Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 47


The lucid light appears to be somewhat subfusc. Albeit there’s an occasional rustling of engines, my vexation is definitely more cacophonous.

Why did that happen?

All gazes were directed at me and to the person, I was facing. The masses were talking, but I couldn’t bring myself to attend.

“Good afternoon...” Myers had bowed.

Pon smiled wide. “Lift your head up. Where’s your hero?”

Myers arched his eyebrows and bored a stare.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” I asked.

“What do you mean by boyfriend? I do not have a boyfriend.”

“Where is that boy? Don’t hide him from me.”

The masses resounded an uproar. How disrespectful of him not to answer Master. Oh, so that boy is gay?

Thenceforth, a scowl crossed his features briefly, before it returned to his usual expression. He moved to an erect posture.

“I am unaware and do not have a recollection of your words. I do not have a lover, much more a boyfriend.”

You’re quite steadfast. “Don’t lie when people are witnessing you.”

“I am not a perfidious person.”

“Perfidious?” I chuckled. “How great, your vocabulary’s deep.”

“Thank you. Now then, let me ask you a question.”

What is it?

“Do you want to submit an application form? Somebody with such a plebeian mindset like you is not deserving for me.”

The masses revolted a deafening weave of words. In my chest, the beating of my heart became pounding. Plebeian?

“Now if you may excuse me.” he walked to the side.

I wouldn’t allow you to slip when you’re within my grasp. I grabbed his wrist. I propelled a punch.

“What do you think you are doing?” a voice cut me off.

I felt as if lightning struck my body. I halt. Turning my gaze behind, a man in a brown coat was approaching our stand. A pair of cold eyes were pointed at me. Dad?

“What are you doing?” his voice was calm but his face was wrinkled.

“Dad, this guy incites a fight against me.”

However, his face did not ease.

“He had inflicted the first blow, and I’m just defe—”

“That’s enough! I have seen it all.”

You have seen it?

Numerous shelves were surrounding the wooden table at the center of the room.

I heard footsteps. Raising my gaze, what I witnessed was a man in a brown coat. Although his blue eyes clashed with mine, I didn’t avert.

“What are you thinking?” dad asked.

You wouldn’t understand.

“Answer me.”

These are the only words I can offer. “Dad.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Give me your answer, Richard. Why did you do that?”

“I have told you the reason. He started the fight.”

“But you shouldn’t have paid your attention to him. You are the valedictorian, moreover the son of the school head, but what did you do? You broke the rules.”

“Yes, I’ve defied the institution’s rules. I’m well aware of that, but are you aware of my motivation?”

“What are you saying?”

The back of my throat felt hot. For a moment, I found myself at loss at words, and that was the bare reason why I let careless words spill.

“...I’m at fault! Go on and comfort your student. Sometimes, I wonder who’s it that you’re filial—him or me? Never in my life, I am cherished if it isn’t for my ability.”

I paced myself to the door and marched from the office.

Truly infuriating. He’s in prejudice of a total stranger.

Promptly, something shudders— the phone inside my pocket resounds. On the screen, digits of an unknown number are flashed.

“Do you believe me now?” the anonymous sender says.

Our conversation from last night is displayed above the latest message.

Your brother killed someone. And he forced Shift to create a substance.

He sent a picture of the conversation between the supplier named Shift and Jules. Their talk mostly revolves around Jules’ assertion to create him a substance, and when Shift refused, Jules threatened to terminate his laboratory. It’s pointless if I disbelieve despite that evidence.

Once more, it vibrates.

“Ok. Let’s meet today. I’m gonna send the place later, and I’m expecting you to show up or else... you know what will happen.”

I’m really going to ingrain a lesson to that philanderer sod.

The guards raise their salutes. I continue walking. The group of men guarding the house has increased in a drastic manner, and faces I can’t recognize appear. Trees have faded. Our name has blackened. And although there’s their salutation, my skin only feels shivers. Those eyes of admiration are soon to become of disdain, I’m certain.

Jose is in the middle of the hallway. His eyes avert in my direction, and they widen. I approach.

He draws near me. “Look who’s here.”

“I’m not a phantom.”

He places himself in front of me. “Why hadn’t you returned for weeks?”

“I can’t.”

“Why is that? Don’t tell me you had a fight with Jules? Perhaps your grandfather?”

“The sole reason why I hadn’t returned is because of that appalling skirmish.” I gaze. “It’s not safe here anymore.”

Then, a smirk accentuates his features.

“You would’ve been more than capable to help the day those men had assaulted.”

“So it’s my fault then?” says I, impish.


“That reminds me, are they strong? You hadn’t had the opportunity to lay hold of them.”

He moves to the wall to face me. “The security failed to do so. Apparently, they couldn’t use their abilities during the time, including the head security who’s a Class III user.”

I dislike where this is heading.

“My ability, on the other hand, can still be activated, but it felt weaker in hindsight.”

An intrusive image appears in my mind. The cold air of the night and a broad scope enlivened. The stature of the men was vivid. Their faces were blurred, but bloodlust remained permeating to my nose. I promptly felt light-headed afterward.

It really is connected. And that necklace too...

“Is something wrong?” Jose has knitted his eyebrows. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“If that is so, you need to hurry since your grandfather asks for you. So, pay a visit to the study.”

What is he doing there?

“And also, a group of technicians will maintain the electrical lines today

Thus, expect the connection to be down later.”

“What happened?”

“One of the transformers has exploded. We are just connected to a generator right now”

Advancing, Jose’s back slowly fades.

“Please tell Jules to show at my room.” I say.

He raises his right hand, about head-level, and moves it in the air.

The door swallows his figure while I’m left standing in the hallway. The silence is captivating. Yet, I have priorities to attend, and so, I pave my path.

When struck by light, the balusters of the staircase glimmer, prompting the intricate carvings to show. Either Jose or the maids did their duties accordingly.

Walking, I notice some ornaments. Several potted plants show in my line of sight. Their leaves are green, and their trunks seem as tall as bamboo.

There are new plants on the second floor too, but my impression still remains the same. The somber tone lingers the atmosphere, and the origin must be from the shut door on the end of the hallway.

Knock knock

The door doesn’t open. So, I bring my hand again.

“You may come in.” a trembling voice resounds.

I pull the doorknob.

A place, all accustomed to my knowledge, is what I’m seeing. Covering the entire floor is the carpet, and obstructing the wall’s view are the cases of books distributed throughout. Nothing changed for the whole month I’ve gone.

Promptly, a mephitic smell permeates. I shudder. Gazing ahead, the scent seems to be coming in the direction of the study table.


“Oh. What a surprise! I didn’t know that you are here.” he says.

I approach his direction. As I’m advancing, the scent turns searing. Hold on... this smell... this mephitic searing smell, isn’t this the smell of demise?

“Is something the matter? You look pale?”

I find myself leaning on the surface of the study table. I place my weight behind and gaze at grandfather.

Again, the prominent smell sears. I’m not mistaken. This is really the smell of demise.

He reaches for me. “Richard?”

I distance myself. “Y-yes?”

“You appear to be quite distressed. Why is that?”

“I’m just feeling a bit unwell, grandfather.”

He gapes; still, his eyes still appear thin. “Ask Jose to bring your medications, as we can’t afford your health to degrade. You are the most powerful Sken in the city, and your ability is what you have.”

I’m still powerful when I couldn’t even activate my ability?

“Have a seat.”

Following what he has advised prompts me to gain a direct sight of him.

He gazes. “How have you been?”

I return the eye contact. “I apologize, especially when my absence has worried you, but I assure you, my reasons are fair. School works and social responsibilities had kept me occupied in the past month.”

“Astounding...” a grin shapes his lips. “You’re a true epitome for the youths of this city. Maintain that image, and don’t disappoint us, Richard.” saying this, his eyes resemble a dagger that’s about to stab my chest.

Disappoint you? “I will. You need not remind me.” just where is this conversation going?

“If that is what you want.”

A beat passes.

If I’m going to choose, I want to acquire teleportation for me to vanish on the spot. Being in the same room with him is troubling.

“Maybe, for a while, you should take things at a slower pace. You’re clearly tired.”

“Thank you for your concern, but I still have important matters to attend to. I will recuperate once I finished everything.

“At your age, there should be someone who can charm you. A friend of mine has a granddaughter more or less of your age. I can introduce you to her if you wish.”

“As I have said, I will recuperate once I’m done with everything, so I view any company unnecessarily.”

“My, my, don’t tell me that our Richard has become a recluse. But sometimes, it’s fine to have time dedicated to yourself. I think it will do you better. That period of time will help you to think through things, which reminds me, you’re going to be in college next year. Have you thought of what university to study?”

Now, I see where this is going. “Not yet grandfather.”

“If that’s so, you should use your remaining time to decide. Remember, the academy will be under your care in the future.”

“What about Jules? What will he inherit in the future?”

“Are you negating the title as the academy’s head?”

“No. It’s nothing like what you have in mind. I’m... I’m just concerned about the future of my younger brother.” but I wouldn’t be the academy’s head regardless of any events that may occur.

“I see. Well, to be honest with you, I’m afraid of his future. Falling in worldly pleasures, and his improvidence doesn’t make him deserving for the title.”

“Pardon, but does that means he won’t inherit anything from the family?”

He rests his head atop of his hands. His sight is cast upon the table.

“Most certainly not. Indeed, he isn’t going to be the baron, but Cheol is kind enough to part the family’s wealth without a say.”

I avert my eyes. The deep luster of the furnishings is truly enticing, especially the table ahead of the sofa. Its mahogany surface is very smooth that my reflection will show if I do so. Atop the table, there are some folders. Are those business-related documents?

Documents? I return my gaze at grandfather.

“and I doubt he’ll— Hmm? What’s wrong?” grandfather asks because he noticed.

There shouldn’t be any documents lying there. He has poor eyesight. Dad isn’t around, and Jose, he’s not involved in any of our family affairs.

In a moment, I find my mind imposing another memory.

There was a table. Atop it lied an envelope across.

A cold sensation overcomes my heart. The letter. The incidents... Are they all connected to him?

There’s only a way to know.

A warm sensation crawls on my nape. My vision becomes of faint purple color.

“What’s happening?” grandfather asks in a quivering tone.

Then, my vision grows darker. What’s soaring toward his temples are bonds of waves. Promptly a dull sound reverberates in my head, and I understand what it means. There’s a blockage. Why can’t I access his thoughts?

I release a bond of waves once more. However, the same blockage persists.

This comes to this. I’m sorry but I have no choice.

A line of energy escapes from my nape. In the depths of my mind, I command it to restrain his body.

I draw near. “Speak to me.”

“Richard, son, please calm your mind.”

“Tell me why I can’t access your thoughts?”

“I-I don’t know. Why do you need access to my thoughts?”

I restrain him harder. “Liar.”

“If you won’t let me, then just utter the truth!” leaning to his face, I glare.

His eyes are wide, and his mouth is partly open. Unfortunately, he can’t move them.

“What pleasure does it bear fruit to torment an old man like me?”

“Your ability is everything you have; your words, not mine. Thus, I’m using it for my own profit. And pleasure? I don’t seek pleasure, grandfather. I seek answers."


“Now, since I can’t access your thoughts, answer my question instead. What do you know about a rendezvous at Choseungdal Tower?”

The creases on his forehead become more pronounced.

“I don’t remember having any rendezvous with anyone.”

At his words, somehow, my stomach feels like it’s in knots. There’s something.

“Then, can you explain why I have found a letter at the study?”

“A letter?”

“It states clearly that the receiver shouldn’t tell anyone about the rendezvous at Choseungdal— the Dragon’s Den to be precise. It doesn’t bring any memories to mind?”

He shakes his head. “Whatever about that letter might be for your father. It must be a business meeting.”

“Hah... A business meeting you say? Quite funny. A business meeting between a group of apprehensive men and dad? Somehow, I disbelieve. Do you know what kind of people I’d encountered, dear grandfather?”

He doesn’t answer. Instead, he projects his firm gaze.

“I can’t use my ability on them, and that’s exactly what I’m experiencing on you. Now, what is that letter all about?”

“Do you really think highly of him? Are you aware how wicked he can be?”

“If there’s anyone who is wicked, it’s you.”

“Really? You’re feigning ignorance, aren’t you?” his tone is condescending. “If he isn’t wicked, then why did he favor a student over his own son?”

A sensation creeps in my stomach. Then, my whole system becomes rigid.

“It’s cruel, isn’t it? If I were you, I would wonder, am I really his own son?”

Own son?

Own... son?

A surge of hot energy trembles in my skin, and promptly, my hand arches its aim toward him.

“Of course I am, you deceitful motherfucker!”

A dark light has tainted my line of sight. It gradually takes over my whole vision until everything is purple in color.

Flickering, the purple shade decreases. I look around. There are several pieces of wooden furniture that seem expensive. A mahogany table is behind— in deep luster; however, it’s not the only table in the room because another table stands in front of me.

The table is also made of mahogany. Nevertheless, something’s different because an old man is leaning his head on the surface.

Don’t worry, I’m not guilty, dear grandfather. You’re letting father manage the school to escape from your pursuers, aren’t you? What a coward. You deserve the current state you’re in. Turning away, I exit and go to my own room.

A sharp pain hits my body, and so, I allow myself to falter to the bed. The soft heaven reminds me of when I’m reading books. How long has it been since I read one? All I’ve been doing for the past few months are either studying my textbooks or gaining information about that cursed night.

I’ll read again once everything is fine.

Knock knock knock

But for now, I will face the reality. I sit on the edge of the bed.

“Hyung?” it’s a voice that I know too well, not deep but not high either.


The door swings open to reveal a boy of lean stature, Jules. He paves forward. Promptly, a sweet scent seeps into my nose. This smell...

Jules stops before me. “Long time no see, hyung.” he smiles, but his eyes don’t move.

“Where have you been?” I make my voice deeper.

“Uh, I’m in my room.”

“You must have changed your perfume because it resembles one for women’s.”


A silent air interferes with the atmosphere.

“You looked different today.” Jules says.

I laugh.

He takes a few steps back.

“What do you think is the reason why I look different?”

“I know it must be hard for you, Hyung. But you can find another girl.”

“Is that so?” I let another laugh. A loud one, which also feels rough while it scrapes my throat.

I lower my head. “I need nobody for my happiness.”


“Why did you do that?"

“Did what?”

“You’re unaware of what I’m talking about?”

“Really, hyung, what do you want?”

“Have you read the school’s bulletin?”

“I haven’t.”

“There’s an article about one of the club heads passing, and do you know what club it is? The swimming club.”

Unforeseen, my nape feels hot. A different kind of energy has entered, and its texture appears to be different from the people of this house. An intruder?

“I don’t know about that hyung.”

Jules’ voice steers me into our conversation. In a sudden, a flowing sensation creeps throughout my body. Turning to purple is my vision.

“Why did you do that?”

Jules’ eyes change to bulges. “I-i’m sorry. Don’t worry! No one really knew.”

A coward. “If you’re not going to follow what I wanted, then you shouldn’t have asked for my instructions. You’re doing your own way.”

“I’m really sorry, hyung.”

“No one really understands me at all. It’s better if you leave now.”


The sound of footsteps fades. On the other hand, the energy of the distinct waves becomes stronger. I peek at the window. The green color of the grounds is as vivid as ever. Near the fence, several men are stationed to fulfill their duties as guards, and they aren’t acting strange at all. It appeared that they haven’t noticed yet. If that’s the case, then, I should do it.

My phone shudders. The screen shows the profile of the unknown sender.

“I hope you’re not backing down. Meet me near the Evergreen Mall, at the first alleyway, exactly 2 in the afternoon. Evergreen Mall.”

The hands of the clock are positioned past the second mark past its peak. I still have time.

The hallway is silent and unchanged. Then, a hot sensation makes my line of sight hazy. I put my weight on the wall.


My vision succumbs into darkness.

I walk ahead. “Jose? The lights are out!”

Unforeseen, a force surges on my left. I feel my body being struck, and the next thing I know is that I’m on the floor.

The waves of my energy bind together; that’s the reason why everything appears purple. Outside, I’m able to see the guards who are stationed at different locations. A metallic sound reverberates. The feeling of release enlivens, and my bond between them strengthens. Fire your gun toward the door of the house.

They aim their guns with my command. Contrarily, the entity that struck me seemed to be rushing toward the exit. It’s moving too fast. It’s also moving according to my plan.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of firearms creates a bedlam.

I can’t afford to chase whatever that is here so I’m pursuing it outside.

I return to my room. Casting a field, I fly outside the window.

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