Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 44


The cold water trickles to the floor. Its feeling leaves me cool and refreshed. I get out of the bathroom.

My usual bed’s neatly arranged, but something is different. On top of the bed, several expensive-looking clothes have been laid. Uncle’s the only one who could’ve prepared these. That’s why I must be careful.

I wear them, and everything feels soft... I kinda look good, but I’m not done yet. From the cabinet’s handle, I grab the necktie and hang it loosely on my neck.

I don’t know how to do this. But since the thinner part’s closer to me, I form a loop and pass the thicker part. It slides down.

Eh? “What’s this shape?”

My reflection shows a ball of cloth hanging on my chest.

“This isn’t what it’s supposed to be.”

I pull the part I’ve slid and everything comes off. Now I’m back to square one...

Maybe uncle can help?

I get out.

The way connecting the second floor is empty. Uncle’s room is on the other end. I walk to it.

“What are you saying, sir? I can’t do that.” uncle’s voice resounds through the closed door.

Is he talking to a client?

“You can’t do that? I’ll pay you big money.” the voice is muffled.

“But sir, if I added anymore dosage, it can be lethal.”

“Why do you need to care? It’s a school project.”

“It has a chemical called Acetaminophen which-”

“Yeah. Yeah. Send it to me next week.”

The call ends. Uncle’s voice fades.

Who’s that?

Never mind, he’s kind enough to take me. I shouldn’t be nosy. I back off some distance and wait.

Moments pass, but he’s still not coming out. I think coming now won’t be suspicious, so I knock.

Knock Knock!

“Uncle, may I come in?”

“Go on.”

I open the door. Inside, uncle is standing by the foot of the bed with his back turned away. He’s fixing something within his collar.

The last time I came, everything he had was either scattered or hidden in the corners, but now, everything is looking good. The sheets are surprisingly tidied. The books are also arranged on the shelf. On top of the table lies his phone. It makes me think of who’s he talking to earlier.

“Why did you come here?” uncle’s voice enters my hearing.

I flinch.

“You’re spacing out.”

“I’m not.” I’m just surprised by how clean your room is. “By the way, can you help me to tie this?” I raise the necktie around my neck.

“Pfft... Alright.”

“Sorry. I don’t know how.”

“It’s fine. I should’ve just given you the clip-on type.”

After some tugging, uncle does the deed.

“There. You look great.” he grins.


“You know what? Maybe you should stop wearing hoodies from now on. When I looked in your closet, all I saw are the exact same copies of jackets that you always wear.”

“You looked through my clothes? When?”

“While you’re showering.”

So that’s when he left these? “But those are not the same. There are gray, black, white, and navy blue. And also different styles!”

“Really? They all looked the same to me. Well, we better get going or else we’ll be late.”


He looks back.

“Thank you for the clothes. I know they’re expensive, and I don’t deserve something like this but I’ll take good care of it.”

“No problem. You should look presentable so I bought those. But don’t worry about the price. Above all, I think you deserve that.”

He leans closer to me, our eyes meet each other. “I may not be your real parents but I do care for you.”

My chest tightens. The corner of my eyes suddenly feels hot. I restrain the tears from falling while they blurry my vision. That’s right. Uncle’s my family.

“So, let’s go? Meet me at the car.”

I nod. “Y-yes.”

Uncle leaves the room. On the other hand, I stay behind to take a few breaths. After recovering, I walk over to the car.

The driver’s seat is already occupied by uncle. I sit beside him. The car then starts moving.

The car turns to the right of the highway. Apparently, we’re in District 4.

“You fine?” uncle asks.


“Good. I thought you’re nervous.”

I am. Like the hell will I do there?

“You’ll be fine. How could someone hate such a handsome boy like you?”

Say what?

“I bet all the girls would be head over heels crazy-goo-goo for you.”

“Heh. You really have a good sense of mind!” I raise my hand to tap his shoulder, but he’s driving, I stop.

“Of course. Like father, like son, they say.”

“If that’s the case, you’ll be getting a girlfriend today.” I announce.

Suddenly, the point of his eyebrows becomes arched and his lips grow to a thin line. He frowns. No, it’s a scowl. Did I say something wrong?

I make a cheerful hum.

However, he doesn’t move except for letting his hand in the steering wheel. Oh mom I messed up! H-he’s definitely mad. I... I should say something.

I face his direction. “I... I’m sorry, uncle.”

“Okay.” he keeps his head straight ahead.

“It’s okay?”

“We’re here.”

Through the window, I see outside that’s literally a sea of cars. Everywhere I look is the exact form of the 4-wheels I see every day.


I turn to the sound. Beside me, I notice the seat is empty. He’s gone. His door burst open. That’s why I manually secure all locks and get off.

From a distance, a bright light catches my attention. Its figure is tall enough. Isn’t that a building? Uncle must be there. I run forward.

Fast enough, I reach a crowded area where the people around are in coats and dresses. Some are wearing gowns.

A few eyes look at me, but I pass them one by one by one. Male, short, black suit, female, dress, gown, dark skin... No, I don’t spot uncle from here. Argh. Why did I ever make him mad? Me and this stupid mouth.

I pass the area I’ve already gone to, but I still look around just to be sure.

“Who’s the host for this year again?” I hear a man’s voice, asking.

“It should be Mr. Choi since it’s Mr. Joellen last year.” it’s a woman’s voice.

“Ah. So he’s still alive?”

“What are you saying?”

“He’s the oldest member of the council. You know that Ms. Fern already retired and Mr. Deenome’s deceased.”

“The old man is still lively.”

In front of me, the people get closer to each other. I can’t move forward.

“You know what they say? Wicked people live longer. Which reminds me, is that old man attending?”

“Mr. Lee?”

“Yeah. The oldest of the wicked people out there I know.”

He shakes his head. “But I heard a circulation somewhere.”

“That he’s a scrounger?”

“No. I mean everyone knows that.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Based on the spreading, his house was assaulted by men last week.”

“He’s being targeted now, huh?”

“Well, yeah. The term of his friend is ending soon.”

Somewhere, between a group of men grows brighter the light. I hurry my steps to the entrance.

In the end, a four-panel glass door fronts.

The guards are just standing, letting everyone enter. Good thing I didn’t bring any syringe. I walk.

I hear various things while walking. Greetings... Gossips... and Science stuffs...

Out from nowhere, the crowd takes a mark. Suddenly, the happy faces of the people become crumpled.


A dry sound echoes. Everywhere, there are gasps.

“How dare him to show up. Isn’t that the AWOL officer?”

I follow the direction of the stares. I see a tall figure in a gray suit. Uncle?

“He deserves the slap.” someone from the people says.

The words cut me like a shard of glass. My chest becomes hot and my vision turns dark. Who slapped uncle? I

I push everyone blocking my way.

“What do you think you-”

I glare. “Off.”


“Hey what are you doing?”

I bare my teeth, she flinches.

I finally arrive at the center. Uncle’s there, and across him stands another man with tapered hair.

“Why are you here?” the man with tapered hair asks.

“Why, I’m attending the convention.” uncle says.

“You really have guts to show up when you’d disgraced the name of our association.”

“Disgrace? I wonder.”

Suddenly, the man lifts his hand toward uncle.

I shuffle.


A force lands on my hand. It’s hot and tingly, but I don’t care about any sensations right now. Surprised, the man widens his eyes. He grits his teeth.

You must pay for hurting uncle.

I prepare my stance and launch my feet. “Bastard!”

But I feel a cold sensation on my arm. I freeze in my tracks.


Behind me, the one gripping my arm is uncle.

Why did you stop me?

“Come on, we’re leaving.”

I pull away. “W-wait-”

But his grip’s firm that I can’t do anything. He drags me.

I can hear voices, and all of them pass like a wind. At the same time, a hot feeling explodes in my chest, like boiling, it’s burning.

My hand trembles. “Why?” I say, lower than expected.

“Why?” I utter.

Tap tap tap

Our footsteps resound. Uncle remains looking away. My chest pounds, and the heat bursts to my whole body.

“Why?! Why are you taking me out? I’m just trying to protect you!”

Uncle stops.

“Hey! Say something!”

“Protect? Me?”

“Of course, who will I protect?”

“Really? Then,” his eyes gaze at me, “say, you really wanted to protect me?”

“How many times do I need to repeat? You’re the only family I have. That’s why, that’s why I’ll hurt if it’s for you.” my vision gets blurry. “I’ll even die if I needed to!”


What the- “Tell me, what’s funny. Ah?”

A force pulls forward. Inside a tight hug, I suddenly become uncle’s pillow.

“Thank you.” he says.

Something soft lands on my back.

“You’re the only family I’ve got too, so I won’t let you die.”

“Who’s that man?” I say.

“He’s an acquaintance, and it’s my fault why he hates me.”

“That’s not an excuse for assaulting someone.”

“I guess so. But what’s done is done. Come on, don’t sulk over me. Tell me anything you want to make it with you.”


“I mean it.”

“Then don’t lie to me.”


I remove myself to wipe the tears about to fall. I look straight.

“Uncle, please tell me who are you talking with earlier?”


“I heard you talking in your room.”

The calm expression he has changed into a dark one. He’s narrowing his eyes.

“How rude.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s an accident. Now, please tell me.”

“Well, it’s a client.”

“What is it he want?”

“He wants me to create a substance. A lethal one, and as you might’ve heard, I declined.”

“But he didn’t listen to you and still forced what he wanted?”

“Uh-huh. There’s more than that, actually. He’s from a family of oligarchs.”


“Lee. I know you heard that name many times, but the one I’m talking about is really powerful. They own Jip-Eun Sig Academy.”

“Jip-Eun Sig? Where...” I try saying the words, but something blocks my throat to finish.

“Yes, where the Morphine Head’s Son is studying.”

My hair stands up.

“I know. It’s bad news.”

“Going back to your client, is he bugging you?”


“Why not just recommend him to other labs?”

“I can’t do that. He’s going to ask his father to shut my laboratory if I did just because he didn’t get what he wanted.”

“Tch. Spoiled brat.”

“Actually, if it’s alright, I want to ask you a favor.”

“Anything to stop him from messing with you.”

Uncle stares sharply. “Find out what he’s going to do with the substance he’s requesting.”

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