HUGE 3D: Chapter 14

I’ve never felt like crawling up under a rock more in my life than in this moment.

Shoved up against the door and as far away from Drew as I can get, I’m slowly dying on the inside. Getting away from the crowd was my priority so suddenly riding in the back of Richard’s car with my stepbrothers didn’t seem like such a hideous option.

I bring my hand up over my face, wishing I could sink into the seat itself. What the hell did I do? Letting my temper get to me like that, mouthing off and shouting in front of all those people from school. Being humiliated is one thing, but bringing humiliation on yourself is something else. I’ve never done anything like this before, and it’s clear that everything that’s happened between me and my stepbrothers has me acting out of character.

Without the radio on, the four of us ride in silence on the way home. Out of the corner of my eye, Drew has got his arms crossed, a muscle in his cheek twitching. He’s mad as hell — there’s no denying it – and I really don’t even see why. It shouldn’t be that big a deal to them. After all, everyone knows what they’re like. I’m the one who’s gonna be the talk of the college by tomorrow. I’m the one whose reputation is going to be shredded beyond repair. It’s the double standard between men and women that it’s impossible to escape. They will just be seen as macho heroes for all the other guys on campus to look up to. I’m sure there’ll be some serious back slapping going on in the locker room. Being able to fuck your step-sister, hell, who knows how many points that’s worth in the guy’s handbook?

Not me though. All those girls who lust after them will hate me. I’ll be an easy target and that just makes me feel sick. How long before those rumors get back to our parents? They’re involved with the college through the boy’s team stuff.

I can just imagine the football team now, all of them sitting around in the locker room, speculating on all the ways the triplets fucked me, laughing at how easy I must be. They’ll probably try and take a crack at me next, coming up with some crude name to call me for just the guys. I shudder at the thought of it.

Even still, none of them say a word to me and when we pull up to the driveway, I’m itching to get inside and lock myself away from them. Hopefully, they’ll really leave me alone this time.

Swinging my purse over my shoulder I’m the first to unlock the door, tucking the keys back into my purse and leaving the door open for the rest of them. I march up the steps, to hell with anything else.

Someone slams the door shut down stairs as I make my way up, and that’s when I hear someone else’s footsteps coming up behind me, not rushing, but definitely following me. I grit my teeth as I get to my bedroom door, ready to shut it on whoever’s trying to come after me.

But Drew’s not having it, placing his hand on the door before I can shut it, making it completely impossible for me to move it. Dammit, here we go again.

They hover around me until I’m so absolutely tired of the silence that I have to say something to kill it. “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask him.

All three of them seem to arch their eyebrows at me at the same time. Drew tilts his head to the side. “You think you can go acting like that, the way you did back there, and we’re just going to keep quiet about it?”

Without waiting for a response, all three of them walk past me into my room. Half of me feels violated, treated like some sort of child that they can boss around however they want, the other half of me can’t help but feel a little anxious. Something about the way they move, the way Drew turns on me and narrows his gaze at me. Yep, I’m definitely in trouble.

I stand there, awkwardly, wondering what they expect me to say. I ball my fists, the deeply rooted urge to defend myself bubbling away inside, but as much as I hate it, another part of me feels like I need to apologize to them. I might be feeling wounded at the thought that they’ve treated me the same as all the other girls they’ve been with before, but my feelings for them haven’t really changed. Facing up to them and telling them the whole truth about how I feel is scary. I don’t think that I’m that brave.

Fumbling for the right words to say, I open my mouth but am quickly silenced as Drew stalks up to me, backing me up against the closet door. His gaze is intense, fire burning inside his eyes as he leans in closely, Dane and Dylan coming up on either side of him.

“You’ve got us all wrong, Mills. We know what everyone says about us, and I won’t lie, we were total dogs to girls in the past, but that isn’t what this is, between us. It’s about a hell of a lot more than all that. You’re special to us, Mills,” he whispers in my ear. It’s everything I need to hear and this close, his breath sends chills down my neck and spine.

Trying to get myself together, I meet his gaze. “How do I know that?”

Dylan’s hand skims up my waist, while Drew cups my cheek.

“Isn’t it enough for us to say it?”

I shake my head. My dad was full of flowery words of love and devotion, then he left without a backward glance. Words are cheap.

“How can we prove it to you?” Dane asks softly. He finds my hand, entwining my fingers with his. I don’t know how to answer him. Proof can sometimes be immediate. When mom found the emails from Dad’s girlfriend, that was immediate and irrefutable evidence of his affair, but proving feelings and intentions, well that can’t be done so quickly. That kind of proof takes time. It takes commitment from everyone involved. It’s risky.

“It’s not that easy,” I reply. It’s not what they want to hear but I don’t know what else to say. They need to understand that there is no band aid for the worry I have in my heart.

“You sure about that, Mills?” Dylan whispers against my ear. “Because I think I can show you.”

It’s back to sex again.

“It’s not that easy,” I repeat.

“We only want you, Mills,” Dane says softly.

He engulfs my hesitated reply with a kiss. I try to turn my head but he holds my chin and presses the softest kisses to my mouth. I feel my resolve slipping because this does feel like more. It feels sweet and kind and all the things that I hoped I’d one-day find. Hands slip up my shirt, unbuttoning my pants, stroking my skin. Someone presses my hand against a very hard cock.

“See what you do to us,” Drew murmurs.

I melt into them all until I don’t know where one of us ends and the others begin. I’ve lost control of the situation. I’ve lost control of myself.

And so it happens again that my stepbrothers share me and I give myself to them, knowing that by tomorrow, everything that we’re doing together is going to be common knowledge.

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