Chapter 10

Sundown was approaching and Sebastian’s blacked-out SUV was put to good use. Parked with Ryan’s old truck just a couple of miles away from the beach house, the people within waited, and some did not understand why. All of the windows of the old pickup were blacked out but the windshield, and all four windows were left down about an inch to allow some ventilation inside.

Now dressed in form fitting black commando trousers and a tank top tee shirt under her bullet resistant utility vest, Wendy sat in the back of the SUV on the passenger’s side with two others as she did her best to occupy herself while they awaited what they were going to do. With a deep sigh, she looked out the window yet again, looking toward the house that was too far away to see. Shaking her head, she grumbled, “I don’t see why we don’t hit them before sundown.”

Merrill was sitting by the other window and replied, “Because the old man wants us to wait, in part because he’s bringing reinforcements and in part because he wants them to sweat it out for a while.”

Dressed identical to Wendy and sitting between her and Merrill, Vanessa looked to him and corrected, “We don’t sweat.”

“Nessa,” Wendy said dryly, “shouldn’t you be asleep?”

“Too excited to sleep,” she replied.

With a nod, Wendy looked to the front seat and shook her head as she saw Leon behind the wheel, leaned back in his seat and sound asleep. “He has the right idea,” she observed.

Clifton was sitting right in front of her and looked over his shoulder at her, then to Vanessa. “How you doing back there, sweet cheeks?”

The vampire girl smiled and just nodded.

He winked, then looked forward to the old truck again.

“Cover up, Nessa,” Wendy ordered. As the vampire girl pulled a blanket up over her, Wendy went on, “I’m going to go see how Ryan’s doing, maybe squeeze in a quickie before this whole thing starts.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Clifton informed.

Opening her door, Wendy warned, “Down, boy,” and stepped out.

Ryan looked to the passenger door of his old truck as it opened and his expression did not change as Wendy got in and sat down beside him on the long bench seat.

“How goes it, stud?” she greeted.

“Living the dream,” he replied.

She moved in close to him, unfastening the front of her vest to allow it to hang open as she half turned to press her chest against him. “Thought you might be lonely and wanted to come see how hot I can make you.”

He smiled and slipped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her even closer to him as he confirmed, “I see.” His other hand reached around and slid under her vest, and up her, and hesitated.

Raising her brow, Wendy informed, “Oh, darn the luck. I’m not wearing a bra again. I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”

“I wouldn’t say I’m uncomfortable,” he assured as he pulled her up closer to him.

Wendy closed her eyes as their eyes met and she allowed her hand to migrate under his shirt and up his belly, and she turned in her seat to face him fully. She drug her leg across his lap and twisted herself around to face him chest to chest, the whole time keeping her mouth firmly against his. Before he realized what was happening, she was straddling his lap and pressed closely against him, one arm around his back while the other hand grasped his neck. To her delight, his hand explored her body and finally moved up her sides, and as he slid the vest off of her she held her arms behind her to allow it to fall. She was quickly short of breath and realized he was as well. She could feel his arousal growing second by second, and squirmed her hips to help this along.

Quite suddenly, he grabbed the back of her hair and jerked her head over, and she sucked a hard breath as his mouth found her neck, right under her ear again. She lowered her mouth to his neck to return the favor and he released her hair and allowed that hand to slide slowly down her back, then back up under her shirt.

With a little smile, she pulled away just slightly and whispered in his ear, “You’d better not let my folks catch you violating me like this.”

“They’re still at the movies,” he informed. “We have time.”

Quickly realizing that he had both hands under her shirt, she drew away from him just a little as he slid it up her body, and she raised her arms and curled them back over her shoulders as he slowly removed it from her. When it fell to the floorboard, he grasped her hair again, this time pulling her back against the steering wheel and she rolled her head back over it as his lips began to glance around her breasts. She ran her fingers through his hair as he did this. When the horn honked, she jumped and barked a scream and they both laughed as he pulled her back toward him to kiss her again.

She pulled back again, a flirty smile on her lips as she asked, “So, have you ever gone all the way in this thing before?”

He shook his head and confirmed, “No, not yet.”

“Oh,” she drawled. “So your ugly old truck’s still a virgin, huh? We should probably fix that.” Her hands slid down his chest and she squirmed away from him a little. “Not to worry, Sweetie. I’m something of an acrobat. You just let Wendy handle things this time.”

Before she could reach his trousers, someone knocked on the window beside them and they both slowly turned their heads to see Vlad staring in at them with a blank expression, and Wendy was quick to raise her arms to her chest. He was well dressed, as he always was, and wearing a heavy looking black trench coat and sunglasses.

Ryan casually reached to the window crank and rolled it down, greeting, “So what’s the good word?”

“You would know that better than I,” was Vladimir’s response. His eyes strayed to Wendy and he pulled his sunglasses off, eying her up and down for a second before he raised his brow and nodded.

Wendy dared to smile back at him and lifted a hand just high enough to point at her chest, and she bragged, “They’re real, you know.”

“I can see that,” he confirmed. Looking to Ryan again, he continued, “While I do hate to… The Roeskellovs are in the car behind us, so perhaps your petting could wait for another time.”

“Or,” Wendy suggested, “you could stall them for like ten minutes.”

His eyes slid to her and his expression was no longer quite so pleasant as he ordered, “Get dressed and meet the rest of us at their car. You can play later.”

As he turned and walked away, she barked, “Come on, Dad! It’s not like we haven’t already done it!”

Ryan raised his brow as she met his eyes and asked, “To be continued?”

She grasped the sides of his head and assured, “Every day and night until the end of time, ’kay?”

“Sounds good,” he conceded, “but right now let’s get out there.”

As the sun began to set, doors opened on the truck and SUV and predapires emerged to greet the Vampire matriarch. Halfway there, Wendy threw her arm across Ryan’s chest, her eyes wide as she recalled, “Roeskellovs? As in more than one?”

Ryan replied, “I’m guessing Lord Roeskellov flew in as soon as he heard about Sebastian.” He took her hand and warned, “He and Vlad don’t get along well, as you can probably guess, so we’ll need to keep tensions to a minimum until this thing is over.”

Wendy nodded, and as they strode toward the big, black limousine again, she grumbled, “I so hate it when the grown-ups fight all the time!”

The limousine had another SUV behind it, smaller than the one that had been recently stolen from Sebastian and silver in color. This is where Vlad went, but the rest of the team waited by the limousine, and Ryan and Wendy waited with them.

Quietly, they all looked to the West, as slowly the sun sank below the horizon, and in a moment it yielded to a dimming orange glow. The area all around was bathed in a dimming light, and soon darkness began to replace it.

And finally the doors on the limousine opened.

The first out were the four heavily armed guards the Roeskellovs almost always had with them, and all of their eyes found the predapires in mistrusting glares.

Wendy waggled her fingers at them and bade, “Sup, guys?”

They wore no expressions as they just stared back.

Another aide exited, this one well dressed in a silk suit, perfectly groomed black hair and an electronic notepad in one hand. When he was out and standing, he turned back to the car and offered his free hand, one that was taken by the gloved hand of Lady Roeskellov as she also exited.

Right behind her, a rather large man who was also very well dressed, though his attire betrayed an antiquated style, stepped from the car and stood. He was very tall, very thickly made and easily matched Vlad’s size, though he was noticeably thicker around the middle. His black hair was longer than the other vampires in his company and streaked with silver about the temples. His eyes were almost black and held a very hard expression, squinting slightly as he scanned those in his presence. It was no secret that he did not approve of the predapires being so close to him, but he seemed to be willing to tolerate them for the moment.

All of the predapires looked on with hard expressions as well, and eyes that were laced with mistrust.

Master Roeskellov walked with the purposeful strides of someone who expected those around him to make way at his approach, and his eyes found Vlad right away. Lady Roeskellov and their entourage followed, and it was Lady Roeskellov who looked the most nervous.

Stopping about three feet away from Vlad, Master Roeskellov did not take his eyes from his old enemy as he asked in a harsh, Romanian accent, “This is what you have? You expect these few peasants to deal with the troublesome Sebastian and his minions.”

“Hey, buddy,” Wendy spat. “We’ve already kicked his ass about four times so…” She trailed off as Ryan grasped her arm, rather hard.

Master Roeskellov’s eyes shifted to her and narrowed. “Apparently, Lord Tepes, you have forgotten to teach your minions about respecting the aristocracy. Pray I do not take offense.”

Vlad’s eyes also narrowed as he countered, “You were not invited to take part in this operation, Lord Roeskellov, and as you are a guest in my land I would encourage you to conduct yourself as such.”

Lady Roeskellov stepped forward, between them, and she pointed out, “My Lords, we have a common enemy at this time, one who would violate our laws and see the destruction of us all. Perhaps differences can be set aside for the moment.”

Growling a sigh, Lord Roeskellov nodded. “Very well. Perhaps this truce can be held until this crisis subsides and after I will expect that you and your people will keep your word and give amnesty to my clan and those loyal to us.”

Vlad set his jaw, raising his chin slightly as his hard gaze remained locked on the master vampire. “I have given my word, Lord Roeskellov, and that should be enough for you.”

“We shall see,” Roeskellov snarled.

Wendy clapped her hands together and stepped toward them. “Well okay, kids! Let’s think about what we’re going to do with Sebastian, then we can worry about who gets to go first on the swing, ’kay?” She looked to Ryan and slapped his arm. “Okay, so you had a plan for us?”

All eyes turned to Ryan.

Lord Roeskellov turned away, and as he strode back to his limousine he assured, “We do not need your plans, predapire. This is an affair of our kind and it will be attended to as such.” He stopped at the door to his car as an aide opened it and turned back to them, his eyes finding Vlad. “When we have Sebastian, then you may have his clan, but the traitor is mine. His entire clan is to be killed.” His gaze slid to Vanessa and he finished, “All of them.”

They all watched dumbly as he got into his car. Lady Roeskellov was also silent as she got in the other side and the other vampires got in with them. They all backed away as the cars lurched forward and took to the road, speeding toward Sebastian’s house that was just over two miles away.

Silence gripped them and only the wind in the dune grasses could be heard.

“So that’s it?” Wendy barked. “He has to know that Sebastian has him outnumbered.”

“He knows,” Vlad assured as he watched after the departing cars, “but he is a very stubborn man. He always has been. Accepting help from us no doubt strained his pride to its limit, and clearly he would only accept it on his own terms.”

Leon shook his head, also looking in the direction of the departing cars. “We getting wet again, Vlad?”

“No,” the eldest predapire replied. “This will work nicely into our plans. Wendy, you and Vanessa will need to drive. Lord Roeskellov will have us fighting with him, and I don’t care if he approves or not.”

Wendy took the lead in the black SUV and Vanessa followed in Ryan’s truck. When they arrived, Wendy pulled right in and stopped, and as she reached for the door handle she was thrown back into her seat, her head slamming into the headrest as the SUV lurched forward a few feet. Shaking her head, she opened the door and stepped out, folding her arms as she turned a very irritated look on the girl who had just rammed the pickup into the back of her.

Vanessa opened the door and jumped down from the truck, her brow arched high over her eyes as she offered, “Sorry.”

Shaking her head, Wendy turned and beckoned her on, saying, “Come on, girlfriend.”

The front lights of the house were on, as if they were expecting visitors, and a radius of around thirty feet from the house was illuminated in a yellow glow.

Wendy burst through the front door and stormed in only about four steps as she looked around her.

Lord Roeskellov turned slowly from where he stood in the middle of the room. Only he, Lady Roeskellov, one guard and an aide were there.

Meeting his eyes, Wendy set her hands on her hips and declared, “Well you sure work fast, don’t you?”

“No one is here,” he growled. “My people are checking the house, but no one is here. Now I must assume the worst.”

Wendy whipped around to Vanessa and demanded, “Where is he? Where would he go?”

The vampire girl looked to the floor, her eyes darting about as she thought, then she slowly raised her eyes and insisted, “We need to get out of here.” Looking to Wendy she added, “Right now! We have to go!”

Raising her chin slightly, Wendy’s eyes widened and she drew a breath, then she looked to the Roeskellovs and barked, “You heard Blondie! Everyone out!”

When the Vampire Master simply, defiantly narrowed his eyes, setting his fists on his hips, Lady Roeskellov took his arm and said, “My Lord, they have both come to my defense and I trust that they mean to protect us again. Please, let us do as she says!”

“Very well,” the Vampire Master snarled.

They all fled the house, the aide and guard rushing to the back to evacuate the others, who all fled toward the front.

Wendy took Vanessa’s shoulders and insisted, “We need intel, girl. Where is he and what’s he planning?”

Vanessa considered, then she replied, “When he realized that you had traded Tabitha for me at the cross and killed the men he had watching, he felt cornered. He already had a plan for you and he knew we were waiting for nightfall.”

Lord Roeskellov informed, “He knew through you.”

Closing her eyes, the vampire girl bowed her head and nodded, confirming, “Yes, My Lord, he did. I try to fight him, but he…” Tears were in her eyes as she looked to Wendy. “He makes me betray you. I’m sorry. He still…”

“He still controls the girl,” Lord Roeskellov informed. “He always will. It is best to kill her now so that he—”

“It is too late for that,” Sebastian said as he emerged from the shadows.

Everyone looked that way, and Wendy glanced around them, seeing many, many others approaching from all sides, and from within the house.

As Sebastian entered the light around them, he had that smug smile on his face and his eyes locked on the Vampire Master. “It is far too late, Lord Roeskellov.” He stopped about ten feet away and folded his hands before him as he allowed his men to take up their positions. “I know everything. I know that you were planning to bring me in, I know that the predapires were planning to use these two as a diversion and then attack the house in force from the front while we watched the beach and I know that I have a nasty surprise awaiting them when they do.” His eyes shifted to Wendy and he smiled a little broader. “The rest of my men arrived by boat about sundown. That’s the part you did not know about and you didn’t even think to look for an approach from the water.”

She folded her arms and snarled, “Two if by sea, huh?”

“But no warning tonight,” he assured. “And you were kind enough to bring me what I really wanted.” He looked back to the Vampire Master and raised his brow. “Or was it your idea? You’ve always considered yourself to be more powerful than you ever really were, Lord Roeskellov, and I’m afraid tonight you will pay for that.” He slowly shook his head. “You should have just remained in Romania like I told you to. Believe me; you would have lived much longer that way. Now, I’m afraid, it is time for you to meet your end, and time for me to take your place as the Master of all vampires.” His gaze took the vampire girl beside Wendy and he sternly ordered, “Vanessa, approach me.”

Vanessa started to move toward him, then stopped, her eyes locked on his. She half turned and looked to Wendy, then she looked to the ground before her and bravely yet meekly said, “No.”

Baring his fangs, he took a step toward her and roared, “What did you say to me, girl?”

Shakily, Vanessa drew a deep breath and repeated, “No.”

“I said approach me!” he shouted.

Clenching her jaws, the vampire girl bared her teeth and fangs and finally looked to him, defiantly crying, “I won’t!”

His eyes narrowed and he just glared at her for a long moment, then he wheeled around and stormed away, ordering, “Die with them, then. Shoot them until they cannot stand, then stake them all out on the beach to await the sun, and bring the predapire to me when she is too wounded and weak to cause me further problems.”

“You’re forgetting something,” Wendy reminded.

He stopped just at the edge of the shadows and raised his head slightly. “Your friends? You must understand, my pet that even your kind has weaknesses, and by the time they hear the guns fire it will be too late for them as well.”

“You’d better have about a hundred guys waiting for them, then,” she spat, “cause if you don’t they’re going to come right through whatever you do and…” She trailed off when he laughed.

Sebastian turned around, a big grin on his face as he shook his head. “I do have about a hundred more waiting for them, and you need to remember that your kind cannot survive if too badly injured all at once, though it does take quite a lot for that to happen. But, fire can kill you, and so can electricity.” When Wendy’s eyes widened slightly, he laughed again and informed, “As soon as they are almost here, they will be fried by about a hundred thousand volts of power that has been left for them to find just as soon as they are on top of it, and they won’t even know it’s there until they are all already nice and crispy.”

With a little nod, Wendy observed, “You really thought this through, didn’t you, Sweetie?”

“I surely did,” he replied. “And you have your little blonde friend to thank…” He looked beyond them, and his lips parted in fear. Backing away, he shouted, “Take them down!”

Some loud, inhuman growl broke through the darkness behind them, then a vampire screamed. Another from the shadows on the other side, still another from the darkness beyond. Something else growled behind Sebastian and he wheeled around. Ryan’s old truck creaked as something leaped from the bed. Gunfire erupted all around, but it was not directed at the Roeskellovs and their party. The vampires seemed to be firing in every direction.

Wendy folded her arms, a smug little smile on her face as she called, “Hey, Sebastian.” When he turned to her, she continued, “We already knew that you could see through Vanessa, so the plan you heard was totally bogus! The rest of the group is already here. Welcome to Hell, Sweetie!”

As he watched with wide eyes, Wendy stripped off her vest, then her shirt and stormed toward him. Her eyes seemed to glow yellow and her body changed, and in an instant she dropped to all fours and Sebastian turned and fled from the huge white wolf that now pursued him.

He ran around the corner of the house, stumbling over something but keeping his feet under him as he sprinted with vampire speed toward the beach. Wendy was barking and growling right behind him, snapping her teeth as she had her quick and elusive quarry in her sights. Automatic gunfire from the side flashed and she was hit a few times, yelping as it threw her off of her paws, then she rolled back up as primal instinct overwhelmed her and she turned on the vampire that shot at her.

Before the vampire had time to react or reload, the white wolf was upon him and took him to the ground. As she had done before, she tore into his body with the ferocity legendary of her kind, opened his throat, tore his vest and shirt open, gnawed through his ribs and finally got at his heart, ignoring the gurgling, screaming vampire that fought with less and less vigor to get her off of him.

“Wendy!” Vanessa shouted.

The white wolf, her jaws and chest covered with the black red vampire blood of her victim, raised her head and looked that way, her eyes finding the vampire girl who had stopped only about twenty feet away.

Vanessa pointed to the beach and shouted, “He’s getting away!”

Wendy leaned her head, barely understanding.

“Sebastian!” the vampire girl cried as she pointed to the beach again.

Looking that way, Wendy’s ears perked up, then she looked back to the blonde vampire.

“Come on!” Vanessa ordered. “Don’t let him get away. Sic ’im!”

Wendy looked that way again, seeing Sebastian splashing into the water toward a rather sizeable boat or yacht about fifty yards out, then she growled and turned toward it, leaping into pursuit again.

With long strides and throaty grunts with each impact, Wendy bounded across the sand at a full run, into the surf, and she stopped suddenly as a wave of salty water crashed into her face and blasted up her nostrils. With a yelp, she shook her head and turned away, sprinting from the water to stop and turn back as soon as her paws found dry sand again. When she saw Sebastian in the distance, he was already climbing aboard the yacht, and it was already at full power and turning away from the beach. Baring her teeth, she growled a throaty growl as she realized that he was escaping yet again, then she turned and paced back toward the house, her ears flat against her head, which she held low.

Bounding up the steps, she found herself lost in thought as she stopped at the back door, and hearing activity inside, she whined and raked her claws down it until she heard someone approaching.

Merrill was shirtless when he opened the door and looked down at her, raising his brow as he saw her and bade, “Well hi there, girl!”

She growled at him as she paced by, into the house.

Arriving at the front door, she still had her head low and her ears flat as she walked right to Ryan, who was also shirtless, and she ignored all of the eyes on her. Reaching him, she sat down and just looked at the ground before her, and she licked her chops of some of the salty, black red blood.

Ryan crouched down and scratched her between the ears, shaking his head as he guessed, “He got away again?”

A distinctly canine groan escaped her, one that gave way to a soft growl.

Vanessa came running back from the side of the house and stopped among them, right behind the white wolf, and she looked to Lord Roeskellov, then to Vlad as she grimly informed, “He got away again.” Disappointment was evident in her voice, and she looked down to Wendy, stroking her head and neck as she comforted, “You did your best, girlfriend. It’s okay.”

Wendy looked over her shoulder and barked.

Clifton strode to them from the darkness, also with no shirt on as he informed, “A few of them gave us the slip, but we sure took one hell of a bite out of ’em.”

Lord Roeskellov informed, “Still, their leadership escaped, so you have failed. He shook his head and strode toward his car.

Lady Roeskellov followed him, and there was reluctance to her steps.

“We will return home.” He stopped halfway to the car and half turned, his narrow eyes finding Vlad. “I trust you will adhere to our accord?”

“So long as you do,” the Romanian predapire replied in a hard voice. “Any of your clan who step outside of your laws even once or any who fall under our attention will be dealt with as we see fit.”

With a long glare, the Master Vampire warned, “I will consider us no longer openly hostile, Lord Tepes, but I will also consider that there is no trust between us. See to it your people adhere to the truce as well. Open war between us is not something you would welcome.”

“Nor would you,” Vlad snarled.

Lord Roeskellov set his jaw, then he looked to Vanessa and ordered, “You will come with us to be dealt with as a traitor should be.”

As his guards approached the vampire girl, Wendy sprang up and charged toward her, her teeth bared and a loud growl erupting from her.

“She is one of ours now, Roeskellov,” Vlad warned. “Move against her and you’ll see our truce end tonight.”

Raising his chin, the Master Vampire glared back, then he roared, “You are not to meddle in vampire affairs, Tepes!”

Vlad strode toward the ancient vampire, a glare in his wide eyes as he shouted back, “Vampire affairs are not my concern, night walker! If I say she is under my protection then believe me I will slaughter all of your kind should you move against her!”

Stepping between them, Lady Roeskellov turned first to Vlad, and she approached slowly and dared to take his hands as she assured, “We will adhere to the truce, Lord Tepes, and we shall return home at once.” She looked over her shoulder at her husband and said, “My Lord, further hostilities tonight in the wake of the escape of a common enemy would be foolish. I beg you; let us simply go in peace.”

Her voice seemed to calm him and his expression was not so hard as his gaze was fixed on hers. With a nod, he conceded in a low, calm voice, “As you wish, my Lady.” He looked to his ancient enemy, and bowed his head in a clear demonstration of respect.

Vlad bowed his head in response.

Wendy grasped Vanessa’s shoulder as she stood, rubbing her eyes as she loudly said, “Wow! Worst hangover ever!”

All eyes found her.

And Lord Roeskellov actually smiled. Laughing under his breath, he shook his head and informed, “Lord Tepes, you have larger problems than me under your attention.”

Looking around her, Wendy barked, “What!”

Slipping an arm around her shoulders, Vanessa whispered in her ear, “You’re a little naked.”

Wendy looked down at herself, then she covered her chest and mumbled, “Oh. How awkward.”

Merrill threw her shirt to her and she caught it and was quick to slip into it. It thankfully dropped down below her hips and she pulled it down as low as she could, then she strode to Lady Roeskellov and took her hands, smiling at her as she insisted, “You’re going to have to come back and visit. We have some serious girl time planned, remember?”

The vampire matriarch smiled and squeezed her hands. “I never thought I would see this day, when I would welcome a friendship with one of your kind.”

“Love you, too,” Wendy assured. She pulled the matriarch to her and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, one which was returned in a rare show of affection from the vampire woman.

When they parted, Wendy warned, “You behave now. I wouldn’t want to fly all the way to Romania and eat you or anything.”

“I would not want that, either,” Lady Roeskellov assured. She looked to Vlad and bowed to him, offering, “I shall take my leave of you, Lord Tepes.”

He bowed his head and replied, “Until next we meet, my Lady.”

As the limousine and silver SUV pulled away and disappeared down the road, Wendy slipped an arm around Ryan’s bare back and leaned her head on his shoulder, grumbling, “It seems like it’s over, but I know it isn’t.”

“For now it is,” he assured.

Without speaking, Vlad turned and strode into the house, and everyone turned to follow him.

As they got into the house, Leon, Merrill and Vlad sat down on the long, circular couch that surrounded the room.

Leon leaned his head back and laid a hand on his belly. “You know, we need to deal with those night walker bodies out there, but I don’t think I can eat another bite!”

“I’m with you,” Merrill confirmed. “Haven’t eaten that well in a long time.”

Vanessa wandered toward the back of the house, and Wendy caught up to her as she reached the back door.

“Hey, girlfriend,” Wendy called as she slipped her arm around the girl’s shoulders. “Where are you off to?”

With a shrug, Vanessa replied in a low voice, “Nowhere. I just want to walk on the beach for a while. I have some thinking to do.”

Nodding, Wendy conceded, “Okay, Blondie. Just don’t wander too far, okay?”

“Yeah,” Vanessa whispered.

Patting the girl’s shoulder, Wendy kissed her cheek and turned around, seeing Clifton coming up on them.

“Hey,” he greeted, a little concern in his eyes and voice.

Vanessa half turned and looked back at him. When he was almost within touching distance, she extended her hand to him, and closed her fingers around his when he took it.

Arriving back in the living room, Wendy looked around to the three who were still in there, and she asked, “Where’s Ryan?”

“He said something about a shower,” Merrill answered as he opened a beer.

Her brow shot up and she wheeled around, barking, “Score!” as she darted to the back of the house.

Hours later, Wendy and Ryan emerged from the suite, this time arm in arm as they strode together into the living area. She was wearing one of his shirts, and he was wearing only his commando trousers.

As they got in there to find Merril, Vlad and Leon still lounging there, Wendy loudly asked, “Anything to eat around here?”

“All over the place outside,” Leon assured.

“Ew,” she mumbled. “Did Clifton and Nessa make it back yet?”

All shook their heads.

Vlad mentioned, “At some point we should discuss her future.”

Wendy turned her eyes to the floor, her lips tightening as she braced herself to defend the girl’s position among the group yet again.

“That Goth group is still willing to feed her,” Merrill pointed out, “but I get the impression that Clifton would like to take her to Texas with him.”

Her eyes darting to Merrill, Wendy drew a wisp of a breath and found herself unable to speak.

“We should not have too many knowing of her,” Vlad pointed out. “If he can find such a group of loyals for her in his home area then that would be fine, but the logistics of covertly caring for a vampire could be something of a challenge.”

“So,” Wendy started hesitantly, “nobody wants to eat her anymore?”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Leon corrected, “but I think we’ve all grown too fond of her to just have her for dinner one night. I mean, if you have a pet chicken or something you don’t think about eating it all the time.”

Hearing the back door close, Wendy and Ryan turned to see Clifton approaching them.

“Um,” he started, looking as if he was nervous about something. “Ness would like to see us outside. Not sure why.”

“It is going to be sunup shortly,” Vlad pointed out as he stood.

Clifton shrugged, then turned to lead the way.

They found her at the water’s edge, just staring out over the surf with her hair blowing in the wind and her arms folded over her chest. At some point she had stripped off the commando trousers and just wore the long tank top over her, which also fluttered in the wind. White panties could be seen as it blew up over her hips, but modesty seemed to be the last thing on her mind. They all approached to within a few feet of her and stopped, and nobody could speak. There was a tension that all could sense. Not unnoticed was the glow that already grew brighter on the horizon.

Wendy approached a couple of steps and said in a gentle voice, “Hey, girl. About time for bed, isn’t it?”

Vanessa nodded and softly confirmed, “Yeah.” She finally turned, and the strain in her eyes was somehow mixed with a strange peace there. “I just want to thank you all. Thank you for taking me in, for protecting me and doing what you could to get me away from Sebastian. I’ve never felt as free as I am right now.” She turned her eyes down and a tear rolled forth. “You have all been so wonderful and you made me feel included, like I was part of your clan.”

“You are,” Wendy assured.

“I never will be,” Vanessa countered. “I’m a vampire and as long as I am, Sebastian will hold me captive.”

“Until we get him,” Wendy insisted. “Nessa, this isn’t over. We know how we’re going to take care of you and we’ve already set up people who can—”

“I can’t!” Vanessa cried, crossing her arms over her chest. “Wendy, I can’t! I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to drink blood or hurt people, or never know when Sebastian will take control of me! I…” She bowed her head and wept, “I just can’t. I can’t do it anymore.”

Wendy enveloped the vampire girl in her arms and assured, “We’ll think of something, girlfriend. We’re not done with you.”

Vanessa pushed away and took her friend’s hands, turning her tear filled eyes to Wendy’s as she said in a little girl’s voice, “I am. I am done with this. Don’t you see? I just can’t live a vampire anymore.”

Not knowing what to say, Wendy just stared dumbly back at her.

Pulling her hands away, Vanessa looked to Clifton and approached him with apprehensive strides. As he took her waist in his hands, she reached up and cupped the side of his face in her hand, and she managed a smile as she softly offered, “Thank you. Thank you for showing me love for the first time in my life.”

Tears filled Wendy’s eyes as she watched the vampire girl share one last kiss with an enemy she loved, and slowly she shook her head.

Vanessa pulled away from Clifton and backed away from him, then she looked to the others and offered, “Thank you all. Thank you for giving me these last few nights. I love you all.” Turning to the beach again, she stopped beside Wendy and drew a long breath, nodding as she said, “I’ve so missed watching the sunrise. I’ve missed it for three hundred years.” Another tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. “I only want to see one more, just one more sunrise.”

Wendy took her hand and reminded, “Nessa, I hear that’s the worst way for a vampire to die.”

With a shrug, Vanessa assured, “It won’t matter. I’m going to enjoy the sunrise. Maybe it will hurt, but I’m sure I’ll be too lost in the sunrise to even notice.” She looked to her predapire friend and smiled. “It’s all I want anymore, Wendy. I just want this to be over.”

Her lips tightening until her mouth was only a thin slit, Wendy nodded and conceded in a whisper, “Okay.” She reached behind her head and pulled her hair around to her right shoulder. “How about one last bite before you go? It… Our blood is bad poisonous to you and it’ll be much quicker this way.” She glanced at the glow over the horizon that grew brighter and brighter, knowing the sun would peak over it any second. “Go ahead, girlfriend. You know you’ve always wanted to.”

Vanessa looked over her shoulder, and as the very tip of the sun broke the horizon, she turned fully back to her friend, lowered her mouth to her neck and kissed right where she would bite, and then she bit into Wendy’s neck gently and painlessly. She drank for a few seconds, and as she felt the sun begin to burn the backs of her legs, she kissed the bite one more time to stop the bleeding, then she backed away and offered Wendy a smile. “You taste wonderful, girlfriend.” With a nod, she offered, “Thank you. Thank you for your friendship. I love you.”

As the girl turned and approached the water again, Wendy backed up toward her comrades, and when she felt Ryan’s thick arms wrap around her, she leaned back into him and allowed herself to cry as she watched smoke begin to rise from her friend.

Vanessa drew a loud gasp and looked back at the predapires. Her eyes were yellow surrounding tiny black dots, her skin was burnt, and still she smiled as she declared, “It’s even more beautiful than I remember!” She turned back, and a laugh escaped her as she watched the sun emerge from the horizon. “It’s beautiful!”

Consumed by smoke, the girl grasped her belly and doubled over, then she cried out and sank to her knees, keeping her attention on the sun that burned her alive. Finally, she screamed and fell back onto her calves, folding her body over her legs as flames began to consume her.

As the girl screamed louder, Wendy turned and buried her face in Ryan’s chest, clinging to him as she wept shamelessly.

Less than a moment later, Vanessa went quiet and only the surf could be heard as it swept up and washed away some of the ash that remained of her.

Hearing only the surf now, Wendy looked that way, seeing only blackened and gray and white ash in the form of her vampire friend. She pulled away from Ryan and held her hands to her chest as she approached the ashen form of Vanessa.

She knelt down beside what was left of her friend as the surf reached them again, and tears streamed from her eyes as she reached up to where the girl’s hair had been. “You didn’t deserve any of this. I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I sure am glad I got to meet you. I hope you’ll get to heaven. No, I’m sure you will.” She stroked the ashen form’s head, wincing as some of it crumbled away. A broken breath entered her as the surf reached them again, and she wiped the tears from her eyes as she whispered, “I know how much you love the sea, so I guess this is something you’ll love to be a part of.”

More of the ash crumbled away, and a glint of golden hair caught Wendy’s eye. She brushed more ash away, then looked down as a larger wave washed away more to revealing something she did not expect to see, and she shouted, “Ryan!”

In a second he was kneeling down beside her, and the other predapires had also approached and were standing behind them.

Wendy brushed more of the ash away, revealing blonde hair and fair skin! “Vanessa?” she cried.

“She didn’t burn up completely,” Ryan observed.

The ash moved, and crumbled away as the girl pushed herself up.

Wendy Frantically brushed more of the ash away from the girl’s shoulders and head, and she winced as Vanessa opened her eyes.

Shaking her head, Vanessa sent a cloud of the fine ash from her and allowed it to fall, then she looked to Wendy, then to the sun. Her eyes were blue; the blue of a deep sea, and her pupils shrank against the bright light of the rising sun. Turning her attention back to Wendy, she breathed in involuntary deep breaths, and finally observed, “I don’t think it’s supposed to happen this way!”

Vlad knelt down on her other side and brushed more of the ash from her bare back. He also looked to the sun, then he took the girl’s chin and turned her face toward him, looking into her eyes for a second before he asked, “How do you feel?”

Vanessa shrugged and replied, “I feel okay, I think.” She raised a hand to her chest, then her eyes widened and she breathed, “My heart is beating!”

Wendy took her arm, holding her finger’s over the girl’s wrist, then she looked to Vlad and reported, “She has a pulse, and her skin is warm.”

“Open your mouth,” Vlad ordered, and when the girl did he ran his finger along her teeth, then he raised his chin as he pulled her lips away from her teeth, his mouth open as he mumbled, “She’s predapire.”

“What?” Leon roared. “We ain’t made that way, man!”

“And yet it has happened,” Vlad confirmed. He looked to Wendy and asked, “She was taken against her will?”

“And fed off of the living for three hundred years!” Wendy confirmed.

“All that time,” the old predapire said absently, his eyes on Vanessa, “something within her remained pure and untainted by the evil of what she was.” A little smile took his lips and he nodded, turning Vanessa’s face to him again as he bade, “Welcome to my family, my girl. Welcome.”

He and Wendy helped her to her feet, and she looked down and covered her chest, drawing her shoulders up as she declared, “Oh, my!”

“You’re a little naked,” Wendy informed with a smile. “How about the next thing you do is shower.”

“I can help with that,” Clifton announced as he approached.

Vanessa turned and clung to him, smiling as she looked to Vlad and asked, “You are sure I’m one of you now?”

He pointed to the sun and assured, “It would seem so, and it would seem that you have opened a new chapter in your life.”

Looking to the surf as it washed over her feet, she shook her head and corrected, “No, I think I should close the last one before I move on.”

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