went toward

my bedroom door. “I’ll try her right now.” As I walked into my familiar little room, I felt like I could finally

breathe. It was nice that I was alone after the long day that I had. All I wanted was to curl up in bed and

sleep, but I had so much to do these next few days. I had to get committee members and plan for our

very first meeting. I already knew what I wanted to talk about during this meeting, but I needed a

steady plan for the future. I also needed to make sure Rachel was okay and maybe even speak to Scott.

I couldn’t let him take repercussions about everything and allow his life to be ruined. I shook my head

at the very thought of Sarah manipulating his mind this entire time. He tried to warn me, and I wasn’t

listening to him. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest. He must be so upset; no wonder he’s been

avoiding me lately. I brought up Rachel’s number and attempted to call her, but it went straight to

voicemail. My heart fell into my stomach. I tried her again, but it went to voicemail again. I decided to

text her. “Call me when you can.” I added another text. It’s important.” I sighed and lay on my bed,

staring up at my ceiling and feeling my entire body relaxing into my bed. One thing about this school

was that they supplied very comfortable beds. They felt like clouds and my body nearly melted into the

fabric of the bed. Soon, my phone started to ring, and I grabbed it quickly, expecting the screen to flash:

Rachel. But instead, it flashed: Bri. I was happy she called, but I was really hoping it’d be Rachel. “Hey!” I

said, sitting up in bed. “What were the results?” “A lot has happened since we talked yesterday,” I told

her honestly. “Do tell; I could use the distraction.” “Well, you know how I suspected that Sarah could

manipulate minds?” I asked. She gasped. “Don’t tell me she actually has been cheating,” Bri said,

lowering her tone like she was afraid someone could hear her. “More than that,” I told her. “Something

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unexplainable happened. Witches at this school are powerless and all spells have been canceled or

something.” “Canceled?” She asked. “Yeah, like everyone that Sarah manipulated restored their

memories and gained their free will back,” I explained. “That’s insane,” she gasped. “How did that

happen?” “Nobody knows; at least not yet.” “That’s insane,” Bri breathed. “So, what’s going to happen

to Sarah?” “Get this… Headmaster Prescott grounded her.” Brianna was quiet for a moment before she

burst into giggles. “Grounded?” She chuckled. “Yeah; she can’t go anywhere besides her classes, the

dining hall for meals, the library for studying, and then her dorm.” “Oh my goddess,” Brianna laughed.

“And now you are the president of the committee?” “By default, yes,” I answered. “A win is still a win,”

she said in return. “You would have won regardless; there’s no better president than you.” “Thanks, I

appreciate that,” I laughed. “So, how’s your mate?” She asked and I knew she was wiggling her brows

without seeing her. I frowned though. “Are you sure you want to talk about that?” I asked. She sighed. “I

don’t mind talking about it. I know things are weird considering Alex is following you around like a dog.

But I’m fine… honestly.” “Bri… he was your mate and he rejected you. Your wolf is still in mourning over

that,” I told her softly. “It’s okay to not be okay.” She was quiet for a long while and for a moment, I

thought she was going to hang up. “I will be okay,” she corrected herself. “Until then, I don’t mind it

when my best friend talks about her mate.” I opened my mouth to reply but then I heard the front door

of the dorm opening and then shutting. I soon heard Becca speaking and another female voice. “Bri, can

I call you back later? I think Rachel just got back,” I said quickly into the phone. “Yeah, of course. Love

you!” “Love you always,” I said in return just before clicking the end button and throwing my phone on

my bed. I jumped up from my bed and ran to my bedroom door, swinging it open. I was relieved to see

that Rachel was in fact back and she was seated on the couch with Becca. Alex, per usual, was seated at

the kitchen counter and reading a book. I had to stifle an eye roll whenever I looked at him. But I fixed

my attention on Rachel who smiled pleasantly at me. “Congrats on the big win,” she said kindly. “Where

have you been?” I found myself asking. She frowned, furrowing her brows together. “I had things to do,”

she murmured. “I was worried about you. You weren’t answering your phone.” Her frown deepened. “I

had it shut off,” she shrugged. “What’s the big deal, you aren’t my mother.” “Someone told me you left

campus with your father and Alpha Jonathan, Rachel. They are both bad news.” “He’s my father, Lila,”

she said through her teeth. “I don’t need your permission to go anywhere with him.” “Don’t you

remember all the stuff he put you through growing up?” I asked, moving closer to her. “People change,”

she said, narrowing her eyes at me. “He’s changed.” “Guys like your father, don’t change,” I said simply.

“Alpha Jonathan is bad news too. I don’t trust him.” “You don’t have to trust him. I do,” she said in

return. “What did they want?” I finally asked. She was quiet for a moment and then she took a deep

breath before answering. “They are going into business together; it was a celebration lunch,” she

answered. “Business? What kind of business?” “What’s with the third degree?” She shouted, standing to

her feet. “I’m not—” “Yes, you are,” she interrupted. “I don’t ask you where you are every second of the

day. I’m not the one fucking my professor unlike you. Stay out of my business.” On that note she turned

and stormed into her room, slamming the door shut behind her and leaving Becca and me in a shocked



Enzo’s POV

After two hours of tirelessly cleaning the auditorium after the rampage of students made a mess out of

the place, it was finally looking a lot better. A few other faculty members along with myself stayed

behind to help clean and gather up the remaining students who were too shocked to move. There were

a lot of students who had lost time and memories over the last few days; some had lost over a week of

memories. Then, there were the witches and those who have abilities that found themselves powerless

and freaking out over the fact that they can’t use their magic and abilities. It was mayhem but at least it

was starting to come to an end. A headache was brewing at my temples; as I leaned against the wall of

the assembly hall, I rubbed the bridge of my nose between my pointer finger and my thumb, trying to

ease some of the tension. “Are the students back in their dorms?” Headmaster Prescott asked as she

returned to the assembly hall. “I believe so,” I answered. “Some could have gone to the student lounge.”

“As long as they aren’t making a mess,” Prescott murmured, sighing. She looked exhausted. “Did you

find out what happened?” Emily, the art professor, asked, approaching us. “It was Sarah,” Prescott

answered, shaking her head with dismay written all over her face. “She used her abilities on them to get

them to do her bidding and have them vote for her. As for why everyone is suddenly powerless, I’m

unsure. But I have my board members looking into it as we speak.” “Will there be consequences for

Sarah?” I found myself asking. “Of course,” Prescott answered, meeting my eyes. “I grounded her.”

“Grounded?” I asked. “She should be expelled.” “Her father would never allow that,” she replied, her

frown deepened. “I did as much as I could.” “It’s bullshit,” I murmured, turning away from them. “I’m

going to get some rest.” I left the building without another word, feeling waves of annoyance and fury.

Sarah nearly cost this entire election for Lila; not to mention upset all the students in the school. This

was supposed to be her second and last chance since she fucked up last year. I couldn’t help the growl

that emerged from deep in my throat. Soon, my phone was ringing, and I found myself even more

annoyed. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and without even looking at the screen, I barked,

“What?!” “Woah…” I heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Is that any way to speak to a friend?” I

froze entirely upon hearing her voice and soon, most of my anger was descending. “Connie?”

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