Hope Springs

Chapter 18

I hadn’t quite realized how vast their territory was until I was actually exploring the whole thing. I had never run so much in my life. I was mostly silent as we ran three laps around their whole territory. I was trying to become accustomed to being a wolf. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be and running on four legs wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.

Come on Trinity, Max coaxed, as I started to slow down.

Sorry, sorry, I apologized. I’m just not used to running this much.

I know. It’s still the adjustment period for you, Max answered, We’re almost back at the house and then we’ll start training, and I’ll help you learn how to shift back.

We slowed to a stop and I panted, trying to catch my breath. My tongue lolled out of my mouth and Max stared at me in amusement. I kept silent, not wanting to made a comment in case he took it the wrong way. I had already hurt him enough.

Are you okay Trin, Max asked and I gave him a wolfy grin.

I was fine, I was just still trying to catch my breath. I shouldn’t have expected to suddenly be magically in shape and athletic, but I had and now I was suffering from it. My ears twitched as I heard a branch crack and Max tensed, coming to stand in front of me. I pressed my snout into his fur, my eyes scanning the forest warily. A branch cracked behind us and I whirled around my hackles going up and my lips pulling back into a snarl.

Don’t try to be the hero, Max warned me, You still are new to this whole werewolf business.

But-, I tried to protest before sighing, he was right. I couldn’t just throw myself into what could potentially be a fight. Fine. So what do I do?

When I tell you to run, you run.

I huffed my agreement, relaxing my stance but I didn’t really want to leave. Max growled low in his throat and I prepared myself to run. An arrow thudded against a tree and Max pushed my back. There was a whistling sound and an arrow cut through the air, sinking into Max’s side. He grunted and pushed me back.

Run. Now, He growled and I growled back at him. I didn't want to leave him, even though I had agreed to do what he said. It didn't feel right to leave him.

No. I can’t leave you Max, My voice softened, You’re injured and I don’t want to be a coward and leave you. I want to protect you.

Trinity you are being stupid, Max said, Go. Now.

I whimpered under the force of the command before turning and fleeing towards the house as another arrow struck the tree that I had been standing beside. I ran, pushing myself to go as fast as I could. I burst into the clearing where the training was taking place and saw that Mr. Judge was leading the training.

How could I let them know that Max was in trouble? He had the mind link, but what if he hadn’t contacted them yet? Should I just focus on turning back to a human? That might work. I pictured my human self; brown hair, gold-brown eyes, slightly tanned skin. When I opened my eyes I was a human and I was completely naked. I flushed and Rhea hurried to my side, wrapping a towel around my body.

“Trinity what are you doing here,” Rhea asked and I shivered, clutching the towel closer to my body.

“Max and I were in the woods and there were arrows and he’s hurt,” I murmured, and even though my sentence wasn’t very fluid, they still somehow had understand me.

As soon as I had finished speaking Mr. Judge had shifted and so had twelve other wolves, and they all ran into the woods. Rhea wrapped her arms around my shoulders and guided me back to the house.

My feet shuffled along the ground and mud had covered my feet. I wiped at my eyes and played with my hair was we walked. I was worried for Max. What if he was dead? Rhea’s grip tightened around me and I hardly noticed as Hadley, Alex, Josh, and Anya appeared beside me. Hadley smiled comfortingly at me.

“Are you okay Trinity,” Anya asked and I glanced at her before giving her a small smile. We still weren’t friends, I don’t think we would ever really be friends but I didn’t hate her and she held no animosity towards me.

“I’ll be fine,” I answered, my voice scratchy. “I’m just worried about Max.”

“Max will be fine,” Rhea assured me, “He’s tough, he has Alpha blood. It’ll take a lot more than a few pesky arrows to keep him down. Don’t worry Trinity.”

“I can’t help but worry,” I replied, “He is...He is my mate, and it’s natural to worry about your mate isn’t it? Especially when he was hit with an arrow.”

“I’m glad that you’ve fully accepted everything,” Hadley commented, “You are right it is natural to worry about your mate, but you can’t worry yourself sick.” She pushed open the door to the house and went into the kitchen to get me something to drink.

Rhea led me to Max’s room which is where I took a show and after that I shifted through my bag, picking out a bra and panties and putting them on. I took a little longer to decide on what to wear and I finally decided on wearing sweatpants and one of Max’s shirts. I brushed through my hair and headed back to the kitchen where Hadley and Rhea were standing by the sink, and Alex, Josh and Anya were gathered around the counter.

“He’ll be fine Trinity,” Rhea assured me, “We got you some hot chocolate, since coffee is too strong.”

I smiled at her, “Thank you Rhea.” I took the mug from her and slowly raised it to my lips. I took a sip before setting the mug back down on the counter. “I didn’t know that being a wolf would affect me so much, normally I’m not so...so emotional and why is that?”

“It’s because you haven’t furthered the mate bond with Max,” Hadley supplied, “He needs to mark you, after that you’ll feel a lot less emotional and a lot more like your normal self.” She smiled, “They found Max, by the way.”

“Is he okay,” I asked, my eyes wide and Hadley swirled her finger around the top of her glass.

“He’s unconscious,” She finally said, “The arrows were more damaging than initially expected and he took a lot of hits.” She must have caught sight of my worried face and hurriedly explained, “But he’ll be fine. Mr. Judge and Mrs. Judge both think that it would be a good idea for you to visit Max.”

“I haven’t met Mrs. Judge,” I said slowly, “Where has she been all this time?”

“She’s been visiting the pack in Summer Falls,” Hadley said dismissively, “But that isn’t what is important. You should go visit Max. You being there could help him heal faster or at the very least it will soothe his wolf.”

“Are you sure that you won’t mind-” I started saying.

“Of course we won’t mind,” Josh interrupted me, “He’s your mate. Go Trinity.”

I nodded and hurried out of the door. I headed straight for the infirmary, running past Leanne and Harper who stared at me as I passed. I pushed open the door to the infirmary and the doctor, Dr. Waters, who was a nice portly man, smiled kindly at me and led me to the room that Max was in. I pushed open the door and paused in seeing Mr. Judge and a woman with ash blonde hair that was slowly greying.

She was wearing a blue blouse and black dress pants and looked entirely too fancy to be here but she was offering comfort to Mr. Judge. I cleared my throat and they both looked toward me. The woman’s eyes widened upon seeing me.

“Trinity this is my wife, Mariah. Mariah this is Trinity de Luna, Max’s mate,” Mr. Judge said, introducing us to each other.

“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Judge,” I said, and she gave me a kind yet exhausted smile.

“It’s nice to meet you as well Ms. de Luna,” She sighed, “You look just like your mother.” I flushed and then she said, “We have to brief the pack on went happened. You are going to stay with Max, right?”

“Of course I am,” I said, slightly offended that she thought that I wouldn’t.

She nodded and there was an awkward silence for a few minutes, then they left. From first impressions I didn’t really like Mrs. Judge and I wondered if her attitude was just because she was worried for her son. I sat on the chair beside the bed and grabbed Max’s hand.

Hopefully he would wake up soon and then I would be able to tell him exactly how much he meant to me.

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