I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 276 276: Elysia's Group

The demons, now resolved and armed with Cambion's orders, each led their respective battalions towards the human cities. The night sky above was shrouded in ominous clouds, casting an eerie darkness over the landscape. It was a fitting backdrop for the impending clash between the forces of darkness and the mysterious undead.

After hours of relentless march, Elysia and her battalion arrived at the city they were tasked to reclaim. The sight that greeted them was disconcerting. In the distance, they could see that the city was shrouded in an ominous black mist, a veil of darkness that seemed to choke the very life out of it.

As they drew closer, Elysia could make out the details more clearly. The city gate, which should have been a symbol of fortification, was wide open. It yawned like the mouth of a hungry beast, inviting them in with an unsettling sense of foreboding.

Elysia raised her hand, signaling her demons to halt. They formed a cautious formation behind her, their expressions tense and uncertain. The black mist that enveloped the city gate obscured their vision, making it impossible to see what lay beyond.

"Everyone, be vigilant," Elysia cautioned, her voice low but filled with authority. "We don't know what's waiting for us inside."

The demons exchanged uneasy glances, their uncertainty mirroring the mysterious darkness before them. They had faced countless foes and challenges, but this unnatural shroud of mist filled them with an unsettling sense of dread.

Elysia took a step forward, her every movement graceful yet purposeful. Her eyes remained fixed on the city gate, searching for any sign of movement or danger. The tension in the air was palpable as they stood on the threshold of the unknown, ready to confront whatever malevolent force awaited them within the city shrouded by the black mist.

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As Elysia and her battalion cautiously stepped through the wide-open city gate, the eerie silence was broken by a sudden and chilling occurrence. The undead creatures lurking in the vicinity, hidden within the black mist, turned as one towards the intruders, their hollow, lifeless eyes fixated on the approaching demons.

The demons' collective breath caught in their throats as they were confronted by the grotesque sight of the undead. Skeletons, their bones clattering with an otherworldly resonance, stood alongside reanimated corpses that moved with an unnatural, jerking gait. Their presence was a macabre symphony of death and decay.

Some of the demons, their resolve shaken to the core, felt their courage falter. The realization that they were outnumbered by these nightmarish abominations left them on the precipice of terror.

Elysia, however, remained resolute. She raised her voice, her command cutting through the tension like a blade. "Prepare for battle!"

Instantly, her demons snapped to attention, their fear quelled by their unwavering loyalty to their leader. They formed a defensive formation, weapons at the ready, their eyes trained on the approaching horde of undead.

With an eerie, almost mechanical coordination, the undead creatures advanced, their movements devoid of hesitation or fear. They seemed relentless, an embodiment of death's determination.

The clash between the two forces was imminent, and the very air crackled with anticipation. Elysia, her presence radiating an otherworldly grace, stepped forward to meet the approaching undead. Her followers moved with her, a formidable wall of demonic power.

The battle began in earnest. Demons clashed with the undead in a whirlwind of violence and dark energy. Elysia, her movements a dance of lethal precision, wielded her power with a grace that belied its destructive force. Her attacks cut through the skeletal warriors and shattered the reanimated corpses with a deadly elegance.

The demons under her command fought valiantly, their loyalty to Elysia and their determination to fulfill Cambion's orders fueling their strength. They battled the undead, pushing them back with a ferocity born of desperation.I think you should take a look at

But the undead were unyielding. For every skeletal warrior that fell, another took its place. The reanimated corpses, despite their gruesome injuries, continued their relentless advance.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Elysia's voice rose above the clamor, her orders delivered with unwavering authority. "Coordinate your attacks! We must break their lines!"

Her demons responded to her command, forming groups that launched synchronized assaults on the advancing undead. One group created a protective barrier of dark energy, shielding their comrades from the relentless onslaught of skeletal arrows. Another unleashed torrents of flame, engulfing the reanimated corpses and reducing them to ash.

Elysia herself became a whirlwind of destruction. With a sweep of her hand, she conjured a vortex of dark winds that tore through the skeletal warriors, shattering their bones with a deafening cacophony. Her movements were fluid and precise, a testament to her mastery of the demonic arts.

The battle raged on with an intensity that bordered on the surreal. Elysia and her demons, locked in a deadly dance with the undead, fought with a determination that knew no bounds. As the black mist swirled around them, the clash between the forces of darkness and death continued to escalate.

Elysia's coordination of her demons' attacks proved to be a crucial advantage. Groups of demons, guided by her commands, worked in perfect harmony to counter the relentless advance of the skeletal warriors and reanimated corpses.

One group, led by a demon with mastery over the earth element, caused the ground to quake and tremble. Spikes of dark stone erupted from the earth, impaling the skeletal warriors and rendering them into piles of shattered bones.

Another group, skilled in shadow manipulation, cast a veil of darkness over the battlefield. Within this shadowy shroud, they struck from concealed positions, their attacks swift and deadly. The reanimated corpses, unable to see their assailants, fell in quick succession.

Elysia herself continued to be a force of nature. With each precise movement, she unleashed devastating waves of energy that tore through the undead ranks. Her demonic power surged, obliterating any foe that dared to stand in her path.

Despite their unwavering resolve and their leader's unparalleled prowess, the demons were not without casualties. Some of their number had fallen, their demonic essence dissipating into the dark mist. But Elysia's leadership inspired those who remained to fight even harder, to push beyond their limits.

However, as the battle raged on, a new and ominous development unfolded. The tumultuous clash between Elysia's demons and the undead had drawn the attention of every nearby undead creature. From all corners of the shrouded city, they converged upon the battle scene like a relentless tide, their hollow eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

Elysia and her demons found themselves encircled by an ever-growing horde of undead. The situation had escalated far beyond their expectations. The undead were not only numerous but also unexpectedly resilient and powerful. Their skeletal warriors fought with a relentless ferocity, and the reanimated corpses displayed a surprising level of coordination.

With each passing moment, the odds grew increasingly dire. Elysia's demons, numbering 20,000 strong at the outset, had already suffered the loss of 2,000 of their comrades. The malevolent undead seemed unending, their numbers unchecked.

Elysia's voice rang out amidst the chaos, her command unwavering. "Stand firm! Fight to the death! Sacrifice yourselves for his majesty!"

Her demons, though weary and battle-worn, rallied around her, their determination unyielding. They formed a defensive circle, their backs to one another, ready to face the relentless onslaught.


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