Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy

Chapter 23

I drove like a maniac on the streets, almost banging into every second car. I soon drove into the Rajpath Marg. From the
entrance of the colony itself, the rising up of the smoke was visible.
I was dreading the worst possibilities. I did not care if the cabinet lost even their chief minister but I cared a hell lot if Jennifer was
affected by a single scratch.
I drove in and raced down the lane to come across the last mansion to have caught fire in its central wing. It was possibly the hall
were they had arranged the anniversary ceremony.
Hell yes! They had invited the four devils, well aware of our so called business and real business. But I was not in a mood of
reciprocating to any kind of conversation with anyone in my present fucked up state. While Shiv and Rudra were in Monaco,
inaugurating our new hotel chain there. Abhi was in Delhi looking to any immediate threats from Phoenix.
I made a mental note of checking on Joseph whom I had given the responsibility to notify me of every damn movement of
Jennifer. Then how the hell did I not come to know that she had to attend this fucking party!?
I quickly got down and stormed towards the front gates. The people there were rushing out from the main door. I was least
concerned about them. I had to look for Jennifer. Going in from the front door would have only attracted unnecessary attention of
the onlookers that why the hell was a multi-billionaire business tycoon dashing into a blazing mansion when all the "sane" people
were moving out of it?
I took a turn and ran towards the back of the
now-dazzling-pyre-cum-house and spotted a small garden having all the dinner preparations done there. From there I noticed a
closed door leading inside. It had caught fire and the sparks were being emitted. I dashed into it with my shoulder colliding the
wooden frame with a thud. Luckily, the door broke apart.
Inside the hall, was a real mess. The fire had been spreading in an alarming rate, because of all the synthetic materials used to
decorate the room. All of the room had got vacant with people rushing out from the main door. The smoke was making it difficult
for seeing through the room clearly. If I stayed for long, it could possibly choke the hell out of my breathing systems. I was getting
anxious now.
The fire ridden curtains were swaying in the air, making movement difficult. I tried to adjust my eyes amidst the blck smoke. I
kept on moving, and then.... I saw her at a corner near the fire-caught wooden floor of the dias.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.
She was standing with her back towards me, absolutely still with no attempts to get out of the "pre-heated oven" without getting
I moved towards her, steadily. Her dress was beautiful but lately it had started acquiring wrinkles due to the heat of the blazing
flames. It was clinging to her body, the sparks of fire were almost burning her skin, making it red, but oblivious to all of it, she
remained transfixed on her place, continously gazing at some distant point. I was really getting pissed for her lack of any
I soon rushed to her but the expression worried me. She was still staring at nothing, but her features were very tense. She had
escaped in her trance reliving some trauma of her past. She was constantly murmuring something. I was perplexed. I jerked her
a little but she didn't budge.
The fire was engulfing everything now, we needed to hurry to make it safe outside. I cupped her cheeks and whispered
,"Sweetheart, we need to move out. Please relax and breathe." To this she turned her gaze towards me and said ,"They all
died... in fire. Leaving me all alone.... I saw them burning, screaming out for help... but they held me tightly in their grip...." she
was shaking now, with teary eyes.
I carressed her hair, surprisingly she leaned to my touch...again and eyes fluttered before closing, and she fell unconscious. I
quickly balanced her in my arms and picked her up in the bridal style. I soon started moving to the back door. Luckily, we made it
out of the house before anything came down crashing.
I made my way to my car, opened the passenger seat and slid Jennifer there, securing her with seat-belt. Her body had turned
red due to the furnace like conditions she had been in all this while. We soon moved out of Rajpath Marg and started to her
house. I drove down the road once in a while looking at her. Her lips were still trembling because of the nightmare she had been
living in her dream. I badly wanted to kiss her trembling lips, embrace her tightly and make her relax, which I know she would
have in my proximity.
We soon reached to her apartment. I parked my Audi in the basement and slide out of my seat. I jogged to the to the passenger
side and opened the door. I firstly took out her house's spare key from the glove compartment and slid it in my pocket. Then I
unbuckled the seat-belt and picked up Jennifer in my arms.
I was mentally thumping my back for ordering Joseph to make a spare key of her house and keep it in each and every car I had.
I had made him do it for any situation where I had to "visit" her unannounced, ofcourse. Each night, I had been restless on my

bed and had somehow stopped myself from breaking into her house to steal a kiss or two.
I took the lift and pressed the 2nd floor button. All the while, I had been staring at her face. It took tonnes of restrain to not loose
my mind and refrain myself from doing more just caressing her. At the back of the mind, I was contemplating a possible
explanation in case I came across any of the inmates of her house. The lift soon stopped on the second floor. I somehow slid
open the
Fortunately, the house was locked which indicated the house to be empty. I bent down and put Jennifer's feet on the ground. She
was still unconscious, unknown to her surroundings. I slid my arm around her waist, keeping her steady while from the other,
unlocked the door. Then again taking her in my arms, I got in the house.
What I figured out in the switched off, dark environment was that it was a moderate house with the all basic amenities present. It
didn't have much decorative items present. Out of the three bedrooms present, I guessed the room to be hers which had a hell
lot of novels stuffed in the cupboard at the very entrance. I laid the angel down on the single bed. She was calm now.
I decided against changing her clothes to some comfortable ones. Afterall, I didn't want to give her a shock when she wakes up
the next morning. Instead, I settled myself with taking off her ornaments. She was not at all like the other girls I had been with.
'ELEGANCE WITH SIMPLICITY' seemed to be her unspoken statement each time my path had crossed hers. I knelt on one
knee and observed her face. The full moon's light was the only thing illuminating the room, making my soon to be angel more
angelic. I loosened the messy bun of her hair and let her black hair to cascade down.
I began tracing my finger gently on her face, her eyes, nose, that mole, her lips... That might have caused a tickling sensation as
she stirred in her sleep. Unknowingly, she put her arm around my neck and pulled me towards her. That surprised me a bit but
soon I relaxed on deciphering that she was a soundsleeper, in her deep slumber. I was now inches away from her luscious lips. I
didn't want to take any advantage of her, she was a hell lot exhausted. But, my body ofcourse didn't adhere to my rational mind
and immediately bent down to touch her lips. I stole a slow kiss and moved back before I lost control.
I couldn't take it anymore. Seven days seemed to be as great as seven eons now.... So I decided that...
" I promise Sweetheart, within the next three days, I shall make you mine. You shall be Jennifer Mathews Mahasena within the
next three days! Its my word to you!" I declared holding her hand.
I just sealed her future with my decision.

Then finally, kissing her on her forehead I got up. I had to go to finish one very important task. Thinking about it itself brought an
evil smirk on my face.
"We shall meet soon sweetheart, but I need to take care of the scumbag lying between us!" I whispered with a malicious smirk
on my face.
With that, I slid out of her house, not before taking her bracelet with me.

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