Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 39


The prominent fragrance of the earth seeps into my senses. I halt. Looking above, I notice the orange leaf of amber that’s swaying in the air, once like a ballerina, but then, it reminds me of myself.

I crouch near to it. “And so, one day, I shall despair.”

“You shall not roam in a thousand years.”

A voice as clear as an edge of a mirror cuts my thoughts.

A salient prim figure of black stands erects with his eyes directed toward my own.

“Where are the guards?” I ask.

Jose arches his eyebrows. “I’m afraid they are all behind the gate, and I believe the others are escorting you, but it seems like they’re the one who shan’t roam. What a great ability it is to be invisible.” his face, from being blasé, turns stringent. “Now boys, you don’t need to hide. Present yourselves!”

His silvery voice gives rise to the cold shivers on my skin. But no matter how enraged he comes to be, he can never deceive me.

“Great acting. Now stop it.”


The two lines of his lips curve. “Where are they?”

“I have no idea. I thought they have returned at this time.”

“Inform them later because those men might get scolded for your inconsiderate actions.”

“Which is why I don’t want any chaperone, they’re always left behind.”

“Say that to your grandfather.”

“As if he’d listen.”

Jose leads me inside. Being acquiescent as always, the guards restraints their movements while showering me with salutes. They wouldn’t listen no matter how many times I might’ve spoken, and I figured that the appropriate thing to do is just to smile.

My eyes avert to the left. A metallic luster stings the side of my eyes. Under the carport, there is a coupe of a great build.

My heart skips a beat.

“They are here?” I ask.

“What are you-”

I break to a run. The two guards stationed at the entry point open the panels, and so, I seize the moment to dash forward.

“Don’t run too much!” Jose yells in the background.

“Yeah!” I hurdle on the leveled facade.


The force is strong, but my momentum remains uninterrupted. In a moment, the setting before of me transforms into a cluster of wooden floors and pale walls, thus I pace my speed to increase. He must be in the study, or maybe in his room.

“Richard,” a voice calls at the back.

My running takes a cease.

Outside the parlor, standing in the hall I just came to pass is grandfather, who’s smiling whilst holding a cane in hand.

That smile... “Good afternoon. Fancy seeing you again.”

“I’m glad you have arrived. You seem to be merry running around at this place.” grandfather’s forehead displays a great number of creases. “Judging from your actions, something good must have occurred?”


“Hey, where are you going?”

Hei-ran’s words resonate inside my head as the flash of psionic blast I threw replays in the depth of my eyes.


I got too excited I forgot I have disposed of the ring. Persuasion. I need to persuade.

I hide my left hand at the back and flash a smile. “Indeed.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

I close the distance between us. “Do you have some time? Perhaps we can talk.”

“You can talk everything to your grandfather.” his lips curl into a smile- a very malicious smile.

“Is that so?” bringing my left hand on his back, I make him face the parlor’s direction.

I sense the place. No waves are present nearby. Then, I conceal us from the naked eye by casting a purple field around us.

He shudders. “What are you-”

“Great work. You deserve this grandfather.”

My hand illuminates a faint color. I distance it from him so he won’t be killed. Just enough to make you forget about the engagement.

In a mirage, a purple bind of light penetrates the depths of his head.

“Augh!” he falls straight to the ground.

I’m aware, but I only used my ability today because of my reasons. This isn’t crooked. I’m not wrong.

I disable the field.

Here comes the drama.

My knees tremble.


“I apologize,” I speak in a voice loud enough to be heard from the main corridor.

“What happened here?” the voice is from dad.


On my side, Jose is holding grandfather in his hand.

“He still has a pulse,” he says.

Dad’s grimace is what I’m expecting, but his face is actually of vacancy. He’s observing the scene while kneeling on the floor. Inscrutable. I prod his arms.

Instantly, he removes his gaze at the scene and looks at me.

“What is it? Are you unwell?”

“Dad, can we have a talk?”

His blue eyes become slits.

“We can. Go ahead and wait in my office. It should be unlocked.”

“Thank you, dad.”

“We just need to take care of your grandfather.”

I nod, and then, I depart to the second level.

I walk on the second level of the house. Unforeseen, the door on the right swings open; a figure with brown hair appears afar. I stop, and the figure diverges on the opposite side.

Fool, he’s prepared to philander again.

I clear my throat. “Where are you going?”

The figure, my brother, Jules, gazes at me. “I didn’t notice you there.”

“Sure. My ability is invisibility, after all.” I cross my arms. “Now, where are we again? Oh. Yes. Yes. Where. Are. You. Going?"

“My classmate and I are going to meet for a group study.”

Promptly, my nape burns. Ah? Before me projects a vivid image.

Shards of glasses lying on the floor, broken into pieces as they are within a deserted road. My skin shivers.

Warm, viscid, but slick. A puddle of a dark liquid flows below my feet; the color becomes clear as the scent pricks my nose. Red taint. Everything around turns into a mural of red-tainted blood, ahead lies the estate car.


I return to my senses.

What in the world?

“Where are you going? Tell me where are you going?!”

The figure of Jules waver. “H-hey, bro-”

I grasp. “Where are you going?!”

“You’re hurting me.”

“Listen to me. You must cancel your plans to-!”

A dull pain grows on my back, and before I know it, my body has already fallen on the ground.

“Go back to yourself.”

A sharp set of eyes are glaring. The lips that have just moved are of disgust.

“Don’t abuse your ability just because you’re the most powerful Sken.” my stepmother rebukes a lecture.

I recoil. “I’m sorry.”

I walk away.

On the other end, I open the door.

Carpeted floor and walls, numerous shelves, and a desk are all inside. I take a few breaths.

Don’t lose grasp of reality, Richard. If someone dies, it won’t be by mistake.

Dad might arrive anytime soon so I better prepare myself. I walk to the lounge chair.

The place reminds me of the office at the school, although the one back then is ample when compared to this.

An envelope lies across the table. It is very unusual for dad to leave something disorganized. What could this be? I take it in my hand.


“Sorry for making you wait.”

A compact voice resounds. I obscure the envelope beside my thigh.

Who’s approaching is my dad. His hands are protruded from his figure since he’s holding a small long box.

A gentle smile appears on his face. “Happy birthday.”

He has remembered? “T-thank you, dad. I will treasure this.”

Putting his hand on my head, he starts ruffling my hair. The warmth drowns me in its embrace, and everything turns into darkness. I wanted to remember this moment forever.

It lasts for a while until his touch departs.

“So, what it is that you want to say?”

How should I form my words? Should I persuade?

On second thought, dad is understanding. That’s why being straightforward is the appropriate approach.

I lock my eyes into his own blue pair. His gaze is firm, and so is mine.

“Hei-ran and I broke up.”

“Why was it?”

“We weren’t attracted to each other, much more, in love, and so we came to be estranged.”

He nods. “That is reasonable.”

That’s all you can say?

“Have you said anything weighing your thoughts?”

There’s no hiding it. “Also, I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“A new book?”

“It isn’t like that, dad. Actually, I wish to live at the dormitory of the campus.”

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