Hunter Maximus

Chapter 19

Maximus returns with a human girl, who looks a little dazed as she comes into the room. She looks young too. Maybe my age or a little younger. By the time he had come back I’ve stolen one of his black shirts he never wore and put that on instead of the dress. Now I was comfortable.

I’m sitting cross legged on the edge of his bed, my arms crossed over my chest.

“Why the heck are you so happy?” I ask Maximus, trying to distract myself from the fact I have taken a strong interest into the heart beat I can hear from the slave girl. My throat was almost parched once again.

I was so thirsty.

That wine glass of blood I had when I woke up was not enough to keep me sustained for long.

“Darrius is highly amusing,” Maximus says, leading the girl towards me.

“Why?” I ask, trying to ignore the girl. For some reason I felt a distinct difference between me and the girl. I could sense she was human. I could also sense that she was weaker, had weaker senses and slower response times.

No wonder vampires felt so superior to humans.

Didn’t give them a legit excuse to treat them like crap though!

“I checked up on Jennifer for you,” Maximus says, “She’s tied to the bed.”

My face pales and my arms drop to my sides, my hands resting on the bed behind me.

“Are you serious?” I ask, “What is Darrius going to do to her?”

Maximus chuckles and brushes the girl’s hair away from her neck, pushing her closer to me as his eyes sparkle with humour.

“He is going to teach her a lesson, one I need to teach you. We can join them if you like, the more the merrier!” I narrow my eyes at him.

“There is something seriously wrong with you, Maximus,” I say in an even tone.

He frowns as he now practically shoves the girl into me.

“I’m hurt that you said that so seriously,” Maximus sulks but I ignore him.

I grab the girl by the arms and my eyes focus on her neck. I can see her pulse pick up, she is whimpering already. She is scared. Poor thing!

“I don’t want to hurt her,” I say, meaning it.

“It won’t hurt her,” Maximus reassures me, “She’s use to it by now.” The girl meets my gaze and shakes her head, disagreeing. She can’t even form words she is so frightened.

I look at Maximus, shocked.

“No, she isn’t use to it!” I push the girl away from me gently, as hard as it is to do. My new instincts were telling me to have my fill of blood. Now. “She is scared, I’m not drinking her blood.”

Maximus rolls his eyes and grabs the girl’s wrists, bringing her back up against his chest.

“Let me show you how it’s done, you being nervous makes her nervous. You need to show her everything is going to be okay,” I watch nervously, agitated for some reason as I see him lean into whisper into her ear.

“This won’t hurt, darling,” he moves down to press his lips against the girls neck, I watch one of his hands rub up and down her arm soothingly, his other hand reaches around to lie supportively on her stomach.

I see her close her eyes, lean her head back and relax.

“How did you do that?” I whisper, amazed as the girl completely relaxes so quickly. Maximus looks up briefly to smirk at me before kissing the girls neck once more.

I narrow my eyes.

How many more free kisses was he going to give away?

Not many more, because he sinks his fangs into her neck, and she moans as he sucks her blood.

This makes me more thirsty and I feel disgusted at myself. I stand up, clenching my fists.

Maximus lifts his fangs out of the girl’s neck and licks the wound clean. He looks up to me, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m not ready to do it,” I say, it’s the only excuse I can think of.

Maximus studies me with a funny expression for a few moments before he sighs and brings out a dagger from his belt I didn’t notice was there before. He leads the girl over to the wine glass and cuts a small slit on her wrist. He let’s the blood fill the glass.

The girl is too far gone to even notice what is happening.

I didn’t know if I still agreed to what was being done to her, even if she did look lost in a paradise she only could see and feel.

“You can go now, sweety,” Maximus says gently to the slave girl, licking her wound clean on her wrist before releasing her, “Get some food and rest before anyone else drinks you up.”

I feel really irritated.

I don’t know why.

I just…

“I think someone’s a little jealous,” Maximus gives me a beaming smile as he holds out the glass to me. I angrily take it from him and down the blood without thinking.

Damn it tasted good.

When the girl has slowly made her way out of the room and shut the door, I relax a little.

“I’m not jealous,” I say, but it doesn’t sound very convincing. I mean, I wasn’t jealous. I wasn’t. But why did he have to whisper into her ear so seductively, and kiss her neck so many times?

I was calming her down, my little hunter.

“I’m right here, you don’t have to talk to me through my head,” I snap, handing him back the glass.

“You’ll need to learn to drink from a human sooner rather than later, but I’ll try and teach you slowly how it’s done. I used my pheromones to calm her down, another way is to use compulsion on humans. But I’ll have to teach you how to do that also,” Maximus puts the glass on the side of the bedside table and I sit back on the edge of the bed so I face the door, my back to him.

“Feeling better?” Maximus asks me, I feel the bed buckle down behind me and I stiffen as I feel his heat come up behind me. I feel his hands slide down across my thighs and he leans forward until his left cheek presses against my right one. He sits down behind me and his legs warm my own as they slide around me and rest either side of my own crossed legs.

“What are you doing?” I ask coldly. Trying so hard not to betray my insides which are melting from his touch.

“I’m trying to be sneaky,” he whispers darkly into my ear.

“Sneaky about what?” I ask, uninterested. Or at least… trying to appear disinterested. I was actually hyper aware of him behind me, his legs around mine, his hands – or hand, on one thigh. The other hand has left my thigh.

“Well,” Maximus continues, highly entertained, “Darrius gave me a yearning to see you tied up.”

My eyes widen.

“No!” I yell, trying to jump to my feet, but he quickly grabs both my elbows and holds me back against him, laughing good-heartedly.

“No, what?” Maximus asks, chuckling, “I haven’t done anything yet.”

“You’re going to tie me up!” I accuse him, glaring at him over my shoulder.

“I haven’t tied you up yet, Isobel,” He says with mock innocence.

“Yet!” I try to struggle out of his hold but he is still stronger than me. Urgh! How frustrating!

I yelp when he leans in and bites my neck, a small stinging bite, scraping my skin with his fangs. The small wound heals up in a second though.

I stop struggling.

“Why did you bite me, you idiot?” I snarl, a growl emitting from my throat.

“Stop struggling, or I’ll do more to you than I plan to, more than you’re ready for,” Maximus warns, a real threat in his tone.

“What is that suppose to mean?” I whisper in a hiss.

Maximus brings both my wrists behind my back and holds both in a tight grip while his other hand grabs a ribbon, god knows where he grabbed it from, and he starts tying my wrists together.

“I know you hate me,” he says, “But I can smell you, darling, you don’t hate me that much.”

Excuse me?” It comes out in a squeak. Oh great! Now I was starting to sound like Jennifer when she got nervous around Darrius!

“I can smell your arousal,” Maximus explains again, while finishing tying up my wrists. I blush, my cheeks feeling hot. God damn it!

“What are you going to do?” I ask, suddenly nervous. The warmth behind me suddenly leaves my back, and he climbs off the bed to stand before me. He was so tall, it wasn’t fair. My cheeks go even redder as he looks at me, sitting on his bed, my legs now resting under me in a half sprawl, my wrists tied behind my back, wearing nothing but a black t-shirt and underwear.

Maximus survey’s his handiwork with a gorgeous smirk.

“You are so cute,” he says, delighted.

I look to the bookshelves lining the left wall from my position, refusing to meet his gaze.

“I’m going to kick your ass when you untie me, why they heck did you do this to me anyway?” I ask, exacerbated.

Maximus steps forward, cupping my cheek he forces me to look back at him, rather than at the wall. He leans in and kisses me on the lips, a light peck.

“To show you,” Maximus growls, “What it means to be mine.”

“I’m not yours –”

“I think it’s about time you stopped talking, darling,” he presses his lips to mine once more, and not being able to resist, I kiss him back.

With a satisfied growl he suddenly sweeps an arm under my thighs, picking me up he carries me down further onto bed and lays me across some of the billions of pillows, so my wrists aren’t crushed by the weight of me leaning back, and Maximus on top.

I want to touch him as he kisses me. He has an arm around my waist and his other hand clenching my hip.

I moan in frustration, my arms are tied behind me but I can’t run my hands through his hair like I want to.

“You – idiot,” I say in between kisses. He suddenly stops and opens his eyes, looking at me with passion, arousal and amusement.

“What?” he asks.

“I can’t touch you like this, you’re an idiot,” I try to make it sound as insulting as possible, but a slow smirk just spreads on his face.

“You’ll be begging sooner than I realised,” Maximus insults me back and I know he is just mucking around – wait, is he? Or did he mean it?!

Oh, darling, you have no idea what I’m going to do to you. His voice is a deep drawl in my head, hypnotic, and so seductive.

He laughs in my head, the mental connection feeling stronger than ever for some reason, probably because he was all over me.

I will not beg.

Even in my mind my voice sounds whiney and needy.

You will, darling, I promise you that.

The annoying thing was, I think he was right.

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