HUGE 3D: Chapter 10

Everything’s blurred until I blink my eyes a few more times, my room slowly coming into focus around me. I can tell by the way the light’s coming in through the curtains that it’s early morning. In the back of my brain, I remember that it’s the weekend, so there’s no need to rush off to class today.

Then my brain recognizes that I’m not alone in my bed, and I slowly try to put the puzzle pieces of last night together, still groggy. How did I even get in my bed,t to begin with? The sculpted, sexy body lying next to me shifts under the covers, and I squint, unable to believe that everything that happened last night wasn’t just some fantasy of mine. It really did happen, because Dane’s lying next to me, watching me curiously with his head propped up on his arm.

I start to turn and slip out of the bed, wishing I had something to cover myself up with.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to take off just yet. You fell asleep last night and I figured I would stay with you… And the other two slept in their own beds last night because we didn’t want you to feel so overwhelmed when you finally did wake up.”

I look over at my door which is shut, biting my lip. “Oh.”

Dane moves closer to me, the bed shifting under his weight. “How do you feel? I mean about everything…about last night.”

I have no idea how to answer that question. My heart is heavy with regret. The picture of me and mom on my bedroom wall hangs in judgment. I’ve been so selfish. I turn away from him but he eases me back. “Just tell me, Milly. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking that we made a bit mistake,” I say.

He shakes his head. “No, Milly,” he says. “That definitely wasn’t a mistake.”

“Not for you, maybe,” I say. “It’s not like that was a first for you guys, but we’re family in a fucked up kind of way and we should never have let it happen.”

He looks deflated and I’m sorry for that. The last thing that I want to do is hurt any of them, but he softly cups my cheek, brushing his thumb along my jaw. “It’s was amazing, Milly,” he says gently. “And you seemed totally at ease last night. We didn’t do anything you didn’t want us to do…did we?” he asks, searching my face.

I shake my head. God, that wasn’t what I was trying to say at all. It’s just in the cold light of morning nothing seems simple.

Everything that happened last night was on me, too.

“I need to ask you something, Milly,” Dane says, trailing his fingers down my shoulder and arm. “I want to know how you feel about me…how you really feel about me. Forget the family bit. Forget all your concerns about what people might think about us being together. If all of that was gone, what would you want? What’s in your heart?”

With his whole body pressed so tightly against mine now, it’s hard to ignore how much I want him. How attracted I am to him. How the soft look in his eyes and the stroke of his thumb on my arm is giving me the shivers. It’s so damn hard to focus when he’s this close and even if I could, what should I say? Tell him will only give him hope and I shouldn’t be doing that. We can’t do what we did last night again. “I don’t…” I stutter, my eyes fluttering shut.

“You don’t what?” he asks, leaning in closer and gently kissing my cheek. It’s as though he knows what’s in my heart and is trying to tempt me to tell him. Maybe he thinks that if I admit I want him too, that will be enough to smooth this all out. That the boys will get what they want.

I sigh gently because it feels so good and because I want to just do what he’s saying. I want to admit how I feel. I wish there were no factors to hold me back. His mouth moves slowly across my jaw, breath soft and warm, his body pressing closer. I’m naked under this sheet and that just makes everything feels so raw.

I think he must take the sigh for surrender because his gentle touch turns more urgent, his hard body overtaking my small, soft one, his lips working to part mine. Oh, it feels so good when he slides his tongue into my mouth and his hand under the sheets. He grips at my waist, shifting closer, his big heavy thigh moving between my legs.  The pressure is amazing, my clit still swollen from last night drives me to roll my hips against him. I feel his cock thickening against my thigh. Damn, that thing is hard. And huge. But then I knew that. If the rumors hadn’t confirmed it, the sight of him in just his boxers was a pretty good indication. I always tried not to look, but some things in life are so impressive you’ve just gotta stare.

Dane rolls himself over until he’s hovering above me, gazing down at me as though I’m the most desirable woman in the world and he’s just got to have me. He looks delicious and sinful and I can’t help but want him. As he brings his mouth down to my collarbone I sigh, my chest heaving.

“Dane,” I whisper.

“Milly,” he says, his huge hand finding my breast as his cock nudges between my legs. It’s a double assault that leaves me so wet I must be soaking through his boxers. I’m lost. There’s no fighting my own desires now. He’s got me where he needed to get me…to the brink of succumbing to my own needs and I can’t find the ‘no’ that I should be saying. Instead, I want to tell him yes, hurry, fill the emptiness inside me. Show me how much you want me.

Finding my nerve, I tangle my hands in his hair, scratching his scalp lightly with my nails. He surprises me with the low grunt in his throat, pushing me deeper into the bed. Dane is always the polite one, careful and considerate, just like he was with me last night but this is different. The passion in his eyes as I look up at them is striking.

He leans back to wrap my thighs around his waist, his wide, rigid cock teasing my clit. He pushes at his boxers, getting them down enough that we’re skin to skin where it counts. He’s so warm everywhere, my hands grip the firmness of his back and just want to squeeze. My hips have a mind of their own, pressing harder against him, craving what I think he’s working towards. We’re so close to fucking it’s blowing my mind.

Dane has always been the shyest of my stepbrothers. He’s big and strong and masculine but more thoughtful than Drew and Dylan. In a million years I would never have thought that he’d be the first to get me to go this far.

“Baby,” he says softly. “You ready for this?”

His concern warms my heart. Even in this moment where I can feel him almost trembling with restraint, he’s thinking of me.

I nod, even though I’m not really ready. It’s not the act itself. I feel safe with Dane and I want him so badly my pussy clenches against his waiting cock, but this is my stepbrother and I’m in my own bed, under our parent’s roof. Guilt floods me along with pleasure as he guides his length in his hand toward my entrance. The tip of him is so wide, I shift my hips. It’s the best kind of pressure. Anticipation buzzes inside me. He leans his weight against me and slides in an inch. I look down between us and see how much more he has to feed inside me and I gasp.

Dane’s cock is huge. Bigger than I ever imagined. There’s no way he’s getting that thing inside me, I think. He must feel the resistance because he slips his hand between our bodies and starts to rub my clit, pushing in a little more every few seconds as the pleasure opens me wider.

Oh, it feels so good I can’t even describe it. There’s something so damn primal about this moment. Submission, yes. Dane is big and muscular and very much in charge, but I feel powerful too. My body is giving way but with every little thrust, I can feel him getting weaker because he wants this so much. This moment of joining is just that, and when I’m full of him and he shudders with how good it is, I feel like a goddess.

I pull him even closer with my legs wrapped around him, coaxing him to move with a tug of my foot against the back of his thigh. Taking a deep breath in, my eyes squeeze shut and everything in me melts against him as he slowly draws his thick cock out of me, inch by inch. I ache to be full of him again.

Dane’s groan sends a moan vibrating in my own throat, and as he pushes back in deeper and I eagerly clutch hold of his back, hissing as he thrusts against me. I dig my fingers into his back with each thrust, my hips meeting his. It’s slow and delicious, everything I imagined fucking Dane could be like. He buries his face in my neck and I hold him close as the muscles in his shoulders and chest pull tight.

I love the way he rests his full weight on me. He’s heavy but it’s perfect, the closeness of our bodies matching how I feel in my heart. I listen to his short sharp breaths, the creak of the springs in my bed. Sex isn’t how it is in the movies. There’s no soulful music or romantic lighting. It’s just two people coming together to make the best kind of pleasure and the imperfectness of it is what makes it that much better.

I want more, clutching at him harder. I find his mouth, sliding my tongue against his, moving my hands down to grasp his tight ass. Damn if I wasn’t right about it.

I’m smiling, then crying out, writhing under him as he reaches between us to rub small circles around my throbbing clit. I know I’m getting close, the jolts of pleasure thrum through me, coiling up into something tighter and tighter inside…

Only vaguely aware of what’s going on around us, it takes a moment to register the door to my room opening up, and Dylan and Drew quietly walking in.

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