Hybrids: A New Species

Chapter 5: Jack

Evening, the sun is resting on the horizon, and a camp by a lake lays lifeless. The roaming undead walk the grounds of the camp. Four people approach, all geared up with weapons. The first is a monster of a man named Pierce, he stands tall like a giant, measuring to an astonishing six foot, seven inches. He’s dark and built like a boulder. He has a buzz cut, and a wrinkled scar on his left cheek. Pierce wields a custom-made weapon. It’s a long heavy steel hammer, with sharp metal pins covering the head of the weapon. Perfect for smashing and stabbing the heads of his enemies. The next was a young man, twenty years old. Damon was his name. Next to him was a young woman, twenty-one years old. Her name was Isabella. These two were brother and sister. Both are skinny, however, physically fit, and they stand just a bit under six feet. The younger brother, Damon, has long messy black hair, gauges in his ears, and a mischievous smile. The older sister Isabella, has short clean black hair, piercing in her ears, and a calm subtle look to her face. Both with weapons, Damon wields a black combat ax and a large black six-inch hunting knife. Isabella has a twelve-inch thin sword, with a black hilt wrapped in green cloth, with no guard. The last man stood in front, he had a menacing look. This man was named Jack, he was skinny, but muscular and he stood a bit over six feet. He wore a faded black collared shirt, tan shorts, and his dirty feet were exposed in old leathery sandals. With brownish blonde hair, black sport glasses with red lens, and a sinister smile, he had the presence of a leader in this small group. Jack carried a silver Desert Eagle on his side and a large hunting knife with a crimson red handle that also acted as brass knuckles.

They entered the camp. Four of the Fallen notice them and begin to approach them. Without a thought, Pierce lifts his heavy hammer and swings it, instantly decapitating two of the Fallen. The heads splatter, leaving dark red blood and rotting dead flesh on Pierce’s hammer. The other two corpses come in closer to the group, until suddenly, Isabella pulls out her blade. She stabs the first Fallen in the head, immediately pulls it out and swings her sword at the next one, slicing its head in half. Isabella’s blade is sharp. She wipes the blood off her sword with a dirty brown rag she has in her pocket.

“What the hell happen here?” Isabella says with her soft subtle voice.

Jack walks forward ahead, not saying a word, and he looks around camp. The Fallen are eating the bodies of the dead men in the camp, tents are on fire, and the place is littered with trash.

Jack smiles creepily.

“I believe my experiment worked.” Jack calmly says with his strong and confident voice. His voice carried the same as an assured leader.

“You call this a success? Everyone is dead.” Damon says with his rough cracked voice.

“They were expendable.” Jack answers.

Suddenly, Jack hears the groans of a man from afar. He looks to the direction the voice came from.

“Kill all the Fallen in the camp. Something requires my attention.” Jack orders.

“What if we find any survivors?” Isabella asks.

“Kill them. Leave no one alive.” Jack says.

They don’t argue with Jack and follow his orders.

Jack walks in the direction of the groaning he heard. Up ahead, he sees a man on the ground, covered in blood. Next to the bleeding man, a mutated animal lies there dead. Few of the Fallen are eating the animal. They’re chewing away at it. Their collected chewing sounds sloppy as they slurp up pieces of flesh. One lone Fallen is chewing on the legs of the bleeding man. He groans in pain as he’s slowly being eaten alive. Jack examines the scene. He draws his knife. The lone Fallen eating the man takes notice of Jack. It stops eating and snarls at him. Jack makes a quick move and arches his knife forward. Stabbing the Fallen on top of its head. It dies instantly. The other Fallen stop feasting on the dead creature and make their way to Jack. The first lunges forward, Jack dodges it easily. He swings his knife at the next Fallen and stabs it in the head. He kicks the next one to the ground. Another Fallen sneaks up behind and grabs onto Jack, but he throws it over him. He crushes its head with his foot. Black blood and gray brains covers his foot. Jack smiles. He’s enjoying this. One Fallen left, Jack takes a swing at it. He lands a hit and it flinches back. It hisses, now mad. Jack punches it again, it topples back and begins to lose balance. He goes for the killing strike with his knife, stabbing it in the eye. It drops.

Jack wipes the blood on his knife off his shorts. He examines the dead creature. Besides the various pierce of flesh missing from its body, there’s a bullet hole in its head. He also notices its missing tail and he smiles.

“Jack?” a voice utters out.

Jack turns his attention to the bleeding man laying half dead.

“Ah Brian, you’re still alive?” he says.

There’s dry blood on Brian’s lip and beard. He has multiple gunshot wounds in his body. He’s using his hands to try to cover his wounds and stop the bleeding, but he’s lost too much already. His legs have been trimmed down to the bone, the pain he’s feeling is agonizing. Brian is on the verge of death.

“Jack. I- I” Brian struggles to say anything. Jack kneels next to him and lifts up his head.

“Shhhh, It’s okay. Tell me what happen.” Jack says with a calm voice.

Brian is coughing blood, he’s pale and shaking.

“I- I did what you said” Brian spits out. “That man, he- he, I tried. His eyes. The- they weren’t normal... He was dying, and now-”

“Take you time Brian, tell me what you can.” Jack interrupts him.

“We fed it to him. He screamed. I – I thought he died.” Brian continues. “Those eyes. The eyes of a demon. He broke me Jack. He was a monster. Ki – killed everyone.”

“It’s okay, where is he?” Jack asks.

“I don’t know… but he left…. With that kid. The- they…went north… I thi- think.” Brian faintly says.

“Thank you Brian. I knew I could count on you.” Jack says as he cleans the blood away from Brian mouth.

“Y-you got to help me boss. P-please. It hurts.” Brian cries.

“I will help you. Just relax. Everything will be okay.” Jack says as he holds Brian closer.

“Thank you Ja-”


Brian’s sentence is cut short from a gunshot.

A bullet has gone through his skull, killing him. Jack has shot Brian in the back of the head. There’s warm blood splattered on his cheek. He wipes the blood off and he smiles.

“Thank you Brian.” Jack laughs menacingly.

He drops Brian’s dead body and stands up. He looks to the dead creature once more.

“Finding you has benefited me greatly.” he says to it.

Jack decides to meets up with his group again.

He comes to find them finishing up their orders. Damon stands over a man with his ax.

“No please, I’m not bit!” the man begs to Damon.

“I don’t care.” Damon says.

“No don’t kill-”

Damon swings his ax forward, stabbing the man in the skull. He let out a bloody cry just before he dies. Isabella finishes off two of the Fallen that are remaining. She quickly swings her sword and cuts their heads off. She left many decapitated in her path. Pierce stands there, leaning against his hammer, waiting for the siblings to finish their kills.

Jack approaches them.

“Friends! Gather any weapons and ammo you can find. It’s time we get moving.” Jack tells them.

“Where are we going?” Isabella asks as she cleans her sword.

Jack stretches and cracks his neck.

“We’re making a visit to Gary.” He says.

“The fat rich guy?” Damon says.

Jack smiles. “Yes. We need a new home and Gary has a very nice place. It’s time we take what’s ours.”

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