Hybrid: First Rare Wolf (Rare Wolves Book 1)

Hybrid: Chapter 8


I heard Betta’s scream in my mind. I had just gotten myself under control, with Holden’s help, when I turned to look at the smallest pup. Lexi was on her side on the deck, gasping for breath, her little body shaking as if she was having another seizure.


I pushed Holden to the side, taking two steps to get to the pup. I knelt beside her, running my hands down her body.

“Here, take Soren.” Max appeared with the male pup, shoving him at Holden before he knelt beside me. He checked her over, looking into her eyes and taking her pulse.

“I need to take her to my office.” He didn’t look at me before getting up and striding over to the medical area. He rummaged around there, before pulling out a vial and a syringe. Coming back, he pulled the liquid and gave her a shot.

I watched as the little pup’s shakes started to ease, but she was still having a problem breathing. Max leaned over her, putting his ear to her chest.

“Damn it!” He looked up at me, his eyes worried. “Collapsed lung. Get your keys, Shane. You drive. I need to monitor her in case she gets worse.”

I stood, turning, almost running into Holden.

Holden. We had forgotten about her.

She stood there, her eyes filled with tears, her hand half reaching for Lexi, her other hand clutching Soren against her chest. The little male pup’s eyes were crossing. I suspected he had a concussion.

“I have a gun in the kitchen. The middle drawer, next to the sink. Please feel free to use it, Holden, in case there is any trouble. In fact, move Betta and Soren into the house with you and lock it until we get back. We need you to take care of these pups while we help Lexi.”

Max had already picked up the pup, heading towards the house and the car. Feeling helpless, I looked at her for a moment before walking around her to go get my keys. Running, I met up with Max at the car, sliding into the driver’s side.

“Where to?”

He got in beside me, laying the little pup on his lap. He stroked her throat. “My office. I need to take care of her lung first and then I will need you to force her to shift. She is worse off than I expected. I just hope that shifting will help her body to heal whatever those assholes had done to her.”

I nodded, my head jerking once before starting up the car and rolling out of the driveway. I knew that collapsed lungs were dangerous for a pup so young. Heck, it was hard for those of us adults, except the shift would heal them as we moved from form to form. I wasn’t sure if it would be the same for Lexi, since she was so young. Most shifters were several years older before they even had their first shift. I suspected my brother had forced them into their wolf form upon attack, which was part of the reason they hadn’t shifted back yet.

My knuckles were white by the time I was breaking for the turn into Max’s office. For most everyone around, he was a veterinarian but for us he was just our doctor. Sarah, his wife and vet technician, was standing at the door, holding it open.

Max slid out of the car and jogged over, passing her. Sarah didn’t even wait for me, just followed her husband into the building, her face serious.

I parked and took a deep breath before getting out of the car and following behind them.

Maggie, their receptionist and a submissive wolf in Baron’s Pack, sat behind the desk that faced the door.

“Shane, they took her into the back. Natalie’s with them. Max stated you should stay out here in the waiting room.”

A low growl slipped out of my lips before I shut it off. “Mags, that is Lexi…”

Maggie stood up and walked around the desk, placing a hand on my arm. A sense of calm crept into me. I felt tired. She pulled me over to a chair, away from the other two people waiting with their pets, staring at me wide-eyed.

Pushing me down into the chair, she leaned a little over me. “Max, Sarah, and Natalie will take care of her, Shane. Let them.”

I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

“Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffee?”

Maggie’s eyes were empathetic. She was the low wolf in the Pack, and yet, I somehow felt much better, more in control around her. “Water, please.”

She stood to walk away, but I grabbed her arm to stall her. “And thanks, Maggie.” My voice was harsh with all the emotions I was holding inside.

She nodded before stopping to talk to the other two visitors, smiling at them and explaining about the emergency.

The two older women, one with her cat and the other with a guinea pig, both nodded at what she said. They both opted to stay, even though it was uncertain when Natalie, the other vet, could see them.

Maggie brought me a bottle of water before sitting back down at the desk, her fingers clicking at the computer.

Using our fledging bond, I tried to see if I could tell how Lexi was, but could not. I groaned, sitting back in the chair, my fingers running through my hair.

Max. I could look at via Max. Instead, I chose Sarah, since she was more submissive. Sometimes, the submissive wolves didn’t even know I was watching via their eyes. I searched through the Pack bonds and found her, easing into her mind.

Shane. I could hear the resignation in her mental voice.

Please, Sarah. Let me watch. I urged. I could feel the mate bond and Max through her mind. Max was aware I was now there and a little disgruntle I was splitting Sarah’s attention.

I watched as they inserted a long tube into Lexi’s chest. Max reached out to me then.

Shane, once we have inflated her lung and gotten her oxygenated, we will need you to force the shift. I will send Natalie out to take care of her patients and Sarah will slip you back here. We may have to get her to shift a few times before it heals enough.

I nodded, not answering him. I watched as Lexi started to be able to breathe a little easier, with the tube in her lung helping to inflate it. As her breathing slowed, her eyes fluttered open a little.

“There you are, little one.” Max crooned to my niece.

Relief flooded my body. I leaned forward on my chair, dropping my head into my hands I had propped up on my knees. Thank god.

Natalie came in through the door behind the receptionist’s desk and smiled at me. “She is now breathing again, Shane. Max will call you back to see her in a few minutes. Meanwhile…” She turned to Maggie and the young woman handed her a folder. “Ms. Whitehill? Can you bring Chubs into Room 1?”

The woman with the Guinea Pig stood up and walked towards the room labeled 1.

“Ms. Loring? I will be with you as soon as I can. Sorry for the wait.”

“No worries, Dr. Jackson. Mr. Plumpernickel and I just want that young puppy to be better. We can wait a few more minutes for our annual shots, I am sure.”

Natalie smiled and nodded to the older lady. “Thank you.” She moved into the room after Ms. Whitehill.

Maggie stood up and waved at me. “Come on, Shane. Come see your pup.”

I stood and moved to follow her. Max and Sarah stood next to the table in the other room, Sarah checking the tube, their voices hushed. Max glanced at me as I rushed in.

“She is much better. Let’s try to get her to shift. I am leaving the tube in her chest. Then we can remove it and have her shift without it. I am uncertain how many shifts we can force on a young pup, though.”

I nodded, walking over to the pup. Touching her, I could feel our bond better.

Sarah threw a towel over the pup, just as I pushed her to shift. The young wolf shifted into a little girl easier than I thought she would.

“I hurt.” She whined, her voice rough from disuse.

“I know, Lexi.” Max soothed, while Sarah checked the tube. “I am removing the tube, baby, but then you need to shift to wolf again.”

He pulled on the tube, which adhered a little to the skin surrounding it. He waited, watching as Lexi breathed, making sure the lung wouldn’t collapse again. Giving me a nod, I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and pushed her back into her wolf.

The wolf whined a little. I dug my fingers into the fur on her neck and checked her. Exhausted, but better.

Max checked her lungs before gazing up at me. “If we can have her shift at least two more times, that would be ideal. Otherwise, I could work with this.”

I nodded and checked in with Lexi. Two more times or stay here, Lexi?

The pup shivered and then looked up at me, her green eyes dull. I want to be better, Uncle Shane. I don’t want Holden to worry about me any more.

“Okay, Lexi. Max, she wants to go the two more shifts. She is worried about Holden worrying about her.”

Max barked out a laugh. “Silly pup. Let’s get you better.”

I pushed Lexi as fast as I could, but the last shift back into a pup had been hard on her. She fell asleep while Max was doing his final check.

“Good enough. Let’s take her back. I still want to check on Soren.”

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