I am Wolf

Chapter Chapter Seven


As the chains fall to the ground, my eyes fly up to look at the alpha. I assume it’s Fenris’s beta who’s undoing my bondage. I give him a courteous yet sarcastic nod of thanks before looking back up at the alpha, who’s still evil-eyeing me.

“So is that it then?” I mutter while staring him dead in the eye. Fenris nods towards the open door as he grumbles,

“Get out, and remember what I said, Wolf; you’re free to go when you complete this job. But not in my territory; I never want to see you here again, understood?” Scoffing, I shake my head with a smirk when I mutter,

“Trust me; I don’t plan on sticking around once we’re done.” Without sparing him a second glance, I pick up the file off the table as I leave the room; I feel Fenris’s eyes still boring into the back of my head as I head out the door.

What a dick.

I’m surprised to find Don standing right outside waiting for me the second I head out the door,

“So I guess you’ve been assigned to seeing me out then?” I grumble sarcastically when I raise a brow at him,

“Just to get you what you need before sending you on your way; they say hell is pretty this time of year.” I shake my head in response to his little comment,

“Don, this might surprise you, but being out there is far less scary than being stuck in here; trust me on that.” Rolling his eyes, Don scoffs when he eyes me skeptically,

“I wasn’t talking about being out in the wild, Wolf. I meant the cutthroat rogues you’re about to infiltrate.” Letting out a low chuckle, I shake my head when I give him a lopsided smirk,

“You do realize that I’m a rogue, right?”

“Pft, you’ve got nothing on these guys; trust me, they’re monsters,” He retorts, and I’m still chuckling to myself as I find his outlook on these rogues amusing. The rogues in these parts have nothing on a rogue that I know from down south in Mexico; the ones up here are mild in comparison.

I should be fine.

I follow Don as he leads me down a flight of stairs, my brows furrowing teasingly when I decide to prod the bear,

“You don’t think I could be a monster, Don. I’m a rogue, right? Who knows, I could be scary as fuck when I want to be.” The question is dripping with so much sarcasm, but it gets a reaction when he mutters,

“No, I don’t,” in a deadpan voice.

Okay, this is not the response I thought I would get; I think when I grin in response.

As he suddenly pushes open a set of double doors in front of us, he walks us into an underground garage, which immediately has my jaw dropping as my eyes bug out of my head in surprise. Scanning the large room, I’m at a loss for words.

I’m surrounded by an industrial-looking piece of heaven as my eyes move across rows of shiny new cars parked in precision side by side.

I can only stand there and gawk at the collectors’ cars staring back at me; it’s enough to make a grown man cry.

“Now I see the reason for the high walls and large gates,” I murmur as I continue taking in the splendor and beauty of these machines.

What on fuck’s earth is one alpha doing with so many magnificent vehicles?

It’s just not fair.

Don scoffs when he smirks at me before leading me over to another extension of the garage floor,

“What’s the matter, Wolf? Haven’t you ever seen a bunch of prestige collector vehicles before?”

“You know what, Don, fuck you, quite literally,” I grumble as I continue to eye out vehicles I will never, in my wildest dreams, be able to own.

Don merely chuckles in amusement,

“You know, you’re actually a pretty funny guy; it’s a shame you were born a rogue.” I raise a brow at his comment but quickly shrug it off when I mutter,

“What is it exactly you guys do again?”

“My dad loves collecting cars; it’s his thing,” he shrugs.

My eyes widen in response as I snigger,

“That’s quite the thing to have as a hobby.” But Don doesn’t reply; instead, he points toward a black backpack lying on a metal table before us.

The moment my eyes extended beyond the bag, my brows lifted as a low chuckle bubbled to the surface; rows and rows of clothes hanging neatly on rods and bellow those, heaps upon heaps of shelves of more clothes.

Is this place for real?

“Whoah,” is the only sound that escapes me the second my eyes scan the large quantities of clothing piled high.

“Yeah, we take care of our own here, so when we need stuff, we just come here; no need to go into town.”

“Must be nice to never want for anything,” I scoff sarcastically when I raise a brow at him.

“A lot nicer than spending your life out there with nothing, I’d imagine.” He bites back.

I don’t respond because I don’t feel like going down that path with him; anything said now would only cause unnecessary tension. I have never owned a damn thing, and it seems Don doesn’t know the first thing about going without it.

We are two very different people.

Pulling a cell phone from his back pocket, he suddenly holds it out to me; I eye him suspiciously when I murmur,

“So your old man said I have to keep in touch once a day,” nodding Don shrugs,

“Don’t worry, it’s not like we’ll develop a bromance; it’s just to make sure we stay in the loop about what the rogues’ plans are,”

“Of course,” I shrug with a sarcastic smile, “a rogue and alpha wolf, friends? Who’s ever heard of such a thing?” I tease, and he rolls his eyes when he mutters,

“I’ve already programmed my number into it; it’s on speed dial if you need anything or, you know, have something to report. I need you to check in when you find out anything, understand?”

“Perfectly,” I nod before taking the black iPhone from him as I furrow my brow. I’ve never had a phone, but operating this thing can’t be that hard, right?

“So, where exactly am I going?” I mumble, still focusing on the device in my hands,

“I’ll brief you on the details shortly, but first, I need you to take that empty backpack over there and fill it with whatever clothes you’ll need. I’ll give you about twenty minutes, and then I’ll come and get you, deal?” Nodding, I look up, only to see him moving past me and back towards the direction we first came.

My brows furrow when I leisurely turn around and call out,

“Wait, aren’t you worried I’ll try to run away?”

“No!” he hollers. “You’re not that dumb, and besides, this place is like Fort Knox, Wolf. The whole perimeter is electric fenced, and there are cameras everywhere.” With that, he disappeared through the double doors, leaving me standing there looking down at the phone. Turning my head to look at the clothes, I grumble, “Fuck.”

Overwhelming doesn’t even come close to describing this whole situation. Letting out a deep breath, I start moving to the mountain of clothes; all I can do is stand here feeling like I’m drowning.

I’ve never been in this position; it’s insane, and this entire room is filled with clothes.

I’m still lost in thought when the little hairs on my neck stand up, my wolf perks up, and my stomach aches for something it desires deeply. At that moment, I sense her; her scent hits my nose like a wave, sending a shiver down my spine. I instantly clench my jaw as I close my eyes before facing her.

She smells so goddamn good; I need to pinpoint that scent; it’s intoxicating.

I’ve smelt them before, but separately, and never like this; it’s got me losing my fucking mind. When I open my eyes, Sasha’s standing a little distance away, leaning against the doorpost with her arms crossed, her eyes locked with mine as a subtle mischievous grin creeps up at the corners of her eyes,

“Need some help?” Smirking, I shake my head when I mutter,

“Don’t even know where to start.” At that moment, she starts leisurely making her way toward me when she notices the phone in my hand, swiftly taking it from me; before I can stop her, she immediately starts typing away at the screen.

“What are you doing?” I ask with a suspicious raised brow,

“Nothing, just making sure you have my number.” She shrugs nonchalantly as she continues typing away. Furrowing my brows questioningly, I tilt my head at her,


“No reason.” She replies, placing it against the table before moving past me and heading straight for the clothes. Her arm gently brushes past mine as she does, and a tiny instant zap of electricity sends shivers down my body when my stomach tightens.

Gasping, her head snaps back when her eyes pierce mine, and I immediately see her wolf pushing to the surface of her eyes when she gulps as her jaw slackens.

Clenching my jaw as I blink down at her, I quickly break eye contact, diverting my eyes.

What the fuck just happened?

The rippling effect of her energy through my body with that one hair-trigger touch instantly has heat pooling in my ears; continuing past me, she stops and stares up at the clothes on the rack before her.

“Um, so, what’s your style?” She mumbles nervously. My eyes blink towards her when my brows furrow in confusion; my brain is malfunctioning.

My wolf spins me around to face her, and just like a predator, I slowly start coming up behind her when I stop short of her. She’s got her back to me, and I’m itching to touch her again as I breathe her in.

Fuck, why me...

“Don’t really have a style except grabbing what’s available on someone’s wash line when I pass by,” I finally grumble, trying desperately to cling to what’s left of my self-control,

“Hmm,” she murmurs, and that one little sound travels straight to my dick when I swallow hard.

Pulling a neutral shirt from one of the racks, she gently rubs her thumb over the fabric; my eyes trail the movement as I peer over her shoulder when she mumbles,

“Why are you doing this?”

“Picking out clothes?” I grumble in response as I pretend that I don’t know where she’s going with this.

Smirking, she slowly turns to look at me again, and those eyes, those green eyes of hers, are enough to break me when they pierce mine,

“No,” she mumbles, shaking her head as her brows knit together. “I mean this; why are you doing my father’s bidding?” Shrugging, I look down at the shirt she’s still holding when I mutter,

“Boredom, I guess; I had nothing else to do, so...”

“You don’t owe me anything; you should leave and be free like you’re meant to be.” Narrowing her eyes, I watch as she clenches her jaw; clearly, my answer irked her because she stepped toward me the next moment, and she’s suddenly right in my face,

“You definitely don’t owe my father a damn thing, Wolf. You should go right now; I’ll help you to escape. I know how to get you out undetected; just come with me now and run before it’s too late.”

My brows furrow in response when I notice fear swirling behind her eyes, except it’s not fear for herself but instead for me.

I instantly break eye contact when I lower my eyes and mutter,

“I’ve spent my whole life running; I’m not going anywhere.” I don’t know why I said it. It just felt right, but she instantly narrowed her eyes at me, even more determined than before.

She closes the gap between us, bringing her right up to my face when she looks up at me; Sasha’s so close that I can taste her sweet breath against my lips when she whispers,

“This has nothing to do with you.” Her comment immediately irritates me as I narrow my eyes at her,

“Why do you even care?”

“I don’t,” She snaps defensively; when she breaks eye contact, and I can tell she’s lying,

“What do the rogues want with you?” I grumble in a low, dominant tone.

“I don’t know,” she breathes.

“Your lying,” I growl.

“I’m not a liar, Wolf.” She snaps irritably as her eyes shoot up to mine. At that moment, all I see is the shimmer of her wolf staring back at me as she swirls violently behind her eyes. It instantly makes me rock hard for her, my wolf pushing to the surface as he shoves hard against my ribcage.


The moment her sweet breath fans my face again, I suddenly lose all control over my beast when I push myself up against her, crowding her in as a deep rumble reverberates through me. I push her up against the wall of clothes behind her so fast it has a quick intake of air surpassing her lips. I push my forehead to hers as my eyes pierce her green orbs.

“So what are you then?” I murmur in a low rumble as my head dips, my lips lowering beside her ear.

Sparks are flying like the fourth of July as she gasps, her little breaths becoming labored when I feel her knees wanting to buckle. I grip her tightly, pinning her with my body against the wall of clothing when she whispers,

“Too much for you to handle.”

Groaning, I breathe in slowly; the moment her arousal hits my nose, I lose my goddamn mind. My wolf pushes forward as he cages her in completely.

A shudder escapes her as she gulps, intensifying her arousal even more. Even if I could reign my beast in, I wouldn’t want to. He’s too far gone, anyway. I know it the moment he growls. “I can smell what I’m doing to you, Sasha.”

Her breathing intensifies as she pushes her pelvis into my groin when she purrs,

“So what are you going to do about it?”


That sends my wolf right over the edge when I grumble, “Fuck it,” before pulling back and crushing my lips to hers.

Sparks explode into an eruption of fireworks.

It’s as if every fiber of my being comes to life for the very first time; I was blind, but now I see.

Her lips are the source of my existence, and I’m drowning in ecstasy I never knew existed.

The kiss is urgent, hungry, desperate, and deep as she mewls into my mouth. Pushing my body up against hers with even more determination, my beast wants to take over; he wants her; I want her.


“You shouldn’t play games with me,” I growl when I finally break the kiss with a pop before lowering my mouth against her throat. Breathing her in, her scent has me feeling dizzy when she breathes,

“Who says I’m playing?” I can feel her erratic heart beating faster against her rib cage; she fucking likes this; it’s turning her on even more.

“You sure about this princess? Sure this is what you want?” My words fall short as she grinds shamelessly against me.

Fuck me.

“Are you?” She purrs, and I pin her with a stare when she instantly crushes her lips to mine.

At that moment, the last shreds of self-control I’ve had fly out the window as I begin devouring her; my lips taste and suck as my tongue dives into her mouth; it’s everything I never knew I needed and more.

As my hands roam over her perfect little athletic body, I suddenly wish her clothes weren’t in the way. My hands move lower, and as I finally cup her sexy, tight ass in both hands and hoist her up, she suddenly gasps, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I hungrily nip at her bottom lip, which causes her to moan, reacting in precisely the way I was hoping for as my tongue slides into her mouth and runs against her tongue in a choreographed need for hunger.

I need more; I’m instantly craving her body, mind, and soul as my hands shoot up, pinning her wrists against the wall above her head.

My cock strains painfully against my pants, pushing up against her stomach, and I don’t fucking care; she’s...

“Mine.” I suddenly growl against her throat, which instantly causes her to gasp before pulling away just enough for our eyes to meet.

At that moment, my hazel brown eyes meet her widened emerald green ones, confusion becoming clear as my wolf suddenly utters the word, “MATE.”

We’re both frozen in place, her wolf swirling behind her eyes when her brows suddenly knit together as she gulps.

Instead of looking happy, she suddenly looks worried as she bites against her bottom lip, her brows furrowing as she clenches her bottom jaw.

My eyes narrow slightly when it hits me,

“You knew,” I whisper as I stare into her eyes, searching for answers.

Her lips parted, tears shimmering behind her eyes. She’s about to say something but falls short when she lowers her eyes.

It all came crashing down when I realized she knew and still wanted me to leave.

Of course she did; I’m a mutt, so why would she want to be with someone like me?

Lowering my eyes, something deep aches behind my chest; she’s my mate, but how? None of it makes any sense.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around what’s going on when I hear a sudden deep grumbling,

“Get your fucking hands off, my sister,” reverberates through the air. I immediately know it’s Don without even having to turn around.

I want to pull away from her, but I can’t. My eyes lift to hers as hers do the same.

I’m trying to understand what’s happening. Mate, her, me... that’s impossible. I can’t have an alpha’s daughter as a mate, and I stagger back only when Don finally yanks me back and off of her.

My eyes are still on hers, and tears are shimmering to the point of wanting to fall as her bottom lip wobbles; she wants to cry, but why?

My wolf wants to console her; he’s on edge; the small distance between us is too much; I feel like I can’t breathe. Don suddenly steps in front of me when he glares between Sasha and me,

“Sam, what the fuck are you doing down here? You were ordered to stay in your room.”

Sasha suddenly looks pissed off as she glares back at her brother,

“You have no idea what you’re doing. Just let him go; he doesn’t deserve this.”

They’re suddenly going at each other like a bunch of fucking kids fighting over who ate the last cookie in the cookie jar or something, but I can’t hear them; my only focus is her. It’s then that a deep growl fills the air, and both their heads snap over to look at me.

“What the fuck is going on!?” Don scoffs as he narrows his eyes at Sasha,

“What you just did will only hurt him, not help him; now get out of here; this whole situation is out of your control now.”

Defeatedly, she glares fiercely at him one more time before turning to look at me, and tears finally fall as they roll down her cheeks when she croaks,

“Remember, I tried to free you, but you wouldn’t leave.”

And with that, she pushes past Don and leaves, as I’m standing there watching after her. I’m still trying to process what the hell’s going on; how is it possible that Sasha is my mate? No, impossible…

I’m suddenly glaring at Don, and it’s not just me; it’s my wolf as well,

“Why do the rogues want your sister?” I growl, scowling at me; he narrows his eyes,

“I don’t know, and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. It has nothing to do with you; you only have to find out when the rogues want to attack and what they plan to do, and then you can leave.”

Scoffing in annoyance, I clench my jaw as I tighten my fists; I know he knows more, I can see it in his eyes, but instead of pushing it further, I decide I’ll find out for myself when I get straight to the source, the rogues.

“Here,” Don suddenly says as he shoves a piece of paper in my hand, “Your bank card is already in your backpack, but here are the banking details. Alpha will put cash into your account once you’ve completed the job; consider it your payment to get out of Sitka and as far away from Erebus as possible.”

My mind’s still racing over what just happened with Sasha; she’s mine, my mate, but how?

“Wolf!” He suddenly barks at me, having me snap right out of my trance when I blink up at him,

“Forget about her; whatever you think she is to you, forget about it. My sister belongs to someone else; she will never be allowed to be with a rogue. Now, come choose a set of wheels so I can get you out of here before my dad finds out you touched Sam.” Mumbling something else under his breath, he suddenly pushes past me and starts heading towards the cars.

“So, how about a truck? You seem like a truck guy, right?” Don smirks as he turns to raise a brow at me questioningly. I don’t even pay him any attention because the moment my eyes land on what I want, there’s no going back.

I make my way over to a bike; I slowly run my fingers along the tank,

“I want this,” I mutter, nodding before looking at Don. Raising his brows, he nods as he contemplates my choice,

“Roadster 1200, didn’t take you for a Harley fan.”

“There’s a lot about me you don’t know, Don,” I murmur when my wolf swirls behind my eyes challengingly, but Don merely scoffs when he mutters,

“Whatever, man, so you have the coordinates of the rogue’s hideout in your folder; the rogue in charge of the whole operation goes by the name of Caius; if we’re right, then his operation is about fifty miles southwest of Sitka.”

That name gets my attention instantly, but I shake it off when I mutter,

“And why can’t you just send some of your guys in there to wipe them all out?”

“Because we don’t know how many rogues they have in there. Having another rogue working undercover should be less conspicuous.

Scoffing, I shrug as I nod, “You hope.”

“Now finish packing your stuff and get the hell out of here; the guards at the gate will let you out,” Don grumbles with a wave of his hand as he turns and walks back towards the double doors, muttering something under his breath before disappearing through them.

Narrowing my eyes as I watch him go, I smirk and shake my head in disbelief. So, Don knows what I am to Sasha, which can only mean that Fenris knows, too, which is why he’s so eager to get me off his territory.

Yeah, a rogue as his daughter’s mate will never happen.

I finished stuffing my backpack with clothes before slinging it over my back; I changed my clothes to something less conspicuous. ‘Black on black should work.’

I shrug before finally getting on the bike; starting her up, she roars to life, and I can’t help as a grin spreads across my face. Just because I’ve never had one doesn’t mean I don’t know how to ride one; like I told Don, there’s a lot about me he doesn’t know.

Pulling the black helmet over my head, the new smell inside tells me I’m the first person to wear it; it fits snugly around my head, and I’ve never been more determined to get out and away from a place before when I finally kick her into gear and release the throttle.

She pushes up and out of the large garage doors when I head for the main gates.

Now, to find out why the rogues want my mate.

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