Hunter Maximus

Chapter 7

My parents are more than happy to see me when the taxi drops me off out front of our apartment block, which was on the other side of the city from the vampire palace. They were waiting for me outside, worry on their faces.

They hug me for what seems like forever before finally letting me go.

“Luke promised he would rescue you,” My mum says, trying not to cry, “We thought you might have been killed by that brute, Maximus.”

“He won’t be getting his hands on you again darling,” My dad puts his arm around my shoulders as they walk me into the lobby and then head to the elevator.

My parents continue to fuss over me, they feed me a midnight dinner and wrap me up in blankets on the couch. Constantly I tell them I’m okay, because, strangely, I wasn’t traumatised from the whole experience.

More so, I was annoyed.

My parents eventually decide to go to bed and I tell them I want to watch television a bit, just because I wasn’t in the mood to sleep yet. So instead I watch the late night news and keep my phone close at hand, waiting from news from Luke to see if they successfully rescue Jennifer from a fate she was willing to accept.

Or if they fail to do so.

I try not to think about the thought of Luke being killed, but I knew he was one of the quickest vampire hunters that existed. He was exceptionally fast. And he had been hunting for five years now and was experienced. So he should come out alive.

I hoped.

The news comes back on after a commercial break ends and lights up with a big flashing heading, ‘Breaking News: Missing teenager Jennifer, rescued by politician’ I turn up the volume and listen carefully as the news reporter excitedly reports, “Politician Greg Humphrey organised a secret rescue mission for the missing teenager, Jennifer, who disappeared from her home just last week. She has been held prisoner at the secret vampire palace located in the city and is now being taken to a hospital of her parents’ choice, as she has reportedly sustained massive amounts of bruising, blood loss and starvation. There are also unconfirmed rumours that a vampire prince of the palace was also taken by the government in retaliation for the abduction of the young and innocent human girl. These rumours are yet to be confirmed however. That is all we have on the story for now, we will keep everyone updated as soon as we hear anymore updates ourselves...” I nearly jump out of my skin as my phone suddenly vibrates against my thigh and rings loudly.

It’s Luke.

I excitedly answer the phone, ready to hear his voice so I know he is alive.

“Luke, it’s about time, I was so worried!” I smile as I wait for his reply.

“Now, now, sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about,” That is not Luke’s voice.

My hand clutches my phone tighter, I grit my teeth in anger.

“Maximus?” I ask, “Why do you have Luke’s phone?”

“Isobel, if you want to see this vampire hunter friend of yours again, you need to meet me outside your dress shop in exactly 2 hours. I’ll trade you for your friend.”

“Do you need me to make another dress or you just want to keep me as a pet? Don’t you have other things to be worrying about? I heard the humans took one of the Prince Vampires,” I hiss back, worried for Luke’s safety... and my own.

“Yes,” Maximus replies, an underlying hint of frustration in his tone, “I need your help and I’ll be taking it. If you don’t come, your friend is dead.”

“Why do you need my help?” I wonder.

“You’ll soon see. And you will be staying by my side. No more escape attempts. Do you comprehend what I’m saying, darling?”

“I hate you,” I say it quietly and with as much venom as I can muster.

Then I hang up.

In two hours I’d trade myself for Luke, to save him from Maximus.

And I’d be at Maximus’ mercy once more.


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