Hunter Maximus

Chapter 27

Isobel’s POV

I find my way back into the palace, let them know Prince Johnathan is on a killing spree and the King sends out multiple vampires to bring him back into the palace. It’s not long before they find him and bring him back in chains, however I don’t stick around to see what happens because I have something more important to do.

Find Anthony and Carla.

Despite Maximus’ jealousy, Anthony had been a good teacher – with his own odd way of doing things. It’s not hard to track them down, I go exploring all the main rooms and find them in a huge recreation area.

They were watching TV with a couple of other young looking vampires, all laughing at the comedy they were watching on the huge flat screen. It was odd seeing them be so casual – doing something so human. Except, of course, I saw their fangs glint in the dark room as they smiled.

There was about ten of them all up; a mix of human slaves and vampires.

They all go a bit quiet as I enter the room, first I am confused but I realise why they go a bit tense. I still had weapons at my belt, three daggers, a small axe and that short sword.

“Hey, Isobel!” Anthony smiles and waves me over. I hesitantly step forward as the rest of the vampires and humans look at me with suspicion, or awe, I wasn’t sure, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I don’t want to interrupt anything…” I say, motioning to the movie.

“Don’t be ridiculous, come here. What’s with the weapons?” When he asks this the rest of the vampires look keen for my answer.

“I went out hunting vampire hunters for my first time,” I say, and the rest of them go from curious to wide-eyed.

“That is pretty damn awesome,” One of the human males speaks up, sitting back with a female vampire reclining on his lap.

“What made you decide to turn and hunt your own kind?” The vampire girl asks me, stroking her human’s cheek with a long sharp nail that really looked like it needed to be cut.

“Ah, it’s a long story. I wasn’t willingly turned. I don’t know if you’ve met Maximus, but he is a bit of an impulsive idiot sometimes,” I watch the girl smile in amusement and Anthony makes me sit down next to him and Carla.

I notice straight away that Carla looks more at ease than before. Probably feels more confident with more humans and younger vampires around.

“So where is Maximus?” Anthony asks, reaching over and pushing a stray blonde hair behind my ear. I don’t consider it flirting, it’s just a friendly thing to do – although Carla glares at Anthony anyway.

“He is inside a bin at the moment, I trapped him inside it,” I say with a grin.

“You what?” Carla asks, suddenly giggling.

“Oh you have to tell us all about that,” Anthony is holding the remote to the movie so he pauses it and no one complains, “What happened?”

I explain how I tricked him into falling into a waste container and by the time I’m done I feel like I’ve just scored even more points with the rest of the young vampires. I felt pretty impressive actually – like a badass heroine teaching the bad boy some manners.

“And you just left him there?” The girl, I learn her name is Danna, asks me.

“Unless someone let him out,” I say, grinning, “He should still be in there.”

“Classic,” Anthony laughs and there is a moment of silence and then Danna adds, “You do realise you insulted one of the highest ranking vampires at the palace?”

I look confused and just shrug.

“Maximus isn’t that old is he? What rank is he?” I wonder.

“No one’s told you?” Danna asks, “I’ll explain. The oldest vampires at this palace are nearly 300 years old – that’s includes the King and Prince’s Xavier, Darrius, Johnathan and Darrius’ best friend, Maximus. Aside from them – only some vampires are 200 to 300 years old. They get full reign to do whatever they want. They could kill us newbies and not get questioned about it. Everyone in this room has been a vampire for less than 50 years. We don’t get any special favours done for us, no respect, no status until we survive to at least 100 years being a vampire. There are no specific designations but the older you are – the more respect you get. Maximus is pretty much royalty – although he isn’t a part of that blood line.”

“Wow, I didn’t realise Maximus was that old,” I mutter, “But that’s pretty funny too – he doesn’t act very mature.”

“That’s because youth is maintained when we get turned as young adults. Reckless and stupid until the day we die,” Anthony grins, “I love being a vampire.”

“Well, I can deal with Maximus,” I say nervously, suddenly more intimidated now that I know how respected he actually is and why. He was nearly 300 years old? It was hard to get my head around that fact.

“I think you’ll be fine,” Carla pipes up and adds in, “I’ve seen you with Maximus and you never listen to him anyway – you know exactly how to treat him.”

“Don’t get any ideas, cutie,” Anthony whispers threateningly into Carla’s ear. She just rolls her eyes and I’m happy she is finally standing up for herself more.

I just grin and Anthony soon presses play on the remote and offers for me to stay and watch the movie.

“Oh, by the way,” I lean over a bit closer to Anthony – I felt embarrassed expressing my needs to every else in the room, “I’m getting thirsty again. Can you help with that? I’m not sure if I’m ready for a human yet.”

“Don’t worry, darl,” Anthony slips his arm around Carla’s waist and pulls her in close to his side. He gives me a wink, “I’ll teach you how it’s done.”

“Thanks,” I smile and relax back into the couch.

I watch the comedy with everyone else, relaxed and happy and at ease.

About 30 mins into the movie, a familiar presence floods my mind.

Bonding with the other vampires, darling?

So he was back.

Maximus’ voice echoes through my mind and it’s innocently calm and reasonable. Surely he wasn’t that calm after what I did to him?

What would you do, Isobel, if I told you you’re dear friend found me in the alley way – and I killed him on sight.

It takes me a moment to realise who he is referring too and fury ignites inside me.

Without a second thought I jump off the couch and pull out the short sword from my belt.

I’ll kill you, I snarl back at him.

There is a pause before Maximus replies . I can feel that he isn’t happy. Not in the slightest.

So you do love him?

I never loved Luke more than as a friend – but Luke was my best friend. And Maximus said he killed him.

I might not be able to kill you, but I’m going to kick your ass.

Oh, but darling – I won’t let you win. Not this time. The only ass that’ll be getting a spanking is yours.

Bring it on, I snarl back at him mentally.

Maximus was going to pay for killing Luke.

And he was going to pay dearly.

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