Hunter Maximus

Chapter 51

Isobel’s POV

I’m decked out in a tight blood red skirt, black top and thigh high black boots. I’m also wearing a long jacket over all this, with two stakes hidden inside in the inner pockets while I sit at a table inside a bar with Luke and Charlotte.

All day that I had been with Luke, Charlotte had refused to leave his side and even now I hadn’t been able to talk to him alone. It was quite awkward but my mind was solely focused on Maximus coming back for me. And my need to stake a vampire before he could get to me. Then I would be a turned fully fledged vampire hunter and he wouldn’t be able to make me his slave again.

I would be untouchable and we would frankly become each other’s arch nemesis. A Hunter such as himself wouldn’t be allowed to be in a relationship with the very thing he craved to kill.

I just had to find a vampire to stake to complete the ritual and that is why Luke and Charlotte brought me to a bar called Witchcraft Corner. While mostly witches hung out here, that meant other supernatural creatures also dwelt in this area.

Witches wouldn’t be too bothered with vampire hunters being in the area either, because witches and vampires didn’t have the best of relations most of the time. We were more than welcome here.

“Let’s drink to Izzy’s freedom,” Luke lifts his beer glass and Charlotte lifts her wine glass. I reach up my glass of water - I didn’t like drinking. I liked to be alert and now more than ever I needed to be on the ball.

“You’ll love the thrill of the kill, Isobel,” Charlotte says, I admit she is slightly more at ease with my presence but I still didn’t trust or like her, “I live for bringing justice to the world of mortals. When you kill an evil vampire, or any vampire for that fact, you feel inside your soul that you are doing good by the people we are destined to protect.”

“I’ve heard this all before from Luke,” I admit, she pretty much was speaking him word for word. They obviously clicked well if they were already picking up on each other’s habits.

“I’m not going to lie, seducing a vampire is a good way to lure them in,” Luke says honestly now that he is getting a little tipsy.

“You always told me not to degrade myself in any way,” I say with a grin, “Are your morals dropping?”

“Oh no, I don’t want you to do that,” Luke shakes his head, “I was just reminiscing about the times I had sunk down to those low levels... I thought I might share a tale or two while we wait for some targets to appear -”

“Can you smell that?” Charlotte cuts him off, leaning into whisper, “Sorry to interrupt, babe. I can smell one, whoever just entered -” she looks over her shoulder to the front door and so do I. My eyes widen quite a tad when I see two familiar faces. It’s not Maximus thank god, it’s Anthony and Carla!

“Yes, that male,” Luke nods towards Anthony, “He looks cocky doesn’t he? Look at the way he is dragging that poor young girl around with him so forcefully. He would be a good choice for you to pursue, Isobel?”

Oh shit.

No way.

I couldn’t kill my friend!

I quickly turn to face Luke and Charlotte, quickly putting on a neutral expression.

“Not him,” I say quickly, “Someone else.”

“If you don’t want him, me and Charlotte can take him down -”

“Shut up, they are coming this way,” Charlotte hisses, after looking over her shoulder quickly and then facing us again once more.

This wasn’t good.

I had to tell the truth.

“No, I know them,” I admit, avoiding Luke’s gaze, “They are my friends.”

“Hey Izzy!” Carla calls out and I try not to notice the shocked look in Luke and Charlotte’s eyes as I turn towards my friends with a smile on my face.

Anthony doesn’t look very comfortable as he comes closer to stand before us at our table, glaring down at Luke and Charlotte. He obviously knew they were vampire hunters. Why on earth were they here?

“Hi guys... what are you doing here?” I ask both of them, confused by their presence and also worried about Anthony’s safety.

“We just wanted to say hello when we saw you,” Carla says and I see Anthony’s eyes harden.

“I won’t lie, Isobel,” Anthony says quietly, “You should probably keep your distance around us.”

“Why? We should hang out if you want to,” I say slowly, confused at the choice of his words, “I think I need to talk to you guys anyway about something... Luke, you don’t mind if I talk to them for a bit? I’ll be right back.”

I see Luke’s expression clearly suggesting he is not okay with this at all, not one bit.

“Be quick, we have business to do,” he says, not smiling at me in approval but looking quite tense instead. Charlotte just glares at me as I nod. I try to take Anthony and Carla away to another table where I can talk to them in private.

“Follow us,” Carla says nervously as we walk away.

“This is a trap, Isobel,” Anthony admits, putting a hand on the small of my back and leading me to a secluded booth on the other side of the room, “We don’t usually come here.”

“A trap for me?” I ask, amused, “You’ve come to catch me for Maximus have you?”

“No, not catch you,” Carla says, looking at Anthony nervously, “He just wanted us to get you away from them.”

I stop in my tracks just before we stop by the empty booth.

“Well I guess our talk can wait and I’ll just go back to Luke,” I say as I watch Anthony and Carla slide down into the booth. Anthony shrugs.

“You already fell for the trap, good luck getting out if it, here he comes now,” Anthony looks annoyed as he looks past me to the entrance and I watch as the door opens and Maximus walks in... wearing exactly what he always wears.

One pair of black leather pants.

I meet his eyes as he looks up and scans the crowd, finding me in an instant.

He was definitely a Hunter once more.

He looked far too confident and cocky and his body simply rippled with power as he moved. However I wasn’t waiting to find out what he wanted to say to me.

I knew his plan was to hunt me down, turn me, make me his slave and finally get me naked under his sheets.

But I certainly wasn’t one to give up. Even if he won this game, even if I admit, a little part of me wanted him to win... I wasn’t going down without a fight.

I turn and walk casually for the back door, knowing he will follow.

Maximus’ POV

She was making a run for it. I knew her too well and I can’t help but grin as I go after her, strolling at a casual pace. It wouldn’t matter how fast she could run, or where she chose to hide. I was close enough to smell her sweet scent wherever she went.

And I was a hell of a lot faster.

All my senses were enhanced.

She didn’t stand a chance.

I decide I don’t want this chase to end right away, I’d let her get a head start and let her think she could actually escape me.

Then the fun would begin.

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