I am a Second Female Lead

Chapter 8: 7. Louise Van Hill

The 4th day Sheri pushed Henry to go back to work. And when they went out of her room. Sheri was a bit embarrassed because her mother and his mother came and immediately provide her different kinds of nutritious foods, and they don't allow her to go anywhere. They really want her to get pregnant in which Sheri was thinking how desperate are his parents and her parents.

Sheri looked at Henry for a help the moment he went back home. Henry laugh and talked toward the two old ladies.

The two old ladies went back home and Sheri was relived.

Sheri is looking at Henry who is sitting at her bed with his pajama on.

"Sigh! I am amazed that they even came over here just to isolate me."

Henry taps the bed space next to him. Sheri climbed at their bed and lay down.

Henry look at her and smile.

"I think they are just concern. I mean you are the only child of the family, and I am the only one in my family. I guess we need to make sure they have lots of grandchildren to keep them busy." Henry was over all smiling and Sheri was amazed to see him smiling. He is usually cold and very distant but when it comes to her he is sweet and thoughtful. Her heart swell with warmth.

Two months have passed. Their relationship advanced from Platonic to a real married couple. They decided to move into the master bedroom and since their relationship advances, Sheri becomes a proper wife toward him. Every night feels like they are on their honeymoon, and she was astonished he didn't get fatigued. He goes to work in the morning and in the night he works on her. In these months Sheri strived to amend gradually. She becomes a stay at home wife and stops going out for a nightclub.

She banned every so-called friends of Louise friends. According to the story of the world she is in. When Louise was so sick no one from her so-called circle of friend came. Instead, they mocked her and said it was a karma what happened to her. No one among Louise circle are actually her friends. They are only for treats or just for to make fun of Louise.

Sheri remembers also her friends they are all the same. As the day passes by she learns to manage the mansion. It was a bit embarrassing because Sheri doesn't really know how to manage but with Henry's help she was able to slowly manage.

She realizes that in her previous life she is worthless and empty-headed. The second she was abducted she doesn't know how to defend her self, if she had known some self-defense she would have got her self a time to escape. She perceives also at that time that they were in the middle of the forest, so she deliberately enrolls her self for a survival skill together with the cooking skill for Henry to please him. She seriously did her best to learn everything.

This day is their wedding anniversary. She wants to surprise her husband by delivering a lunch box to him. Sheri prepared for the first time with the help of their chef a decent meal. It's also the phase she wants to see the female lead. After wrapping up the lunch box, She changes into a casual white dress and drives toward the company of his husband with their meal in her hand.

She went down from her car and went straight to the reception area. The receptionist looked at the woman who dresses in white smiling at her.

"Yes maám can I help you?" said the receptionist

"Yes, I want to see Henry," Sheri stated.

"Do you have an appointment maám?" asked again the receptionist.

"No, I don't have," Sheri replied.

"I'm sorry maám our policies are strict in this company." apologetically the receptionist answered. She didn't disrespect Sheri because it seems she's a gentle person unlike the other women who dress up seductively just want to entice their boss. Since they are working in Hotels and also now, that they are venturing in an entertainment business. Many artist and even models are approaching their boss. Sometimes the receptionist are irritated because some women walked like they are the wife of their boss.

Looking at the woman in front of her she seems a normal person. She snaps from her thought when Sheri bring out her ID.

"Does this help?" Sheri showed her ID toward her.

The receptionist stiffened when she saw the information on her ID.

"I'm... I'm sorry maám I wasn't able to recognize you." the receptionist stutter.

"Don't be, it's my first time here anyway so please if you could help me that would be fine," Sheri said while smiling.

"Ye' yes maám. Please follow me." She nervously assists Sheri in the elevator she was supposed to go along with her but Sheri smile and stated no need. The receptionist lowers her head and went back to her desk. Fall to her chair and breath. They all know in the scandal magazine how the wife of their CEO is not a good person. The other receptionist came and inquired what happened, and she explained everything. Both of them gossip about Sheri but the other receptionist was stunned that what they read in the magazine doesn't match to what she saw while ago.

At the top floor, she saw a woman who is in her mid 20's typing on the computer. Sheri dropped her mouth

"Goodness, is this the female lead? Her face looked like an angelic her body is impeccable, even her skin glows. What is this? She even emits a warmth feeling and kind atmosphere." Sheri wants to clap her hands to the author or who everyone who made the female lead.

"Indeed, this is the female lead. That title really belongs to this woman," Sheri thought.

When Sheri was busy observing the female lead, the female lead felt someone is staring at her she looked up and saw Sheri looking at her.

"Can I help you maám?" she inquires with a respect.

"Ah yes, is Mr. Henry present?" Sheri snaps from her thought

"Do you have an appointment madam?" she asks again.

"No, I want to surprise him." Sheri respectfully spoke.

"Are you an associate with Sir Henry" the female lead recognizes that no matter what, she must not insult anyone beside she has this gut feeling this woman in front of her indeed knows her boss. The moment Sheri supposes to respond to her. Henry opens his office door.

Henry beams at the woman who is standing in front of his secretary.

"I'll take it from here ms. Lovely."Henry said while smiling indulgently at Sheri.

Ms. Lovely almost drops her pen when he saw how he grins from ear to ear. This is the first time their cold, arrogant boss smile. She's instantly gratified she didn't offend the woman in front of her. Henry guides Sheri inside his office, carefully closing the door behind them he eagerly grasps her waist and gently takes her rosy lips, devouring her familiar taste slowly nibbling her nape. Sheri muffled with moans while Henry starts running her hands inside her blouse and starts gently pinching her nipple. Henry continues hovering her lips while assaulting her perky breast, soft moans keep on coming out from her mouth, and She can feel his rod between her legs.

After a long session of teasing, they broke out. Sheri gasp together with Henry.

"I've been thinking fondly about you the whole morning." Whisper Henry.

"You should, Mr. Bacht but not here." Sheri mumble.

"You can't blame your husband since you are so irresistible, You're just enticing Mrs. Bacht." He nips her neck making Sheri shiver with sensual pleasure. After Sheri earnestly implores Henry to properly restrain. He stops ultimately.

He let her sit comfortably in his lap and nuzzled between her napes; a whiff of her lavender perfume assaulted his nose. He inhales it and caresses her neck at the same time. This pleasant smell really soothes him down. He never knew that one day he will have this woman beside him. He, however, remembers the second time he saw her. She's cold, arrogant and beautiful icy queen. He can feel his heart beats so fast the moment she greets him. Her smile makes him freeze. The time they got married he was so happy even though she never regards him her husband yet It's enough she's with him. No matter what scandal she has. He becomes a martyr willingly cleaning her mess.

Sheri spoke making Henry snap from his dream.

"How did you know I was coming?" seek Sheri.

Henry looks at her and strokes her lips with his finger.

"The driver unconsciously reveals a certain madam is coming to feed me." Henry smile

Sheri smiles and pinches his nose.

"As if I would believe you, I know you've always been monitoring me, in which, I don't mind but I'm wondering whom should I ask to monitor also my dear husband. I've heard from your people, that I am one of those women who are after you. Therefore, tell me, Mr. Henry who are these ladies, they're talking about? "Sheri pout

Her pout tickles his heart making him laugh. He draws her more toward his chest and whispers in her ear.

"Why don't you come and monitor me every day?" teases Henry

"Well, Mr. Henry as much as I would love to, I prefer to put a cable on you and just watch you on my phone. I have my cooking lessons and also my self-defense class, so I'm a little busy. What if someone will kidnap and dump us in a forest at least someone knows how to survive."

Henry looked at her and smile and engulf her with passionate kisses.

"You don't have to worry about that I have so many ways to survive, and I can assure you even if we are alone on an island I will make sure you are well-fed and well clothed."

His words hit her and she instantly froze.

"That's thoughtful, anyway I bought you a lunch box specially made by your wife, well with the help of our chief, I hope you will love it." Sheri promptly changes the topic.

She stirs up from his lap and carefully unwraps all the luxury boxes she bought. They enjoy their lunch together.

Sheri wanted to go back home, but he let her stay and wait for him. She was impressed while looking at her husband who is serious while working.

She was bored after a while and looked for the female lead. When she saw her she carefully approached her.

"Hi! By the way, my name is Louise Bacht, what is your name?" Sheri asked☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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