I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

205 Chapter 205

Zam and Aurelius arrived at Skyhaven City, their eyes widening in amazement at the sprawling metropolis before them. The city surpassed even the Eternal City in size, a testament to its grandeur and importance. It was clear that they had entered a place of great significance and power.

"This city is enormous," Zam remarked, his voice filled with awe. "It's even bigger than the Eternal City."

Aurelius nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping across the bustling streets and towering structures. "Indeed, Zam. Skyhaven City is a testament to the progress and influence of the Heavenly Sword Sect. We must proceed with caution and be mindful of the forces at play here."

Their objective clear in their minds, Zam and Aurelius sought to secure a means of transportation to reach the territory of the Dark Moon Clan, located in the northern part of the Azure Continent. Aware of the dangers that awaited them, they decided to rent a flying monster, a formidable creature capable of traversing great distances with speed and agility.

Entering a reputable establishment known for providing such services, Zam and Aurelius were greeted by a knowledgeable attendant.

The attendant, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a hint of wisdom in his eyes, recognized the determined look on their faces. He approached them with a polite bow, acknowledging their presence.

"Greetings, esteemed cultivators," the attendant greeted them, his voice filled with respect. "How may I assist you today?"

Zam stepped forward, his gaze focused and his voice steady. "We seek to rent a flying monster to travel to the territory of the Dark Moon Clan. We must reach our destination swiftly and without drawing unnecessary attention."

The attendant nodded, understanding the urgency in their request. "Of course, I can arrange that for you. The territory of the Dark Moon Clan is a perilous place, and a flying monster will provide you with the advantage of speed and mobility."

He led them through the bustling establishment, passing rows of cages and enclosures housing various beasts and monsters. Zam and Aurelius observed the creatures with a trained eye, assessing their capabilities and demeanor.

After careful consideration, the attendant stopped in front of a massive cage containing a majestic winged creature. Its scales shimmered in shades of midnight blue, and its wings, stretched wide, showcased their strength and elegance.

"This is the Azure Skybeast," the attendant explained, his voice filled with reverence. "It possesses exceptional speed, endurance, and formidable aerial prowess. It is one of our most reliable and sought-after flying monsters."

Zam and Aurelius exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between them. This creature was their best option for their journey.

"We will take the Azure Skybeast," Aurelius stated, his voice firm.

The attendant nodded approvingly. "Excellent choice. The Azure Skybeast will serve you well on your journey."

He proceeded to prepare the necessary money and paperwork, ensuring that Zam and Aurelius would have full control over the creature during their rental period. Once the formalities were settled, he led them to a spacious training ground where the Azure Skybeast awaited.

As Zam and Aurelius approached the majestic creature, they could feel its power and energy. They exchanged a silent moment of preparation before mounting the beast, their movements synchronized and purposeful.

With a graceful leap, the Azure Skybeast took to the skies, its massive wings propelling them into the air. Zam and Aurelius held on tightly, feeling the wind rush past them as they ascended higher, leaving Skyhaven City behind.

As they soared above the azure expanse of the Azure Continent, Zam couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and vastness of the world below. Aurelius, his expression focused and determined, maintained a keen vigilance, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.


After an arduous journey spanning a month, Zam and Aurelius finally arrived at the outskirts of the territory of the Dark Moon Clan. To their surprise, they found themselves standing before a town that dwarfed any city they had encountered in the Three Kingdoms. The town sprawled before them, its towering structures casting long shadows over the gloomy streets.

Approaching the town's gate, they noticed a guard slumbering in a makeshift chair, oblivious to their arrival. Zam cautiously approached the sleeping guard and gently shook his shoulder, attempting to wake him from his slumber.

The guard stirred, groggily opening his eyes and staring at Zam with a dazed expression. "Huh? What do you want?" he mumbled, his voice heavy with fatigue.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"We seek entry into the territory of the Dark Moon Clan," Zam replied, his tone firm. "We need to pass through this gate."

The guard rubbed his eyes and yawned. Then, with a sudden burst of alertness, he blurted out, "100 lower grade qi stones for passage."

Zam and Aurelius exchanged a glance, their faces contorted with displeasure. This exorbitant demand reeked of daylight robbery, but they knew better than to provoke unnecessary trouble in the domain of criminals.

Reluctantly, Zam reached into his pocket and withdrew a pouch of qi stones, the currency commonly used in the cultivation world. Without uttering a word, he handed it over to the guard, who greedily snatched it from his grasp.

The guard's eyes widened with delight as he counted the coins, his lips curling into a sly grin. "Pleasure doing business with you," he sneered, before gesturing them to proceed through the gate.

Suppressing their frustration, Zam and Aurelius passed through the gate, entering the town with caution. The gloomy atmosphere enveloped them, and they couldn't help but notice the somber expressions worn by the inhabitants. The streets were filled with slaves, their eyes downcast and spirits broken. It was a chilling reminder of the cruelty and oppression that permeated the territory of the Dark Moon Clan.

Their mission clear in their minds, Zam and Aurelius pressed on, determined to gather information about the Dark Moon Clan's full power and weaknesses. They sought to uncover the truth about the fate of the first people who ventured here, and if possible, retrieve their bodies.

Navigating through the maze-like streets, they eventually found a secluded inn, a haven amidst the desolation. Entering the dimly lit establishment, they secured a private room where they could discuss their strategy in hushed voices.

Sitting across from each other, Zam and Aurelius shared a solemn moment, their eyes reflecting the weight of their mission.

"We must proceed cautiously," Aurelius whispered, his voice barely audible. "The territory of the Dark Moon Clan is a treacherous place. We must gather the information we need without drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves."

Zam nodded, his expression resolute. "Agreed. We cannot afford any missteps. Let us blend into the shadows and seek out those who might possess the knowledge we seek. We must be prepared for the darkest truths that await us."contemporary romance

With a shared understanding, Zam and Aurelius began to devise their plan, aware that their journey into the heart of darkness had only just begun. In this place marred by cruelty and oppression, they would delve into the depths of the Dark Moon Clan, unraveling its secrets and uncovering the information they needed, all while keeping their own lives and intentions concealed in the shadows.


In the past month, the days passed relatively uneventfully for Argon as the management of his dungeon continued smoothly. The first floor of his tower, bustling with adventurers and challenges, operated as it always had, offering both peril and opportunity for those brave enough to venture inside. Having thoroughly prepared for the expansion of his dungeon, Argon had already acquired all the necessary monsters for the second floor, along with a few additions for the third floor.

To fund these acquisitions, Argon hosted two special auctions at his auction house, where rare treasures and powerful artifacts were put up for bidding. Though the auctions were successful, they didn't quite match the grandeur and attention of the first special auction he had organized in the past. As a result, the earnings from these recent auctions were more modest compared to the windfall he had reaped previously.

Nonetheless, Argon remained content with the outcome, knowing that the growth and expansion of his dungeon were worth the effort. With the newly acquired monsters, he could further enrich the challenges and rewards on the second floor, enticing adventurers to test their skills and courage in this new realm.

pandasnovel.com The auction house, under Argon's capable management, had become a prominent fixture in the exchange floor. Cultivators, adventurers, and collectors alike flocked to his establishment, eager to participate in the thrilling auctions and acquire rare treasures that could aid them on their cultivation journeys.

Despite the relative calm of the past month, Argon knew that complacency was not an option in this ever-evolving world. He continued to cultivate his own strength, honing his skills and mastering the laws, knowing that challenges lay ahead for both himself and those who would venture into his dungeon.

In the quiet solitude of his training chamber, Argon focused his energy on deepening his understanding of the fundamental laws of Fire, Earth, Water, and Lightning. Surrounded by flickering flames, swirling earth, cascading water droplets, and crackling bolts of lightning, he delved into the essence of each element.

Sweat glistened on his brow as he channeled his Qi, harmonizing it with the elemental energies around him. With each breath, he absorbed the wisdom and power contained within the laws, seeking to unlock their secrets and harness their might.

Argon's progress, while incremental, showed glimpses of promise. He had discovered subtle connections between the elements, understanding how they intertwined and complemented one another. Yet, this newfound understanding had yet to translate into a significant boost in his combat prowess.

Feeling a mixture of frustration and determination, Argon paused his practice and looked deep into the flickering flames before him. He spoke aloud, addressing the elements as if they were sentient beings.


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