HUGE X3: Chapter 3

“Welcome to the pleasure-dome,” Jason says in a mock game show host voice.

“Smooth, dude,” Austin laughs.  I think I manage a nervous chuckle at his stupid humor and take a long swallow of the remaining champagne in my glass.

“Just trying to lighten the moment.  It was feeling a little intense in here.”

“That’s cool,” I say.  “I guess I’m a little nervous.”

“You don’t have to be nervous with us.”  Austin cups my cheek with his big warm palm and looks directly into my eyes.  “Tonight is all about you, baby girl.  You tell us what you want and we deliver.  Simple as that.”

“Simple,” I murmur.  Somehow none of what he said sounds simple.  How often do women really communicate their desires to their partners.  I never have.  Not really.  I guarantee most married couples haven’t talked about what really makes them tick in the deepest recesses of their brains.  We just muddle through our sexual relationships hoping that P in V with a little or T on C will do the trick.  And that might be okay for your average guy, but most women have sex more in their mind than their body. It’s why reading saucy books does it for me so much more than watching porn.  I can create my own appealing pictures from the words.

It’s kind of freeing to hear that if I wanted to take the chance, I could really tell them what really turns me on.  These sexy twins that have appeared from nowhere, with the sole purpose of making my sexual desires come true.

Austin takes my empty glass from me and hands it to Jason.  I know this from my peripheral vision only as I’m so taken up with Austin’s hand in my hair and his lips almost on mine that I think I forget to breathe.  His lips press against mine in a ghost of a kiss.  It’s so soft I find myself falling forward when I seek more pressure and he has already pulled away.

“Easy,” he says as though he’s trying to calm a frightened animal rather than an overeager sex-starved woman.

Jason steps forward and takes over from Austin, stroking my curls and pressing kisses to my jaw.  When he looks into my eyes, I think I see something darker there than his brothers.  His hand grips me tightly on my hips, his lips press harder.

I feel Austin’s hand on my arm, stroking my skin gently, waking all the nerves there so I shiver.  He slips behind me and presses his body against me.  When he lifts my hair and kisses my neck I have to press my legs together to ease the rush of arousal there.

“Close your eyes,” Jason whispers.  I gaze at him for a moment, wondering if I can do that.  Can I let myself go that much?

“It’s okay.” Austin’s voice behind me is equally soothing.

I nod and do as they ask.  It’s strange to stand in darkness with two virtual strangers so close to me.  Now I’ve agreed to this, I don’t feel as though it would be okay to open them.

“Tell us what you want,” Jason says close to my ear, taking the soft flesh of my lobe between his teeth and nibbling gently.

“You,” I say.  “Both of you.”

“How?”  It’s Austin who wants to know.

“Together,” I say.


“Just…” I don’t know how to describe what I want.  It’s all there in my mind but I’ve never told anyone.  I’ve never verbalized any of it, and to do so feels so strange.

“Not ‘just’,” Jason says.  “’Just’ is a cop out.  ‘Just’ isn’t want you want.  Tell us your fantasy, Katelin.  We can make it real.”

In the darkness behind my eyelids, his words are like poetry.  Like dripping liquid chocolate, like sweet music.  Just those words of his are half my fantasy.  To have two men want to make my desires real is almost too much.

“Tell us,” Austin urges. His hands rest at my waist and I feel the hardness of his cock press against me.  It’s a reminder of what I have on offer and it makes me greedy, feverish, desperate enough to tell them.

“Blindfold me.”

“Yes,” they say in unison, the excitement in their voices so evident I want to smile.

“Hold me down.”


“Take turns,” I say, flushing from head to foot.

“Oh, baby.  We intend to,” Jason says.

“Tell each other what to do, so I can hear.”

“You want us to whisper dirty things,” Austin says from behind me.


“And do dirty things,” Jason adds, pressing his lips to the hollow of my throat.


“How dirty, baby?” Austin’s voice is so thick with longing that I barely hear the words.


“Fuck.” Jason growls the word, kissing me hard on the mouth.  With my eyes closed it’s a pretty overwhelming experience. Then he’s gone.

“Keep your eyes closed,” Austin says.  His hand travels up my front, stopping just under my breasts.  His breath on my neck is hot and fast and his chest presses against me with each inhale.  Oh god, I want to open my eyes to see what’s going on but I can’t.  I don’t want to spoil the moment.  Not for anything.  This is my once in a lifetime chance.  This is my moment to know what it’s really like to let go, to hand over all control, to ask for what I want and hopefully to be given what I need.

I feel like a kid at Christmas who can see that the gift they are about to unwrap might just be the thing they’ve been hoping for for months.

I hear Jason opening a door; the closet, maybe.  I’m trembling with anticipation.  I’m so turned on I feel faint and weak at the knees.  If Austin wasn’t holding me I’d need to reach for some furniture to prop me up or bend over and rest my hands on my knees like I do after a really long run.

Jason’s moving again and so are Austin’s hands, cupping my breasts gently as though he is weighing them in his palm, or testing them for fit.  I want to scream at him to squeeze harder, pinch my nipples, show me how much he wants this.  I want him frenzied and out of control, but he’s making me wait.  Or maybe he’s just waiting for his brother.

“I’m going to wrap this over your eyes,” Jason says.  His voice is gruffer than before and it hits me straight between the legs.  I’m wet.  I can feel it in my panties.  I blink and look at him for just a second and when his eyes meet mine they are dark; black pupils so wide they have almost obliterated his green irises.  He doesn’t smile at me, just stares, moving in closer with the fabric in his hands.  It’s a tank top of some kind, I think.  It’s summer and they’re from out of town so I’m guessing that scarves weren’t really on their packing list.  “No peeking,” Jason says and Austin makes a little sound in his throat that sounds disapproving.

“Was she looking?” he asks his brother.

“Yeah.  Her eyes were open.”

Austin’s hands grip my breasts tighter as though he’s displeased, then he moves to take hold of the straps of my dress and pulls it down to my waist.

The air is cool on my chest and back but my senses are so focused on what Jason is doing that I don’t shiver.  The fabric is soft over my face and smells good, like fabric softener with a hint of something alpine fresh.  I imagine them wearing the shirt, the gray cloth stretched across their broad chests and I get the urge to nuzzle into in and inhale deeply.  I’m momentarily perplexed by my train of thought and the urgency of my feelings for these men.  I’m not the kind of girl who sniffs her boyfriend’s clothes that he’s behind.  Yeah, I like the clean smell of aftershave or shower products, but nuzzling the t-shirts of people I barely know is something totally new.

Unable to see, I allow myself to be led backward toward the bed.  Someone strips my dress down my thighs and I’m left standing in just my Wonder Woman thong.

“Oh, baby,” someone says.  I think it’s Austin because I can hear something wicked in his voice.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Jason replies.

“They’re so cool I almost don’t want to take them off,” Austin says.

“They’re cool, but not that cool.”

I feel a finger hook through the elastic at one hip and then the other.  They are slow in pulling my panties off and the wait is excruciating.  My nipples are so hard that my breasts feel smaller and tighter.  The air is warm but I’m a mess of shivers and goosebumps.  My arms hang at my sides because I don’t know where they are and whether it’s okay for me to touch them.  I feel like a piece of artwork, inanimate and standing for their consideration.

“Fuck,” someone mutters.  “She’s beautiful.”

“Yeah,” someone else replies softly.  When their voices are quiet, I can’t quite make out who is who.

I shift on my feet, feeling so exposed and aroused too.  There’s something very sexy about being looked at and talked about, especially as it feels as though I’m not really present or involved.

I’m not expecting to feel a hot mouth tugging at one of my nipples as the first contact they make.  At the same time, a hot, rough palm strokes over the swell of my ass really slowly.

“Her skin is soft like a peach.”

The fingers stroke a little between the cheeks and I jump, not expecting it at all.  “You’re sensitive,” a voice whispers close to my ear.

I nod and he chuckles.  “Good.”

A hand moves to stroke my belly; long languid rubs from side to side that make me dizzy.  Every swipe gets closer to my pussy and I shift my feet again so that I can press my legs together.

The mouth suckles hard, teeth nipping and I gasp.

“I think she likes that.”

“Touch her. She’s ready.”

Fingers slip down, caressing the small patch of hair on my mound, teasing at my lips but not quite slipping between.

“Open your legs.” A rough voice in my ear, hot breath on my cheek.  Press of lips against mine.

I do as I’m told, spreading them wide enough that whoever is touching me can get where he wants to go.

“Sit on the bed,” a voice says.  The mouth leaves my nipple wet and a little sore as hands guide me into a seated position.  Hands on my knees spread my legs wide.  The bed shifts behind me and I’m moved so I’m lying with my legs still resting on the floor.

Fingers stroke my labia so gently, teasing them apart like they are trying to make my pussy open like a flower.  I wriggle and hands move to grip my wrists, holding my arms tight to the bed.

“Lick her.” I think it’s Jason holding me and Austin between my legs.

“Oh fuck,” I say when a tongue touches my clit.  The roughness of it, the probing of the point moving in circles feels so amazing that I can’t keep my hips still.  Austin’s hands grip my thighs, fingers digging in hard.  He licks and licks, sometimes using this tongue to push inside me, sometimes gently tapping my clit, keeping me waiting for each contact.  I whimper.  I need fingers inside me.  I need them to fuck me.

“I think she wants more,” Jason says.

“Bite her nipples,” Austin orders and Jason does exactly what he’s told, moving from one to the other as his brother finally pushes a finger inside me.  My orgasm takes me by surprise, my body going so tight that my back arches up off the bed.  Austin presses on my lower belly and the orgasm keeps going; wave after wave of pleasure that feels too amazing to be real.

It’s been so long since I had an orgasm that wasn’t self-love that it feels almost like they pulled it from me.  “That’s it,” Jason says.

“She squirted into my hand,” Austin says with a kind of dazed awe.

“Fuck,” Jason says.  “Show me.”

My cheeks flame as they talk about me, but I love it.  To be objectified to the point that I can almost pretend I have no control at all.

“That’s so fucking sexy,” Jason says and I relax.

His mouth presses softly against mine, licking at the underside of my lip; soft, teasing.

“You still with us Wonder Woman?” He’s smiling.  I can hear it in his voice.

“Uh-huh,” I say because all words have left my mush-mind.

“It’s my turn,” he says, licking my jaw and pinching my nipple as the bed shifts again.  Hands push me to roll over so my ass is in the air.  More hands grip my arms, pulling me so they are straight, my head to the side.  Hands stroke the backs of my thighs, my calves; slowly, so slowly.  I wriggle and fingers hold me tighter.

“You have such a beautiful ass,” Jason says.  His palms squeeze gently and my pussy clenches.  I’m still coming down from the orgasm but already I want more.  Hands leave my skin, then his lips press where my ass joins my thigh.

“Mmmm.” My moan is loud. Embarrassingly loud, and Austin laughs from where he’s kneeling by my head.

More kisses are pressed to the cheeks of my ass, then Jason does something so rude I don’t even know what to do with myself.  His tongue licks a hot stripe up the seam of my ass and the sensation is too much.  I try to shift away but four strong hands hold me down, just as I asked for.

“No, no, no,” Austin croons, putting my hands together so he can hold them and have a free hand.  He caresses my back, my shoulders, the side of my breasts as Jason’s thumbs push my cheeks apart.

I gasp as he licks a circle around a place that no one has ever touched before. It’s too sensitive, too forbidden.  I feel like I should say no, to tell him to stop but it feels so good that all I can do is moan and wriggle.

His mouth leaves me, then I feel the pressure of a thumb over the place he just licked; pushing, pushing, pushing and I clench because that’s my body’s natural reaction to something that should be so unnatural.  More fingers push inside my pussy and a thumb brushes my clit.  It’s like some kind of sexually deviant octopus has taken control of my body.

I gasp nonsensically as Austin strokes my neck and Jason’s finger finally pushes inside my asshole just a little.

“That’s it, baby,” Jason growls. “Give it up…you know you can’t hold on anymore.”

I struggle because the fierceness of the orgasm that I can feel welling up between my legs is too much.  It’s too strong, too raw.  I need to hold it back.  I can’t.

I clench down, trying to pull my legs together, but the twins are strong and determined.  Jason’s finger pushes further inside and I claw at Austin’s wrist.  “Fuck,” he says, but he doesn’t let go.  “Vicious little thing, aren’t you?”

“I can’t,” I cry, “I can’t.”

“You can,” Jason says.  “You will.”  Then he bites me on the ass cheek and I come like river rushing through a breached dam.  I hear strange keening sounds and it takes a while for me to realize that it’s me making them.  I’m quivering from head to toe.  Totally out of control of my body’s overwhelmed reaction.   This feels too big.  Too much.

Too close to my fantasies for me to bear.

As I come down from my orgasmic haze I’m turned and someone leans in to kiss my mouth, and stroke my breasts and stomach.  I’m lost in the darkness behind my blindfold in a way that heightens every contact.  The graze of stubble over my chin reminds me of how freaking manly they both are.  With my hands free I reach out and run my fingers through gorgeous soft hair.  When I stroke downwards I find a very bare shoulder and chest.  Smooth skin over hard muscle.  Even without my sight I know the twins are a veritable buffet for the eyes.  I want to see what I’m touching.  I want my time to feast on their bodies and appreciate everything I’m getting to experience.  There is also a part of me that it enjoying this total submission.  Not knowing what they are going to do next is crazy sexy.

“Do you feel good?” someone asks.

“God, yeah,” I say and they both chuckle.

“You ready for the main course?”

To be really honest, I don’t think I am. Two orgasms in such a short space of time have kind of blown my mind.  Add to it that my lady bits feel swollen and sensitive, but I couldn’t deny them their pleasure after they so selflessly gave me mine.

“Hit me with the steak special,” I say.

“Oh, you’re gonna get some meat alright.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I’m tugged up the bed like a rag doll.  One of them is between my spread legs and I hear a wrapper being torn.  Someone else is kneeling next to my head.  This time, there is no restraint.  I use my hand to feel the person next to me.  Strong thighs covered with a soft dusting of hair that I imagine is blond.  I stroke up towards his hip, finding no boxers.  For a second, I freeze, realizing that all I’d have to do would be to move slightly to the left and I’d have my hand full.

“You searching for something, Katelin?”  It’s Jason, I’m sure.

“Yeah,” I say.  “You gonna give it to me?”

I feel the soft skin of the head of his cock in my palm and he guides my hand until my fingers are wrapped around his girth.  For a second I’m paralyzed. I think he must be joking.  Surely this isn’t really a cock.  Maybe it’s his baseball bat and he’s messing with me.  The thing is that it feels like a cock; soft skin over a rock hard center. Hot and pulsing as I dare to move.

He hisses as I stroke, trying to mentally fathom the sheer size of him.  As I raise my hand he just seems to go on and on.

“She’s trembling,” he says to Austin.

“Ah…that’s sweet.”

“I think she’s scared.”

Austin pats my thigh.  “No need to be scared, baby.  We’ll make sure you can take what we’ve got.”

I shiver again as Jason’s cock pulses in my hand. “That’s it,” he says.  “Squeeze it tighter.”

When I do as he asks, he groans.

I hear the snap of latex as Austin finishes putting the condom on.  He probes at my entrance with his fingers, testing how wet I am.  He needn’t have worried.  I can feel my arousal slipping between the cheeks of my ass, I’m so turned on.  Austin replaces his fingers with his cock, using the big round head to part my labia and stroke over my clit.  Then he’s pushing against my entrance.  It feel’s ridiculous like he’s trying to enter me with a club.  There’s no give and he just keeps pushing and pushing and not getting anywhere.

“She’s so fucking tight,” he says to Jason.  There’s an edge to his voice that sounds a little frantic, as though he’s close to losing control.

“I’ll give her something to help her relax,” Jason says.

He takes my hand from his cock and then shifts closer until his knee is touching my neck.

“Open those pretty lips of yours,” he says, sliding the wet head of his cock over my mouth. I lick out at him as Austin pushes harder, stroking my clit.  I’m distracted, trying to open my jaw wide enough to let Jason in.  He’s so huge and so hot, pushing over my tongue so I can taste his excitement.  As he bumps against the back of my throat, Austin finally slips an inch or so inside me.

“Ohhhh,” I gasp, mouth full of dick. The sound must vibrate nicely over Jason because he moans.

“Oh fuck,” he says at exactly the same time as his brother.  They both roll their hips in the same rhythm, Austin pushing deeper and Jason being careful not to make me gag.  I stroke my tongue over the underside of Jason’s cock, loving the sound he makes when I hit a sensitive spot.

My pussy’s on fire as Austin bottoms out, the soft skin of my labia pulled tight around the girth of his cock.  I wish I could see what it looks like to be spread so wide.  I bet he has a great view.  I bet he’s watching as his cock comes close to tearing me open, enjoying the slick slide of it, in and out.

Jason’s hand is in my hair, gripping lightly in a way that speaks of control but doesn’t force it.  I can taste how turned on he is as pre-cum coats my tongue.  Austin pushes my knees up high, driving in deeper, grazing my clit with every thrust.  I’ve never felt so owned in my life.  I guess I’ve never wanted to be, but here, with these two amazing men, I give my body over to their whims.

“You like that, Katelin?”  Austin says, putting my ankles over his shoulders and bearing down on me.  I can’t reply and I can’t even nod because Jason is holding me tight.

“She loves it,” Jason says.  “I can hear how slick she is.”

“Yeah,” Austin hisses.  “She’s so slippery.  It feels so damn good.”

“Should I turn her over?” Jason asks.

“Yeah.  Turn her over so I can see her peachy ass.”

I go from being totally filled to empty in a second.  My jaw tingles and my pussy throbs but I don’t want to stop.  I miss them being inside me.  Jason rolls me to the side and tells me to get up on my hands and knees.  I do as he asks and Austin comes in close behind me, pushing himself straight back in.  With my mouth still empty I can cry out.  I’m expecting Jason to get into position straight away.  Instead, he strokes my bottom lip with his thumb.

“I know you wanted to be blindfolded,” he says quietly, “but I really want to see your eyes while you suck me off.”

I nod, wanting the same thing too.  He eases the fabric from my face and I blink as my eyes adjust to the low light.

“Hey pretty girl,” he says lazily and I smile.  Gazing up at him, I take in his golden skin and rippling abs.  His upper thighs are slightly paler and I am utterly fascinated by the sight of his cock.  So huge I actually gasp to think I managed to take that into my mouth.  He holds it by the root and strokes up and down.  “You ready for your meat feast,” he says, grinning at his lameness.

Austin snorts from behind me.  “Smooth bro,” he says, gripping my ass as he begins to move in earnest.  I have to brace myself so I don’t fall forward and Jason puts a hand on my shoulder to stabilize me.

When he shifts closer, I lick out at his dick, glancing the very tip with my tongue.  “Greedy,” he says, sounding very pleased.  In a second my mouth is stuffed, the taste of his arousal sweet and salty.  I look up at him, holding his gaze as he moves in and out of my mouth.  “That looks so fucking good,” he says, stroking my hair.

“You should see this,” Austin says, swatting my ass as he grinds into me.

I want to tell them that it’s me who’s getting the treat, that it’s me whose fantasy is becoming reality.  They have no idea how amazing this is for me.  As they climb towards their release, their cocks begin to swell at the same time.  I can feel the tremble in Jason’s legs and the desperation in the grasp of Austin’s fingers.  I know they are about to lose control.  I’m so lost in the feelings of power and submission that I don’t expect to climax as they come, but I do.  It’s a different feeling this time.  A slow, steady pulse of pleasure that keeps washing over me like waves lapping at the shore.

“That’s it,” Austin grunts, leaning over me as he comes, holding me around my waist and breathing hot and fast on my spine.  Jason’s eyes are wide as he comes, pulling back so I can watch the hot streams pulsing over his clenched fingers.  My arms go weak and I slump down onto the bed with Austin half over me like a casually tossed blanket.  Jason collapses into a heap too.  Our collective panting is so loud that I can’t help but laugh.  A big bubble of happy feeling wells up inside me; a mixture of release and relief and outright joy.

Jason grins at me, stroking my face and pressing a kiss on my lips.

Austin drapes his big arm around me and cups my right breast, holding it tightly and proprietarily in his palm.  As he squeezes, he kisses my shoulder.

“You did good, baby girl,” he says.

“Yeah, pretty damn amazing for a first time,” Jason says.

“It wasn’t my first time,” I scoff.

“First time with two,” Jason corrects.

Austin squeezes my breast again, his touch starting to feel more exploratory than sexual.  He stops kissing my back and goes still except for his hand.

Jason must notice because he watches Austin’s fingers and I start to feel uncomfortable.

“Katelin,” Austin says.  “Do you ever check your breasts?”

Everything in me goes still.  His voice is so serious.

“You a doctor now?” I say, trying to make light of the situation.  I tug his hand away and sit up and so does he.

“Not yet,” he says.  “I’m an Oncology major.”

I look at him aghast, not because I thought he was dumb or that I’m worried he might be lying but because I suddenly realize he might have found something that will change my life forever.

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