HUGE X4: Chapter 13

I’m running away.  I know this.  It feels wrong in so many ways, but right too.  I make it to the airport without issue, my new return flight booked and quick journey in a taxi to take me away from my troubles.  I’m dressed in the same clothes I threw on for breakfast, tugging my hastily packed suitcase behind me while I look around for the correct desk.  My phone rings in my handbag but I ignore it.  If it’s someone I want to speak to then I’ll call them back later when I’m departure-side and I’ve had a chance to have a gin and tonic and relax.  If it’s someone I don’t want to speak to then I will just ignore their attempts to get in contact.  Nothing is going to draw me into a conversation that I know is only going to serve to make me more upset.  I see the flight desk I need and start in the direction of the overly made-up woman who is staffing it, when I hear my name.

It’s a male voice and my heart sinks.  Was I spotted leaving the hotel by the twins?  I can’t face them here and now.  It’s just too damn hard.  I keep walking and hear feet thudding behind me.  Then a hand is on my shoulder and I’m forced to stop.

“Hey, Bethany.  Wait up.”

It’s not Liam or Callum, so I turn.

It’s either Ryan or Matty but I’m not sure which.  I haven’t had a chance to figure out a way of separating the younger twins yet.

“Matty,” he says as if he can read my mind.

“Hey,” I say, not knowing where to look.  His eyes are taking in my suitcase and the direction I’m heading, and putting two and two together.  I guess what I’m doing is pretty obvious.

“You going somewhere?” he asks, slipping his hands into the pockets of his loose linen trousers.  His eyes are just like his brothers but his mannerisms are different.  He seems more uncertain, but I suppose that could be because he doesn’t really know me.

“Yeah.  I have to head home.”

“Oh,” he says.  “I thought you were going to be staying for a few more days.”

“It’s work,” I lie.  “They need me to come back to deal with a crisis.”

Matty doesn’t say anything for what feels like an age.  His eyes scan my face as though he’s trying to decide if I’m telling the truth or not.  Even I know that my story sounds pretty suspect, particularly as he witnessed the confrontation with mom earlier.

“Do Liam and Callum know?” he asks eventually.

I don’t want to lie to him about that. It’s a step too far.  “No…it’s all been a bit of a rush.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He frowns.  “They’ll be pretty sorry about that.”

My heart sinks but I smile brightly.  “I’m sure they’ll be fine.  Plenty of other gorgeous girls in the resort for them to have some fun with.

Matty’s frown deepens.  “You really think that’s what they’ll be thinking about when they find out you’ve gone?”

I shrug because I don’t know what to say without making myself sound more callous or them more shallow.

He takes a deep breath. “Bethany, it’s pretty obvious this isn’t about work.”

I blink and open my mouth to protest, but again I just can’t find it within myself to defend a lie.  I sigh and stand my suitcase, using my now free hand to rub my forehead, trying to figure out what to say.

“I just couldn’t stay, okay.”

“Because of your mom?”

“Because of everything.”

“So you’re going home.  Isn’t that going to be a temporary fix?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you live with your mom, don’t you?  She’s going to be home in a few days.”

I sigh again because Matty’s right.  I’m only escaping her wrath temporarily.  In fact, I think as soon as she finds out I’ve left she’ll be jumping on the next plane out of here, just to make me feel even more guilty about ruining her vacation.

“Two days is better than no days,” I say, sounding defeated.

Matty looks thoughtful, then he digs around in his bag and pulls out a set of keys.  “Look, this might sound crazy but you’re welcome to stay at ours, just until the dust settles.”

I must look completely stunned because he grins.  “It isn’t an offer I’d make to just anyone, but seeing as we are going to be family soon, it seems like the right thing to do.”

“I don’t need your charity, Matty,” I say.

“Why do you have to be so defensive all the time?” he says.  “Not everyone is out to hurt you, you know.”

His comment floors me because he’s right.  He’s made a sweet and genuine offer to help me out and I’m just being horrible and rude.  He shrugs again, as though opening his home to me, a practical stranger, is something completely normal.  I look at the keys that are dangling from his hand and think about how great it would be to have somewhere to hide from mom and the situation, just for enough time to get my life sorted out.  It’ll take time to find an apartment for myself.  This could give me that time.  Plus, I know that Liam and Callum are going back to Dubai so I won’t be putting myself in a difficult situation.  When Matty and Ryan come home, I’ll be working and I can try and stay out of their hair as much as possible.  All I need to be able to do is keep a polite distance.

“Are you sure?” I ask, and he nods.

“I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise.  Look, take these.”  He holds the keys to me and I extend my hand so he can pass them to me.  He rummages in his bag again and comes up with a pencil and a luggage tag.  He scribbles something on it.  “The address.  It’s not too far from where your mom lives.”

I take the tag and read his gorgeous cursive.  The apartment is in a great and really convenient for my business space.  This could work out so well.

“Really?”  I ask again, feeling like I need to give him a little time to make sure he isn’t doing something totally crazy.

“Absolutely.  Stay in the first bedroom on the right.  That’s Liam’s.”

“Okay.”  I get a shiver imagining slipping into Liam’s bed, sleeping in the room that houses all his personal effects.  I’m not the kind of person to look through someone’s belongings, but I’m totally intrigued to find out what pictures he has up.  Maybe his closet will smell of his cologne.

“We’ll be back in two days.  Our numbers are all on the board in the kitchen if you need anything.  Just make yourself at home.”

I nod.  It’s only then that I realize that Matty’s at the airport and I haven’t asked him why.  Did he follow me?  “How come you’re here?” I ask.

“My suitcase was sent on the wrong flight.  I came down here to collect it now that they’ve managed to find it.”

“Ah,” I say, feeling relieved.

We stand awkwardly for a moment, then he steps forward and kisses me on the cheek.  His lips are soft and the kiss is strangely tender under the circumstances.

“You take care, Bethany,” he says and then steps back.

“Thanks, Matty,” I say with a lump in my throat.  For a moment I wonder how someone as awful as Frank managed to raise four sons with so much empathy.  All I can think is that their mom must have been one amazing woman to leave such a legacy.

“I’ll see you soon, okay.”  He turns and heads off in the direction of the information desk and I watch him go.  In his tight white t-shirt, his broad shoulders and biceps are impressive.  Everything about him from behind looks exactly like his older brothers; same dark hair, same tapered waist, same walk that is purposeful with just a little bit of swagger.  I can’t help but pine a little for my twins who are going to be so far away soon.  I have no idea when I’m going to see them again.

I head to check in my luggage and then proceed through security and passport control.  It’s only when I’m on the other side that I head to the restroom, sit in a cubicle, and allow myself to cry.

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