I am a Second Female Lead

Chapter 19: 1. Jaclyn Eisner

The mechanical voice speaks in her head.

"Host, hurry, get up and run as fast as you can. Run towards the streams, never step your foot in the dry land. In 50 meters from here, there is a cave, go deeper into that cave. I'll explain later" haste the voice of the mechanical.

Sheri was frantic when the mechanical voice prompted her to run as fast as she could. She's already in pain the moment she wakes up but due to the frantic voice of the system, she painfully shifted her body. She is cursing inside in her head because of every step, every simple move she groans in pain. She's dripping with sweat and pain while running.

The mechanical voice sounds in panic again. "Host, hurry up they are catching up."

She forces herself to run faster while running she saw the cave the mechanical voice mentioned. It was a vast cave hidden in a waterfall. She went inside and went deeper into the cave as what the mechanical voice said. She stops going deeper when she can't take the pain anymore. She leans on the cave wall while panting, she felt her side of her waist oozing with something she touched it with her hand and saw blood.

"Damn..." Sheri was surprised. She knew she was in pain, but she never knew that she is bleeding a lot.

She scans the area where she is and finds a place to sit down. Nevertheless, she was still on alert if the mechanical voice will warn her again, then she is ready to run. But after a few anxious minutes, it was silent. Luckily she went deep enough in the cave making her well hidden.

She looked for a place where there is a bit of light and looked anxiously at her terrible injuries. When she lifts her shirt, she was prettified to see a claw-like injury across her waist. She was stiffened.

"What the...." She was dumbfounded.

The mechanical voice speaks once more.

"Host we apologize again that you arrived in this world haste and with an injured body. As compensation, the executive management willingly gives you a travel bag that the owner of the body has. We transported it, and it will appear at the moment I stop communicating. The story of this world will transfer as promptly as you healed. First thing first is to treat your extensive wound and for a while your safe in this cave. Since this is your second mission the level of this mission is a bit harder and one of the rules in this mission is to never kill any of the major characters and two; do your best to fulfill the wish of the owner of the body. If you don't do your best, there will be a consequence when you go back to your own world. As your mission progresses, some rules will be adding up. Good luck host." The mechanical voice said.

After hearing the mechanical voice speak Sheri doesn't know what to feel. It seems this mission is tough. While thinking a traveling bag just appeared before her. Sheri was a bit awed. After a minute of sitting still. She grabs the bag and unraveled it.

She saw inside the bag a medical kit and promptly put out all its content. She's still groaning with pain while moving, but she's desperate, desperate to look for medicine for her wounds.

Fortunately, the body she possesses is a soldier and paramedics. She got the water bottle in the side of the pocket of her bag and a small towel.

"How this dreadful thing happened, did a ferocious animal viciously assaulted her," Sheri mutters in her anxious thoughts. She had never seen such kind of wound like that. She only saw that in a horror movie or something. She is sweating while attending to her wounds. It was a dreadful pain. Luckily she is not afraid of blood. After her first life she has become mentally strong when it comes to wounds and torture. After cleaning, suturing, putting a gel to close her punctured wounds and wrapping a bandage on it. She felt relieved and rested for a while. This is her first time to encounter that kind of situation. She takes the antibiotic and leans on the wall. She is calming her frantic heart and her emotions. What makes her nervous is the "unknown".

She doesn't know what kind of world she is in. She doesn't know yet the whole story of the world she's in and why she is injured.

After resting for a while, she inspects the medicine box. She looked at the end date and was still while holding it, it was produced in 2900.

Sheri was excited in spite that she's in pain.

"This is absurd it means this body comes from the future," Sheri mumbles.

After a while, she felt the effect of the antibiotic. She sought for a nice flat area to sleep. She wraps herself with a sleeping bag that it was attached to the traveling bag and sleep. She desperately needs to go through this. The effect of the medicine took her over, and she falls asleep.

Sheri was surprised the next day when she wakes up to feel the sleeping bag she has is very comfortable in spite that the cave is cold. She couldn't feel also any bump on the floor she's sleeping. Sheri was well pleased that the owner of the body came from the future. It means all the stuff she has are well advance and it accommodates to her situation now.

For 15 terrible days, she was stuck where she is. Fortunately, the cave has water Sheri used the water that she fetch to wipes herself for her hygiene. Sheri naturally wants to take a bath, but she can't due to her wound. She sleeps in a sleeping bag and has been living with bread and some dried meat. She was surprised that the food she ate, make her full and the medicine she has are well advanced that some of her wounds are healing very fast.

After she felt she can walk big steps. She went deeper into the cave and saw a pool. She was so delighted to discover a sparkling translucent green water. The pool was surrounded by vegetation and above the pool, there's a huge opening that provides the place some lights from the sun. When she looked into the pool, she saw some fish swimming. Closed to the pond it has a flat area that has some small trees on it.

"This is perfect," Sheri mumbles

After settling down she wanted so bad to assemble the tent that she has. Her stubbornness causes her to bring out the camping tent and gradually assembling them. Sometimes, a wrong move of her makes her grimace with burning pain.

While assembling her tent. There's a song she formulates.

Oh, screw my life, ♬ oh screw my life, oh screw my life. ♪ oh, Scr.....e...ewww my li..f...e...eeee "

She's feeling so bitter of all the lives of the second female lead. She wanted to cry and curse at the same time. She never in her old life experiences this kind of hardship.

At the end of the day.

She voluntarily stops. Day by day she patiently assembles the camping tent and after 10 more days, it was done.

She sits inside her tent and poured out everything that's inside her bag. She found a blanket that packed so tiny but when you opened it its good for two people, some clothes, dried meat, powdered soup, hygienic stuff and medicines, small pans and cups, knife a small and a medium pans and a gun with some spare bullets. She was awed with all the content of her traveling bag. Especially her medical kit where everything is there from dextrose to syringe to different rows of medicines in a bottle or tablets and bandages. It's a small bag but it can have all those things inside.

"I guess in the future they can easily indeed produce this kind of stuff." mumble Sheri to her self while grasping a piece of clothes that can be stretch and can be folded so tiny. She can't stop admiring the things the owner of the body has. They are good, efficient, high quality and well-modernized equipment. She's already thinking for a prospective revenue if she can create this in her own world.

She also genuinely appreciates the camping tent she has it is well modernized, sturdy and it sheltered her from the wind and mostly from the mosquito. The ointment and the modern medicine were incredible that after 2 months of her injury she's already good enough. The deep cut in her stomach has been closed properly and now only the scab is left. The rest of her visible injury is already healed without any marks. In spite that the mission she has is a bit hard still She was glad that the most basic things, a person needs are provided.

One day, while she's barbecuing the fish, the mechanical voice suddenly speaks in her head.

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