HUGE 3D: Chapter 12

An up-beat pop song blares right by my head, and I instinctively roll over, my eyes still closed as I fumble for my phone to turn off the alarm. It can’t be eight o’clock yet… can it?

It’s unnaturally hot in my bed, but that’s probably because of the three extra bodies stuffed into it with me. My stepbrothers are all in my bed. My stepbrothers are naked in my bed.

I’m naked in bed with my stepbrothers. I think I’m going to have a total freak out.

I don’t want to look but I can’t help myself. Damn, these boys have bodies to die for. I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to so much perfect man-chest or so many gorgeous thick thighs. I blush when I catch sight of things that no stepsister should ever see, let alone do the things I did last night.




But even through my freak out I can’t help but consider what in the hell I did to deserve to be part of this? It’s like being stuck in some kind of man-heaven fantasy with the three of them yawning and rolling over to face me, all wearing matching smiles. It’s totally unfair that they all manage to look this amazing with so little effort. I run my hand over my hair which feels as lovely as a bush in the middle of a heatwave.

I don’t want to sit up because then they will see the birds nest that must have taken up residence on the back of my head. I feel sticky and hot and conscious that I must reek of sex. This is all way too real for this time in the morning.

How the hell am I going to get out of this bed and into the shower whilst preserving my dignity?

What damn dignity, I think.

“Milly, Milly, Milly,” Dylan says softly.

He’s looking at me like I’m a frosted cupcake he can’t wait to taste. Damn. I need to get out of this bed fast.

“I need a shower,” I blurt.

Dane chuckles. “You feeling funky, Mills?”

“A little,” I say drawing the cover up a bit higher. It’s way too late to be worried about my modesty, but I can’t help feeling shy. “You guys better start getting ready or we’re gonna be late for classes,” I say, hopeful they’ll all jump up and leave me to process.

I don’t think I’ve ever had so much to process in my whole life.


My brain seems to be stuck in shock.

Drew leans in to kiss my lips but I turn my head quickly. “Err…morning breath,” I mumble through a tightly clenched jaw.

“Doesn’t bother me,” he replies but he backs off a little anyway. I catch him looking at Dylan. One of their silent triplet conversations seems to take place for a couple of seconds, then they’re all rolling out of my bed, cupping their dicks as they seek out the clothing items they discarded on my floor.

“I call dibs on the shower first!” Dane says, jogging towards the door.

“Not if I get there first,” Drew shouts, always the competitive one.

Dylan is the last to leave, glancing over his shoulder as he gets to the door. “You okay, Mills?” he asks, resting his huge hand against the door frame. That hand gave me so much pleasure last night but now the sight of it is too much. I nod quickly.

“I’m cool, Dylan. Just need to get ready.”

He nods, but he doesn’t look convinced. “Catch you for breakfast then,” he says before leaving.

I slip off into my own bathroom, my back up against the door once I’ve shut it. At some point, I even remember to breathe. I look down at my body and everything feels different. Pink tipped nipples are a little sore from so much sucking. My hips have little round bruise marks from the pressure of frantic fingertips. Between my legs feels a little ravaged too, and sticky.

I blush hard and quickly start the water.

The steam hits me before the water does, waking me up even more. There’s a dull ache in my head as I lather up my shampoo. It’s not the only place either. My hips feel like I’ve just run a marathon with absolutely no warm-up. My thighs feel like they’re made of jelly, and I nearly hiss as the hot water hardens my tender nipples.

Dylan’s mouth greedily sucking at them… Dane’s eyes as he slowly entered me…

I rinse the shampoo from my hair, closing my eyes.

Drew’s groaning as my palm brought him so much pleasure.

Biting my lip, I reach for the conditioner. Dane, Dylan, and Drew made me feel so good last night. It was more than I’d imagined it would be. Better than I ever hoped I could feel with anyone, and it didn’t feel wrong while we were doing it. It felt good and right and full of affection. I could tell by the way they were touching me that it wasn’t just about sex.

At least I think I could.

But what do I know really?

I finish washing off, dry myself and throw on my favorite black skirt and pink top, even pulling on a pair of cute black shoes to go with it. Even though I know I’m running low on time, I hurry to put on some makeup, and toss my hair up into a messy damp bun. It will have to do for now.

I peek my head out my room, the smell of something delicious wafting past my nose. It sounds like they’re downstairs. Time to face the music.

I’m right—Dane is at the stove working on breakfast, and Dylan’s setting the table. Drew, already sitting down and flipping through his phone, is the first to notice me. The kitchen smells amazing, between the food and my freshly-showered stepbrothers. I have to fight back the drool as I take a seat at the table.

“You look nice. Hot for teacher?” Drew teases, winking at me.

I feel silly now, dressing up like this. But Dylan leans down, his face only an inch from mine. “Ignore his ass, Mills. He’s just mad that our ninth-grade teacher was hot,” he says, pointing between him and Dane, “and his was a fucking troll. Isn’t that right, Drew?”

Snickering, Dane turns around, a steaming plate of biscuits in his hands. “Oh man, I almost forgot about that! He was so pissed!”

Even I have to laugh when Drew rolls his eyes at them. “Whatever.”

Being here like this with them feels normal, easy. I take in a deep breath and let it out, biting into my biscuit, suddenly ravenous.

So much has happened between us, but right now this feels normal.

Being treated to the passenger seat this time, I smile as Dylan hops into the front seat, having snagged the keys first. When he pulls up along the curb at the front of the west end of campus, I grab my tote bag, flushing as I thank them all for the ride.

Dylan’s leaning in so naturally I nearly mimic him, my mouth hovering so close to his, but in a split-second reality kicks in.

“No,” I say, fumbling for the door handle, staring back at his wide eyes. I shake my head. “No, we can’t do that.” The hurt on his face is so obvious that I want to second-guess myself but there’s no budging this rule in my mind. I can feel Drew and Dane’s eyes boring holes into me, watching my every move.

“This isn’t going to be something we do in public. I can’t…We just can’t do stuff like that. I’m sorry,” I finish lamely, barely remembering to shut the door before I run off to class.

My feet hit the pavement in awkward steps and I’m pissed at myself for thinking it was a good idea to wear these goddamn shoes in the first place. When I do make it to my class, Falon is standing outside, already waving.

“Hey, girl. Did you run over here? It’s not after 9:30 already, is it?” she asks, looking at her phone. “Why are you so flushed?”

As much as I’m dying to tell someone what’s really going on, I steer clear of it. “Just didn’t want to be late.”

Falon looks me up and down suspiciously. “Right. We better go grab some seats.”

I’m surprised by just how hungry I am, tearing into the cinnamon roll like some kind of animal. It’s our usual Monday, hanging out at Java Joe’s, her favorite coffee shop right by campus. At least Falon thinks it is, I on the other hand, think it’s about as far from a usual Monday as it can get.

Stirring my straw around in my ice coffee, I try to act nonchalant. “Ugh, my stepbrothers have been so… ridiculous since our parents went out of town.”

“Bet the house has been flooded with girls,” Falon laughs shaking her head. “Those boys.”

“They’re not that bad,” I say. “Or do you know something I don’t.”

Falon takes a bit of her muffin. “I thought you weren’t interested in hearing the rumors because they gross you out.”

I shrug. That’s what I told her but really those rumors made me jealous. I didn’t want to hear about the other girls who were getting to be with my stepbrothers.

Falon laughs, not believing my casualness one bit.

She wipes the corner of her mouth and leans in, her eyes practically sparkling as she lays on the gossip.

“Well, there are definitely some rumors,” she says in a whisper. “You know…about the size of…” She uses her hands to illustrate and the funny thing is, she’s pretty spot on. “This girl in my drama class, she was bragging about the way they chased after her. She said they wanted a special kind of relationship.”

My heart speeds in my chest. “What do you mean?”

“Well, she ended up having sex with them all once, but she said they wanted to make it a regular thing. She said it was the most mind-blowing experience of her life but not something she could do on the regular.” She takes another sip of coffee. “She’s not the only one who got shared either.”

My stomach churns. I don’t know why I want to put myself through this, because the more Falon talks about them, the worse I feel, but it’s a bit like listening at a door. Addictive.

“Oh yeah.” I can’t look at her right now.

“Yeah. It seems they’ve been looking for a girl who will take them all on for a while, but no one wants the gig. I mean, one of them would be amazing. There are girls lining up for each of them, but getting shared like a bargain bucket of KFC and everyone knowing about it. Well, that’s not something anyone seems to be up for as a long term thing.”

The blood slowly drains from my face with every one of Falon’s words. She continues on but I don’t hear her, her voice fading out. I slump back into my seat, sipping my ice coffee in silence.

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