I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 11

After leaving the forest, they climbed the hill following the path along the Guandu. They stopped walking when they reached the top of the hill. “Lou Sola-” Philip exclaimed as the group took in the view from the top of the hill. The village below had been turned into ashes.

“I didn’t expect things to be such a mess.” Ian muttered, his gaze sweeping over the village. He saw remnants of burnt or collapsed buildings that used to be part of a small, insignificant village with about a hundred residents.

“Could it have been a bandit raid, or perhaps the wolf pack we encountered?” Philip asked with a subdued voice.

Ian retorted with a grim tone. “The wolves probably didn’t start the fire.”

Philip looked at him. “So, are you suggesting it was the work of the thieves?”

“If that’s the case, it’s unforgivable.” Before Ian could say anything, Maeve interjected. “To trample upon the homes of the people like this.” She was clearly outraged, her voice carrying evident anger.

Ian glanced at her, realizing just how angry she truly was. Well, she was a knight who earnestly pursued justice and honor, wasn’t she? In this dark age, that ultimately meant being tangled in all sorts of dirty situations, just like now. In the game, she probably wasted time on such matters and ultimately couldn’t find the dark sorcerer. Ian wondered if there was a quest here.

Despite these thoughts, Ian slightly curled up the corner of his mouth. “Do you want to find out what happened?”

Before Maeve could respond, Philip urgently interjected. “Please hold on a moment, Maeve.”

Maeve turned to him with a suspicious expression. “What did you say, Philip?”

“The tragedy that has befallen this village is truly saddening. However, there is a critical issue at hand concerning the well-being of the kingdom.” Ian’s eyebrow involuntarily twitched at Philip’s words. He sure has a way of digging his own grave. “We don’t have much time left. If you cannot eradicate the darkness that has infiltrated the kingdom, then next time, it might not just be a single village that turns to ashes but the entire kingdom.” Philip managed to finish his speech despite the cold sweat that had formed on his forehead due to the gaze of the two on him.

“Those are wise words, Philip.” Maeve finally responded after a brief pause, while Ian silently cursed. “However, people’s homes have been ravaged like this. It’s unacceptable for a knight of the kingdom and an apostle of Tyr En to overlook such a tragedy.”

Ian’s brow smoothed out again. Indeed, a knight who knows honor.

On the contrary, Philip, now at a loss for words, lowered his head. “Since it’s your intention, but please do not waste too much time. The sun will set soon.”

“Understood. Your advice is noted.”

Ian chimed in at that moment. “Don’t worry about time.” Just as they went silent, Ian, with an icy gaze, said something unexpected. “We might be able to find out soon.”

Just as Philip’s shoulders tensed due to Ian’s chilling gaze, Maeve asked. “Do you have a method in mind?”

“It’s nothing special.” Ian replied with a softer tone. “Listening directly might be enough.”

“Listening?” Maeve’s gaze followed his outstretched hand, beyond the ruins and near the path on the opposite side of the village. A desolate land with shapes resembling the color of soil seemed to loom in the distance.

Gazing nonchalantly at the shapes, Ian continued speaking. “Three of them are digging into the ground, and one is by the road. Something is spread next to them that appears to be bodies.”

Maeve inquired with a cold tone. “Trying to bury the corpses, are they? Could they be the culprits?”

“I’m not sure.” Ian shrugged his shoulders. “But if we catch them and interrogate them properly, we might find out what happened in the village.”

“I understand.” Maeve lowered her visor. “I’ll leave the interrogation to you.” With a flick of her reins, she dashed forward.

“Well, I suppose so.” Ian replied nonchalantly, watching the departing knight.

Philip’s courteous voice followed. “You always have a plan. I seem to always think too narrowly.”

“Oh, thanks for giving us this precious time together.” Ian thought to himself, looking at Philip. He then slightly lifted one corner of his mouth, just as before. “If you keep interrupting like this, you might end up with a shorter neck. Philip.”

Philip struggled to keep his lips sealed. “Another one of those scary jokes.”

“Should I make your tongue shorter?” Philip’s mouth snapped shut. Ian adjusted his reins. “I’ll go ahead. Follow me.”

“You’re going to chase after them immediately?”

“If I’m late, they might all end up dead by the time we get there.” The rogues of the Dark Age were often as skilled at hurrying their victims to their deaths as they were in any other aspect.

“In that case, I’ll go with you.”

Ian didn’t wait to hear more. He dashed out.


The three men were doing their respective tasks. One was digging the ground with an old shovel, another was assisting with a dagger, and the last was smoothing out the hole by stepping on it. Although their roles were different, they all had the same tired expressions.

“Do it properly, you bastards.” The last man, Miguel, who was observing their lack of enthusiasm finally spoke. Their leader had a scruffy beard and a scar that looked as though a bear had scratched one side of his face. As he adjusted the crossbow on his shoulder, he looked back at the body laid beside the hole. “Is it taking so long to dig just six graves? Hurry up. The sun is about to set.”

The faces of the men crumpled even more, but none of them protested. One grave was dug by Miguel alone. Moreover, it was done in a perfect manner that was incomparable to their own speed.

“Even with these fools, it’s damn- ” Miguel’s voice eventually let out a sigh. “Is it, really? Maybe?”

“Are you not saying that to us?” The men who were digging the graves turned their gazes toward him, confused. Even though Miguel was their leader, he sometimes complained about the trivial superstitions and omens, which they simply brushed off. Of course, Miguel himself was particularly susceptible to such things.

The sight of a knight charging towards them with her armor glinting in the sunset, accompanied by the flash of a blue sword, was too surreal to be true.

“Well, maybe it’s- ” Miguel suddenly fell silent. His ears pricked up again. It seemed that the sound of hooves was getting closer. And it wasn’t his imagination. Miguel tightened his grip on the crossbow and shouted. “Get your bows or whatever ready. Hurry!”

Finally, the men who were working on the ground began to move. Their expressions remained unchanging, but a sense of tension filled the air. “Um, what crazy talk is that, Captain? We should run!”

“What’s the plan? Stop the nonsense and do as ordered, you brats!” Only then did the subordinates awkwardly raise their crossbows and bows.

“Aim at the horse, but don’t shoot until I tell you to shoot!” Miguel scolded them, his hands trembling. As soon as they assumed their positions, the knight’s command resounded loudly.

“Drop your weapons and kneel!”

Without any chance to be astonished by the fact that the voice belonged to a woman, Miguel turned towards the knight and shouted with all his might. “Please, give us a chance to explain! Without that, we have no way out!”

Now, the knight’s gender was of little importance. Among the self-proclaimed ‘knight apprentices,’ the properly trained true knights were exceptional beings compared to thugs or mercenaries. The mercy of a knight might be effective for the common folk, but it had no value for them, and as Miguel saw it, this was undoubtedly a real knight. If they fought, they would surely be killed, yet, blindly fleeing was not an option either. Evading orders was one thing, but admitting to running away would be just as bad, especially beside a pile of corpses that used to be a village.

“Please stop! We haven’t committed any crimes!” To avoid a beating, they had to look confident for now. Things were going according to plan until now, but the problem arose from a different direction. When the sound of hooves began to resonate, some of Miguel’s subordinates couldn’t handle the pressure and flinched. A familiar sound followed, the sound of a crossbow being fired.

Miguel’s eyes widened as if about to burst. His gaze followed the fired bolt, it was astonishingly accurate, almost as if it were intentionally aiming for the knight. And even more astonishingly, the knight deflected the small, fast bolt with his sword without effort.

“What kind of monster–!” The person who had shot the crossbow was astonished, dropping it and standing up. “I’m running! This is madness!” The sound of footsteps rushing away followed.

Miguel turned his head, belatedly regaining his senses. “Stop right there, you stupid b—!” His shout wasn’t even finished. A blue flash appeared from behind. In the blink of an eye, the flash swept over the fleeing person’s back and disappeared. All that remained was a severed torso, spewing blood and entrails. A few more steps were taken before only the severed lower body crumpled.

The remaining two subordinates froze, their faces turning pale.

“We’re screwed, damn it…” Miguel, who had been muttering to himself, finally managed to speak. He felt no compassion for the dead man. Rather, he wanted to revive him just to kill him personally. Not only did he defy orders and attack, he even tried to flee, abandoning his comrades. Even worse, it was happening next to the pile of bodies that had been a village.

“Drop your weapons and kneel!” The abstract gibberish hit his ears.

“Damn it.” Surrender was the only option left now. Miguel quickly knelt down and surreptitiously wrapped his fingers around his ankle. Like many others, he had a trump card to survive. It could only be used once and might not be enough to kill the knight. But at least he could escape.

Miguel listened carefully to the sound of hoofbeats, his breath held. Thankfully, the worst didn’t happen. The knight’s charge slowed down as he came closer to Miguel and eventually stopped completely. One crisis was averted, but he still couldn’t even exhale in relief because the knight’s sword was still in his hand.

A bluish light flickered above his head as a chilling coldness touched his neck. “I am aware that this situation might lead to misunderstandings, milord.” Miguel managed to open his mouth with great effort. “However, we have not committed any crimes. If you give us a little time, we can explain everything.”

“I will listen to your statement later.” The icy voice, devoid of belief, flowed out. “Specialists in interrogation will arrive soon.”

Miguel’s head snapped up in surprise. “Did you say specialists?”

“Questions will not be allowed.”

“Yes.” He immediately bowed his head again, closing his eyes. It looked like it was over. Just as Miguel’s mind was about to go blank, another sound of hoofbeats approached.

Miguel cautiously raised his head. The figure of a Grim Reaper came into view. Beyond the gray cloak and leather armor, finally, his face came into view. “Ian?” Miguel’s eyes widened. “Ian Hoff?! Is it really you?”

Finally, the man, Ian, turned his gaze towards Miguel. They exchanged glances, but that was all. Ian raised an eyebrow slightly in a nonchalant manner and without saying anything, he halted next to Maeve.contemporary romance

“It’s me! Miguel! The hunter, Miguel! The mercenary, I mean!” Miguel added in haste. “I used to see you often in Valksi. Especially at the tavern!”

At this point, the knight’s and Maeve’s attention also turned towards Ian. “Is he someone you know?” She asked.

Ian shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I’ve seen his face before.” It was a lukewarm response, but it was an acknowledgment, nonetheless.

“Oh, fortunately you recognize me.” Miguel didn’t care. If he wanted to live, he had to do this. Even if it meant being bold. It seemed that Miguel’s face was etched in his memory, and he was glad about that. He remembered what had happened to those who tried to challenge or provoke him.

With one eyebrow slightly raised, Ian asked with his lips curled.

“So, the specialist the knight mentioned is you?” Miguel asked as politely as possible.

Ian replied with a deep sigh. “Probably.”

“It’s good that things worked out.” Miguel’s gaze at Ian was firm and resolute. “Ask whatever you want, and I’ll answer truthfully. You can judge for yourself whether it’s true or not. After all, you’re good at reading people’s minds.”

“Oh?” Ian’s eyes glinted with amusement. Indeed, he was amazed. He had expected Miguel to challenge him or act defiantly. Instead, Miguel was obediently cooperating. Ian’s lips curled slightly as he asked. “What happened to the village?”

TL: Selwinkat

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