Hunter Maximus

Chapter 30

I make it back into the palace just in time, but I don’t feel like going anywhere near Maximus so I decide to find the King. I had something important to ask him.

As I walk past Maximus’ room and some other vampires, I spot a familiar face.

“Caitlin!” I call out her name and she stops walking to turn and face me with wide eyes, “Are you okay?”

“Yes, hi, Isobel,” she says quickly, “H-have you seen Jennifer lately? I just, ah, I just wanted to talk to her about something… personal.” Caitlin’s heart is beating way too fast and she doesn’t seem herself. I frown, I was far too thirsty to trust myself around a human.

My fangs start to ache and I try and smile at her with no teeth. She didn’t know I was a vampire yet and I knew she wasn’t fond of them.

“I’m not sure where she is,” I say, looking to the ground and then down the hallway, “I need to go do something, I might see you around.” I quickly walk by her, gritting my teeth hard.

“Bye!” She says, relieved herself. I’m not sure why. I didn’t know her well but something was up. I guess if she was back then Xavier must be too, since he had gone hunting after her at the club. She was also out of her dress, and in some jeans and a grey top so yeah, she must have been back awhile.

I stop by a group of vampires who were grouping together in the hall and ask directions to the King’s office.

“Uhm, are you joking?” One of them says, laughing at me, “It’s right here.”

“Oh, thanks,” I try to sound thankful and walk towards the door but the rude vampire glares after me.

“Hey!” he shouts and I stop and turn back around slowly.

“What’s the problem?” I half snarl it, angry and touchy because I was thirsty.

“We’ve been lining up for ages to get an audience with him, you have to wait at the back of the line,” he points towards the end of the group.

I clench my fists, ready to punch that arrogant smirk off his face. I was done with males ordering me around. I take a threatening step forward and he pretends to look frightened.

“Whatcha gonna do newbie?” he asks mockingly, grinning.

“You’ll soon find out,” I snarl back, but before I can take another step forward the door to the office opens and everyone turns to see if the King will come out. The last visitors leave and the King stalks out last.

“That’s enough of all you for today,” he commands, “I’m done listening to all you rant and rave. It’s time you all take a break and have some relaxation,” I can tell he is implying other things but they don’t need to be said. When he spots me in the crowd his eyes lighten a tad, “Ah, Isobel, I’ve been meaning to speak with you.” There is great interest in his voice and I feel surprised. I had never talked to him before, except when I informed him about Johnathan in the city.

“I need to ask you something too,” I say, “Your highness.” I quickly add the last part, not sure how to address him. He had Darrius’ blue eyes, but he was older and you could tell his eyes held lots of secrets.

“Absolutely, come right in,” he steps back to allow me entrance and I give a sly smile to the vampire who had challenged me before. He had turned and was walking away quickly. Coward!

“Thanks,” I say, and I walk into the King’s office feeling very welcome. He shuts the door and walks around me to his desk to take a seat.

“How is being a vampire working out for you?” he asks, giving me a broad smile, “I know you were a vampire hunter beforehand, now you are one of my Hunters. Sit down, if you like.” I take a seat opposite him.

“Yes,” I smile, “I’m still… well, I’m still learning.”

“Maximus speaks very highly of your potential,” he picks up a wine glass of blood and sips at it. Instantly my eyes narrow in on the blood and he notices straight away. Laughing he leans forward and offers me the wine glass.

“For me?” I ask, not sure whether to take it. You had to be careful around royalty.

“Yes, Isobel, for you,” he nods at me to take it and I lean forward and take the wine glass. I can’t sip it, I’m too thirsty. I just down it in one big gulp.

“I really needed that,” I gasp with relief.

“You’ll get use to the cravings,” The king kicks his legs up onto his desk and crosses them at the ankles – highly relaxed. He looks me up and down and smiles, “It’s good to have a female Hunter back in this palace. For a long time it’s been just Maximus and Darrius.”

“Was there a female one?” I ask, smiling.

“My wife,” the King says, “She’s dead though.”

“Oh,” I nearly stutter, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t you worry about that, she was a traitorous bitch. You, won’t be though, will you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. All of a sudden I was starting to feel threatened. I was confused, I didn’t know what to think. He just called his dead Queen a bitch? Before I can say anything he adds, “You won’t help the enemy, will you? The vampire hunters. They are dangerous, small in number, but lethal if we do not keep them at bay.”

“Yes,” I gulp, “I understand.”

“What was it that you wanted, my dear?” he asks this suspiciously but with seriousness as well.

“It’s about me being a Hunter,” I say, trying to sound more confident, “Hunters are highly ranked, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are.”

“I’m requesting my own room,” I say, “It’s not that I don’t like Maximus it’s that I like my own time. Space is good, and ah, I think I need –”

“Done,” he says, cutting me off, “It’s done.”

“I – I get my own room?” I ask, was it that easy?

“You needn’t have even asked, Isobel. Hunters deserve their own living quarters, it’s not even a question. You can have my wife’s old Hunter quarters. They are unoccupied at the moment.”

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude –”

“She is dead, Isobel,” he says, shrugging, “You’ll bring some life to the place. It’s quite close to Darrius and Xavier’s rooms. Johnathan liked to reside near Claudia more but the queen use to prefer to be closer to her children.”

“Thank you,” I say, deciding I better be grateful for what he is giving me.

“It is no problem,” the King says, “Just one last thing, I need you to check in with me every week about your progress and how many vampire hunters you kill. It’s a part of your training, and your development. I want you to bring the bodies back here, if there are any kills.”

“Alright,” I agree because I’m not sure what else to say, “Is that all?”

“I’ll get you a vampire to lead you to your new room,” he says, standing up slowly, “There is one last thing, Isobel,” he says as I slowly stand up from my seat, putting the empty wine glass back on the desk.

“Anything,” I say with a smile, thinking it was probably better to stay in his good books.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but it is an important part of every Hunter’s life. You need to find the one who trained you to be a vampire hunter and you must kill them and bring the body back to me,” The King says this with deadly menace and a straight face.

I breathe slowly, and calmly and force on a smile. If I refused, he wouldn’t trust me. I couldn’t make enemies with the King, not if I wanted my life to get even more fucked up.

“That can be arranged,” I say, but I’m disappointed that it comes out a bit stiff despite my smile.

“It’s okay, I know it may feel like I’m asking something cruel or terrible of you. However it is in your best interests, darling, to do what I say,” I nod and the King smiles.

The way he said darling, was very similar to Maximus, except it felt dangerous.

The King ruled everyone, dictated to everyone. To me.

That is what he thought.

I had been turned against my will while I was a human and Maximus overpowered me with his supernatural strength. It changed me but it didn’t break me.

And I wouldn’t allow the King to break me either.

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