Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 42


“Who are you?!” I ask.

The men around me don’t react.

“Answer me. Who are you? What do you want?!”

One of them holds me at gunpoint.

Tsk. Shoot me if you can but guns don’t work on me.

Straight away, a sensation overflows under my skin, and what appears in front of me is a shield. I run toward them.


Suddenly, the shield becomes cracked, and then, it collapses before I can think of anything. All fragments fall on the floor. I step back.

I lose balance. A tall boy with fair skin towers over.

“You can’t escape.” he says, smirking.


I open my eyes.

2 seats greet me, very different from the living room I remember. Outside, the place is changing.

“What happened to you?” uncle’s voice comes to me. “You’re drenched in sweat.”

“It’s nothing.” I say.

“Is it that dream again?”

I nod.

“Don’t worry. We’re going to find Black Morphine and avenge for your parents.”

Black Morphine... The organization that killed my parents.

“That’s why you need to find the information at the hospital he stayed in. Then, we’re going to spread the news to the whole city so everyone will know him.”

“I’ll find it no matter what.”

“An incurable disease like XC3T-8 isn’t an excuse for taking someone’s core.” uncle scoffs.

Getting someone’s core for your own benefit is disgusting. I’ll really kill that Cruz.

The car makes a right turn to another street. Uncle twists from the driver’s seat and touches my arm.

“Keep the BITT with you.” he says.

“I’ll use it.”

“And be careful, alright.”

“Yes. Thank you, uncle.”

The car stops at the hospital. I get off. A few passersby pass the sidewalk so they also walk by the entrance since they’re connected. In the front, a guard watches the place.

“Good morning, sir.”

I wave my hand. “Ah, good morning.”

Few people are in the lobby. No staffs or personnel are present except for the woman at the info desk. On the other hand, almost all of the people here are outsiders. I put my hand in my pocket, the surface of the device is cold. How do I use this again?

Uncle’s words return to my mind.

“This is what I call the Breaker Info Tracker Telepathic device or BITT that can break into anything, scan information, and locate an entity by having a telepathic connection to its owner. Anyone who’s touching this at the moment is the current owner.” uncle lectured.

Alright, let me ask a question. Where are the files stored?

Basement 1 of the hospital via the staff’s elevator in the left wing.

A voice that doesn’t sound like male or female resounds. Oh. It works.

The hallway’s guarded by several cameras. Going now will just cause trouble. I should prepare first.

I drag on. After a few steps, I recognize a familiar drawing of a standing figure. I enter one of the cubicles and take the syringe from my wallet.

The green is labeled as invisibility while the blue is telepathy. It would’ve been nice if he gave me phasing instead of telepathy, but even if I complain, nothing will happen.

I lift my shirt. My hand trembles, but I bring the green syringe somewhere below the navel. Suddenly, the stinging feeling attacks. Almost burning, but it’s not painful. I stop because the barrel only holds half of the substance.

I roam my head. Nothing feels strange or different except for my feeling, I’m kinda energized. Now, I activate the ability.

The hallway becomes empty and emptier as I go. Suddenly, a figure jumps into the scene. It’s wearing a white uniform. On a closer look, the one who’s passing the hallway is a nurse. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice, and I continue walking until I reach the last hallway.

On my right, the staff room resides, and on the far end, an elevator is built. For staff use only, it says.

The area is empty, and I point the BITT to the card scanner.

Toot toot

It emits blue light.

Tsk. Why does this make a sound?

Opening the door, I press the button to the first basement. A rotating CCTV is hung on the corner of the elevator. I wave my hand right in front of its lens. But nothing happens. Hehehe. You can’t see me, bad luck.

I stop messing around and continue forward. The place is pure gray. Light bulbs are all over the ceiling, but they’re so dim some even only flickers. Moving on, I see the Files Room.

Pitch black. Inside’s what you call pitch black, and I can’t really turn the lights on unless I want to be found. Guess I just have to use the BITT.

I hold it tight. Where’s the result of Isaiah Matt Cruz’s test?

In the archive section.

Where is the archive section?

60 steps to the right and then walk forward...


60 steps to the right then walk forward...

You’ve got to be kidding me.

60 steps to the-

Fine. Fine. I understand. I follow the androgynous voice and count in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4...

What now?

Walk forward and you’ll find several shelves there.

Walking straight makes a glint of light visible. Suddenly, there’s a tall long shelf. Everything around it is off except for the light at the archives.

Where’s the exact location of Isaiah Matthew Cruz’s laboratory result on this shelf?

Look at the section New Discoveries, and search for the date, May 2028.

The said section is on my right. It’s just the same level as my head so I extend my hand without any doubt. I search. However, the files for the month of May sit higher than I can stand, so, I jump and reach for the arch file.


It has fallen on the ground. I waste no time and open it. Some leaves are blank, but after some searching, I find what I’m looking for.

A face of brown skin’s plastered on the front page, and it’s the same face who killed my parents.

This bastard...

I use the BITT to scan the files.

Toot... toot... toot...


A soft sound echoes in the room. Out of nowhere, everything becomes white. Huh?


What’s that?

Tap... tap... tap...

Then, several footsteps echo all around. I hide behind the shelf.

“There’s nothing extraordinary here.” a guard says.

“But I did feel something earlier.” the nurse I’ve passed a while ago says. “I can feel it, that person is here.” she adds.

She must be a psychic of some sort if she felt me.

“Look,” another man has pointed the arch file on the floor, “a file is on the ground! Maybe someone is really here after all.”

All of their attention is diverted to the binder. Stealing the time, I lean my body forward and sprint toward the exit.

Two guards block the elevator. I have no choice.

Toot toot

The blue light blinds the room. The next thing I know is the limp bodies on the ground. I leap over.

“Chase that.” someone says at the back.

Lucky me, I make it to the elevator. My grip becomes clenched around the BITT in my hand and I lean back. That was close.

I get to the ground floor. In front of the elevator, three men are waiting for me. I point the BITT to them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Woah! I jump to the left and crouch on the floor. I can’t be hit by bullets or else, I’ll be seen. So I raise the BITT. But nothing’s raised. Nothing’s raised because there’s nothing in my hand.

Where’s it?

I roam my eyes.

It’s nowhere to be seen.

Leave it, Chan. Escape there.

A rough male voice echoes in my head. Uncle?


Fine. I take the taser from my pocket and charge it to the three men.


“Argh!” the guard on the left drops.

The guard in the middle starts striking the air blindly. “What the!”

I pivot on my left foot, extend my right leg, and land a punch on his abdomen.

“Ngnh!” he slides forward.

On the other hand, a ball of fire comes my way. I go behind the remaining guard.

It seems the one who’s thrown the attack is an old man. He averts his head to where I was earlier. “Hmm?!”

Fat chance.


The visible taser lands on his face. He opens his eyes wide and groans loudly. Then, his body drops to the floor in a beat.


“It’s impossible for him to get away that far.”

The two voices cause me to step backward. I break into a run.

How do I escape now? Only if I have phasing.

Use telepathy instead.

Uncle? Wait, why am I hearing you, anyway?

We’re not talking about that. Just follow my instruction if you want to get out there alive. If you want to avenge your family with Black Morphine.


The footsteps behind are almost stabbing my eardrums in a pattern. Hastening my steps, I reach for my wallet.

“Look!” someone behind me shouts. “He’s here!”

Gazing straight, 4 guards are blocking my way. I back off.


A shining blue light has hit the floor. The spot where it lands becomes an icicle.

“Surrender to us if you want to remain alive!” says a man with gray hair.

The guards are keeping a straight eye at me while pointing their guns.

“Now, disable your ability and reveal us yourself.”

Tsk. I really have no choice but to hurt them.

I return the wallet to my pocket. In a second, I throw the taser at the back. Because of that, the guards level their guns to aim in its direction. Got you.

I feel a force on my skin.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A shield in gray color appears around me. Running forward, I tackle anyone blocking the way. A man falls, a lady flies off, and the bullets ricochet back at them. It’s all your fault!

Passing their fallen bodies, I take the syringe and inject it into the vein of my left arm.

A sharp sensation wavers my legs. Why does it become painful so suddenly?!

Hurry. You need to get through for your family.

After several flashing scenes, the exit finally shows itself.

The problem is, it’s bombarded by too many guards I lost count. Before them stands a man in a green turtleneck.

“What do you mean? Are you saying I’ve broken in in the private room?” he asks with husk.

A guard from the group approaches. “Sir, what I’m saying is that there’s an intruder, and we can’t let anyone exit the hospital.”

“And you can’t let me out too?”

“It’s just for precaution.”

He punches the guard in the face. On the other hand, the other guards rush on to surround the man, leaving a freeway on the other side of the hallway.

I’ve got no time for the security room, but I can atleast keep them busy. Having telepathy, I let the energy flow.

The energy clicks like when tapping a mouse. I got access.

Focus on the man in the green shirt.

In a moment, the guards compress their bodies like a human barricade to the man just to start beating the hell out of him. I run to the door. I activate my shield.


Pieces of glass become suspended in the air. Landing on the concrete, I disable my shield.

The warm air touches my face, and I take off invisibility. Some of the walkers shoot a deadpan glance at me while others just shrug. The hell are y’all looking at? As if this is a new thing.

By the way, where’s uncle?

Turn at the alley when you see a gift shop. Pen-pen.

I flinch. On my left, big signage catches my eye. It got 6 letters. And the word written on the sign is repeating. Pen-pen. I scurry to the alley.

At the very end hides a tall figure within the shadows. I approach it.

“What did you find?” the figure asks.

I need to be discreet. “It’s true.”

The figure steps forward, revealing uncle to the light. “I see. What school was it?”

“Jip-eun Sig Academy. The student with Paradigm Class.”

“Do you want to continue?”

“Of course. I won’t give up until I succeed.”

“Finally!” his expression has softened. “You’ve got me worried.”

“You could’ve given me phasing instead of telepathy.”

“You’ll be detected if I did. The walls, for sure, have wirings of the detector and it’ll sense that something passed through.”

He gazes at the sky. “Let’s go. I’ll treat you to your favorite place.”

Like a response, I feel a sharp sensation in my stomach. “...Yeah.”

He turns away. I follow him.

But then, I remember what uncle has said earlier.

“Escape there.” I recall.

Ah. How did he able to reach me earlier?

I stop. “Um... h-hey?”

“What’s it?”

“How... how are you able to speak to me back then? Is it because of the syringe?”

He grins. “Seems like you’re calling me uncle, but you don’t really know who I am. How about you call me Byeongyeong from now on?”


He pats my back and my feet are swept away.

“Painful.” I complain.

“Just kidding! Let’s just go for now. I’ll tell you later.”

He waves his hand and walks to the road. Looking at the ends of his trenchcoat, I decide to follow his figure.

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