I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

226 Chapter 226: Hidden Shop

Alix couldn't help but feel comforted by his uncle's words and carefree demeanor. Nox had always been a source of positivity and strength for him. "You're right, Uncle Nox," Alix replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "With our unity and determination, we can face anything that comes our way."

A light chuckle escaped Nox as he teased, "Of course, and with your powerful bloodline, we've got a secret weapon up our sleeves!"

Alix playfully rolled his eyes, but his mood had indeed lifted. He had five vice-captains, all of whom were like family to him, as they hailed from the same village. "Speaking of which, Uncle Nox, where are the other three?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, they're still in the tower, accumulating soul coins," Nox replied with a grin. "You know how competitive they can be. They're probably trying to outdo each other."

Alix laughed, picturing the friendly rivalry between his vice-captains. "They always give their best, and I couldn't be prouder of them."


As the leaders of the alliance started arriving, Alix felt a surge of excitement and pride. Yara, approached Alix with a warm smile. "Alix, my friend, I've heard about the meeting. I must say, I'm eager to see what plan you've cooked up with the City Lord," he said, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Captain Zao, a hulking figure with a gentle heart, walked beside Yara, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, we've faced many challenges together, and I trust your judgment," he said, his deep voice resonating with loyalty.

Alix clasped their shoulders, appreciating their unwavering support. "Thank you, both of you, for always being by my side." he said sincerely.

The two newly joined alliance leaders, a formidable woman known as Lady Xin and a mysterious figure called Shadowblade, stood a little apart, observing the camaraderie between Alix, Yara, and Captain Zao. Lady Xin was known for her tactical brilliance, while Shadowblade's stealth and assassination skills were unparalleled.

Alix walked over to them, extending a hand in greeting. "Welcome to the alliance. I'm Alix, and it's an honor to have you both here," he said, a genuine smile gracing his face.

Lady Xin shook his hand firmly. "The honor is ours, Alix. Your reputation precedes you, and we've seen how you lead your people," she said, her tone filled with respect.

Shadowblade nodded in agreement, his voice low and enigmatic. "Indeed, we've been observing from the shadows. Your alliance is impressive, and we wish to contribute to its growth."

Alix appreciated their straightforwardness and nodded. "We value your skills and expertise. Together, we'll become even stronger," he replied, extending an invitation to forge bonds of trust.

Alix knows that some forces are hesitant to join, still apprehensive about the Dark Moon Clan's threat. He knew he had to show them that their alliance was capable of defending themselves.

Just as Alix was about to address the gathering, Tan Zong entered the hall. His commanding presence drew everyone's attention, and Alix felt that familiar unease in his gut.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm With a composed demeanor, Tan Zong nodded to the alliance leaders. "Greetings, esteemed leaders of the alliance. I trust you've discussed my proposal," he said, his voice resonating with authority.

Alix stepped forward and addressed the gathering. "Indeed, we have decided to accept the proposal. Our confrontation with the Dark Moon Clan shall take place within the tower," he announced, his voice carrying a firm resolve.

Yara stepped forward, his charismatic nature shining through. "My friends, let's not forget the unity and strength we have. Together, we'll show the Dark Moon Clan what we're made of!" he exclaimed, and a wave of determination rippled through the crowd.

Captain Zao's deep voice boomed, filling the room with an air of confidence. "We've faced countless challenges together, and each time we emerged stronger. This time won't be any different!" he proclaimed.

Alix's heart swelled with pride as he saw the enthusiasm and determination in his allies' eyes.

As the meeting progressed, Tan Zong subtly steered the conversation toward the matter of the "Celestial Haven". He acted as if it was a secret he was sharing with Alix, reinforcing their bond of trust.

Alix listened carefully, feigning surprise at the revelation. "A treasure that can create a sanctuary within the tower? That would be a game-changer," he said, trying to mask his excitement.

One of the alliance leaders, Lady Xin, couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and respectfully asked, "Lord Tan Zong, where can you get this Celestial Haven? It sounds like a remarkable item that would greatly benefit our alliance."I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοmcontemporary romance

Tan Zong's gaze lingered on Lady Xin for a moment before he replied, "Ah, the Celestial Haven is indeed a rare find. I came across it during one of my frequent visits to the exchange floor." He paused, a hint of mystery in his eyes, before continuing, "As you know, I spend a lot of time in the tower, exploring the worlds within, or simply browsing the exchange floor for hidden treasures."

The other leaders exchanged surprised glances, not expecting such a valuable item to be found in the exchange floor. The exchange floor was known for offering various resources and items, but nothing as powerful as the Celestial Haven.

Captain Zao scratched his head, his voice filled with curiosity. "I've been to the exchange floor numerous times, and I've never come across anything like that. Are you sure it's available there?"

Tan Zong nodded, his expression calm and collected. "Absolutely, Captain Zao. The exchange floor is vast, and hidden gems like this talisman can often go unnoticed. It requires a keen eye and some luck to stumble upon such treasures."

Yara chimed in, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Well, if it's really available in the exchange floor, we must get our hands on it! Such a talisman would give us a significant advantage in our upcoming confrontation with the Dark Moon Clan."

Alix nodded, knowing that Yara was right. The Celestial Haven could become a crucial asset in their fight against the Dark Moon Clan. "I agree, Yara. We must find a way to acquire it," he said with determination.

Lady Xin, being the tactical mind she was, asked, "Lord Tan Zong, do you have any advice on how to increase our chances of finding this treasure in the exchange floor?"

Tan Zong's lips curled into a faint smile as he answered, "Of course, Lady Xin. Persistence is key in the exchange floor. Keep your eyes open and explore the various stalls thoroughly. Some vendors might not even be aware of the true value of the items they possess. If you stumble upon one selling the Celestial Haven, be discreet and negotiate carefully. We don't want to draw too much attention."

Shadowblade, who had been silently observing, nodded in agreement. "Stealth and subtlety will be our allies in this endeavor. We should proceed with caution, but with determination."

Alix looked around at his trusted alliance leaders, feeling the camaraderie and determination in the room. "Very well, let us all be vigilant and make frequent visits to the exchange floor. If anyone finds any clues or hints about the treasure, inform me immediately," he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of his leadership.

As Alix, Yara, Captain Zao, Lady Xin, and Shadowblade ventured into the exchange floor, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The once-familiar place now held the promise of hidden treasures, and they were determined to unearth the powerful item that would grant them a sanctuary within the tower.

Unbeknownst to them, Argon, watched their every move from his grand throne room. His lips curled into a cunning smile as he saw the alliance leaders embarking on their quest for the Celestial Haven. He knew that the talisman would not only benefit them but also play a crucial role in his grand scheme.


After a week of tireless searching and exploring the exchange floor, the alliance leaders finally discovered the hidden shop where the Celestial Haven was concealed. It had been an arduous journey, with many dead ends and false leads, but their determination and persistence had paid off.

Alix and the leaders stood before the hidden shop, which appeared inconspicuous and unremarkable amidst the bustling stalls of the exchange floor. The entrance was obscured by an illusion, making it nearly impossible to notice without a keen eye.

Captain Zao scratched his head, amazed that such a place had eluded them for so long. "I can't believe we missed this hidden shop all this time," he said, feeling a mix of surprise and admiration.

Yara nodded, sharing Captain Zao's sentiment. "Indeed, it's well-hidden, but it seems Tan Zong's information was accurate after all," he said, giving a knowing look to Alix.

Alix smiled back, appreciating Tan Zong's guidance. "Let's not waste any more time. We've come this far; it's time to see if the Celestial Have is indeed within."

Lady Xin took the lead, using her QI to bypass the illusion and reveal the entrance to the hidden shop. As the group entered, they were met with a quaint yet mysterious interior, adorned with various artifacts and items from different worlds.

In the center of the shop, a small, unassuming wooden box rested on a display stand. The box emitted a faint glow, capturing the attention of the alliance leaders. They knew immediately that this had to be the Celestial Haven they sought.

A sense of relief and excitement washed over Alix as he stepped forward to examine the talisman. "We found it," he said, his voice tinged with triumph. "This item will provide us with a sanctuary within the tower, just as we hoped."

The alliance leaders exchanged glances, their hearts filled with gratitude toward Tan Zong for pointing them in the right direction. They knew that securing the Celestial Haven was a crucial step in their preparation for the upcoming confrontation with the Dark Moon Clan.


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