When Cora slumps forward, her orgasm robbing her of ability to stay upright, I help her roll onto her back.

Her pretty curls are in disarray, and strands are slicked across her sweaty forehead. Her chest heaves, drawing in short, shallow breaths, and for a crazy moment, I realize that I can see her pulse hammering at her throat and her fingers trembling.

Is that what we did to her?

To say I’m proud is a fucking understatement. Even though this isn’t the first time I’ve shared a girl with Danny, it is the first time that all my brothers have been present. For whatever reason, in the past, it’s generally been a two-on-one situation, and almost always with girls who’ve done it before with other guys. This is a first for us, and I’m pretty sure it’s a first for Cora, and seeing her taken apart this way, able to fully let go and experience all the sensations until she’s a trembling mess, is overwhelming.

I haven’t finished, but I don’t care. In a way, I’m grateful for the chance to take a break and prolong my own pleasure. I want to be on the other end of this experience, in a position where I have a chance to watch my brothers do unspeakably sexy things to this girl until she’s boneless and begging for us to stop. Only then will I feel like our work is done.

There’s an element of pressure that I haven’t felt with any girl before. Usually, I’m interested in their pleasure purely from an arrogant perspective. No self-respecting man ever wants a woman to leave his bed unsatisfied. But with Cora, it’s about so much more. It’s about getting everything right so that this doesn’t wind up being a night that we look back on with regret because we failed in our attempt to show Cora that this could be something amazing.

I want her to be absolutely confident that this is the right decision. I want her to know deep in her heart that we can be more than just fuck buddies, more than just dicks to give her pleasure. I want her to feel a connection, and that’s potentially going to be harder to deliver than I thought.

Five men might make the angles more interesting. Five men can make the pleasure greater. But with five men, there is just less time to dedicate to the emotional side of sex. At least, that’s the way it feels. If I wanted to look into Cora’s eyes and check she’s with me, connected and not just lost in the sensation, I’d have to interrupt someone else’s pleasure. I’d have to make a big deal about it, and I’m not sure what my brothers would think. You see, since that night I saw Cora crumble, she’s had a hook fastened into my heart. My brothers say they want her, but how much of that is just scratching the itch she created when she walked into our kitchen in just two small scraps of lace, and how much is because they see her and want what’s underneath the sweet curves and pretty smile?

“Tobe?” River’s voice jolts me out of my thoughts. “You gonna finish?”

“I’ll wait,” I say, already moving so that he can kneel between Cora’s spread legs. She stares up at him with wide eyes that don’t seem to focus fully .

“Baby,” he says, pressing his hand to her cheek. “Are you good to carry on?”

Her nod is equally dazed: just a slow lowering of her chin.

When River pushes his thick cock into Cora, pressing her knees together and resting them against his chest, her groan is long and low. “Fuck, you feel good,” he hisses as he starts to move.

“Cora.” I lean over her, clasping her cheek and turning her head. Her pretty eyes meet mine, staring through me until I pat her cheek again. “Princess. Are you with us?”

Her hand touches my shoulder, a smile fluttering onto her lips and then disappearing as River thrusts harder. “If it’s too much…”

Blinking, she smiles again. “It’s too much,” she says softly. “But I’m greedy.”

Around the room, my brothers snort. I glance up, finding Danny watching me with his head tipped to the side. He’s contemplating my actions and trying to read their cause, but for the first time in my life, I don’t care. He can rib me all he likes about being soft, but each of us will forge a different connection with Cora, and I know what I want mine to be. I want her always to be able to turn to me in times of trouble. I want her to feel that deep-down confidence that I’ll put her needs first. I want her to know that I’ll fight for her, always.

I kiss her lips gently and then rub the tip of my nose over hers. “You be as greedy as you like, sweetheart. We’ve got you. We’re all yours.”

As I back away, River begins to fuck her in earnest, speeding his thrusts, so she shifts up the bed. Danny takes her left hand, pushing his cock through the circle of her fingers. Mark is there, bending to kiss the lips I just kissed, and my heart surges, knowing just how good she tastes, how it feels to be inside her slick wet heat, and how close I got with only a few undulations of her body beneath mine.

“Can you come for me?” River asks Cora. She blinks up at him, using her free hand to stroke his chest, throat, and cheek.

“You feel so good,” she says.

It sounds like she’s trying to tell him that she’s too wrung out, but rather than taking it as a defeat, River straightens and looks at Danny. “Sit with your back against the headboard, bro.”

Danny wastes no time in taking his place just as River instructed, fisting his cock a few times before sliding a condom down its length. “Cora, baby, I want you to sit on Danny. I know how we can get you off. Do you trust me?”

“I can’t…” she says, but he shakes his head.

“Just sit on Danny’s cock, and I’ll show you.”

He pulls out and encourages Cora to crawl up the bed where Danny’s waiting. “With your back to me,” Danny says, softly patting her hips so that she turns. The sight of her sinking down onto Danny, reverse cowgirl style, has me moving closer. Like this, I can watch his cock moving inside her. I can see the explicit spread of her labia around his length and her sweet little clit so swollen and engorged it almost looks painful. River takes his place in front of her, encouraging her to press her back to Danny’s front and sit with her feet flat on the bed, and I know what he’s planning.

“She’s not ready,” I say quickly.

“She’s ready,” River says. “And I’ll go slow.”

“Ready for what?” Cora asks.

River pushes her hair back from her forehead, moving close so he can take her sole focus. “Ready to take us both,” he says.

Cora’s gaze drops to his cock, which is currently tapping his belly, and her thoughts are clear. How is that thing going to get inside her when she’s already full?

The thing is, I know just how much a woman’s body can stretch, and so does River. There’s no can’t in this situation. If she’s willing and River goes slow, the physiology will follow.

“I know you feel full right now,” River says. “But we can show you what full really feels like.”

“Fuck,” Alden mutters, and Mark shakes his head. I don’t know why but my older brothers have never been drawn into this kind of experience before. Their expressions of disbelief match Cora’s.

“Trust me,” River says again. He kisses Cora, drawing her bottom lip between his and sucking just enough to make her moan.

“Relax, baby,” Danny says, smoothing his big hand over Cora’s belly, drifting lower to take her clit between his thumb and forefinger and press gently.

Cora moans, her eyes drifting closed as she rests her weight against Danny’s chest. Relaxed and focused on Danny’s fingers, she doesn’t flinch when River’s cock nudges her entrance. He pushes slowly but with weight behind his hips until she opens enough to take just the tip. The restraint he shows as he holds there, waiting for her body to accommodate him, must take herculean strength.

“Ready,” he asks her.

Cora opens her eyes, blinking as though she’s gone from darkness to staring into the midday sun. She lets out a long, slow breath, allowing her hand to drift down the ladder of River’s abs and slide around his hip. Her fingers press tentatively into the tensed muscles of his ass as though she’s urging him forward. “Ready,” she says softly, moistening her lips.

Oh God, this girl is too much.

Watching River’s cock slide inside her alongside Danny’s is the ultimate drug. My head spins, and Alden mutters something under his breath that tells me his reaction is the same.

River pushes in deeper, deeper until his chest is against Cora’s, and she’s sandwiched between my two brothers. She seems impossibly tiny, but able to take the punishment of two huge men, driven to reach their own pinnacle of pleasure.

Danny’s hand moves to keep up the soft, indirect pressure on her clit and Cora pants with every roll of River’s hips. And a strange sense of pride surges inside me. My brothers, with all their sharp edges and rough ways, really know how to pull out the stops when it comes to fucking women. If Cora doesn’t drop into a coma-like sleep when we’re done, then she’s made of stronger stuff than even I can imagine.

When she comes, it’s with a jerk of her body that sets off Danny and River. Three people coming at the same time is a spectacle to witness, and one that will fill my spank bank for years to come.

River flops against Cora, burying his face into her neck. Danny’s head is tossed back against the headboard as he gasps for breath, and Cora’s face is scrunched tight as she pulses through her release. I want to run my thumb across her furrowed brow and smooth out all the tension as she regains control of her body. Maybe I’ll have the chance to do that in a minute when she comes with me inside her.

Because I can’t wait any longer. I have to slide back into that sweet, wet pussy and make her mine again.

“Time’s up,” I say, patting River on the shoulder. He groans like he does when I have to wake him for college, then rolls his head on his neck to loosen the tendons. “Cora, baby, I’m gonna pull out,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. He moves slowly, keeping his eyes on her face in case she displays any discomfort. My big strong brother is suddenly a gentle giant with this woman in his hands.

“Now you, Danny,” River says. He helps Cora to rise, and Danny’s cock slaps back onto his belly with a slick-sounding thwack.

“She needs some time,” Mark says, rounding the bed to stroke her hair back from her face. He checks her over like a doctor would check a patient who was reporting they were dizzy. Maybe she is.

“I’m okay,” Cora says, flopping onto the bed, her body splayed, her nipples drawn tight in the cool air of the room. Mark lies next to her, sliding his hand over her belly, kissing her shoulder, and caressing the inside of her thighs.

“Did it feel good?” he asks.

“Yeah,” she says breathily. “So good.”

“Do you think you can carry on?”

She draws her gaze from Mark to Alden and then to me, focusing on each of us who hasn’t come yet. “I can carry on. I want you all to feel as perfect as I do right now.”

“Are you sore?” he asks, trailing a finger between her legs. Cora doesn’t flinch, but moans when the tip brushes her clit.

“I’m not sore. I just feel like I’m at the end of my quota of orgasms for at least a month.”

“There’s no such thing as a quota of orgasms,” Danny says.

“Orgasms are like the magic porridge pot; at least they are when we’re around,” River says, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I swear, if he hadn’t just delivered on his claim, he’d sound like a boastful, smug asshole!

“We’re going to give you more,” I say, sliding onto the bed to face each other, and Mark is behind.

“Oh yeah.” Her fingers trail my pec, her lids slowly lowering as my hand caresses her breast. “Promises, promises.”

“Carlton men deliver on their promises,” Danny says, and for just a second, I feel Cora flinch. I move to cup her face in my palm, my eyes searching her expression. I thought we’d moved past her disquiet with the past, but it seems she’s still holding onto the feelings that plagued her when we met.

“Cora,” I whisper. “It’s okay. We’re not going to hurt you. You know that, right?”

Mark’s hand slides over her arm and then lower, linking his fingers with hers.

I kiss her forehead, and the tension leaves her body, but I’m still not certain that it’s gone for good.

What will we have to do to prove that we’re nothing like our dad, to prove that she’s safe in our arms? It’ll take time, for sure, and patience. I have both, but I’m not sure about my brothers. This is a conversation we must have later.

I go slow, checking every caress and every kiss, ensuring Cora’s responses are genuine. She’s soft and warm and accepts me into her body like we were made to do this one thing. With her leg hitched over my hip, Mark works slowly to push inside her pussy, too, and I let him control the movements, knowing he’ll finish before me that way. When he comes, Cora brings his hand to her lips and kisses his knuckles gently in the sweetest of gestures. He rolls from behind Cora, moving to sit on the edge of the bed as his chest heaves with exertion.

Alden takes Mark’s place, and for what feels like an eternity and no time at all, we move together. Cora lets us possess her body and mind, and when she comes, it’s with her eyes staring deep into mine. Alden groans at the pulsing clasp of her pussy, finishing at the same time, and then it’s just me.

Kissing Cora long and deep, I focus on a single speck of light behind my eyes, pumping, pumping, pumping until my balls are drawn tight and my thighs are burning with exertion.

“Come, baby,” Cora says softly, raking her nails down my back, and it’s her permission that ushers the strongest release of my life.

I hold onto this girl who’s gone from rage and anger to putty in our hands, knowing that this is it for me. Fate has brought the perfect girl into our home and into our lives, and I don’t ever want to let her go.

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