I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 14

Enzo’s POV

“Are you sure about this?” Bastien asked once I explained what happened with Sarah. “Why would Lila

want to keep this from me?”

“She thinks there’s good in Sarah and doesn’t think that punishing her will do her any good. For

whatever reason, she just wants peace.”

“Yeah, that sounds like something she would say,” Bastien sighed. “Even so, this is still a punishable

crime, even if Lila made a speedy recovery. But I’m afraid without proper proof, I won’t be able to do


“Can’t you speak to the board?” I asked. “Or maybe I can speak to them—”

“And then what? It’ll get dismissed if we go to them without proper proof. Not to mention Sarah’s

father basically owns that school. If he gets word that his daughter is being accused of a crime, he won’t

stop fighting us. If we want to proceed in punishing her, we need actual proof of the crime.”

“What about pictures?” I asked. “Were there any photos taken at the party?”

“There were some that took pictures yes. We already looked through them and nothing. There was also

a photographer there as well. Their photos haven’t been developed yet. But they are working on it.”

“A photographer?” I asked. “What’s the name of the company?”

“Photos by Leah,” Bastien answered. “She’s a great photographer. She’s working on developing the

photos. Hopefully, they will be ready for viewing next week.”

“The photographer could have captured something in the background of her pictures,” Max mimicked

my thoughts. “We need to get our hands on the photos.”

“Oh, Enzo. Before I let you go, I’ve been wanting to ask if you’d be able to bring Lila home on Saturday.

Selene wants to have a feast for her to celebrate her wolf’s arrival. Of course, you’re also invited to the

feast if you bring her. I still have her car so she can’t get here on her own.”

“I’ll bring her,” I agreed. “But I’ll pass on the feast. I appreciate the invite.”

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“The invite will stand if you change your mind,” Bastien said. “If you come across any new information

let me know. I’ll see you Saturday.”

He ended the mindlink without another word.

As soon as I entered the combat center, I could smell Lila’s delicious scent of honeysuckle, making my

mouth water.

Max was growing excited within me.

I didn’t have time to be messing around with a woman. Especially a student, Alpha Bastien’s daughter,

and a Volana wolf.

The thought of rejection has been heavily crossing my mind since finding out she was my mate. But

now that I know she’s a Volana, it seems to be the obvious choice.

On the other hand, the committee has been on my case about not having a mate; if word got out that I

had a mate and rejected her, it would make me look like a failed Alpha.

“That’s not all you care about,” Max teased. “Admit that you are curious about our young mate.”

“I might be curious, but that doesn’t change the facts.”

The arena was filled with growls and howls as students fought with one another. I made my way to the

front, to my usual spot, and watched as my students continued practicing the moves, I have recently

taught them.

“Enough,” I growled, my voice booming through the arena and causing everyone to stop what they

were doing. “We are going to practice shifting quickly before an attack. You never know when you will

be attacked in your human form, and you need to be prepared.”

I scanned the room briefly before my eyes landed on a pretty boy jock in the back. He was too busy

flirting with one of the girls to notice that I was scowling at him. But everyone else noticed and they had

wary looks in their eyes as my lip curled up.

I stepped down from my place in the front and walked quickly toward this boy; his name was Justin.

As I walked toward him, the crowd in front of him parted ways to let me through. A growl escaped from

the depth of my throat. Nobody dared to say a word. Just as Justin finally noticed something was off

with the aura in the room, I was shifting in my wolf and lunging at him.

He saw me just in time, but he wasn’t quick enough. I had already shoved him to the ground, my wolf’s

canines snapping in his face and missing him by only a hair. I growled loudly; fury boiling throughout

my body, and I knew it was seen clearly through my wolf’s eyes. When he got angry, they were auburn


Justin was shaking on the ground; he wouldn’t dare to struggle against me and that pleased me. I liked

bringing terror to those I attack. Unfortunately, he was a student, and I couldn’t actually do any harm to


The fear evident in his eyes was enough satisfaction. I released him, letting him scurry away as I turned

back to the others who were watching me with large and frightened eyes. My gaze fell upon Lila who

stood a bit of a distance from me; she didn’t look frightened like the others. She only rose her brows

and folded her arms across her chest.

Are you challenging me, little wolf? I thought to myself, trying to keep the smirk off my face. Even in my

wolf firm, my smirks were obvious.

“As I said…” I said, looking around at my students. “You need to be prepared for any attack. Justin

wasn’t prepared. But I’m sure next time he will be….” I paused and turned to look at a very frightened

jock. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, professor,” Justin said with a quivering voice.

“This is what we are going to spend today doing. Practicing how to combat shift. The ones being

attacked needs to be in their human forms and as soon as they are attacked, they shift into their wolf

form. Switch off who gets attacked and who does the shifting.”

I glanced over at Lila who was still eyeing me carefully.

“Obviously Becca will be doing the shifting in your case,” I add for her alone.

She thinks about it for a moment, but then she nods her head once.

She just got her wolf, but she has yet to shift. Her first shift would be incredibly painful and not

something she should do in front of other students.

I turn away from her and go back to the front of the room, standing on my platform so I can oversee

my students.

Their shifting was getting faster and stronger each time they practiced. The students attacking their

partners would wait a substantial amount of time before performing their attack on their partners who

kept their backs turned. As soon as their partners felt an attack was near, they shifted into their wolf

forms and counter-attacked.

For the most part, the students shifting were able to counterattack or block the initial attack from their


Most students… accept Becca.

Regardless of how fast she was at shifting and counterattacking, Lila, in her human form, was always a

step ahead of her and managed to beat her every time.

They tried it at least a dozen times.

“How are you this good?” Becca asked, breathlessly. She didn’t sound annoyed, more inspired than


“I’ve had good trainers,” Lila chuckled. “You’ll get better. I can train with you some more if you’d like the


“You’d do that?” Becca asked, surprised.

“Of course,” Lila said in return. “I would love to help you. This stuff is important; you should learn to

defend yourself the best you can.”

Becca gave her a fond smile just as my phone began ringing.

“What?” I asked into the phone, knowing it was my Beta Ethan, from the Calypso Pack.

“We have a problem,” Ethan said, sounding a bit worried.

“Then deal with it. I’m in class.”

“There have been some home invasions around our pack,” Ethan continued quickly.

“What?” I asked, my tone hardening. “What do you mean by home invasions?”

“I mean there have been a series of break-ins. I’m not sure who’s doing it… but there have been reports

of thievery as well.”

“Shit,” I mutter, trying to keep my voice down to not alert my students. I met Lila’s eyes who were now

looking at me with a frown; she knew something was wrong. “I’ll be there tomorrow to look into it.”

“Okay,” Ethan said. “I’ll let everyone know.”

“Ethan,” I said before he hung up the phone; my ey

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