Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 32


I watch the students. There’s no sign of cheater so I come out the room.

Hallway’s full of blabberers, though I hate peeps, have no choice but to blend in.

Cuz I can’t face him after what happened.

It started when I heard a sound on mah door.

Knock! knock!

Ugh. Not this again.

“Are you there?” cheater asked.

My phone said 5 pm going to 6. I thought could play sleeping.

“Can I go in?”

I lied down the bed and pulled covers up mah head.

“I just want to talk,” he said.

Am not hearing anything. Not a thing. Nothing.

“Ok. I’m coming,” he decided.

The door creaked open. Mah muscles froze down. Shit. Thought it was locked.

“Jeon... are you sleeping?”

By that, something heavy shifted on mah bed.

“You’re not hungry?”

Still too early for dinner.

“Your breathing is too steady.”

Hell. Stop snooping and come back to your bitch.

“Tell me the truth. You’re angry at me, aren’t you?”

Figure it out your own.


On mah shoulder, I felt a warm feeling. I jolted back, and next thing I knew I’ve rolled to the side. Tis is bad.

“See. You’re awake,” cheater said. “Hey, talk to me.” he shook me off. “I’m not gonna stop until you talk to me.”

Annoyed, I got up mah bed. Cheater’s sitting beside, looking at me with those gentle eyes.

Can’t fool me no more.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“I just want to talk. Tell me, do you have a problem? You’ve been avoiding me these past weeks.”

“All people have bad days. Now is my time. You need not bother yourself about those who are not important in your life.”

“What are you talking about? You’re important to me.”

“Please leave the room.”

He brought his hand. “No. I need to understand why you’re avoiding me.”

But I flicked it away. “Just leave me alone!”

“But I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”



You ain’t wanna ruin?

Ah. You only see me friend?! Tsk. Real stupid.

I’ll go somewhere without you.

“Where are you going?”

I continued walking to the door. Mah plan’s to run away but he gripped mah arm.



“Listen to me first. I’m sorry if I talked about Gunwoo that day. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

I froze on the spot. Hearing Gunwoo’s name boiled mah blood up mah head. Mah eyes darkened.

I raised mah hand, and mah fist landed a hook on his face. His hold loosened.

“Leave me alone,” I said.

He stepped back while holding his right cheek. Ignoring him, I walked away from the scene and didn’t come back for days.

Am angry that time, but now, am feeling a bit guilty.

Am I wrong?

Was it him?

Don’t know no more.

Being his seatmate ain’t helping either. Heck. Seeing his face the last thing I wanna do.

I spot a tall tower in the crowd. Black hair, gorg face, tan skin, and sharp jaw. Cheater? I jump on mah side to hide mahself behind the peeps.

He walks by without turning his head. Phew. Great save. I need to get outta here ASAP. I fly away through the crowd.

After minutes, I notice white hair front of me. It’s braggart. I look back but peeps are so many can’t move back. In short, have no choice but to take his ass face.

Peeps part way for him and I copy them.

“Not so fast.” the voice sends chills mah skin.

In front me greets a dookie face. This look is definitely for Braggart’s slave.

Am already at the side. What’s your problem?

“If you’re going to talk to master, stand in his front,” slave says.

Sigh. You ain’t letting me go anyway. I crawl the center and pay mah damn respect.

“Good afternoon...”

“Lift your head,” braggart says. “Where’s your hero?” he’s smiled too wide.

Hero? Like superhero? Datman? Supperpan?

His lips suddenly become thin line.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

The heck.

On mah left, there’re gasps and on mah right, there’re blabbers. Then there’s me, feeling stutters. Act calm, Jeon.

“What do you mean when you said the word boyfriend? I do not have a boyfriend?”

“Don’t hide him from me. Where is that boy?”

Blabbers all rings mah ear. How disrespectful of him to not answer Master. Oh, so that boy is gay?

Mah fist irks but I resist.

“I am unaware of your words. I do not have a lover, much more, a boyfriend.”

“Don’t lie when people are witnessing you.”

That’s more reason to bluff. “I am not a perfidious person.”

“Perfidious? How great, your vocabulary is deep.”

“Thank you. Now then, allow me to ask you a question. Do you want to submit an application form?

Wrinkles form his forehead.

“Somebody with such a plebeian mindset like you is not deserving for me.”

Crowd roars lightning loud enough to be a thunder. On the other hand, braggart scowls.

“Now if you may, excuse me.” I walk past him.

Am making way. Suddenly, force tugs me.

Looking back, I notice a punch, coming at me full speed. I can’t fight back so I just block mah head with mah free hand.

“What do you think you are doing?” someone says.

Mah heart pounds cuz of that. The grip on mah hand then loosens. Looking, front us is old geezer.

“What are you doing?” old geezer’s voice’s calm but face’s all scrunched up.

“Dad, this guy incites a fight against me,” braggart says.

Am not.

“He had inflicted the first blow, and I’m just defending myself.”

“That’s enough!” his eyes pierce. “I have seen it all.”

Braggart flinches. On other hand, old geezer walks to me.

“Are you alright?”

In a moment, all round me becomes blurry.

“I’m very sorry for my son’s atti...”

Mah heart punches harder, and it’s hard to breathe. It’s hard. I need to go. So I run away.

Though ain’t seeing nothing, I still go. Old geezer... Am sure of it. His voice, eyes, face. He’s-


Dullness is what I feel and mah knees touch something hard. As I try to shake mah head sideways, there’s a dull sting in mah arms.

Mah vision then gets a bit clear. Thick piece of brown junkie’s front me. I open the door.

I sit on the bench and drink mah pill. Since I’ve no water, I decide to use mah spit though this whole shit’s so damn bitter.

Sight gets clearer a bit and chest loosens. Outta nowhere, I feel paws on me.

“Chun! Are you okay?” the voice says. It’s idiot.

“I am fine. I already took my medication.”

“What happened? Is it your panic attacks again?”

“Yes. My condition has triggered once more.”

He pats mah back. “Inhale! Exhale!”

“Stop being loud,” nother one says.

Beside idiot, there’s emo kid, too early for halloween but already looks so done with his life. His skin’s paler than usual but body’s thin as usual.

“Stop being so dramatic. Can’t you see that he’s breathing fine?” emo kid says.

Idiot pouts like a pup ready for spanking. “Your words are too sharp.”

“Just tell him already and we’re going.”

Tell what?

Idiot looks straight at me. “Have you heard the news?” his voice ain’t as loud as usual.

“What is this news that you have mentioned?”

“Our club president is dead.”

What the... “President is dead? How did such a dreadful event happen?”

“He got killed. They told the cub,” emo kid adds.

“That’s the reason he is not showing at practice lately.” idiot looks down. “Who would do something that terrible? He’s so likable!”

“Tone down your voice.”

“I am unaware of the news today...” I say.

Suddenly, a bolt digs deep on the ground of mah brain.

There’s that when president and glasses boy stood in front of the gift shop.

“You’ve received another letter?” glasses boy asked.

“Shush,” president said.

“Ok. Tell me.”

“In public?”

“No one will hear us.”

“They knew my address.”

“That’s creepy, man. You should report it to the officers.”

“But I’m not sure. It may be a prank or someone’s good time but...”

“It started when the result of the audition came in?”

“Yes. Just don’t tell anyone about this. Not the members. I don’t want them to be involved,” president said.

I feel shudder down mah skin. A letter. The letter!

“By any chance, do you have an idea where the vice president is?” I ask.

“Haven’t seen him. You thought something?”

“I just recollected a memory about the president and the vice president.”

Idiot’s face lights up. “Really? What’s it?”

Emo kid glares. “Not here. Some students are passing by.”

Then, he looks the right. “Follow me.”

“All right.”

We jump to the backyard at the back of the school. It’s full of students. It’s noisy.

Idiot waves hands. “Are you sure about-”

“For the hundredth time, shut your mouth and continue walking,” emo kid says.

The place changes after a while. The loudness’s gone and sniff of wet grass takes all over. Around, the field becomes darker and everything turns to trees like am in jungle. Ain’t this where braggart almost caught me?

“Why are we here?” I ask.

“It should be safe here.”

“So cool~”

“Now, if you can’t shut up, I’ll gag your mouth with a tape.” emo kid puts hand in the pocket and raises a packing tape.

Tsss... Hahaha. Good one.

“You don’t need to go that far.”

“So shut your mouth. How can someone be so loud?”

“I’m not loud. You’re just too silent I feel like I’m rooming. With. A. Rock."

Hahahaha. Hell, their banter’s real funny.

Emo kid stops walking sudden. “Here should be far enough from any outsiders.

“Now, tell us what you’ve got.” he looks me straight.

“Please listen to what I am ready to speak. Last month, I heard the president and the vice president of the club conversing. Based on my memory, they are talking about serious matters.”

Idiot cocks head while emo kid remains statue.

“From what it seems, our president received a letter, which appears to be a threat. But somehow, he did not want that certain experience to swathe in our knowledge for the safety of the club.”

“Sounds suspicious.”

“Where did that happen?” emo kid asks with a bony frown.

When was it? Buzzy streets, people all around, hiding... Ah! It’s when I run away from bitch.

Wait, can’t tell them that. Think... think...

Oh! I know.

“I witnessed the event after Hwan’s food poisoning.”

“That might be related to his death then.”

“You think so too? I really think that the investigations are wro~ng.”

“Indeed. The investigation took 3 weeks to transpire results when it is just a simple crime.”

“Hey, re~member Jules?”

“I do remember him.” smooching the hallway with a slut.

“Just a gut feel but he’s my number one suspect.”

“I think that I’ve heard enough.” emo kid clears throat. “Listen to me.”



His bone finger points me. “Remember the time you got in the woods?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re not dumb, so, I know that you know what I’m talking about.”

Shit. “How did you know?”

“What? Join me in! Chun! Chi-”

Immediately, something white flies the air.


The white thing’s a tape that bumps idiot’s crown. Wow. Guess emo kid’s ain’t playing games.

Idiot rubs the landed spot. “You’re so mean.”

“Shut. Up. Anyway, I’m also at the woods that time.”


“Don’t give me that look... I’m clean. I’m not their accomplice. At the woods, I prefer to have my me-time under the glade.”

“All right?”

“You don’t believe me? Then forget what I said.” emo kid turns away 50%.

“I believe you. Please continue.”

He snorts and turns back -50%. “You’re helpless, you know that?”

I can break you whole if you’re gonna boss me.

“Anyway, you also ran to the old facility, am I wrong?” emo kid says.

You know bout that too? You omnipotent? CCTV maybe?

“Tsk. I’m the one you two are talking to.” emo kid shakes head. “I can still remember your boyfriend kicking the door open.”

I almost slip. “What are you saying?”

“Hwan told me you’re gay.”

I glare at idiot.

Idiot smiles. “Sorry. Sorry Chun-chun. It’s not a bad thing. And Chifui’s not one to gossip.”

Might be true though. But. Ugh. Don’t go shouting that to anyone again.

Wait. “You saw us coming to the old building?”

“Not only that. I’m also observing from the distance when Richard and his brother... I forget his name, talks.”


“Yeah. Jules had chased you two.”

“Did you, by any chance, hear what they were conversing?”

“Of course. Unlike you, my place is near to them.”

Guess ain’t lying then.

“I heard it all. Actually, I followed you two when you all came running by the shortcut.”

“Rea-” idiot says.

“They’re talking about something ‘have you done it?’. Apparently, Jules failed whatever that thing is, and Richard told him to avoid leaking the truth.

“What does that exposing the truth means?”

“I don’t know. They never mentioned it.”

Idiot puts hand under chin. “Sounds like connected to my poisoning.”

“The two occurrences did seem to be connected.”

“They talked about more things, but I couldn’t understand because they’re not in Korean.”

“That much is useful. Thank you, Chifui.”


Did you just click tongue at me? How dare?

“What do you think Chun?”

“What are you suggesting?” I ask.

“What do~ you think we should do~?”

Ah. Right... “We can’t report our speculations to the principal because the party that is involved are his grandchildren. That also means that the faculty is not included.”


So mah movies are getting good use. “Maybe we can espionage Richard and his brother.”

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