HUGE 3D: Chapter 5

My eyes fly open wide. Everything inside of me, even the intoxicated parts of me, they all seize up. I don’t know which one is the guys it is, and as lips brush against the back my neck so softly again, I find myself struggling to remember how to breathe.

Whoever it is, brushes their fingertip across my shoulder, and then that’s when I realize. It’s Drew. His touch is the same tonight as it was in the car, and it feels amazing. My nerve endings tingle up my neck and over the top of my head. Clearing my throat, it’s damn near impossible to pretend as though what he’s doing isn’t affecting me in a million different ways. “What are you doing?” I whisper, my breath coming in erratically.

Instead of answering me, Drew just keeps kissing my neck, his warm mouth against my cold damp skin leaves goosebumps all up and down my body. My heart is in my throat. I don’t know what to do because I want this. I want it so bad I’m having to clamp my lips shut to stop myself from moaning. I ball my fists so that I don’t reach out behind me and grab onto which ever part of his gorgeous body I can lay my hands on. I’m torn between letting him continue because it feels so damn amazing, and coming to my senses and smacking the shit out of him because what he’s doing is so wrong. I’m torn because this is completely crazy and I know it, but my body hasn’t gotten the memo.

I stare straight ahead into the bushes, willing myself to do something, anything. Drew’s hands find my hips, his fingertips press into my hip bones lightly, and judging by the way he presses himself against my ass, well, he’s definitely enjoying this.

My eyes flutter shut again, even as I grip onto the edge of the pool tighter. If I don’t hurry up and do something, I’m going to lose my ever-loving mind…

He brushes the rest of my hair away from my other shoulder, his mouth leaving a warm trail along my skin, up to the nape of my neck and around to my earlobe, and there’s no sign of him stopping. When I feel Drew’s teeth graze against my ear I shudder. The boy has moves, but I knew he would. I’ve heard enough amazingly filthy rumors about him and his brothers to be pretty confident that he’d know his way around a woman’s body.

A splash behind us suddenly pulls me out of my foggy haze. What about Dylan and Dane? What would they say if they saw us over here in this compromising position? With they tell Richard and my mom? Would they even give a damn, to begin with? Maybe they’ll just hop out of the pool and let Drew carry on.

The splashing gets louder until I realize the other two aren’t just dipping out of the pool like I hoped they would. No, the water stirs on either side of me and Drew and I realize they’re surrounding me. All rational thoughts escape me as I feel both Dane and Dylan’s warm lips on either shoulder, their breath mingling with mine.

What the hell is going on? I want to say something, but I can’t find the words. My heart seems to stutter as each of them slips their hands around me, holding me in between them. I draw in a quick breath, tilting my head up to the sky, biting my lip. Is any of this even real? Even in my wildest dreams, I could never imagine how being between them would feel.

Someone, Dylan I think, skirts his hand around my waist and over my hip, grasping me tightly, while Drew behind me slides his hands up my rib cage. Dane cups the side of my face as he places kiss after kiss against my collarbone. All three of them touching me, kissing me, it’s like I’m in some sort of drug-induced fantasy. Someone’s hand slides along the curve of my ass, squeezing lightly. “Mm, Mills. You’re so sexy,” Drew mumbles from behind me.

My eyes snap open. While we were silent it’s as though I could pretend that it wasn’t really happening. With my eyes closed everything felt dream-like, but Drew’s words have woken up. I swivel around, breathing hard, taking in the sight of the three of them wearing matching dazed looks, smiles wide as hell.

I swallow hard as I come to the realization of how seriously fucked this is, pushing past all three of them quickly before swimming to the pool steps, desperate to get away from this huge mistake we were making. Drew calls after me, but I don’t turn. The breath heaves in and out of my chest, my heart racing overtime. What the hell was I thinking? How could I have let something like that happened? It was the alcohol. I wasn’t myself. I wasn’t thinking straight, I think. But even as I say it in my mind, I know I’m lying to myself. I wanted Drew to kiss me. I wanted my stepbrothers to touch me and that realization hits me hard. What kind of woman am I to have these desires?

I grab a towel on the way upstairs to my room, dripping water all over the floor, but I don’t care. I slam the door shut behind me and lock it even though it’s probably not necessary. Sitting on the edge of my bed wrapped in the big towel, I try to get a hold of myself.

What am I going to do?  There is no way I can face them now after what happened. There won’t be any more lifts to college or friendly dinners. This shit just got real in a way that we can’t come back from. I groan, putting my hands over my face as my cheeks heat at the memories. How can something that felt so good now seem so utterly mortifying? What would mom and Richard think if they found out?

A million questions and scenarios rush through my mind and I die a little more inside with each one.

Oh god.

But as I finally find the wherewithal to get up and get showered, the recent memory of Drew, Dylan, and Dane touching me and kissing me at the same time flashes brightly in my mind and my body comes alive all over again.

I know it was wrong, but I also know that it is a memory I will carry with me forever.

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