Hunter's Secret

Chapter 60 - Twins

Raine’s POV

Emma ended up having to have an emergency C-section because one of the twin’s heart rates dropped too low. It was a good thing too because he ended up being delivered with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and he would have died if Emma had tried to deliver him naturally. Despite being on the smaller side, both twins were healthy with just minor complications due to their prematurity. Must be Cameron’s Beta blood keeping them safe and healthy. Emma recovered from her C-section after a few days but stayed with her twins while they were monitored in the NICU. The twins were born three weeks ago and today they are all getting to come home. I am really glad Emma is living with Ryan and Emery because she will need the help, especially since she is still not allowed to lift heavy items.

Hunter and I are currently waiting for them to arrive home. He has been pacing across the floor for the last thirty minutes. He is nervous Emma won’t like the way he put the nursery together, but I looked at it and it looks beautiful. In my opinion, no one would be able to guess that a man decorated it. He did a really good job.

‘Sit down, Hunter. She will like it. I promise,’ I tell him over mind-link, and he just shakes his head.

‘What is going on with you?’ I ask.

‘I told Cameron I would take care of his family. What if I broke my one promise already?’ he says, running both hands through his hair before down his face.

‘Hunter, I don’t think having a stuffed animal potentially out of place means that you broke your promise to him. Take a deep breath. Your anxiety is making me anxious.’

‘Sorry,’ he quickly apologizes and stops pacing to take a few deep breaths.

Thankfully, he doesn’t have time to start pacing again because the door opens and in walks Emma, helped into the house by Ryan. Emery comes in after them holding the twins in her arms. Hunter immediately goes over and takes Ryan’s place, helping Emma into the living room and onto a chair. He crouches down beside her to ask her how she is feeling. I look over at Emery who is handing one of the twins to Ryan. Despite his gruff warrior appearance, his whole body softens as he holds the baby in his arms.

“Do you want to introduce them?” Ryan whispers in Emma’s direction.

“Sure. Bring them over,” Emma says, her voice tired and sad.

“Do you want to hold him, Hunter?” Emma nods to the baby Ryan is holding and Hunter looks at me in a panic. I give him an encouraging nod and he gulps before slowly nodding his head.

“Okay, go sit on the couch and Ryan will hand him to you. Support his head.”

Hunter swiftly comes to sit on the couch next to me and stretches his arms out. Ryan gently slides the baby into Hunter’s arms, adjusting them to better cradle the baby. Hunter thanks Ryan before turning his attention to the sleeping baby. As soon as his eyes land on the baby’s face, he sucks in his breath, and I watch as tears well up in his eyes. I peek over and immediately understand why. This baby is Cameron’s exact carbon copy. From his blonde hair to his little chin.

“He’s beautiful, Emma,” I whisper, emotion filling my own voice.

“His name is Cameron Junior. Well, Cameron Oliver Pierce Junior. Just like Cameron wanted to name him. I figured we could call him CJ for short. I thought about just naming him Oliver but Cameron always hated his middle name so I didn’t want his son’s name to be a name he hated,” Emma whispers back, her voice holding the same emotions I can feel in Hunter.

“And this little girl is Meredith Lia Pierce. After my mom because even though she is not a perfect mother, she is still my mother, and this is still her granddaughter. I hope one day, mom will come to meet her grandchildren,” Emma smiles down at the little baby in her arms. I walked over to Emma to see baby Meredith. She has dark hair like her mom and is equally as beautiful.

I look back at Hunter who is looking at the baby in his arms with so much love and adoration that I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a good dad to our kids. In fact, he looks so damn sexy right now. His brown hair has slightly fallen into his face as he observes the baby. His arms are stiff and gentle all at the same time, almost like he is afraid to squish the little man. I unconsciously lick my lips and Hunter fights the smirk that is trying to form on his face.

‘Lovey? You okay?’ he asks over mind-link, not raising his head.

‘Mhm. I just figured out what I want for dinner tonight.’

‘Yeah? What do you want?’


He chokes on his air and moves his head away from the baby so he can cough over his shoulder. Emma purses her lips and glares at Hunter who sheepishly looks at her, a blush forming on his face. I smirk knowing his blush is not there because he is embarrassed.

“Um, Ryan can you take him back? I am feeling really exhausted suddenly. I think I should go back home,” Hunter quickly mutters, his voice raspy and hoarse.

I hold back my laugh as Ryan takes CJ from Hunter’s arms.

“I know you have been anxious about their arrival. Practically everyone in the pack could feel your anxiety. Go rest. They are all home now. Emery and I will take good care of all three of them,” Ryan gently says as Hunter stands up, glaring at me.

I offer him my sweetest smile and turn to Emma, “Thank you for letting us meet them. I think I need to go home too. Hunter hasn’t been taking very good care of himself lately and I think I need to help him with that tonight.”

Hunter shoots me another look as he slightly coughs, his face turning a darker shade of pink. I ignore him and continue talking to Emma.

“I love you, girlie. You are so strong. Call me if you need anything, okay?” I say, slightly bending down to give her a gentle half hug.

“Thank you. Both of you. I appreciate you putting together the nursery, Hunter.”

He responds with a very pained, “You’re welcome.”

He turns and makes a beeline for the door and Emma raises her eyebrow at me. I throw my hands up and shrug my shoulders, suggesting I have no idea what is going on with him. She quietly laughs and I smile at her before saying my quiet goodbyes to everyone. I walk out of the house and as soon as I get the door shut, Hunter grabs my shoulders and crashes his lips against mine. As much as I want to kiss him, I push him away.

‘Not here, Hunter. Let’s get home first.’

He narrows his already black eyes at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me toward our house.

‘Can you let go of my wrist? It kind of hurts.’

He immediately drops my hand and apologizes, slightly slowing down. Thankfully it is a short walk to our house from theirs. We walk inside and he shuts the door before picking me up, holding me under my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist and lock my ankles together before wrapping my arms around his neck. His eyes flash an even darker black and I slightly giggle as my heart speeds up.

He carries me up the stairs, taking them two at a time until we reach our room. He sits down on the bed, me still wrapped around him and he looks at me for permission and I nod my head. He growls and kisses me, hard. I move my hands to his hair and part my lips, granting him access which he quickly takes advantage of. He moves his hands up and down my back, leaving a trail of ignited fire all over my skin from his touch.

He stands up, picking me up again before laying me down on the bed, breaking the kiss just long enough for him to pull off his shirt. I do the same and his eyes trail over my body, but I don’t feel uncomfortable this time. I want this. I want him. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of my pants and pauses, looking at me for confirmation. I give him another nod and he smiles, pulling my pants and underwear off before shedding the rest of his own clothes. He climbs on top of me and places one hand beside my arm before moving his other one underneath my back, his fingers ready to unclasp my bra.

“Are you sure?” he hoarsely asks, his voice sending shivers throughout my body, and I nod.

“Use your words. I need to hear you say it,” he demands, looking into my eyes for reassurance.

“Yes. I want this. I want you. Now,” I breathlessly say, and he smiles again, quickly undoing my bra and tosses it to the floor. His lips meet mine again before he trails little kisses all the way down my neck, pausing at my mark for an extended kiss, sending sparks through my entire being. This is way better than I could have ever dreamed. Which I did. Several times. But this…this is so much better. He kisses me again and I feel his love and desire for me course through our bond and I smile. This is my Hunter. All mine.

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