I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 195: Sabretooth?

Chapter 195: Sabretooth?

The group from the Green Sparrow Tribe set out with vine shields, stone slings, and stone spears.

First, they arrived at the mulberry forest. After not finding any trace of Fu Jiang, they used the mulberry tree as the center point, excluding the direction of the tribe to the east, and began searching in a fan shape.

After turning half a circle without finding any trace, they expanded the search area and continued to turn a larger half-circle.

The calls for Fu Jiang were incessant, startling countless birds and driving away many small animals.

A leopard, concealed in the shadows, was preparing to charge at its prey not far away. The prey, completely unaware of the danger, was startled by the sudden sound of the grass and ran off. The leopard, too late to catch its prey, stopped and looked at the intruders who disturbed its hunt from afar. In its brown eyes, there was no discernible emotion.

After seeing the intruders who disturbed it, the leopard abandoned its plan to have them for lunch, turned its head to look here, and quickly climbed up a tree.

The group also saw the leopard. They protected Han Cheng in the middle, holding vine shields and stone spears while keeping a cautious eye on the leopard and trying to increase the distance between them, moving around from the side.

Even though they had vine shields and were a large group, they were unwilling to engage in conflict with such a fierce beast. freewebn(o)vel

After safely bypassing the leopard, they continued their search

After passing a small mountain ridge, a somewhat hidden low-lying area appeared in front of them, possibly related to a spring, surrounded by lush trees.

Fortunately, it was autumn, and the leaves had fallen. Otherwise, it would be difficult to see things here.

Now, blocked by tree trunks and dry grass, more than half of the area was not visible.


Stepping on the dry grass and fallen leaves, they walked a distance here, and the visibility gradually improved. After seeing the true scene here, even the experienced Eldest Senior Brother couldn't help but inhale sharply, and his body immediately tensed up. contemporary romance

He made a low sound in his mouth, signaling the people around him.

Walking a bit behind, Han Cheng didn't understand what the Eldest Senior Brother had seen at first. After seeing the look of the Eldest Senior Brother and others, he took two steps forward, and the scene there immediately appeared before his eyes.

His eyes widened, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, and his mouth opened slightly.

Encountering such a situation!

Around the spring was a relatively open area. To the north of the spring, two groups of wild beasts were facing off.

There were many animals in one group, roughly more than ten.

At the forefront were two large wild boars, with their tusks protruding outward, covered with dried tree sap, mud, and a mixture of broken sand and stones, like wearing a suit of steel armor.

The two wild boars were not small, much larger than the ones they had hunted before.

According to Han Cheng's visual estimation, the one with slightly smaller tusks and shorter size would also weigh upwards of one hundred and eighty kilograms.

The larger one would be no less than two hundred kilograms!

Behind the two wild boars was a group of young boars who had not fully grown, weighing about thirty to forty catties. They all looked somewhat cramped as they stood behind the two large wild boars, seeking protection.

Two huge creatures were also on the opposite side of the two large wild boars, about ten meters away.

Their short brown fur stuck tightly to their bodies, highlighting their powerful physique. Their hind legs were much thicker than their front legs, thicker even than the tiger legs Han Cheng had seen in the future zoo!

Their tails were not long, hanging down towards the ground, ready to exert force.

This is not the most attractive part; the most attractive part is the enormous head of this creature and the two fangs extending from the upper jaw, each at least twenty centimeters long!

These two "fangs," due to their excessive length, could not close inside the mouth and were exposed outside, making the zombie-like protruding fangs pale in comparison!

Saber-toothed tiger?!

After seeing the majestic appearance of these two creatures, Han Cheng didn't need to think deliberately. The name saber-toothed tiger leaped into his mind.

I didn't expect to encounter these creatures that disappeared in the river of history!

Han Cheng wasn't an archaeologist or a researcher of prehistoric creatures. After seeing the saber-toothed tiger, his initial surprise and excitement quickly faded.

When the two sides originally facing off noticed them rushing over, they all turned their spears towards them!

The two wild boars with protruding tusks, covered in "armor," stared at them with somewhat bloodshot eyes. Their hooves occasionally scraped the ground. If it weren't for the two saber-toothed tigers threatening from the opposite side, they would probably have already charged towards Han Cheng and the others!

The two saber-toothed tigers were the same. Their huge tiger heads looked over, and their long legs moved within a small range on the ground. Their mouths with protruding fangs occasionally opened and closed, with the angle between the lower and upper jaw exceeding ninety degrees!

This answered Han Cheng's doubts about how these two long fangs could open their mouths to eat.

The two saber-toothed tigers occasionally let out a low roar from their throats, issuing a warning to the sudden intruders.

Their dagger-like teeth shone under the sunlight like meticulously carved jade.

Imagine the feeling of these two long fangs piercing into one's body; Han Cheng immediately didn't find these two fangs beautiful anymore.

All the people from the Green Sparrow Tribe were tense, gripping their vine shields and stone spears, standing still in place, confronting these two groups of fierce beasts.

Due to the terrain, when Han Cheng and his group and the two groups confronting each other suddenly discovered each other, the distance between them was less than thirty meters!

The atmosphere was particularly tense at this moment. While the three sides confronted each other, the "Wu-Shu" alliance resisting "Cao" was also forming.

The two confronting groups were very angry at the sudden appearance of the third party.

It was only because this side had many people and didn't seem easy to provoke that they didn't launch an attack rashly.

Han Cheng's heart was pounding. He had never experienced anything like this before. In previous wilderness rescues, the most ferocious animals he encountered were a pair of wolves, and they left from a distance after seeing humans.

Unlike now, facing these fierce animals at close range and without any safety guarantees!

His hand holding the short stone spear was damp.

The more experienced hunters, like the Eldest Senior Brother, were calmer than Han Cheng, but they also didn't dare to act rashly. Such a large and fierce group of beasts was beyond their ability.

They wouldn't choose to fight these beasts if it weren't for the extreme food shortage.

"Let's go back!"

After the three sides confronted each other for a while and confirmed that the wild boars and saber-toothed tigers would not launch an attack rashly, the Eldest Senior Brother said in a low voice.

Following the leader's order, the people remained vigilant with their weapons against the wild boars and saber-toothed tigers, slowly and cautiously retreating

Fortunately, the wild boars and saber-toothed tigers were just moving within a small range in place, showing no intention of attacking. This made the extremely nervous Han Cheng breathe a sigh of relief.

They retreated together, wanting to leave this extremely dangerous place as soon as possible.

What's that?

As Han Cheng, who was retreating, suddenly glanced over, his gaze fell on a gray fur not far from the saber-toothed tiger in the grass.

There was a patch of gray fur revealed from the partially obscured grass. It seemed to be a dead beast

Han Cheng's heart suddenly jumped.

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