I Am Jessamine

Chapter 28

Willy arrived mid-morning the following day and he brought gifts from friends and family at the O’Cleirigh estate. Jess was so humbled at the thoughtfulness of her family and staff who had become friends. Beatrice had sent Jessie a dark blue shirt made from a thick type of cotton, but the same style as the gentleman’s shirts she wore. Then there was a parcel, also from Beatrice, wrapped in brown paper and tied with a bow which Jess put to one side and decided to open in her room. Marie-Louise had embroidered a scarf with silver butterflies in a beautiful silver thread for Jessie and Benjamin had painted a creative little picture of Loch Criostail Agus Eas that clearly showed her brother had some serious artistic talent. Little Gem had sent her a letter he had written, with the help of Marie-Louise and Benjamin, which brought the biggest smile to her lips and tears to her eyes.

“My most beautiful Lady-lad

I never knew how much brighter the sun shone when you were here,

But now that you are gone it is ever so clear,

You brighten the days and even the darkest nights,

So I wait for you to bring light again,

To my empty heart and to take away my missing you pain,

Forever in my heart

Your Jermaine Kellie Murphy O’Cleirigh”

Jessie crushed the letter to her chest and swallowed very hard to stop the sob wanting to escape her lips. Her heart felt crushed so she simply imagined her precious Gem and pictured her love flowing from her heart into his.

Young Constance sent her a pair of white knitted arm warmers, as well as bed socks, and Jess smiled happily. White, her favorite color, how could Constance have known? She wondered, but then again Constance had complained about her dark leather clothing. Jess laughed softly at the memory. Then there was the gift from her father. The box was made of an amazingly colored wood that appeared to have red streaks in it. Inlaid in the lid was ivory and obsidian and mother of pearl in an ivy design of leaves and flowers and all through were tiny little silver butterflies. It was a work of art and Jess simply felt privileged to have something so beautiful in her hands, but Willy told her to open the box.

Jess lifted the lid and gasping out loud, Jess saw, laying in a bed of royal blue silk, was the most beautiful silver dagger she had ever seen. The blade was folded steel, but it was the handle and the sheath that was the most striking. The handle was in the shape of a dragon of silver inlaid with blue sapphires and, Jess thought they were diamantes, but on closer inspection, she saw they were diamonds. The sheath was of polished white leather stitched with thick silver thread and branded with a similar design to that on the lid of the box. Jessie looked up at Willy and he smiled and motioned with his head for her to look again. She saw just beneath the dagger was a note and all it said was: Nighean mo ghraidh. Something practical that I know you will appreciate, D’athair Gradhach.

Jess was overcome by such beauty and thoughtfulness of everyone who sent gifts. She never imagined something as small as bed socks to something as grand as the dagger would fill her with such humbleness and appreciation. Her heart felt full and warm, but she missed them all so very much and Gray the most, but this was separation time, she told herself. The future was never cast in stone, but there were just too many loose ends and, if anything, Jess was realistic.

There were gifts and letters for Nicholas, Genevieve and the Duke. Jess saw that they were just as moved by the kindness and generosity shown to them from the children and Rourke. Jess turned to one of the maids who just happened to be Maddie and asked her to please take her gifts up to her suite and the girl bobbed and curtseyed and then reminded Jess of her package that she had set aside and everyone turned to look at Jess expectantly and her mother said softly, touching her arm, “Are you not going to open that one, my darling?”

Without wanting to appear ungrateful or secretive Jess opened the parcel slowly and wanted to cry out when she saw what it was as she unfolded it and held it up. There were quiet gasps and a few ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as Jess crushed it against herself. Her tears squeezed from her tightly closed eyes as she caught a very familiar smell. Beatrice had taken Grayson’s long coat and restyled it to fit her. Everything was still left the same with the scuffs and scratches on the leather and Jess knew, without a doubt, Gray had requested she do this. Lying on top of the paper was a letter and it had been sealed, so Jessie quietly handed the coat over to Maddie and took the letter and excused herself as her family and Willy watched her walk out into the garden.

Jessie found a bench at the far end of the garden that was hidden by the most colorful array of blooms she had ever seen, but her heart was aching so she didn’t really take too much notice. So, instead of sitting among the colors Jess opted for the bench beneath the wild Jasmine. Jessie knew that the letter was from Grayson and her memories were unkind to her heart. She sat for a long while with the letter in her hands before she got up the courage to open it, with shaking hands, breaking heart and sadness, and read.

Blood of my Blood

Heart of my Heart,

I wish I could have said goodbye and said the things I wanted to, but that would have been more painful and not fair on you and, as you always promised there would be no lies, I want to do the same for you too. I know our time has ended, but I shall forever be grateful for our love and passion that we had together. My heart aches for you and my body burns for your touch. Each day feels heavier than the one before. However, I believe you when you say our love is eternal and we shall find one another again, whether in this life or the next, and I look to the future with excitement for that day.

I never want to feel another’s touch, or have someone else try to light that fire within me, or know another’s kiss because it is only your name on my lips. My heart will never be given away to another as there will be no space. The sun will shine and the days go on, but my bravest Jessamine, I will have only your love in my heart. Winters will be long and cold, but the promise of us will keep me warm. When my body fades and the winds of change move in, I will not mind, for the time simply means I am getting closer to you.

I am godfather to our precious Jem, whom I have made my heir. I shall teach him honour and loyalty, love and kindness, truth and morality and by doing that I know he will never forget you. Anyone who has ever met you or been touched by your kindness and love, compassion and strength, will never forget you, precious Jess. Our legacy lies in Jem and his perfect innocence, as our own would have done, but I only see him as ours now and he sees us as his. My heart overflows with love for him.

Wherever you go and whatever you do know that I am with you and always loving you. In the good times and the bad, hold onto my hand and I will help you through. Life can be cruel, but also so kind, so my darling, my love, my life, I thank the Faeries for returning you and when the world belongs to us, I will make you my wife.

Never forget me, mo gra

For I shall never forget you

Always and Forever,

Your Eternally Loving Grayson Iain

Jessie did not even try to hold back the sobs that wracked her. She held the letter to her heart and knelt on the grass and bent over because the pain was unbelievable. It felt as though someone had cut something from her chest and she was bleeding out. She held nothing back and must have been there for a while because she started to feel chilly and when she looked up she noticed many white petals on the grass around her. As though all of the white jasmine flowers had lost their petals at the same time. She wiped her eyes and stood slowly and looked around herself and saw petals falling from her hair and shoulders onto the grass. Then she heard a faint whisper, “This is the part I warned you of, ‘You may suffer for your love…’ But have faith, mo bheannachd, you are never alone and we will always bring you what you need exactly when you need it. Your love is eternal.”

Jess found her eyes had been closed and when she opened them everything that was green appeared greener, if that were at all possible, and the blooms that much brighter. The sky glittered and sparkled and the sun fell warmly upon her shoulders. Jess lowered her head and shed her final tears and said her last heartfelt goodbyes to Grayson, her love, life, passion and her precious Jem. She prayed they could feel her warm embrace and the flow of love from her to them and the promise of a different tomorrow in a different time.

Genevieve stood by the window in the family parlor watching her daughters’ heartbreak. She watched Jess collapse onto the grass and stay sobbing like that for so long she wanted to run to her and comfort her, but she knew, from experience, no amount of comfort will stop the pain or the tears and the heartache will remain forever. It will lessen, as time does that, but it will never truly go away. Then Genevieve witnessed something truly amazing as her daughter lay crumpled forward. All of the white blooms lost their petals at the same time and swirled above her daughter in a spiral and there appeared to be silver electric sparks in the air above Jess and then just as quickly as it had appeared the spiral drifted away and the petals fell gracefully, lovingly, upon Jess and the ground immediately around her.

When Jess finally stood up she looked around her and saw the petals and looked very confused for a moment and then her face became peaceful and it appeared as though she were listening to something or someone and she smiled a very soft, calm but beautiful smile and the sun came out and lit up the area around her daughter.

A voice behind Genevieve said softly, “Well, if we ever needed any real proof, there it is right there.” And Willy took her arm and led her to a chair and offered her a small glass of whiskey that she willingly accepted.

Not long after, Jessie walked into the parlour. Her eyes were a little puffy and her nose a little red, but all-in-all she appeared very calm and collected. Nicholas stood up and walked over to her and folded her into a warm and comforting brotherly hug and kissed the top of her head. Jess appreciated the kindness and hugged him back. Genevieve felt her heart swell for her daughter and her son. Jessie had worked wonders on Nicholas and she was so grateful for it. Her father got to meet, and spend time with, his long lost granddaughter and from what he had said to Genevieve in private, he thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed Jessie. But time was short for her father and Genevieve knew this so she would be eternally grateful that he had got to see his only grandchildren that had been missing from his life.

Jessie sat down beside her mother and took her hand and held it for no other reason than to feel her mothers touch one more time. Geneviève knew this and she held on to Jessie’s hand just as tightly. Jessie looked around at the small group of people and felt grateful and blessed to know them and she thought of Rourke, Marie-Louise, and Benjamin and was so happy that she had spent time with them. She felt secure knowing they would all live full and happy lives because she was confident that what she, her brother, and Willy were about to do would succeed and her family and many others would be spared from Rancliff’s insane idea of ruling over Ireland.

Jess had eaten little and when she entered her suite much later she dragged out the trunk that was in the bathing room and began carefully packing her gifts and belongings within. She was nearly finished when there was a light tap on her door which reminded her of when Gem would come into her bed and her heart constricted, but she knew it could not be him. Secretly and deeply she thought it was Gray and when she opened her door she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“Mistress, I just got these back from the blacksmith for you.” Said Duncan Whelan, the manservant she had asked to get her dirk and sword sharpened. “Just as you ordered, Mistress. Sharp enough to shave the hair off a baby’s bum.” And Jess couldn’t help by laugh softly as she took her property from him.

She pulled the sword from its sheath and it shone and glittered and she could see the edges were very sharp. Sliding it back into its scabbard she did the same with the dirk and, saw that too, was as sharp as a razors edge.

“Thank you, Mister Whelan and please thank the blacksmith for me. These look perfect.” Bowing to her he turned and walked away and Jess closed the door softly. She lay her items across her gear which was now referred to as her Lady-lad gear, but this time she would not wear her own leather coat, but the one Beatrice had made smaller for her out of Grays long coat.

Taking off her dress and petticoats, stockings and corset, she folded them lovingly and wrapped it in muslin just like she had done with all the rest, layered with lots of white sage and lemongrass. Jess never expected to see these items again, but should someone else require them, she would make sure they would be fresh and smell good.

Maddie entered her suite, as Jess had requested, with water to boil on the fire for her bath. “I know it is late, Maddie, and I thank you for doing this for me,” Jess said sincerely.

“Oh, Mistress Jess, it is no bother. It good to be busy and not be idle, my mam always used to say. If I may, would you permit me to place some of the lotions, oils, salts and perfumes within your clothes trunk?” Jess said of course she may as Maddie did not know that Jess would not be returning. The fewer people who knew the better to save her heart the constant heartache. Jess soaked in her tub until the water started cooling and then got out and slipped her damp, emotionally battered and tired body between the already warmed sheets, closed her eyes and dreamt of Gray.

In the morning she woke and found herself clinging to one of the pillows and she cuddled it and kissed it quickly and slid out of bed and ran to her clothes that were hanging over the rack near the fire.

Jess grabbed her knitted stockings and as she pulled them up she noticed someone had weaved ribbon through the tops so she could tie them and she smiled and sent up a thank you to Beatrice. In a small pouch, she had found her boy leg underpants and giggled remembering how much Gray had hated them. Pulling her sports vest down she felt where the tear had been stitched where she had been shot. She lifted her vest and felt the scar. A good reminder never to take a knife to a gunfight. She then pulled on her new dark blue shirt and then her black leather trousers that she had missed so much. They fit her comfortably and Jess noticed the buttons had been replaced by brass ones, again Beatrice, thought Jess. Over her shirt went the black felt vest with the hidden pouch for her dirk and Jess placed it carefully in its place. She placed the thick leather brace around her wrist and thumb and tied it snugly. She then looped the sheath for her sword through her belt and then around her hips, knotting and looping it over once.

Grabbing a chair she dragged it to the fire, which she had quickly built back up, and then sat down and pulled on her thigh-high boots and clipped then buckled them up. Standing and jumping slightly to settle the boots and her clothes she grabbed the thong that held her hair back and tied her hair at the nape of her neck using her fingers as a brush. Then came the bandanna over her head and then the tricorne. Lifting the long coat Jess pulled it on and pulled it closed and buttoned the double buttons, wrapped the scarf around her throat, tied it in a knot, and stuffed the ends down the front of her vest.

Turning and looking around the suite Jess saw no evidence of herself other than the rumpled bed and her heart flip-flopped a little. She knew she was going to miss everyone so very much, and as much as she loved everyone, this was not her home. It was her history that she was simply setting right. She would never have been here if it wasn’t for Rancliff and his ilk and then her foolish brother for thinking he could outsmart the maniacal goings on of Rancliff and his twisted intent to become a King. A King of Ireland, no less. How seriously would that unbalance things, Jess wondered? No, she could not stay, but she held on to the memories, the love and the heart of the people she had come to know, respect and truly love.

Turning quickly on her heel Jess left the suite behind her and headed down the stairs and at the bottom she saw a glow from beneath the door of the family parlour so she went directly there. Opening the door quietly she walked in to find her grandfather and Willy. Jess must have looked surprised because her grandfather asked, “Did you really think I would not say goodbye to the granddaughter I would give my life for? If I could go in your stead, if I could take all the heartache and pain away, if I could travel to your time for you, I would do all of it Jessamine. For you, I would traverse time itself.” And the old man stepped forward and held his granddaughter as tightly as his arthritic arms would allow. Jess was shocked. She had no idea he knew all about their time travel, but then again, the old man was nobody’s fool and she hugged him back and kissed his slightly damp cheek. Taking a handkerchief he dabbed at his eyes and muttered something about being a doddering old fool and he knew his time was short. “Your brother really is your image, my girl. If the two of you had to stand side by side you would look like twins.” He shook his head and smiled.

Just then Nicholas walked into the parlour and stopped suddenly and stared at Jessie. “Good god, you make a handsome fellow, Jessie.” He laughed and patted her shoulder, “Albeit a short one, but handsome nonetheless.” And he walked over to his grandfather and gave him a quick hug and then shook the old man’s hand. “It has been a grand pleasure to have met you and got to know you, grandfather. I know it started off very rocky, but I am glad Jess arrived to put boot to arse.” And they all laughed with him.

“Aye, my boy. You will do just fine. Take care of yourself and your sister, you hear?” said the old man and Nick promised he would.

They stood chatting briefly for a while and then the old man held out a coin purse and said, “I know you will say you do not need it, but please let an old man feel like he is contributing in some way to the independence of his beloved Ireland.” Both Nick and Jess looked at Willy and he took the purse with heaven only knows how much money in it. It was their original agreement that Willy hold the clink, deeds, bonds and whatever else they manage to scavenge from Rancliff and that deal had started yesterday. They all said their thank you’s and Mister Barnes entered with a tray of warm wine and a letter on the tray.

Taking their wine to warm themselves Mister Barnes filled them in and said that the letter on the tray was from Rancliff. “So, he believes the story that we are going to intercept one of his slave ships in Galway?” asked Willy.

“Yes, sir, he does and his ire is evident in the wording he used.” And Jessie picked up the letter and read it quickly and then handed it to Nick who raised his eyebrows and passed the offensive note to Willy, so that they all knew what he was doing and they could discuss him while they were on their way.

“So, right about now he is out on the ocean heading in that direction to intercept anyone who would interfere. I am glad he thinks we have created a little army so most of his men are with him on the ship.” Willy said and finished his wine. “Right then, are we ready to go?”

The three of them looked at each other and nodded and walked out of the parlour and out onto the front terrace where their horses and a pack horse were standing. The sun had not begun to rise yet and the mist was thick. Just what we need, thought Jess, no one will see us as we head off so if there were spies anywhere for any reason, they will not be seen by them and have their plans foiled. Just then Geneviève came running out of the front door and down the stairs in her night clothes with her hair flying wildly about her and hanging down to her waist. Jess never realized how long her mother’s hair was or that it was so incredibly curly. “Ah, so you’re the one who passed on the crazy curls?” Jess smiled as she greeted her mother.

Touching Jessie’s face her mom had tears in her eyes, “Love your curls, baby, they suit you.” And her mother hugged her fiercely and whispered a croaky, “Goodbye my darling, angel, Faerie baby.” And Jess felt her mom jerk as she tried to hold back the tears and Jessie hugged her back with warmth and feeling.

Stepping apart Jess struggled to keep it together and her mom stepped forward and hugged Nick and whispered her farewells to him and he pulled her closer and kissed her on her forehead.

She hugged Willy tightly and said she had already put so much on him, but could he please, just this one last time, make sure her baby girl stays safe. Willy promised and placed his hand over his heart and Geneviève said, “Come and see me to report everything when you get back.” So, mom also knows you’re going to stay, thought Jess smiling.

As they got on their horses Geneviève rushed forward to Jess and held out something small in her hand and when Jess saw what it was she raised both eyebrows in a questioning look at her mother. “Yes, well, there were some twenty-first century things that were of benefit.” She laughed and blushed fiercely and Jess thought she had never seen her mom look so beautiful and Jessie quickly applied the concealer over her scar and shook her head.

They said goodbye again and Jessie spoke softly to Spark who had come with her and been superbly looked after by the stable hands. Autumn looked in peak condition beneath Willy and he was very happy to be up on a horse again. Nick sat up straight and regal on Wanderer who was a very tall horse with long strong legs. They suited each other, thought Jessie. The pack horse had his rope tied to the pommel of Willy’s saddle and he looked like a tough and sturdy fellow.

“Right, now we are on our way does anyone have any reservations? Is there something that might be bothering you or not making any sense? We need to get it all spoken out now and hashed out so that we have no mistakes and the surprises are few.” Willy sounded like Ben and Jess and Nick looked at each other. “Feels like old times, hey sis?” and he laughed as she nodded and rolled her eyes.

For the rest of the ride that day they went over their plans and hashed and rehashed them until they were irritated with each other, but they all had the plan down and Jess had given excellent descriptions of where to go and which areas were weaker in security than others. How many doors were easy access, how many lefts and how many rights and an average figure of how many guards?

“I know his wife died and then his son drowned, but there would be no stopping him from having a mistress or two living on the estate, but I don’t doubt that he is the type to have his mistress on call in the near vicinity. He is a depraved lunatic so nothing he does would surprise me. Perhaps we ought to just expect the unexpected then, what say you?” Jessie and Willy kept quiet about Gem. The less Nick knew the better, besides their focus was on the safe and nothing else. They could not allow anything else to interfere with their plan now.

“Who the hell would marry a complete asshole like that, anyway?” asked Willy completely perplexed, but Jess was happy to learn more about the man called Rancliff.

“It was not exactly a marriage of love, that’s for sure.” Said Nick wryly. Before either Jess or Willy could ask, Nick held up his hand and then continued, “Her father owed Rancliff a lot of money and offered his daughters’ hand in marriage. Rancliff originally spurned the idea and simply wanted to attach the old man’s property, but the old man was onto him and had ceded all of his properties over to his son, which meant Rancliff could not touch it.” Nick shook his head remembering how Rancliff had completely lost it in the offices of his building where the syndicate was housed. Nick had felt his fury even though he was simply watching the DVD of the recording during his surveillance of their offices. “Rancliff knew that there were some laws not even he could flout!” Nick shook his head and Jess and Willy looked at each other.

“Anyway he came up with a plan and so he married the very beautiful Eloise Marie Abadie and not long after their wedding the young brother met with a nasty accident while out riding, which meant he got to inherit the massive estate and mansion at Dun Laoghaire. I don’t have to tell either of you that women were unable to own a thing. Perhaps the clothes on their backs and their shoes, but nothing more. As per the law, he inherited everything as he was the husband of Eloise.” He shook his head and sounded very sad as he continued. “He physically abused his wife one too many times and she locked herself in the west wing of the mansion. She had many loyal servants and guards who kept Rancliff and his boys at bay, but she had already conceived their child. When Rancliff found this out he left her alone and did not go near her. Even when she became ill, he refused to help her and did everything he could to prevent doctors getting near her. When she died he packed his child off to live with his sister-in-law in Barbados. He treated that kid like crap! And so did that fucking Daniels. They used to tease him and toy with him until the child was literally screeching and they would be laughing. Once, his nurse stepped in to stop them from abusing the boy and Rancliff gave her ten lashes in front of the boy.” Nick shook his head disgustedly

“So, you have been around Rancliff for quite some time then?” Jess asked her brother. She felt angry that her brother would even associate himself with the likes of Rancliff.

“Not really. I think, out of the six years I have been with the syndicate, I may have seen him twenty times or so?” Nick shrugged his shoulders.

“So, how often can one time travel then?” asked Jessie, “Because I would think there is a limit or perhaps a danger to jumping and travelling so often?” She raised her eyebrow at her brother as she watched the expression on his face change a few times.

“I can honestly say I don’t know, but I have to agree with you about it causing a problem because I have encountered problems and I have travelled four times now. Literally eight jumps, but four trips there and back.” Jessie stared at him with wide eyes.

“What? When, Nicky?” she asked incredulously, “and what problems have you noticed?” The mist was beginning to thin so they moved off the main road and used the road beside the forest should they need to hide quickly.

“Geez, Jess. When I joined the syndicate and started working in the twenty-first century for Rancliff, before I found out he was a whack job, he sent me to conduct surveillance on certain people and properties. If I went back with a report he didn’t like he would have it ‘doctored’ to suit himself.” Nick drew in a deep breath, “This is pretty personal, but I will tell you anyway. I noticed my libido failing so I went to the doctor and they ran all sorts of tests on me because they picked up mercury in my blood and strange bacteria in my urine. This is stuff only found from like two hundred years ago and then they found something else that shook me up.” He took a deep breath and said, “I am sterile.”

“Jesus, sorry Nick.” Willy was flabbergasted and looked genuinely sorry for Nick.

“Thanks Willy, but the problem, you see, is I had a physical before that and I had little devils swimming all over the place looking very healthy and ready to kick some eggy butt. That is what made me wonder about the risks.” Nick looked heartbreakingly sad and Jess felt for him.

They rode in silence for quite some time until Willy looked up and said, “Time for a quick break and something to eat and then back on the road.” They didn’t unsaddle horses or unpack the pack horse, they merely pulled bread, cheese and fruit out of their saddle bags and sat against trees quickly having an on-the-go snack and passed around a flask of whiskey. They spoke about how the whiskey they were drinking was so much smoother and nicer than whiskey in their time, which got them onto fast food, electricity and cars. “I would choose this era over the one I grew up in. Oh, make no error, I am grateful for the knowledge, but here, life is simpler and cleaner.” This was from Nick and Jess looked at her brother with clearer eyes. He was, after all, born at the end of the seventeen hundreds and then whisked over to the twenty-first century. Looking at him carefully Jess could now see how he could have got so messed up. He was a child from a different era being forced to live where he had not belonged and when he found a way to come back he had somehow messed up. Jess wondered if Nick would want to stay here when it was time to go back.

“I have just thought of something I believe we have all forgotten about,” Willy said with a serious tone and a sidelong look at Nick as they cleared things up and packed everything back into their saddle bags.

“Yeah, what’s that Willy?” asked Nick as he pulled himself up onto Wanderer’s back and Jess pulled herself onto Spark and looked over at Willy.

“Valeria Brossard, aka La Rue.” Said Willy leaning on his pommel and looking at Nick.

Nick took a long deep breath and stared ahead of him and Jess could see he was fighting with himself internally and struggling to find the right words. Finally, he lowered his head and took off his hat, and rubbed his forehead.

“You know, I have always found it so bloody difficult to lie to you two. Dad was easy, he always believed my crap, but not you Willy, and definitely not you, Jessie. You guys could always see through all the bullshit.” He shook his head lightly and looked so sad Jess felt her chest constrict, but she stayed silent.

“I loved her. I truly fell in love with another human being who I put before myself. I thought we were it, the ultimate couple. Everything about us was in mutual synchronicity and it felt damned good.” He shook his head and put his hat back on and they moved off.

“I never knew the real history behind her and Rancliff. I just thought she was another time traveler who joined the syndicate. Which is a load of bullshit, I might add. It’s just Rancliff trying to create an empire for himself by crooking and thievery and abusing time travel. When dad, Willy, and I spoke of time travel they made it clear that there were major rules and the top of the list was never to try to change history. That shit will always cause a ripple effect and end up biting you in the arse. Dad said something like that,” and he looked up and smiled and tipped his hat and made the benediction across himself, which surprised Jessie, but she remained quiet. “He does not deserve to time travel, that shit Rancliff. But anyway, be that as it may, when I finally brought La Rue into my confidence and told her what I wanted to do and to bring Rancliff down, she surprised me and told me she would never tell Rancliff what I was truly up to, but she would not support me either. I didn’t know it then, but she was so afraid of Rancliff. She still is. So I tricked her and left without her knowing.” His mouth twisted into a sardonic smile, but Jess knew he was hurting.

“Is that why you left the snow globe on the mantel above the fireplace?” Jess asked softly and kindly.

He looked at Jess and tilted his head, “Man, you miss nothing, do you? Yeah, we bought it together at an old antique store where I found a painting of Broch de Clisson.” Jess stared at him and was just about to say something when he said, “Oh shit, forgot to tell you,” and he dug in his inside pocket, “This is a list of places where my stuff is stored and where you will find the deed to my apartment and my bank account details.” And he handed her a folded piece of paper that had a black ribbon wrapped over it and it was sealed with the Broch de Clisson seal. “Grandpa thinks it is a good idea that I return.” And Nick smiled a real genuine, warm smile for the first time in a long time.

Jess looked over at Nick and then at Willy and she got tears in her eyes as she pushed the list into her vest pocket. It was then she realized for the first time that she would be going back to the ranch alone. She got a lump in her throat and struggled to swallow so she looked away and kept her thoughts to herself and tried really hard to focus on something else rather than all the men in her life being left behind. Dear god, I am truly going to be alone, but I will make it. Or maybe I won’t make it back because someone will get in a lucky shot and I will end up dead! Jess thought. Then immediately after that she said angrily to herself, have a wonderful pity party girl, and then put your big girl panties on and deal!

Feeling the hair on the back of her hair stand up Jess looked over her shoulder and saw movement in the forest. Without saying a word Jess used her hands in front of her, on the pommel, to sign that they were being followed by at least two persons.

First, she clicked her fingers lightly and when both men glanced over she showed the sign for two, and then she showed behind on their left. No horses, on foot. Both men nodded imperceptibly and they continued riding, but feet were loosening in their stirrups and the bottom buttons on their jackets were being undone ready to go for their swords.

No matter what, for now, they had each other’s backs and they shared grins with each other. Jess and Nick patted their horses gently and whispered to them and in a flash, both of them sprang off their horses, swirled around, and dashed to the left of the forest. They both found their targets and went for them like single-minded predators and Willy held the horses and watched his two crazy charges doing what they were taught to do – survive.

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