Hunter Maximus

Chapter 3

After a while of walking, climbing some stairs blind and walking through various doorways, we finally come to a stop, and Maximus’ hand leaves my arm to undo the binding around the back of my head. The cloth slips from my eyes and I take in the spacious dark bedroom. All the furniture was dark wood, the carpet was blood-red and the walls were equally as dark as the rest of the room. There was a massive bed at the end of the room, a fireplace with couches surrounding it and bookshelves lining one wall.

“Here we are, darling,” Maximus says, standing behind me, “This is where I live, Isobel.”

I decide that if I really want to kill this bastard, I’d need to really check out just how fast his reflexes are.

Without warning, I spin around to knee him in the groin but as I suspect he is far too quick to react. He dodges to the side and grabs my right wrist, twisting it behind my back until I yelp out from the pain.

His front warms my back as he chuckles next to my ear.

“Better luck next time, darling,” he says, his other free hand rests on my hip and slowly slides around to rest on my stomach, “What were you aiming to do? Escape now? I guarantee you wouldn’t have been able to get very far. I will always find you,” he says seriously, with a hint of amusement.

“Let me go,” I hiss, because he is still holding my arm behind my back and it hurts. He relaxes his hold on my wrist a tad, but he doesn’t release me.

“No, darling, I don’t want to let you go just yet,” He mutters, pulling me flush back against his body. He leans down and buries his head into my neck, inhaling deeply. He groans and I stiffen. My heart beat kicks up a notch, “Darling… you smell amazing,” he says into my neck.

“Let me go, Maximus,” I hiss, trying to move my neck away from him but only managing to expose my neck even more.

“For now, Isobel, I’ll only let you get your way at the beginning,” Maximus growls out lowly as he reluctantly releases me and lets me go. What the hell did that mean? The beginning? The beginning of what? I wasn’t staying here to become a slave, if that is what he meant. No, thank you!

I spin around and cross my arms over my chest defensively, facing him.

“I thought I was making a wedding dress,” I snap, “Not hanging out in your room.” Maximus’ eyes are fixed firmly on my neck and after a small silent pause he looks into my eyes and gives me a serious look.

“Patience, darling. I was hoping to get a taste of you before you helped my friend,” he says, smirking, a fang glinting on purpose, dangerously. I notice how sharp the point is, but it got quite thick at the base and it would most probably hurt having that fang and another one, sink into my neck.

Hell, of course it’d hurt.

“You’re not getting a taste of my blood,” I say firmly back, glaring at him for a moment more before walking past him to take more of his room in, “When do I make the dress?” I ask, walking up to a chest by the fireplace. I run my fingertips along the hard wood and admire the details around the side as Maximus thankfully keeps his distance.

“Our darling Jennifer has been asleep but should be up soon,” Maximus explains fondly and I snap my head up to catch him staring at my ass as I bend over to look at the chest. I quickly stand up straight and turn around, glaring.

“You have another ‘darling’, do you?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. Maximus leans on the arm rest as I glare at him by the un-lit fireplace.

“Jennifer is a gorgeous girl,” he says with a smirk, “So sweet and nice, can you be sweet and nice too?” He asks it like he wishes I could be. Like he really wants me to drool after him and respond to everything he suggests!

This man was seriously infuriating.

“I can’t wait to plunge a stake right through your chest,” I say, smirking back, trying to sound just as annoying and arrogant as him. I also hoped it’d crush his expectations of what he thought I’d do with him, just because he wanted it, “And if you even dare try and drink my blood, I will kill you.” Maximus suddenly leans off the couch, spreading his palms out challengingly.

“Want to test that out, darling?” He asks. He slowly smiles. Both fangs glint from the ceiling light. He starts to walk towards me, “I’d love to prove you wrong. I could have you begging for me to drink more, while kissing you senseless, you would taste your sweet blood on my lips…” as he walks towards me I slowly pivot to the side until I have a black leather couch separating us and I give him my best glare.

“I’d actually like to have a shower, that sewer was disgusting,” distracting him from making me want to beg was a much better option than challenging him to prove me wrong. He was obviously the kind of guy who’d love to prove he could reduce a girl to pleading for the pleasures he could bring them.

Arrogance, he had arrogancex20.

“Be my guest,” Maximus says, “I think I want to keep you, sweetheart. I like you, even though you aren’t as sweet as I’d like you to be, but I can teach you how to please me,” I just give him an irritated look before I quickly turn and stalk my way to the door to the right of his bed, which I assumed led to a bathroom.

“No thanks!” I say firmly and I hear him growl playfully from behind me. When I quickly reach the door, I open it to find darkness. I look around for the light-switch but I can’t find it. There is a woosh of air behind me and I freeze as the hairs on the back of my neck rise in warning.

He is right behind me.

However all Maximus does is reach around my body with his warm one, to reach for the switch high up on the wall to turn on the light for me.

“There you go, my little darling,” he purposefully adds in the ‘little’ part, because I was much shorter in comparison to him. I was only an average height, and Maximus was exceptionally tall. I look over my shoulder up into his face to see his eyes alight with amusement.

Rolling my eyes I quickly take a step into the bathroom and grab the handle of the door, ready to slam the door shut on his arrogant, handsome face.

“Do you want me to show you how to turn on the shower?” He asks seductively. I narrow my eyes and I slam the door shut and lock it quickly. He laughs on the other side while I fume.

It wasn’t funny.

Just because he could do whatever he wanted and I was in a position where I was weaker and had no idea where the exit was to this place, didn’t mean he could make fun of me for it!

The bloody bastard would be better off dead. I could tell he was the type to annoy the crap out of others with his arrogance if given a chance. Unfortunately I was the victim of his merciless teasing at the moment.

“Don’t be long, darling!” Maximus warns, “I can always come in if I need to.”

I take a step back from the door and let out a furious breath.

I relax my shoulders a bit now that I had a door between us.

Despite his threat, I knew he wouldn’t follow through with it. He had to have some shred of decency in him to respect a girls’ privacy, right?

I could only hope so.

For now, I was going to stay in this bathroom for a while. I needed some space from his over-bearing presence and I would actually have a shower because I stunk from the sewer. I’d also have a look around to see what I could use as a weapon.

Maximus had obviously seduced many girls in the past and they had all fallen at his feet, begging for attention.

I wasn’t like that.

And I never would be.

He needed all the luck he could get if he wanted me to submit!

It would never happen!


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