
: Chapter 42

‘I just found the bastards that were responsible for Irena’s car crash.’ Able declares while I pore over the printed-out images of the van.

‘Tell me their names,’ I commanded. ‘They go by Adan and Amari Jacobs, notorious twins from South Africa who go by the moniker Brother Hunters –

the very hitmen the underworld hires for their assassinations,’ he elaborated.

‘So they are the fuckers who were hired to steal Irena from me,’ I mumbled to myself.

‘By combing through clues, I’ve successfully traced the whereabouts of the van’s last use. Curiously, it appears that Irena was transferred into the care of Grzegorz at a deserted hospital, and the culprits swapped their ride from a van to a stylish green BMW i7. Tracking their movements, it’s been discovered that they’ve recently settled at a location, waiting for their next instruction,’ Able disclosed with a flourish.

I slump back in my seat, my hands massaging my face as I try to wrap my head around the latest development. ‘Do you have a location?’ I ask, my voice cautious.

‘They seem to have taken refuge at 3 Rue du Chantier in Marseille,’ Able answers promptly.

I spring out of my chair, feeling the adrenaline hit me. ‘Then let’s make our way there. Book a flight to Marseille,’ I instruct.

Without missing a beat, Able’s fingers fly furiously over his laptop as he types away. ‘Already taken care of,’ he confirms.

The moment I lay my hungry claws on those treacherous brothers, I will finally get the information I need that will lead me straight to Irena. And with the devilish duo, Grzegorz and his odious sibling Anatol, in my grasp, I will ensure that they pay in full for their foul acts.


The flight from Paris to Marseille was about an hour and a half and the ride to the location was not less than forty minutes due to the fact that I was driving over the speed limit.

We were stopped by a cop and he was wasting my time so I bribed him with a thousand dollars to leave us the fuck alone and of course he took it, knowing that this will be the only time where he will get fast money.

As I parked the sleek rental car a few blocks away from the towering building, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of adrenaline course through my veins. With my trusted duffel bag in hand, I turned to find Abel following closely behind. Together, we strode purposefully toward the hotel entrance, ready to embark on our covert mission.

Upon arriving at the front desk, we were met with a steely receptionist who seemed hesitant to divulge any information. But with a well-timed reference to our connection with the brothers, her guard was quickly lowered. With a flicker of a smile, Abel and I made our way to the elevator and ascended gracefully to the 7th level.

Finally, we arrived outside room 6C, and my heart rate spiked as I gritted my teeth and balled my fists. Calling forth all my alpha energy, I pounded on the door with a ferocity that could wake the dead. Yet there was only silence, mounting my frustration to near-unbearable levels. Desperate for answers, I pounded again and again until finally…

‘Who the fuck is it?!’ Shouts one of the brothers, his voice dripping with one of the many South African accents you can encounter. The country boasts such an array of flavors in speech, after all.

I give the door another thunderous knock, sending shivers through the wood.

Suddenly, the entrance swings open, revealing piercing auburn eyes which quickly furrow with suspicion. The bastard glances at Abel, then my duffle bag, but before he can reach for his firearm, I come at him with a headbutt that sends him stumbling backwards.

‘What kak is this, Amar-.’ His words were cut short as I snatched his brother’s gun and turned it against him.

‘Take a seat,’ Abel commanded, while Adan snickered. ‘I won’t sit down for crap,’ he argued. I rolled my eyes.

Why do they always have to make it difficult?

Without hesitation, I hit Amari’s neck with the gun handle and kicked him in the knees, causing him to crumple to the ground. ‘Sit your sorry ass down or watch me carve your brother like a Thanksgiving turkey,’ I warned every syllable dripping with meaning. ‘Sit, man.’ Amari pleaded, and Adan begrudgingly took a seat.

‘Now that we’re all gathered and settled,’ I spoke blandly, though inside, a storm of bloodlust and fury brewed, threatening to break free at any moment. ‘You clowns had the dumb idea of taking someone away from me.’

‘The fuck are you talking about man?’ Adan’s brow furrows in confusion, but his stoic expression betrays no hint of fear. However, as events unfold, terror will surely take hold of him. “Shut the fuck up, Adan.” Amari hissed to his brother.

‘You’ll see soon enough,’ I murmured, turning to Abel with a nod. He understood my silent command and handed me a pillow from the nearby couch. Swiftly, I placed it over Amari’s face, muffling his screams as I suffocated him with the soft fabric. With one hand holding down the pillow, I pressed my pistol to it and pulled the trigger. The blast echoed through the room but was slightly muffled by the cushion’s fluffy embrace.

My eyes stayed fixed on Adan, watching as his breathing grew ragged and his eyes widened in horror. He could do nothing but bear witness as his younger brother’s life was snuffed out before him. With a hollow thud, Amari’s body crumpled to the ground, and a pool of crimson began to spread from the bullet hole between his lifeless eyes.

‘What the hell man!’ Adan’s cry of disbelief echoes around the room like a gunshot. My neck and shirt are now spattered with his blood, a messy reminder of his weakness. I calmly retrieve my handkerchief from my pocket and wipe away the evidence, letting it fall carelessly onto the lifeless body. With my duffle bag on the table, I unzip it slowly, my eyes scanning the contents with a revolting satisfaction. Each tool brings to mind the agony and suffering I will unleash onto Adan, and it sends a sickening thrill through my entire being.

The pliers are my weapon of choice – deceptively simple yet efficient. As I approach my victim, my eyes roam over his features, taking in every detail.

His jaw is the first thing I grasp, holding it tightly as I force his mouth to open, studying his pearly-white teeth with an almost grotesque fascination.

My voice oozes with menace as I utter a question he knows the answer to all too well.

‘Do you have any idea who I am?’ I growl, watching as realization slowly dawns on his face. The spark of fear in his auburn eyes is like sweet nectar to me, and I relish in the power it gives me.

There it is.

Grinning wickedly, a surge of venomous anger courses through my veins, and my heart pounds against my chest like a runaway train. ‘I didn’t do anything, man, I only-‘ His pathetic plea is cut short as I deftly reach for the pliers, my mind made up. With a rough tug, I feel his teeth give way as they tear from their gums with a sickening pop. Blood dribbles from the gaping hole left in their place as his screams pierce the silence, but I silence him with a swift clamp of his jaw. Pink skin now angry and tears glistening in his eyes, I revel in his tortured state. I hold up my trophy – his teeth, wrenched free and dripping with blood.

‘See this tooth, I’m going to do this again and again until the truth escapes your lips. And when your death comes, it will come slowly, painfully, and with a beauty that only I can create. Or, you could save us both the trouble and fucking tell me now and make your death as quick as your brother.’ My words leave my lips like venom, and I can feel the darkness churning inside of me. I am a force to be reckoned with, a natural disaster waiting to strike.

‘Let’s try this again.’

As his screams echoed off the dingy walls, I pulled back on his jaw and demanded answers, my fingers slick with the blood and saliva that dripped from his mouth.

With a pained groan, he finally spits out a name, his words tangled with snot and terror. ‘It was some Polish guy. He promised us a cool million if we grabbed a certain girl. Goes by the name of Irena Nowak.’

‘When was this?’ I demanded, my voice low and dangerous.

‘It was a month ago,’ he replied, his words dripping with disdain. ‘We’ve been keeping tabs on her for weeks.’

The revelation stoked my anger even further. A month of tracking?


My anger boiled over at his nonchalance, and with a swift movement, I wrenched open his jaws and yanked out his lower incisors. Blood spurted from the wounds like a majestic whale emerging from the sea, eliciting a scream of pure agony from my captive.

The putrid odor of blood wafted up to my nostrils, sending a rush of satisfaction through me. Darkness enveloped me with its inky blackness, erasing any trace of light or humanity from my being. But as the memory of the Saint who had passed away four months ago surfaced within me, I knew that I had to act. They had taken my doe, and I would stop at nothing to get her back.

Casting aside the tooth I had just extracted, I turned to Adan, my eyes boring into his like a drill. He gazed back at me as if he had seen his worst nightmare brought to life.

‘Please, please!’ he pleaded, his body quivering uncontrol ably. ‘I didn’t know she was yours.’

‘Where did you take her?’ I asked in a calm and composed manner.

His face twists in discomfort, ‘It was a sketchy joint, some abandoned structure off the beaten path. We thought we were meeting Grzegorz, but instead, he sent us to meet some dude named Diego.’

A shiver runs down my spine at the mention of the enigmatic Diego.

‘Diego Fumero?’ I trailed off slowly and Adan nodded. ‘Yeah him.’

Of course, he’s also in this. Motherfucker.

The way he looked at Irena when she met him at the ball, and the disrespectful comments he made…

I should have seen it coming from a mile away. That slimy snake has always been lurking in the shadows, praying for my inevitable tumble. And now that he’s got a hold of my most vulnerable spot, he’s strutting around like he’s got the biggest brass balls in the universe.

‘So, where do I find this dipshit?’ I demand, fixated on his blood-spewing mouth.

Adan shoots me a sideways glance, his eyes ablaze with rage. ‘You took out the only person who knew where he was, remember?’ he snarls, spittle flying.

I roll my eyes in disbelief.


With a flick of my wrist, the pliers went flying across the room like a bullet.

My hand instinctively went for the blade, snugly strapped to my ankle. The metallic glint of the razor-sharp edge promised sweet revenge. In one swift motion, I grabbed him by the ear and sliced it off with a single, clean cut. The blood gushed out like a geyser, painting the walls red. Adan’s eyes rolled back in agony, but the fear pulsated from him like a palpable energy, filling me with dark satisfaction.

My fingers grip his jaw and yank him towards me, his cries falling on deaf ears. ‘Diego,’ I murmur calmly, a sick smile playing on my lips.

Adan’s wide eyes practically bulge out of his head as I tease him with his own ear, dangling it like a piece of meat in front of a ravenous beast. Tears flow down his cheeks like a deluge, but I’m oblivious to his pain, sucked in by the thrill of the chase.

I take in his fear, delighting in the sight of it, as I demand answers. ‘Where is he?’ I whisper, flicking his ear again. The pain shoots through him, but I can’t resist the satisfaction of seeing him suffer.

‘F-fuck man he’s in Poland.’ He stutters out a reply, and I know I’m close.

‘Address?’ I demand, and his guilt-ridden head gestures toward the lifeless body of his brother. I motion my Abel over, and he goes through Adan’s pockets, fishing out a folded piece of paper.

My eyes dart across the page, the thrill of victory coursing through me as I spot the address of Diego’s location. A curt nod from Abel is all I need, and I let go of Adan, ready to claim my prize.

He begged for mercy, stuttering incoherently as I grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back. The blade made another luscious arc, slicing through his vulnerable neck. Flesh gave way to steel, and blood rained down on us both, drenching me in a crimson shower. His eyes bulged in terror, and blood bubbled out of his mouth as he choked on his own life force. Watching him die filled me with a sickening pleasure. I tilted my head, gazing deep into his lifeless eyes, as the last vestiges of his soul drained away.

His last gasp rattles through the room, his body wracked with convulsions as his final breath escapes him. The thick, red river of his blood spills from him like an offering to some dark deity.

With a heavy sigh, I release his head, leaving him to crumple onto the couch. The once-pristine fabric is now stained with his life’s essence.

I inhale sharply, feeling the blood of my enemy staining my skin and ghosting across my senses. Pulling out my phone, I feel the sticky slickness of it as I punch in the passcode and dial Ace’s number. The third ring connects us.

‘I want you to send the cleaning crew over here,’ I order, my voice ringing out sharp and clear. ‘I’ll send you the location.’

‘Consider it done,’ comes the reply, and I hang up, my mind already moving on to the next challenge.

I pivot around and come face-to-face with my brother, breath catching in my throat. ‘It’s time for me to journey to Poland solo, but know that I’ll call on you if I need backup,’ I declare with conviction.

Abel’s arms fold, his expression filled with reluctance. ‘Are you positive you don’t want me to accompany you?’ he hesitates before adding, ‘I’m here to support you either way.’

My focus remains unswayed. ‘No, I have to do this on my own. I need this.’

Comprehension dawning on his face, Abel nods. ‘I understand. I’ll stay behind and keep watch in case you require my help.’

I nibble at my lower lip, absently sweeping a strand of hair out of my eyes.

‘You’ll get her back soon.’ he blurts out and I lift my gaze to meet his. ‘I just-‘

‘You don’t have to explain yourself, Saint. I know.’ he asserts as he implied refers to Nirali.

I take a deep breath. ‘Let me take a shower and after, I’ll track down Diego once I land in Poland,’ I tell him.

Abel heads for the door. ‘I’ll meet you in the car,’ he says before exiting and shutting the door behind him.

Silence engulfs the room, but my thoughts are far from tranquil. I cannot rest until Irena is reunited with me, and then, and only then, will I find peace again.

My boots bear witness to my fierce resolve as they trudge through the thick red pool of blood that lines my path to Diego’s abode.

The bodies of his hired protectors lay strewn about, all 12 of them, their blank stares fixed upon the twinkling stars above. They were merely obstacles in my way, and now they have paid the ultimate price for their allegiance to the wrong man.

I spare not a thought for their grieving families, nor do I waste a single tear on their shattered lives. The only thing on my mind is justice, and I will stop at nothing to achieve it. With a mighty kick, I shatter the front door and confront the startled occupants within.

Diego’s opulent mansion is a marvel of green and white, adorned with medieval artifacts that speak to his immense wealth.

Two grand staircases stand tall on both sides of the house, leading up to a magnificent half-moon balcony that wraps around the structure. The man of the hour emerges from above, a wild gleam in his eyes, flanked by two bulky guards.

His salt and pepper mane is a disheveled mess, strands standing at attention, but as soon as he spots me, his eyes widen in surprise.

I arch a single eyebrow, daring him to flinch. ‘Am I interrupting something?’

He stammers for a moment too long, unable to process my sudden arrival, when I take out my gun and fire two swift rounds- one for each guard.

It’s almost too easy. Does he really think those bumbling bodyguards could keep me out? I bet they were Grzegorz’s men.

The guards slump to the ground- silenced before they even realized what hit them.

Diego’s men crumple to the floor in sickening thuds, blood seeping into the ivory tiles below. His eyes fly open in terror, darting around like a cornered animal. But my voice stops him in his tracks.

‘Don’t even think about running, Diego.’

Slowly, he turns to face me, quaking with fear. There’s a distinct odor that hangs around men faced with their own mortality. They’re brave until they’re not – and then they’re just scared. Diego’s no different. He knows he’s going to die, no matter what he believes in.

‘Don’t even try to touch me and-,’ he snarls.

I roll my eyes. ‘Shut the fuck up, Diego. You know better than to piss me off.’

He grits his teeth, but he knows better than to pick a fight with me. Sweat drips down his temples, his fists clenched so tight they’re shaking. His self-assured facade is cracked, and he knows it.

As I gazed up at Diego, his haughty demeanor pushed me to take action.

With measured footsteps, I ascended the grand staircase, determined to show him the error of his ways.

Oh, how foolish he was to think that dying with his head held high was the ultimate victory.

Stopping mere inches from his towering frame, I envisioned him bowing before me, remorseful and contrite. With lips pressed against my boots, he would pay the price for his insolence.

‘Where is she?’ I demanded, my voice steady and void of emotion. Diego’s eyes darted around nervously, his Adam’s apple pulsating as he struggled to speak. ‘I wasn’t informed of her whereabouts.’

A wicked laugh escaped my lips, laced with venomous malice. ‘Do not try to deceive me, Diego,’ I hissed. ‘Your connection to her captors is all too clear.’ His eyes widened with shock, and I could see him struggling for words. But it was too late. The truth had been unveiled.

Grzegorz will take my life if I breathe a word,’ he blurts out. I stare at him in disbelief, my eyes narrowing with contempt. ‘Well, Diego, it seems that you’re already a dead man walking just by being in my presence.’ I point out the harsh truth.

‘What’s the use of all this? She’s vanished, gone,’ he adds with an exasperated sigh.

Suppressing a grin, I purse my lips, the scars on my face contorting with a frown, and slowly approach him, like a predator sizing up its prey. The rush of adrenaline and satisfaction floods my veins as Diego stiffens up beneath my scrutiny. ‘You’re going to regret the day you crossed me, Diego,’ I warn him in a low growl.

In a swift motion, I hurl him over the railing, his screams piercing the air until they dissipate into a sickening thud when he hits the ground. The sound of his bones snapping and cracking fuels my dark desires, and I allow myself a twisted smile.

As I descend the stairs, I hear the pitiful sounds of Diego’s agony. I observe his broken limbs that seem to be twisted in unnatural angles, his left leg’s bone protruding out. Hovering over him, I catch a glimpse of his terrified eyes.

‘Where is she?’ I repeat my question, hoping that this time might be the last. He remains silent, his teeth chattering, tears streaming down his face.

As Diego trembles before me, his fear palpable in the air, I feel my disappointment rise like bile in my throat. He hesitates to speak, and I’m left with no choice but to take matters into my own hands.

Without a second thought, I kneel before him, my fingers digging into his flesh until I feel the bone beneath. He screams, the sound music to my ears, and I twist it, watching as his body jerks with pain.

‘I could make this quick,’ I offer, relishing the power I hold over him, ‘or…’

I pause, twisting even harder now, blood staining my hands as he gasps for air.

‘O-okay, p-please j-just…’ he stammers, his entire body shaking beneath me.

My eyes lock onto his, and I tilt my head to the side, waiting for him to spill the information I need.

‘They’re currently in Rybakowo,’ he blurts out, the sound of his own fear ringing in his ears, ‘but you have to make it quick since they’ll leave for Mexico soon.’

I rake my eyes down his trembling form, my stomach lurching at the sight of him pissing himself.

‘Where in Rybakowo?’ I inquire, my voice low and menacing. He inhales shakily, sobs breaking free from his chest.

For fucks sake.

With a swift and powerful slap across his cheek, he grits his teeth and suppresses a yelp before spitting out: ‘Łąkowa, 66-416 Rybakowo.’

I stand up and brandish my gun, aiming straight at Diego’s arms. ‘Bleed out,’ I hiss.

Without wasting a second, I dial Abel’s number and he picks up right away.

‘I know where she is,’ I declare into the phone, savoring each syllable like a piece of rich, indulgent candy.

I’m finally going to get back my wife.

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