I Have Friends In Both Places

Chapter AFTER

Atlas jumped on his bed happily, gripping the soft sheets in his hand. Ruling Heaven and Hell was tiring, he couldn’t deny that. The constant debates on where people should end up, taking into consideration every single part of their lives. He figured it might have been a slight bit easier, but it seemed that even a written word for word code on who should go where wasn’t enough for some people.

Settling disputes between angels and demons was even worse. They wanted to disagree on things that didn’t even matter just because of how they were raised, and it made Atlas more annoyed than anything. Things were getting easier, though, and angels certainly enjoyed indulging in activities they hadn’t been able to previously.

Atlas rolled over as he heard Alijah laugh from across the room. The boy was slipping his suit jacket off his shoulders and hanging it up before discarding the rest in an easy manner. Atlas hadn’t even bothered to take off his shoes, simply letting them dangle off the side of the bed. “Hey, loverboy,” Atlas mumbled, kicking off his shoes, listening to them fall onto the floor beside the bed.

“Hey, angel,” Alijah responded, climbing into bed beside Atlas and wrapping his arm around him. “You okay?”

“I’ve been better,” he responded, laughing as Alijah flicked his nose and rolled his eyes. “What? You asked.”

Alijah hummed and nodded, pressing a kiss to Atlas’s lips with a soft smile. The two boys laid in silence for a few seconds before Alijah spoke up quietly. “What do you think about getting married?”

Atlas gasped and pulled away for a second, watching as Alijah reached behind him and pulled out a ring. “Alijah-“

“Listen, we’ve been together for what, like, ten years? I mean, y’know, we’re literally meant for each other, and I can’t think of someone who I would rather spend eternity with, and it doesn’t have to be big. It can just be me and you and maybe Galen, Lele, and Nolan or something, or it can be with all of Heaven and Hell watching. I just want you to be happy, and I know that I’ll be happy with you. So, will you officially become my king?” Alijah held him breath as Atlas stared at him, tears gathering in his eyes.

Atlas tried to speak, say something – anything – but when nothing came out, he simply lunged forward and kissed Alijah with as much force as he could give, tears falling from his eyes.

Alijah pulled away with a gasp for air and grinned, grabbing Atlas’s hand happily. “Is that a yes?” Atlas nodded and slipped the gold and silver ring onto his finger.

“God, yes, yes, yes. I love you so damn much, Alijah Hood.”

“I love you, too, Atlas Axel. I love you, too.”

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