Hunger Awaits

Chapter 8

Kendra's POV

I awoke to the warmth and comfort of Matto's arms around me. The snow was still falling outside and I watched in awww at the pure beauty of it. However, after a few minutes my mind drifted to the events from last night and all that I had learned about Matto and his family. I looked over at Matto who had the most peaceful look on his face. I brushed some of his hair out of his face and a smile crept across his face. "What are you doing beautiful?" He said with his eyes still closed. I smiled back at him even though he couldn't see me.

“Just watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful." His eyes opened and he just looked at me.

“I have to admit, that was the best nights sleep I have had in years." Matto said to me. I felt the same way, ever since everything had happened with Ryker I hadn't been sleeping well at all. Last night however, I just felt at peace with Matto next to me. I couldn't explain it, but something was different with him, something that I had never felt before.

Matto pulled himself out of bed and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes he came back out and looked at me. "Do you need anything?" I shook my head at him.

“No, I'm fine for now. Well maybe some coffee." He smiled then walked out of the room. I sat myself up in the bed and watched out the window as the snow was falling. Then I realized that I was suppose to have gone back to the resort by now. Audrey, Paxton and Bree must be freaking out. After a few minutes Matto returned with a cup of coffee. I looked at him and thanked him, as he handed me the cup. "Matto my friends must be worried sick about me. Is there anyway to call them and let them know that I am ok?" He looked out the window at the snow then nodded.

“Yes, let me go get my cell phone. I never use it, but I keep it for emergencies." He left the room then walked back in holding an ancient cell phone. I laughed as he handed it to me.

“I guess you really don't use it. This thing is so old are you sure it works?"

He laughed at me and flashed a big grin. "It should Jace used it the night we found you." I waited as the phone powered on, which took forever it seemed. Once it powered on I dialed Audrey's number. It rang several times but she didn't answer. I figured since she didn't recognize the number she wouldn't answer. So I tried again. This time she answered on the second ring.

“Hello." I smiled when I heard her voice.

“Hey Audrey, it's me." I heard the excitement in her voice when she realized who it was.

“Kendra, hey guys it's Kendra. Are you ok? The guys from the ski rescue came in last night and said that you were ok, but you were stuck in their cabin because of the snow." I laughed as she started to ramble on about how mad she was that they had made it to the resort without me and how she let them have it before Paxton took her away to calm her down.

“Audrey, I am fine. I am a little sore, but I am safe. Matto is with me and he is taking care of me. I promise as soon as it is safe to drive he will bring me back. Don't worry and I will call you again when we leave here."

I heard her sigh into the phone. "Ok Kendra, but they are saying that this storm might last for a few more days. Are you sure you will be ok until then?" I smiled into the phone this is why I loved Audrey so much she was so caring.

"Yes, I will be fine. You guys just try and get some rest and tell Paxton I will pay him back for all the extra money he is spending." Audrey laughed.

“Actually the only extra money he is spending is to change our plane tickets. The resort has been really helpful and is letting us stay here for free until you get back." I was surprised that the resort was doing that, but then again it was kinda one of their employees fault that I was even on the slope when the storm started.

"Ok Audrey, I have to go. I will see you guys soon." I could hear that she didn't want to let me go but she did. "

“Ok. Please stay safe and you tell that Matto that he better behave himself or he will have to answer to me." Good old Audrey comes out at last. I laughed at her.

"I will tell him. Goodbye." I hung up the phone and suddenly realized that Matto was watching me.

"So what are you suppose to tell me?" He said as a huge smile came across his face.

“Audrey said to tell you to behave or you would have to deal with her." I laughed and so did Matto.

“Well, I don't know if I can behave but I will try my hardest." Oh, he can't behave is that right. I looked up at him as he tried to take the phone from my hand. I smiled as I held his hand then pulled him down on the bed.

“Well what if I don't want you to behave." I said as I carefully positioned myself against him. I could see something in his eyes that just called to me. I placed my lips against his and started to kiss him. He met every one of my kisses with more intense kisses of his own. He growled a little bit as he rolled over on top of me, careful not to hurt my leg. His body pressed against mine as his lips found their way down my neck and to my chest. I could feel my body heating up and could feel something inside me longing for Matto. As he kissed down my chest his hands lifted my shirt up over my head and I could feel my heart racing.

"Are you ok Kendra? Your so hot." I was feeling very hot and my heart was now racing even harder. I started to panic and I pushed him off of me. He looked at me with confusion and concern in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I tried to talk but nothing came out I just looked at him with panic in my eyes. What was going on? Why was this happening? I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. It was then that Matto made me look at him. Our eyes locked and he looked deep into my soul. "Kendra listen to me, you are having a panic attack. Everything is ok. You are fine. Just breath." His voice was soothing and comforting. I could feel myself starting to calm down immediately as he spoke to me. After a few minutes I was calm enough to talk.

“Thank you Matto. I don't know what happened. I was fine and then all of a sudden I could feel my heart racing and my body temperature rising drastically. It just freaked me out. I'm sorry." He shook his head at me and handed me my shirt back.

“Don't be sorry. Maybe you just aren't ready for this yet and that's perfectly ok. I mean we don't really know each other that well yet. Maybe your body was trying to overrule your hormones."

What he was saying made since, but something inside me didn't believe it. Something felt different. I decided to just shake it off for now. I let out a yawn and suddenly felt very tired. Matto looked at me and smiled. "You should lay back down. I will make us some breakfast and wake you up when it's ready." I nodded at him and laid back down. For some reason I felt overly exhausted and I drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes. I started having the same dream I had the other night after I crashed in the woods. Once again in my dream Matto was by my side and watching me as I transformed into a beautiful white wolf. Something about the dream felt so real. After I had shifted in my dream I turned back to Matto but he wasn't the one standing there. It was Ryker. He had dark eyes and before I knew it he to shifted into a wolf. The black wolf that has been following me. I started to run in my dream and just as I felt I had lost him I felt something grab my body. I was being tossed around by the black wolf, by Ryker.

I opened my eyes to Matto shaking me softly trying to wake me up. "Kendra, wake up your dreaming." I sat up into his arms and hugged him tightly. He just held me close. "Shh shhh, it's ok. I'm here. What were your dreaming about?" Once I calmed down I looked at him.

“I was dreaming I was a wolf with you. It was so wonderful. I was all white and absolutely beautiful,especially with you by my side." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

“But if it was so wonderful why were you screaming?" At first I couldn't remember, but then it hit me.

“Ryker! Matto, Ryker is the black wolf. I don't know why, but I just feel something in me that is telling me he is the wolf." I saw his eyes pondering the idea.

“I think you are right, but I need to get more proof before I can handle the situation." I understood what he was saying and I honestly thought I was crazy, but I just couldn't shake the feeling.

"Breakfast is ready. How about we get you up and out of this room? Would you like to sit in the living room and eat? Maybe we can find a movie or something." I nodded excitedly. I was already sick of sitting in the bed and wanted to see the rest of the cabin. "Ok, hold on. I think I have some crutches in one of the other rooms. Be right back." He hurried out of the room and I carefully positioned myself on the edge of the bed. Matto came back in holding some crutches. "Found them. Alright let me just adjust them a little bit." He fixed them real quick then helped me stand up. It was weird at first trying to walk with them, but Matto stayed close by and I caught on fast. We reached the living room and I couldn't believe how spacious it was. There was a couch and two recliners on one wall and then some selves with lots of movies on them and a nice size tv. I hopped over to the couch and plopped down.

Once I was settled Matto went into the kitchen and came back out with a tray full of food. He set the tray up in front of me and I suddenly felt very hungry. He had made eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy with some orange juice and another cup of coffee. I started eating and finished every bite. Matto sat in the recliner next to me and laughed as I laid my head back on the couch. "That was so good. You are a great cook." He stood up and grabbed our dishes.

“Usually Tenaya does all the cooking, but I learned how to cook from my mother. She use to tell me that a man should know how to cook so he to could feed his mate when needed." He hadn't really talked much about his mother yet so it was nice to hear something about her.

“Well I am personally glad that you know how to cook. Otherwise we would probably starve." I said with a chuckle. Matto laughed as he took the dishes into the kitchen.

We spent the day watching scary movies and talking. He really was an interesting person and I loved hearing his stories. He told me more about his mother and his father. His mother had passed away when he was sixteen of cancer. He told me that for a few months after he lost his mother he had contemplated on leaving the tribe and becoming rouge. Then one day he was out hunting and came across a hiker who had lost his way. The hiker was being chased by a bear and was about to be attacked when Matto shifted and fought off the bear. After the bear had ran off, he had looked back at the hiker and could see the gratitude in his eyes. It was then that he had decided to stay with the tribe and also decided to find a way to help people. That's why it was so easy for him to move here and join the ski rescue after he lost his father and the rest of the tribe.

It was close to midnight by the time I started to feel tired. I yawned and Matto turned the tv off. "Come on, let's get you to bed." I allowed him to pick me up and carry me to the bedroom. He placed me gently on the bed and covered me up. I expected him to crawl in the bed next to me, but instead he was walking back to the door.

“Where are you going?" I said sleepily. He turned back to me.

“I will be back. I am just going to go do a walk around to make sure no one is out there. Go to sleep." I didn't have the strength to argue so I just nodded and closed my eyes. I was just about asleep when I heard someone whisper my name.

"Kendra." I opened my eyes expecting to see Matto, but it wasn't him. Ryker stood next to the bed with the evilest look I had ever seen. I tried to scream but was quickly hit by something hard from behind. I heard Ryker laugh as I slipped into blackness.

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