Hybrid: First Rare Wolf (Rare Wolves Book 1)

Hybrid: Chapter 21

I stretched, feeling deliciously sore in all the right places. Muscles that hadn’t had a workout in a while complained as I moved. I enjoyed making love with Thomas but making love to Shane had broken me apart and put me back together again as a new person.

Flinging my arms wide, I smiled and then frowned. I turned my head, noticing the indentation in the pillow next to me. Felt the slight coolness of the sheets.

Where had he gone?

I sat up and reached out with my mind. He was in the living room. Huh, this bond stuff made finding him easy. Smiling, I swung my legs out of bed and stood, wincing when I rolled my shoulders. Walking into the bathroom, I looked at my left shoulder.

A bite mark. The mating bite mark.

I studied it, noticing the canine teeth that no human would have. I wondered if it would heal or if it would stay red, just like this. Something inside me wanted it to stay. I wanted to show everyone, in particular any bitch who might have thoughts about encroaching upon my beautiful man.

I shook my head, smiling. This was so not me. I wondered if this was part of my lycanthrope DNA bubbling up. I would have to ask Max.

I took a quick shower and dressed, walking out into the living room barefooted, braiding my wet hair. Shane was there, as was Max. Baron and a familiar looking woman stood next to the doctor.

“Holden.” Shane’s voice caressed my ears, the echo of love coming through his bond with me.

I sauntered up to him, tying off my braid. He put an arm around me, pulling me in tight. I tilted my head back to meet his kiss, my heart thrilling. Shane didn’t just give me a quick peck, though. He kissed me passionately, leaving me panting.

As I turned to look at our guests, my cheeks pink with embarrassment, I caught Max’s eye-roll. He followed it with a smile of delight.

“Holden, I know you’ve met the Alpha, Baron, before. This here is his mate, Miranda. Miranda is Tessa’s sister. Tessa was the wolf in the cage next to Mercer’s.”

I turned and studied the pair. Baron was smiling at me, but his mate’s smile was a little more strained.

“I see congratulations are in store, Shane.” The Alpha chuckled, delight filling his voice.

I put a hand over the mark, my face turning a bright red. Shane just laughed, pulling me in tighter.

“Thank you. Holden is the mate I have always wanted.” He smiled down at me, his love clear. My embarrassment disappeared in that moment.

I smiled up at him and then watched the other woman. Miranda didn’t look happy, but I couldn’t figure out why. She already had a mate. Could lycanthropes desire someone who wasn’t their own mate? That was not a typical wolf feature.

Max, ever observant, sighed. “Sorry, Holden. Miranda’s sister – Tessa – had been the wolf that had jumped the fence to attack the pups. She also helped Edward with his plan to capture you.”

Ah! The woman in the cage!

“But he turned on her, didn’t he? He caged her. What happened to her? Come to think about it, what happened to Mercer as well?” Fellow victims of Edward should unite… well, at least talk together.

Baron fidgeted, which I thought was unusual for the Alpha wolf to do. Shane turned away, as if he didn’t notice, and led us towards the sitting area, tucking me into the corner of a couch, before sitting right next to me. I glanced at him curious, wondering why he was protecting me from his friends like this.

Max laughed. “Holden, your face!” He laughed even harder, while everyone turned to look at me. I went bright red once again and stared at the floor.

“I don’t know what is so funny.” The sullen words slipped out.

Max gasped out a few more laughs before wiping his eyes. “Shane will protect you from everyone, friend or foe. He is very territorial. Mated males are.”

Baron chuckled, sitting in a chair and pulling Miranda down on his lap. “He is an Alpha, in his own right. I suspect he will want to start his own Pack, now that he has you. He always could.”

Miranda gasped. “Shane is an Alpha? Why would he be…”

Baron looked up at his mate, his hand brushing her cheek.

“Why would he be my Beta, my love? Because of the war. It broke him, even though he could have taken over the Pack then. He has been acting as Alpha, even more so since Holden has come back into his life.” He shrugged and then looked towards Shane. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you can command most of the Pack. That you were working the Pack communication bonds during this last mission, since you would use any resource to rescue Holden.”

Shane rubbed his mouth, his expression sheepish. “I didn’t want to undermine your authority, Baron, but I have more strategic experience than you. Everyone responded without even thinking about it, so I took advantage. I’m sorry.”

Baron chuckled. “Yet you are not. Because by doing so, you now have Holden, not only next to your side, but bonded to you.”

Shane just shrugged, a gleam in his eyes.

Max sighed, turning to me.

“To get back to the matter at hand, we released Mercer. He was a lone wolf before and wants to be again. What that means is that he doesn’t want to have allegiance to any Pack. Tessa escaped in the confusion, as did Edward, but we don’t think they are together.” The doctor glanced at Miranda before looking back. “I suspect that Tessa is somewhere nearby, licking her wounds. She is a spoiled wolf, not understanding that she just can’t get everything she wants with a flick of her fingers.”

A soft whine filled the air.

Everyone turned to Miranda, who was looking down at her hands clasped in her lap.

“I am so sorry. I felt so bad when our parents died that I tried to make life easier for her. I guess I didn’t help her understand how things worked.”

“You think?” Baron’s voice was wry.

Miranda deflated. “Our parents weren’t part of a Pack, Baron. They were…… a pair of lone wolves that had gotten together to have pups. Tessa and me. We all kept to ourselves and they spoiled us rotten. When I had met and mated with you, my parents had been so angry with me. They had tried to stop all of my communication with my sister, but we somehow got notes to one another. When Tessa had shown up, telling me that our parents had died, I knew I had to take care of her. I had left her with them, and then she had no one else to turn to.”

Baron shook his head, slow at first and then with a little more emphasis as she finished.

“She lied to you, Mira. She has always bent the truth to her own advantage. For one, your parents are still alive, living in the same cabin you grew up in. Tessa just left and followed you, afraid you were getting something she didn’t have. When she found us mated, with me being an Alpha of a large Pack, she tried to seduce me, not realizing what a mate bond was and that I couldn’t look at anyone but you. That is when I had her investigated. And found out she had lied to you about your parents.”

Miranda’s eyes widened, her gaze intent on her mate. “You never told me.”

“No, I couldn’t. I tried, many times, but somehow I knew it would have destroyed something inside of you and I couldn’t be the one to hurt you.” He frowned. “Shane told me I needed to tell you, that this would turn out bad otherwise, and it did. But I had always hoped that Tessa would just fess up. She just doesn’t know how to be a part of a Pack. She understands nothing about being a lycanthrope, even if she has always been one of us. Your parents did her no service. I don’t know how you accepted the concept of Pack and all that it means, but she just hasn’t been able to adjust.”

Max interrupted. “I suspect that a lot of it is the mate bond you have with Miranda. Information flows through it you don’t even realize you are getting. Miranda learned a lot from you, but remember when she first arrived, she had made some large snafus.”

Baron nodded; his face pensive. “You are right. No one wanted to mate with Tessa, even if she is a fine-looking wolf. She is, by nature, self-centered and mean, while you have a good, sweet soul.”

Tears filled Miranda’s eyes. “I am sorry that she caused so much disruption to the Pack.”

Baron lifted her chin with one large hand. “No matter, love. We were dealing with it. Until now. Now she has gone too far and, I don’t want to keep her in the Pack. At the very least, though, the Pack demands punishment.”

Max looked at us all. “Or we could send her off with Mercer. He can’t stand being in a Pack, at this point. Add to that, Edward isolated him for a very long time. He would chafe at Pack bonds. He is, though, interested in Tessa, since she is having trouble being in a Pack. He told me so when I was checking him over. He is strong enough to handle her, I think. I say, let her go off with him. He can always return with her later or take her back to her parents if things don’t work out.”

Shane nodded. “That would be a good solution, at least in the interim. I just think we need to make sure he knows who she is.”

“He knows.” Max’s tone showed his determination. “I made sure he knew what he was signing up for. He seemed…… eager to take on such a task. I think being out of the military is boring for him.”

“Huh.” Baron’s thoughtful tone rumbled. “Well, I approve. Miranda, tell Max where Tessa is, since I know you hid her to keep her away from us.”

Miranda blushed, even though there was no reproach in her mate’s voice. “She is at the North cabin.”

Max took out his phone and sent the information to someone. I suspected Mercer was the one getting this information.

Baron turned to Shane and smiled. “Well, now that we took care of Mercer and Tessa, let’s talk about you. Are you leaving to start your own Pack? And how many of mine are you taking with you?”

Shane chuckled, rubbing one of his hands over my knee.

“Are you pushing me out, Baron?”

Baron gave him a look. “Seriously, Shane. You should have left ages ago. You are an Alpha and have only remained with my Pack because of some convoluted sense of loyalty to me. So yes, if I must, I am kicking you out. I also realized a while back that I would have to give up some of my Pack, since they were your people. Miranda and I will move up north, leaving this southern area for you, since this is where Holden is most comfortable.”

“Me?” That came out as a squeak.

Baron turned his dark eyes to me. “Yes, you, Holden. You are going through so many changes and new experiences right now. Learning you have lycanthrope DNA. Heck, learning lycanthropes even exist. Then you mated with an Alpha wolf who will start his own Pack. That means not only learning what it means to be a wolf but also what it means to be the Pack’s Alpha female.”

“I can help with that,” Miranda interjected.

Baron glanced between the two women, noticing the discomfort I had around his mate. Ignoring that, he continued. “You also haven’t shifted. We don’t know if you even can. That may or may not cause issues with your Pack.” He ignored the soft growl that came from Shane at that statement. “Having to leave a familiar place to start up somewhere new would be a lot for anyone to handle. I suspect you can do your research work from here, even though, that may be sort-of weird.”

I frowned at Baron, thinking. What was so weird about my job? A wolf biologist? Oh!

I started chuckling and soon was laughing so hard tears came out of my eyes. Baron grinned at me. It took a few more minutes before the rest caught on and started laughing with us.

“I guess I will have a definite advantage on my colleagues. Then again, I will have to pick what to research and write about. I don’t think the general population is ready to learn about lycanthropes.” I exhaled, wiping away the stray tears that had appeared when I had laughed. “In fact, it may just be easier to change to another species to study or some other research topic. With the fact I was on sabbatical, this may be the best time.”

Shane pulled me in, offering me comfort both with his closeness and through our bond. I smiled up at him, my smile tinged with sadness.

He kissed the top of my head and then turned back to Baron.

“To answer your question, Lexi, Soren, and Betta are definite. Maggie wants to come, so that means Boomer will follow along since he is interested in our Omega. Splinter, then will follow since he has followed Boomer for years now. If you can give up Shaz, I wouldn’t mind him in my group.”

Baron slapped his hand down on the sides of the chair he was in. “Omega?”

Shane grinned at him. “Omega. Holden figured it out. You snooze, you lose, old wolf.”

Baron snorted. “Huh.”

“I would also like to go with Shane.” Max spoke up. “I would love to work with Holden on some of her research, and we work well together.” He paused and then blurted out. “Also, Sarah is pregnant again. I want to keep her around Maggie and Holden as much as possible to ensure that the pup survives the pregnancy this time. She has always had a hard time not shifting for so long.”

I leaned forward. “What can I do to help her, Max? I know nothing about lycanthropes or shifting. Or birthing pups either.”

“You don’t shift. Even if you learn to, you will have a greater control over shifting. That control, if it travels via Pack bonds like it should, from Alpha female down to others, will impact Sarah’s ability to control her shift throughout her pregnancy in a good way, ensuring a live birth.”

I sat back thinking. “So, if the female lycanthrope shifts while pregnant, it impacts the pup?”

Everyone around me nodded, their faces a variety of solemnness and sadness. These were wolves where miscarriage was common, all because of something that came naturally to them. Perhaps that is something I can research more.

Baron blew out air, standing and jostling Miranda out of his lap. She landed on her feet, turning to glower at her mate. He smiled and took her hand, walking to the door.

“Miranda and I have always wanted to explore the northern woods so we will take the rest of our Pack and head up there and establish a territory. Shane, you will take over this area in the south. Mercer wants to take Tessa and move to somewhere in between our Packs. He wouldn’t tell me where, but with him between us, that should work fine. If needed, we can work together to deal with larger issues, such as if Edward shows his face again.”

“Sounds good.” Shane waved at the Alpha, before turning to Max. “Welcome to the Pack. It surprised me you wanted to come.”

Max shrugged, standing. “It would be best for the baby. Besides that, I enjoy working with you.” He gave Shane a mischievous grin. “So, who will be your Beta? Or Betas?”

Shane groaned. “Splinter. But I think Shaz may have a chance. Boomer hates being responsible for others. That is why he works so well with Splinter. Boomer likes to work in the shadows.”

Max nodded. He turned to me.

“Now, about shifting…”

I shuddered. “I know nothing about that, Max.”

Shane lifted my hand and kissed it. “Have you ever felt like there is someone inside you? Something more than just you? Something that just wanted to get out?”

I thought back to when Edward had me chained down. “Yes, when Edward had me in his lab.”

Shane grimaced, before looking up at Max. “Do you think I should try to force her shift? Would it hurt her?”

I studied the doctor, his face pensive as he thought.

“I would say that if there isn’t a wolf there, it shouldn’t hurt her much. If there is, the first shift will be painful since she is so much older now than a typical first shift.”

He turned back to me. “Holden?”

I nodded. “Let’s try. I am not sure what you can do, but I would like to see if I can become a wolf.” The excitement caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach.


I reached down my mate bond, searching for my mate’s wolf. My wolf traveled with me, darting ahead and sniffing out corners in her mind. My wolf was eager to meet his wolf counterpart, her wolf self. I wasn’t certain Holden even had a wolf. Nothing so far showed that she did.

My wolf leaped forward and rushed to a dark area deep in her core, startling me. I followed behind, my pace more hesitant.

There, in the darkness, a small reddish wolf cowered. My wolf whined, scratching at the darkness as if it was a solid wall, trying to get to his mate. I studied it. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I didn’t want to leave her wolf there, in the dark. Not if she could shift. I just didn’t know what that darkness was or represented. Or where it came from.

I tried to reach in to grab the small wolf, but the gloom hid my hands. Nor could I feel her. I pulled back. I needed light. What was light?


I pushed my love and admiration of Holden towards the dark wall, trying to reach the wolf. I told her how much she meant to me – how much she had always meant to me since the first time I had met her. I showed her memories of when we had worked together, both in the distant past and now, letting her feel what I felt.

All the while, my wolf scratched and scrabbled, digging a hole in the darkness.

I wrapped her in love, talked to her about my wishes for our future, how we would live and grow together. About Lexi, Soren and Betta. About the new Pack, and our new life.

I felt the pups join with me in my mind, via the Pack bonds, and Maggie and Max, all sending their love to her. Lexi’s light was so bright it outshone us all, but still the darkness caged the small wolf.

As my thoughts trailed off, uncertain what else to do, my wolf broke through enough that the small red wolf could push its head through. Both of us grabbed her and pulled.

Holden’s mind threw me out as she shifted for the first time, her body changing into the reddish wolf. Her shift was swift, completing in minutes.

“Well, that was exciting.” Max gave me an exhausted smile, as he knelt beside her, his hands traveling over the panting wolf. He would make sure we had done no damage to her by forcing her into a shift this first time.

I sighed, tired, my eyes running over my mate. She was beautiful. Smaller than she should have been, but that may have been because Holden’s mind had somehow locked her in. I doubted she would ever had shifted if she hadn’t had a mate and a Pack supporting her.

Her coat was a mix of thick red and brown fur, making her almost look like an older puppy puffball, or an older but less red version of Lexi. Her eyes were no longer just gray, but a green-gray color that stood out with her coat. She had points of black on her ears and her four paws were black. And there was a small, heart-shaped bit of white fur on her chest. To me, she looked almost like a fox, except bigger and leggier.

I smiled.

Holden, my mate, you are gorgeous. I sent my love down our bond.


I turned to look at Shane, my eyes glazed, but excited.

I am a wolf! Shane, I am a wolf! I turned my head this way and that, forcing Max to move to keep from bumping me.

You are. His grin got bigger.

All the smells! I didn’t know there were so many smells. You smell great, like pine trees and… I stopped and gave a little sniff in his direction. And spice!

I turned and sniffed Max, yipping when he tapped me on the nose.

“Let me finish my examination, Holden.”

Ha! He smells like grass and roses. I sneezed. I think I am allergic to grass and flowers. I grinned.

“You know I can hear you, Holden, right? You are not talking to Shane on the mate bond, but on the general Pack ones.” Max’s voice was absentminded, as he checked out my paws and then shone a light into my eyes. He sat back, looking up at Shane. “Perfect. Small, but perfect.”

Shane chuckled. “And now we will never hear the end of this. The wolf biologist who is a wolf.”

I got up and took a few steps before tripping and falling on my face.

Oomph! Walking with four legs is hard!

The men laughed.

A young girl’s voice responded in my head. Mama Holden! Let your wolf walk for you. Give her reign over your body because she knows what to do.

Lexi? Is that you? I can talk to you even when I am a wolf?

You are Uncle Shane’s mate now, part of the Pack. You can talk to all of us – Betta, Soren and Maggie — at all times.

I stood up and danced around, my wolf keeping me on my feet as I moved about the room, ending up next to Shane, who was leaning forward, watching me, a huge grin on his face.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Shane! But let’s go for a run. I want to run! I want to…

I sat down and lifted my muzzle and howled, the sound a little weak at first but gaining in volume. A faint response came from the pups in the distance.

Shane couldn’t resist. He shifted, his silver wolf rubbing up against me, his tail wagging.

You are huge! I looked at him, my eyes wide.

He laughed, giving me a playful nip on the ear. That’s what they all say.

Huffing, I turned away. You know what I meant.

I watched as Max opened the cabin door before shifting himself. I approached the brown and gray wolf. Hey, Max!

Holden. I thought you wanted to run. The mirth in Max’s tone came through on the bond.

I could hear Shane groan behind me as I moved out onto the porch. Yes, let’s run.

I went to leap off the porch, but Shane was faster. He moved in front of me, stopping me from jumping and landing on my face again. He took the lead, nudging me into the direction he thought was best. We entered the woods and ran straight towards the compound, meeting the pups and Maggie about half way there. Then our Pack ran deeper into the trees to show me what it was like to hunt and play in the woods as a wolf.

Hours later, Max peeled off to return to his mate and the rest of us headed back to the compound. The pups shifted and dressed. Shane shifted back, pulling on sweats before strolling into the kitchen to make dinner, while I waited impatiently, realizing that I had no clue how to shift back.

Lexi ran her hands through my fur. “Think of your human self, Mama. Imagine yourself as you always have been.”

Shane turned as I started to shift back, the shift going slower this time because I was building the image of myself in my mind. He reached down the mate bond and gave me a little push back into my human self, helping to speed up the shift.

Lexi got a blanket and threw it over me as I finished.

“That was hard!” I laid out flat on the deck, my lungs straining to get enough oxygen.

Betta, eating an apple, came and sat near me. “It will get easier, Mama.” The little girl leaned against me, as if she needed the touch. Lexi leaned against my other side.

Soren, though, held himself apart from his sisters, watching us. Shane started to speak, but I beat him to it.

“Soren.” I sat up and my arms opened wide. The little boy jumped onto my lap, flinging his arms around my neck. “Don’t become a serious Alpha too soon. I want to enjoy you as a little boy.” I nuzzled his hair.

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