I Have Friends In Both Places

Chapter Two

Once Atlas was completely in Heaven, he was silent, never moving. The boy looked all around him at the rows and rows filled with angels of all ranks. Judging eyes stared down at him, some with sneers while others were kind, confused as to why the boy most of them had known for quite a while was on trial.

The familiar thunder of the head angels appearing soon sounded out, and Atlas stood tall as they appeared one by one in their respective seats. Their vessels had changed since the last time he had seen them. The last time he had seen them, he had also been in the audience, watching a boy he didn’t know blubber on about how he didn’t know what he was doing at the time, and how he ‘didn’t know the rules.’ It was obviously a lie, and Atlas told himself at the time that if he were ever being trialed, he wouldn’t act like a fool; he would stand tall and tell them the truth, no matter how much it hurt his case.

Atlas would stand by his promise, and he knew he could do it as he locked eyes with the highest-ranking angel to have lived. The vessel they wore was of a teenage girl. The sides of her head were shaved and dyed while the rest of her hair was cropped short. The blue of her hair matched the blue in her eyes, deep and dark. She was clad in a leather jacket and ripped jeans, a beaten-up crop top covering anything necessary. Piercings lined her ears, and a few were scattered across her face. However, she stood tall, relishing in the feeling of a new ‘suit’ as they liked to call them.

The second-in-command was a burly man with large arms and a long beard. His body screamed that he could hurt you at any given chance, but his eyes were kind, and a pair of small glasses sat at the end while a smile adorned his face. His clothes were a simple gray shirt and black pants, and he was barefooted.

The third was a child barely older than six with chubby cheeks and short hair. The appearance also seemed to juxtapose itself like all the others because the kid’s eyes were dark, a frown set on their face as they crossed their arms in what was supposed to be a menacing look. It wasn’t.

“I hereby call this meeting to order,” the first yelled, banging her hands on the table in front of her. A woman in a tight pencil skirt and loose top quickly ran up to the podiums, handing the teen a large envelope. The first handed it to the second, yelling to read it aloud.

The second rolled his eyes, mumbling about how she didn’t need to be rude, before beginning to read off. “Atlas Axel of the guardian category has taken it upon himself to contact and befriend the human he was watching after.” Almost immediately, murmurs filled the room that were quickly silenced by the first banging her hands again. “The incident had supposedly been going on for years, and it was informed to Allison Salfur, who then told the first. Atlas Axel has broken multiple rules through this and is now being faced on trial with the following to his record: hiding secrets from the angels around, making contact with a human, making contact with his specific human, befriending the human, and any subcategory under that. The human in which he was guarding cannot be found through a spell of sorts shown through the books in his home.”

The second closed the file with a sigh and took off his glasses, shaking his head. “Seems like a pretty hefty case, kid. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“No, sir. I have no regrets, either. What I learned from the human world could benefit the angels in ways of persuading them to our side instead of the demons. Though, I broke some rules, I do not regret what I did also because I made a friend. I made a friend that I trusted more than most of the angels here.” Atlas was honest when he spoke, a slight smile dancing on his lips. “Galen was a true friend, and I am terribly sorry that I’ve gotten into trouble for it, but I really and truly don’t regret a single thing I did.” Once his statements were through, Atlas knew he was going to get punished, but he didn’t expect much. That couldn’t be that big of an issue.

However, the first seemed to thing it was. “Are you defying us? Do you believe you are better than us, Atlas Axel?” The first seemed to shake as she stood, her eyes turning white. “I will have you know that, despite my outward appearance, I am Dominic Salfur, one of -if not the most- well-respected individuals in this room, and I will not be spoken to like this from an incompetent fool who has broken hundreds of laws placed down, who has broken one of the most important rules for our kind.”

The child spoke next, the voice squeaky and a bit scratchy at the same time. “I think we all have our decisions here on what to do, don’t we?”

“Oh, I know. Atlas Axel, you will be sent to fall with all the other distrustful and disrespectful angels. You will be sent to live the rest of your infinite life walking the Earth, even when it’s perished. You will have no one to talk to, especially not a human, and you will have no one to help you.” The first’s voice was clear and terrifying as she spoke, a grin on her lips as she did so. “If you second the decision, speak now.”

The second looked like he regretted the statement as soon as he said it, but he knew what would happen if he disagreed. “I, Sofia Hale, second in command agree with the punishment. I’m sorry, kid, but you royally messed up.”

The third wasted no time speaking. “I, Gabriella Salfur, third in command, agree with the punishment, and, well, as you said, I have no regrets.”

Two hands immediately grabbed Atlas’s while two grabbed his wings, pulling him towards the exit as thousands of angels screamed their cheers. Atlas had never once cheered when they dragged someone away, and he now knew why. The sound of so many of your own kind turning against you for a non-thought-out plan was worse than anything he could've ever imagined. The sound of people screaming and cheering along with the delighted looks and glares sent his way would be forever burned in his mind. It was something he would never forget, because how could he? It was worse than anything he had ever felt, but he still didn’t regret what he did.

Atlas grunted lowly as he was dragged down a hallway forcefully. The angels pulling him had a higher status than him, so he knew he had no chance in defeating them even if he tried his hardest. He was pulled roughly around corners and dragged into halls he had never seen before. The extremely white walls hurt his eyes as they got brighter and brighter. The lights above him seemed as bright as the sun at that point.

The hands that gripped Atlas’s wings seemed to get tighter with every step he took, and as they turned the final corner, he understood why. As soon as he walked into a room and they shut the door, his wings were snapped. An ear-splitting scream left him, and he fell to the ground. Then, they snapped another joint as he screamed louder, trying to move his hands to his back only for him to be kicked to the ground and have his hands tied together.

He shook violently on the floor as he felt his vocal cords give out, leaving him screaming silently. His body thrashed a bit in response as he felt something fall on his wings. He turned his head to the side and watched in horror as they wrapped rope around them, pulling it tighter and tighter until he felt like they would break again. His body was limp against the floor, haven given out completely.

“Pull him up,” one of the angels commanded, a tall woman with pale skin and dark hair. She reminded him of Snow White in a way, but she must be a corrupt Snow White for her to do something like this.

Two angels immediately did as told and pulled him up so he was facing her. He groaned a bit at the action as he felt blood run down from his nose, probably haven happened from when they pushed him down. “Okay, his hands. His legs will be fine. He can’t do much with them.”

The angels nodded in response and wrapped rope around his arms tightly as well, so he couldn’t move them either. Atlas was silent as they did this, trying to breathe through his nose and out his mouth as he looked around the white room stained with blood. He wasn’t able to look long, however, as he was soon dragged out, literally. He was dragged down the hallway by his feet. His wings scraped against the ground, fluttering the best they could as he cried out silently.

They dragged him down three hallways before arriving at their new destination. In there, there were the three highest from before, standing by a large opening in the floor covered by glass. The teenage girl from before that he now knew as Dominic stood with a smirk on her face. “It’s time. Do you have anything you want to say to us before you go?”

As she spoke, the angel who was pulling him threw him to the middle of the room. Atlas landed with a loud huff and a bang. He looked up breathlessly and grinned a bit as he looked at her. “Hey, yeah, yeah, fuck y-“ The glass opened right as he spoke, and he fell towards his demise.

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