Chapter HUGE HOUSE HATES: Epilogue

“This place looks absolutely amazing,” Molly says as she bends to sweep up the last of the dust pile. For the first time, I take a moment to pivot on my heel, spinning to look at the stark white exhibition space that displays my ceramics to perfection.

Every vase and pot in riotous colors is displayed perfectly. Every bowl, plate, and cup sings against the neutral background.

It’s my first solo exhibition, and up until now, I’ve been so busy preparing for it that I haven’t had a moment to reflect on what a big moment this is for me. All the days I spent scratching around for contacts, trying to get my work in front of the right people so that it would receive the recognition that I hoped it deserved, now feels so close. The days I doubted myself and my choices are still there like a shadow, but I try and push it all away because negativity is like a lasso, tugging backward.

“Be positive,” Tobias always tells me. He has such a passion for life and a can-do attitude. Maybe it comes from sports, where relentless optimism is the only way to succeed, or maybe it’s just his innate sunny personality.

So, today I’m taking a leaf out of Tobias’s book and focusing on how awesome everything is.

“It does, doesn’t it?” I reply with a broad smile.

“You’re going to sell out in a flash,” Molly says, beaming happily. “You better be ready to work your fingers to the bone producing all the orders you’re going to get tonight.”

“I was born ready,” I say, puffing out my chest.

Molly giggles and then approaches to pull me into a fierce hug. “You deserve it all, honey. All the success. All the adoration. All the love.”

“Love?” a voice says from the doorway. “What’d we miss?”

Tobias lumbers forward, followed by River, then Danny and Alden, and finally Mark. They’re all dressed in suits, and for a moment, my mouth hangs open at the overwhelming sight of so much unbelievable hotness. Molly turns to them and then looks back at me, using her hand to gently raise my chin. “Seriously, girl. They’re hot, okay? But you’ve got to get better about not fucking them with your eyes in public.”

“She can fuck us with her eyes any time she likes,” Alden says to his best friend, but he’s not focused on us. He’s staring around the gallery with utter fascination.

“This place looks unbelievable. Seriously, Cora, when did you have time to produce all this?”

“In between all the fucking,” I say seriously, and everyone splutters with laughter.

“It’s awesome,” Danny says. He’s the first to step in to press a kiss on my mouth. The first to taste the cherry ChapStick I smeared over my lips a few minutes ago. “You taste like a teenage boy’s wet dream,” he whispers against the shell of my ear.

“Later, if you’re really good,” I whisper so that no one else can hear. “I’ll make your cock taste like ChapStick too.”

“Fuck,” Danny mutters, his whole body stiffening. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about him, it’s that his favorite thing about sex is when I get on my knees for him. And believe me, nothing makes me happier than the look of surrender I see in his eyes as I stare up at him with my mouth full.

“Less of the dirty talk,” Mark mutters, taking my elbow gently and drawing me into an embrace, which is followed by a tender press of his lips to my crown. “You’ve done an amazing job,” he says. “We’re all so proud of you.”

My heart swells with an ever-expanding balloon of happiness as all my men gather around to shower me with affection. By the time River is seducing me with a deep and sensual kiss, Molly is clearing her throat.

“You know that some people aren’t that comfortable with public displays of affection?” she mutters, striding away with a flamboyant swing to her hips that I know is all for hilarious effect.

“So,” River smiles as he meets my slightly woozy gaze. “How long do we have to hang out here? Because we’ve got a big surprise for you, and I’m kind of struggling to hold it in.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Alden growls, his hand flying up as if attempting to stop traffic.

“Surprise?” I cock my head to the side and wiggle my eyebrows at River. “Tell me, baby. You know you want to.”

“Don’t do that to him!” Alden says, tugging River away. “You know he can’t resist your baby blues.”

“They’re my weakness,” River admits, shrugging as though he doesn’t care one bit.

“You know…” Molly calls from the back. “I could really do with some help pouring the champagne.”

“Champagne?” Mark says, and I can see how his eyes drift up that he’s already calculating the cost of such an expense.

“It’s a gift from your dad,” I say, and all heads swivel in my direction.

“Randolph sent champagne?” Tobias asks in disbelief.

“He sure did,” Molly confirms. “Enough to sink a small ship, and we’re going to drink it all.”

“Maybe leave some for the guests,” I laugh. “I don’t want to have to take you to the hospital to get your stomach pumped.”

“Me?” she says incredulously. “I can handle my drink, sweetie. Don’t you worry about me!”

“Are there any beers back there?” River asks.

“Did you forget that you’re the designated driver?” Mark reminds him, already striding to help Molly pop more bottles. With only five minutes to opening time, we really do need to get organized.

River groans, but it’s in good humor. Throwing his big arm around my shoulder, he whispers, “At least I won’t be the one suffering from beer dick later on.”

“I know I can always rely on you,” I say, leaning in to kiss his warm pec, and he smells so good I want to climb him like a tree and never let go.

The sound of the door opening draws my attention, and Mom is there, wide-eyed and clutching a huge bouquet of flowers. “Oh my goodness. Darling. This looks spectacular,” she says, raising her tanned hand to her painted lips. In a black sheath dress with a shawl draped around her shoulders, she looks every bit like a rich lady at a gallery opening. Randolph appears behind her in a suit, and for a second, I’m stunned to notice all the attributes he’s passed on to his sons that I never noticed before.

“And you look spectacular,” Randolph says, holding out a small gift bag.

“Thank you.” I reach out to take the present, unsure what to do next.

“Are you stealing our thunder, Dad?” Mark asks, heading over to shake hands with his father.

“If you haven’t learned that complimenting your woman is a necessary part of any relationship, I’ve failed as a father.”

“Cora knows,” Tobias says.

“But it never hurts to hear it, darling,” my mom croons.

By this point, I’m blushing and feeling very self-conscious in my red silk tea dress and ballet flats. I’m sure Mom would have encouraged me to buy some heels for the occasion, but I wanted to be comfortable for as long as I need to be on my feet.

Charli and Naomi are next, bursting in with yet more flowers and matching wide smiles. I hug them both with a little more force than they were expecting, and then we grin at each other and the absurdity that this is actually happening. I’m really taking a step toward becoming a successful artist, and I couldn’t be more excited.

A steady stream of people attends the exhibition, and gradually, more and more sold cards are added around the room. I’ve collected twenty business cards from stores around the city that are looking to stock a range of different products from this collection. There are also others wanting to be the first to stock next year’s collection, which is overwhelming because I have no idea what that is going to look like.

Halfway through the night, Maggie arrives flanked by Donovan and Dwayne. As I rush over to thank her for coming, I marvel at how strange she looks without more men around her. I’ve become so used to seeing her in that context that it’s almost like she’s missing a purse or shoes. “I’m so happy you made it,” I say, pulling her into a tight embrace.

“As if I’d miss it,” she smiles. “Any excuse to get out of the house in something that isn’t covered in child mess.”

“This dress is to die for,” I say, stroking my hand over the watery blue silk.

“A gift from Sean,” she says. “He has amazing taste in women’s clothing.”

“That’s an accolade we’re happy to leave for him,” Dwayne jokes, but I don’t miss the hungry look in his eyes as he gazes at his woman.

“Tori, Jasmine, and some of the others are here,” I say, waving in the general direction I last saw our mutual friends. “Although, I’m not sure for how much longer. They never could handle their drink, and much free champagne has been consumed.”

“That’s okay,” Maggie laughs. “I’m about to follow by finding much free champagne for myself.”

“Easy,” Donovan says. “I mean, have fun, but I don’t want to be scraping you off the bathroom floor later.”

“I’m easy when I’m drunk,” she says, swatting his huge bicep that is straining the sleeve of his white dress shirt.

“You’re easy anyway,” he laughs, earning another somewhat harder swat. “What?” he says, throwing his hands up in surrender. “It’s not a bad trait. We wouldn’t want you any other way.”

By the time the last few people leave, I’m dead on my feet but flying high as a kite. Chora Ceramics, my brand, isn’t just going to be my passion anymore. It’s becoming a serious business and one that I couldn’t be prouder of.

“Ready to go?” Alden asks as soon as the gallery is quiet.

“Absolutely,” I say. “If nothing else, I need to put River out of his misery. He’s been fit to burst over this surprise for hours.”

“Fit to burst in other areas, too,” he grins.

It takes us ten more minutes to pack the last unopened champagne into the truck and say goodbye to Colin, the gallery owner. We have so much to discuss tomorrow, but for now, I want to focus on my men and whatever it is they have planned for me.

We pile into the truck, and I end up half on Tobias’s thigh and half on Danny’s. “It’s only a five-minute ride,” River reassures me, and with Tobias’s thick arm fixing me against his chest, I feel okay to drive this way. I feel even more okay when Danny secures a blindfold around my head, and Tobias’s cock hardens under my ass. Wherever we’re going, it better have a bed, and we all better be wearing fewer clothes.

When River parks up, I hear the doors open, and people leave the vehicle. Tobias shuffles over, scooping me up and carrying me from the car, and I hook my arm around his neck for stability. “Where the hell are you taking me?” I ask, my voice high with excitement.

“Don’t you think telling you, after all this, would kind of ruin the surprise?” Mark laughs. “River’s held out for this long. No point in prematurely ejaculating!”

“Speak for yourself,” River grumbles from somewhere distant. “That has never been my problem.”

“Touchy much?” Alden laughs, and I hear a slapping sound like he clapped his little brother on the back.

Tobias walks forward, carrying me as though I weigh nothing. The atmosphere around us changes as we enter a building. The sound of an elevator whirring echoes as a button is pressed to summon it. In the elevator, we ride for long enough that I’m certain we’ve traveled at least six floors. Tobias kisses the end of my nose, making me swoon at his sweetness.

“Nearly there,” Danny says, the excitement already bubbling in his voice.

“Look who’s ready to ejaculate now?” River says.

“No one’s ejaculating anywhere except inside me,” I chide.

“What about on you?” Danny asks, his voice switching into a sexy gravelly mode in a flash.

“In me, on me. Potatoes, Potatoes,” I say.

There’s a rumble of laughter, and then the swoosh of the elevator doors opening sends a hushed silence across the group.

The rattle of keys echoes, and a lock clicks open, then Tobias is striding forward and gradually lowering me until I’m on my feet. “Ready,” he murmurs, his fingers already reaching to unfasten the blindfold.

When I open my eyes, I’m momentarily blinded by the brightness of the artificial lighting, but through squinted lids, I take in a huge open space that looks like an old factory upgraded to a massive industrial loft space. There are exposed pipes and sanded hardwood floors, and windows that look out over the city. “What is this place?” I ask, glancing at each of my men in turn and taking in their grinning faces.

“Our new place,” River says, finally bursting. “It’s big enough for all of us, including studio space for you and Alden. Even though our parents have finally realized that this relationship isn’t worth losing us over, we need to get out of Dad’s house. I’m sick of feeling like a kid, and I hate that you have to keep bedhopping. This way, we can buy one of those ridiculous beds that can fit us all. I got the details from John, Maggie’s other twelfth.”

“One big bed,” I say, folding my lips and humming as though I need to think about the viability of the idea.

“I know we’re not exactly the smallest guys,” Tobias says. “Maybe it’ll be too much.”

Reaching out, I place my hand on his heart. “It’ll be perfect,” I say. “But is there a bed here now?”

“No bed,” Mark says, “but I brought a comforter.”

“He’s like a fucking boy scout,” Danny grumbles, but this grin is almost ear to ear.

“Then I say we need to christen our new home.”

If there is one thing about the Carlton men that I’m happy they took from their father, it’s that they don’t hesitate to take what they want. As long as that’s me, I couldn’t be happier.

Mark lays out the comforter, and I strip off my dress and kick off my shoes, leaving them to fly across the open space with abandon. Five sets of hungry eyes devour my almost-naked body in a way that I will never tire of.

“On your back, River,” I say, gently shoving at his massive bare chest. His pretty gray eyes dance with laughter as his hand fists his cock, once, twice, in heavy-handed strokes.

“Is this how you’re going to be now you’re the woman of the house?” he asks. “Because if it is, I like it.”

“Absolutely,” I say as I crawl over his big, muscular body, settling into his lap and rubbing my pussy teasingly over his cock. His hands go to my hips to make e contact firmer, but I grip his wrists and force them to the comforter. “Don’t be greedy,” I croon. “Everything in good time.”

I have an idea to make this night memorable, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to pull it off.

But I think we should try.

Tobias is the next to drop to his knees, settling behind me. His hands roam my body, grazing over my thighs and my waist, then up to cup my breasts. River’s eyes follow his movements, his tongue moistening the center of his bottom lip as his hips shift beneath me.

Danny is the next, followed by Alden and Mark. They press closer, hands reaching out to touch me with all the familiarity we’ve built up over the past few months, and I reach for them too, seeking their lips for kisses, one by one, until I’m dizzy from the sweep of their tongues and the teasing of their lips. I’m mindless from fingers that press and pinch and explore, and between my legs, I’m wet and swollen.

“I want us to try something,” I say, my eyes trailing over each of them, the sight of their ripped bodies and smooth skin sending a shiver of anticipation up my spine.

“What, baby?” Mark asks, his fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I want us to all try to come at the same time.”

“Fuck,” Alden and River mutter. Tobias hums in a way that sounds a lot like approval, and Mark and Danny stare at me with eyebrows raised as though they think I’ve lost my mind.

“You know how hard it is to get just two people to achieve that?” Danny says.

“I know, but it’ll be fun to try.”

“Everything is fun to try with you,” River grins. “But how? Not to sound crude, but you only have so many holes, baby.”

“I have hands,” I say, waving them to prove the point. “In me and on me, right?”

“Is it just me or are things about to get messy?” Alden chuckles.

“Very, very messy,” Mark agrees.

“I like messy where you guys are concerned,” I say. “But only sex mess. Don’t go thinking that when we move into this place, you can start leaving your socks and underwear on the floor.”

“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Mark says quickly. I know he wouldn’t, but the big man behind me isn’t quite as tidy.

I roll my hips against River’s length until my clit is pressed against the head of his cock. “Ready big boy?” I ask.

“I am always ready, baby,” he says. With a bruising grip, he shifts my hips until his cock is notched at my entrance, and in one smooth and deep thrust, he’s buried to the hilt. And oh God, it feels so damn good, I moan.

“Tobe,” I say, taking his hand and tugging him closer. His fingers trail my hips again, his thick thumb brushing over my taint once, twice, until I’m whimpering.

“Where do you want me, Cora?” he asks softly.

“Next to River,” I say, craving the stretch that only two huge cocks can bring. It doesn’t take him long to work his way inside me, shifting forward inch by careful inch. Danny’s thumb brushes my lower lip, pushing inside at the same pace as his brother, and my eyes never leave his. I guess I know where Danny wants to be.

As I push myself up, River uses his big hands to support me, and I reach for Mark on my left and Alden on my right. Their cocks are thick and hard, and they kick in my hands. Danny moves forward, so he’s kneeling close though to brush the head of his cock over my lips.

“Open wide, pretty girl,” he says, and I do. Oh, I do. I take him deep into my throat and use my tongue exactly the way he likes. He already tastes salty-sweet, as though he’s close before I’ve even done anything.

In my hands, Alden and Mark thrust into the circle of my fists, already clicking with their own arousal.

River doesn’t move. The man has iron control. But Tobias does. In maddeningly slow thrusts, he fucks into me until my toes are curling, and I’m moaning around Danny’s cock.

“Fuck,” he mutters, gripping the back of my head. “Are you guys close? Because I’m going to bust a nut.”

As I give a small shake of my head, he pulls out for a few seconds, gripping his huge cock at the root and rubbing his hand over his perfect abs absent-mindedly.

“I’m close,” Alden says through gritted teeth. “Watching her take your cock has fucked with my self-control.”

River slicks his tongue over his thumb and presses it softly to my clit, and it feels so good.

“Danny,” I whisper, feeling the orgasm stirring. Our eyes meet, and he knows.

“She’s getting close,” he says, already easing between my lips, and just like that, everything dials up a notch, as though everyone has lost the final grip on their control and is just sprinting to the finish line. I close my eyes and lose myself in the push and pull, the thrust in and the drag back. My whole body is being used for pleasure that is swelling up inside me so fast that I can hardly breathe. As Tobias thrusts harder and deeper, River throws his head back, the arch of his throat moving in a long swallow. As pleasure peaks, clenching my pussy and spilling down my thighs and up my spine, I taste Danny’s release. The groan Alden makes when he comes is guttural, and even with my eyes closed, I can tell he coated my breast. Mark isn’t far behind, dragging the tip of his cock over my nipple as warmth spills forth. And beneath me and behind me, River and Tobias freeze with their own orgasms, swelling against the pulsing of my pussy, filling me with their pleasure and crushing me between them.

For a moment, all that can be heard in the room is our ragged breathing, and then a bubble of laughter spills out of my mouth. I can’t stop myself. There’s too much euphoria trapped inside me, and I need to let it out. Danny follows, slumping to his back. As Tobias and River laugh, their cocks slip from inside me, and so does everything they released into me. In his proprietorial way, Tobias finds my entrance with his fingers, scooping it up and pushing it gently back inside. I swear that every time he does that, I wish I wasn’t on the pill. Mark and Alden both rest their hands on their muscular thighs, rocking back with the kind of laughter that only comes when you’re completely comfortable with another human being.

“I love you guys,” I say softly when everything is quiet.

“And we love you,” Marks says, his fingers playing with the hair at my nape.

They say there’s a fine line between love and hate. We might have started out as house hates, but, surrounded by my men, I know there is only love between us now.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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