Hunter Maximus

Chapter 21

I put on some loose grey pants and a white tank top I find in Maximus’ draws for women’s clothes. It is the most interesting thing to do for a while, searching through what dresses he kept hidden. I’m surprised to see a bridesmaid’s dress I had designed in the pile of clothes. It must have been unintentional. Hours pass by and no one comes into the room, I start to think maybe Maximus forgot to send a human and vampire over to help me learn how to drink. I end up falling asleep, but it’s a strange ‘sleep’.

Vampires don’t get tired the same way humans do and they don’t need to sleep the same way.

I can best describe it as an alternate state of consciousness. My senses were turned down, my mind was withdrawn into itself and I could think and be at complete peace. I do this for what must be hours before I’m jolted awake by a knock at my door.

When I come back to full consciousness, my nerve endings seem to spark to life. Every inch of me burns with a desire to drink blood. My muscles felt tense, ready to attack. I could smell something sweet on the air, and I could hear a really compelling, timid sounding thump-thump. A human heart beat.

My mouth starts salivating and my fangs ache in my gums. I stand up and walk to the door with silent footsteps, an instinct to hunt flooding my system and replacing my common sense.





I open the door, and two people stand outside. My complete focus goes onto the girl with thick black hair spread over one shoulder, and her neck exposed. She looks on at me wearily and I hesitate.

“Ah, newbie vampires,” The guy beside her says with distaste, stepping in front of the girl and grabbing my elbows, looking me in the eye, “Inside now.” He says it with as much degradation as possible. A growl emits from my throat and he grins, “What a cutie you are, my name is Anthony, and this is my slave, Carla. How are you feeling Isobel? I’ve heard interesting stories about your origin.” Anthony is handsome, with bronze hair, green eyes, nice body… but I was starting to notice a trend between good looking guys and their personalities – most seemed to be arrogant, overbearing and egotistical.

Except Luke.

I can’t think of my vampire hunting friend much longer, because Anthony leads me back into the room, to the centre of a fluffy dark red mat, Carla follows just behind him, to the right.

“I was a vampire hunter, so don’t piss me off,” I growl, annoyed he is distracting me from Carla, “I’m thirsty, I’m ready to drink.”

“But you want to learn to do it so it doesn’t hurt them, am I right?” Anthony asks, letting me go, but still standing protectively near Carla, just in case I pounce too quick.

“Yes,” I nod, my eyes focusing on Carla’s every movement, a twitch of a hand, a shuffle of her feet. I didn’t want her to get away, not until I had had my fill.

Damn it, why was I thinking like this uncontrollably?

The mental question fleetingly passes across my mind, and then I’m back to wanting blood. Wanting so bad. It was the equivalent of being horny. It messes with your head, makes you want satisfaction to your desire, and damn the consequences.

“I’m ready to try,” I repeat, as calmly as possible.

“Not yet,” Anthony smirks, amused. I was starting to feel aggressive, violent. How long did he expect me to wait? “I need you to calm down, Isobel, before you go ripping her head off.” He motions to Carla, and I hesitate. Ripping her head off? In the mental state I was in, I didn’t doubt that I was losing control, but how much control had I lost?

“Fine,” I say through gritted teeth, “What do I do?”

“Me and Carla wanted to have dinner now but were unfortunately interrupted by Maximus’ demand that we attend to you,” Anthony says, sounding like he really would rather be somewhere else but doesn’t have a choice but to follow orders, “I’m still going to get what I want. We are going to change this up a bit.”

I stay silent, waiting for him to explain. I notice Carla doesn’t look too impressed with where this is heading.

“I’m going to get my human fed,” Anthony explains, “I’ll call room service, once she has eaten, I’m going to drink from her. Then you can drink from me. Then I might let you drink from Carla.”

“Oh really…” I say doubtfully.

“You can practice on me so I can stop you if you get too rough,” Anthony winks at me and steps back, slapping Carla on the ass he grins and says, “Go on and call room service. We’re going to make this some fun.” Carla glares at Anthony and rolls her eyes, but goes over to the phone by the bed anyway.

“I don’t know how I’m going to survive being around your arrogant ass,” Carla mutters under her breath.

“I heard that,” Anthony calls out as she goes to the phone, her back to him. I look back to him and he is raising an eyebrow at me.

Anthony crosses his arms over his bare chest. I notice his annoying black leather pants and look at him with distaste of my own.

“I’m a good teacher, don’t worry, I’ll show you how it’s done,” he says reassuringly, “But you are going to have to take your clothes off.”

I pause.

“Very funny,” I tense up and I think I would give into blood lust and attack. Except it wouldn’t be Carla, it’d be him. The bloody arrogant bastard.

“Now, now,” Anthony says smoothly, his voice getting deeper, “You need to trust me. I’m going to show you how to take blood without hurting a human. You’ll practice on me, and then on Carla.”

“I’m not taking my clothes off, do you think I’ll just do what you say?” I ask, snarling while showing off a fang.

“Yes, sweety,” Anthony says, leaning down to look in my eyes, I see his pupils dilate, “I’ll just have to make this easier for all of us. Take your top off,” Anthony drawls the words and I find my muscles begging in protest as they move without my will power. They move through the power of his words.

“H-how are you d-doing this?” I ask, barely getting the words out.

“My compulsion doesn’t just affect humans,” Anthony says with a smirk, “My compulsion just happened to develop to also affect vampires.”

“I’m going to kick your ass when this is ov–” Anthony pushes a finger to my lips, cutting me off.

“Trust me,” he says, and this time without amusement. He actually sounds genuine, “You’ll thank me at the end. I’m teaching you the best way to take blood from a human, first you’ll practice on me, then Carla.”

“Why no clothes though?” I ask, grabbing his wrist and pushing his finger off my lips so I can talk.

“It’s simple, Isobel,” Anthony says deeply once more, “It’s all about desire. Now take off those pants. You can keep your underwear on, and that bra. I just want you to feel vulnerable, it’ll make the desire come quicker.” What a bastard.

I’m under his compulsion once more.

I do as he bids without thinking twice, his will power literally destroyed my own through his dilated gaze. It takes me over completely.

He is looking at me now with just a bra and underwear on, and me glaring like hell back at him.

“Perfect,” Anthony mutters, “You’ll be a pro in no time, little Isobel.”

Damn it, I was not that little, urgh.

Carla finishes ordering room service and I can only think one thing…

Maximus wouldn’t be too happy about this.

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