Hook Up: A Fake Dating, Brother’s Best Friend Romance

Hook Up: Chapter 8

I’ve spent the last week in paradise. Literally. I pinch myself several times per day, just to prove I’m actually here with Greer.

My Gigi.

My ten-year-old self was correct—Gigi and I mesh perfectly. Hell, I’m not even talking about the sex, even though the sex… dear God, I’ve never felt anything like it.

Like her.

The best part is she loves it as much as I do, and in seven short days, we’ve screwed on every surface that will stand still long enough. Multiple times.

Then there’s the blowjob she gave me on the beach, in full view of a ship docked across the cove. I claimed they couldn’t see us. She claimed she didn’t care.

Our days are filled with laughter and adventure, even if Gigi is terrified of heights and flat out refused to go zip-lining. She was my personal cheerleader on the ground, wrapping that delicious body around me the moment my feet hit the dirt.

She’s completely unused to the level of luxury here in Barbados, insisting on making the bed and bussing the dishes from the table. That and her wicked sense of humor have made her a hit with the staff at the villa.

Everyone loves Gigi.

But no one loves her as much as I do.

I’m lost in her, and for the first time in my life, I can see a world beyond the circuit.

Don’t get me wrong, I love racing. There’s nothing like sliding behind the wheel and feeling like a god as I cross the finish line. But before, that was all there was—racing and the inevitable fame associated with it.

Now, there’s a whole new level to my life, one where Greer fills every nook and crevice.

There are a ton of women in this world, but only one who makes my heart race the moment she enters the room.

I called my Mom and told her about my spur-of-the-moment vacation. She damn near took my eardrum out with her shout of excitement when she learned I was finally—finally—together with Greer.

Her exact words? “Now that you have her, how do you plan on keeping her?”

Let’s just say I have a plan, which I’m executing tonight.

Greer settles against me, gazing up at the starlit sky. “It’s so beautiful here. So peaceful. I can almost forget the chaos that is my normal life.”

I stroke her hair, pulling her closer. “Why is your life so chaotic?”

“I work all the time. I have to if I want to keep up with my bills. Vacations and other luxuries are not in the cards for me. Well, until now.” She claims my mouth in a slow, leisurely kiss; one I’m all too keen to get in on.

She straddles my lap, allowing herself greater access to my body. Not that I’m complaining. If I had my druthers, this woman would be naked 24/7, but only I could look at her.

Admire her.

Worship her.

It’s true. She’s the only woman in this world I’ve ever truly adored. The one I would give up everything for, just to stay by her side.

“I’m going to miss you,” she murmurs, and I pull back, meeting her curious gaze. “What?”

Okay, not exactly the segue I planned, but this can work. “No, you won’t.”

“I will. I feel whole around you. Safe. Happy. Hard to imagine not seeing you again for months or even years. I think you’ll miss me, too. At least a bit. You may be the great and powerful Ryder Gray, but you have a soft spot for me.”

A smile cuts across my face. It’s now or never, but first, I’m going to mess with my lady a bit. “I definitely have a soft spot for you, but I won’t miss you.”

Greer stiffens, a scoff flying from her mouth as she pushes herself off my lap. “Thanks for that. You could have lied a bit with that statement.”

I love getting her worked up. Not to worry, I’ll calm her back down in a few minutes. “Not my style. Come on, let’s take a walk.”

“Fine.” Greer falls into step beside me, her face marred with a frown. “You’re still a jerk for saying that.”

“Duly noted, but I need you to cheer up, grumpy girl.”

We stroll in silence for several minutes, my heart rate increasing with each step. I know what I want. I just pray she wants it, too.

Suddenly, she jumps ahead a few steps, loosening the hook of her bikini top. “I think I may go skinny-dipping again.”

“Please do,” I murmur, my cock begging for release.

Tracing a finger down my chest, she sends me a scowl. “You’re not invited.”

“That’s just mean.”

“Takes one to know one.” Greer turns on her heel, but I’m not giving her a chance to walk away.

“Greer Harlow Gray, get back here.”

She pauses mid-step, turning back to face me, a look of confusion on her features. “What did you call me?”

“Your name. Or it will be if you say yes.”

Am I terrified? Absolutely, but not because of what I’m about to ask. I’m scared shitless of how she’s going to respond.

Swallowing back the fear, I smile, sliding my hands along her face and stealing a kiss from her lips.

My lips.

My woman, or she will be before the trip is over.

“You’re not going to miss me, Gigi. Do you know why?” I sink to one knee, grasping her hands like lifelines. To be honest, she is my lifeline. “I’m not going to give you a chance to miss me. I have a better idea. Marry me. Be my wife. Live every day with me. Have a boatload of kids with me. Just be with me. Be mine.”

Her dark eyes widen and I feel the trembling beneath her skin, but she’s yet to say a word.

“Some might say it’s fast, but they don’t realize I’ve loved you my entire life. I’ve been waiting for you for decades. I don’t want to wait anymore.” I fish into my pocket, pulling out a velvet pouch and dumping out the contents into her palm—two platinum wedding bands. “One for you and one for me. I even had them inscribed with our initials and the words forever us.”

Greer’s silence is killing me, but I forge ahead. I have to. My one mission is convincing this woman that she needs to share her life with me. “I’ll get you an enormous diamond but I want it to be perfect, and they couldn’t finish it in time.”

Now her jaw slackens, a single tear drifting down her cheek. I only pray it’s a happy tear and not a sign she’s about to flee into the water, never to return.

“For a woman who’s never without a retort, you’re very quiet, Gigi.” With a deep breath, I prepare to deliver my final argument. “I know you don’t believe in marriage, but you believe in love. Run with that. Believe in us. I’ll take care of the rest.”

She wipes away the tears, her hands shaking in mine. “You want me to take all my ideas about love, marriage, and children and throw them out the window?”


I barely get the word out as she tackles me into the sand, peppering my face with kisses. “You’re crazy.”

“We’ve established this fact already. But am I the kind of crazy you want spend your life with?”

Straddling me, she leans over, that gorgeous smile lighting up her face. “You’re the only one I want to spend my life with.”

“You’ll marry me?”

“Yes, Ryder, I’d love to be your wife.”

A euphoria washes over me, far stronger than any finish line or championship. Rolling over on top of her, I claim her lips, my hands hiking up her skirt as I free myself, sinking inside her, a low groan rising from us both.

I normally reserve my affections for behind closed doors. That concept flew out the window the second Greer crossed the parking lot in Vegas, those long legs moving her ever closer to my side. With Gigi, I can’t hold back. I won’t hold back.

I don’t give a crap who sees us, as I thrust inside her, those stems wrapped around my waist, her nails scratching along my shoulders, spurring me on. The water licks our skin with feather-light kisses as I push her over the edge, feeling her body quiver around me.

Nothing in the world feels this good. Nothing.

Barbados is known for being lenient with marriage laws for visitors to their tiny island. Okay, not Vegas lenient, but far easier than my current state of residence.

Was that a factor in my vacation destination? I’ll only admit that it might have crossed my mind. It’s an amusing aside that Greer mentioned us getting married as part of our deal, but what she doesn’t know is that was the only plan all along.

I left for Vegas miserable and jaded. I’ll return home with the most beautiful woman in the world by my side. How’s that for beating the odds?

Gigi wanted a wedding on the beach, the sky kissing the water as we exchanged vows. There was no way that dream wasn’t coming true, despite some uncooperative weather earlier in the day. By the time the sun hit the horizon, the sand was warm and dry, and fluffy clouds danced across the sky.

Perfect. Just like her.

As she walks toward me, wrapped in a flowing blue gown, I pinch myself once more. I’m a diehard romantic, but only for Greer Hammond. She was my first love and now I realize she’ll be my only love.

I couldn’t ask for more.

We exchange vows in the fading light, but our gaze never falters.

She slides the ring onto my finger, her brown eyes misty with tears. “I told you to find me. And you did. You’re the only love I’ve ever believed in.”

Pulling her to me, I claim her lips, tasting the salt of her tears as the deacon pronounces us husband and wife. “I’ll show you how much I love you every day, Mrs. Gray.”

A giggle explodes from her chest. “Mrs. Gray. I’m married. I’m married to Ryder Gray.” Another laugh bubbles up as she shakes her head in disbelief. “I totally didn’t see this one coming when I flew to Vegas.”

“Not at all?” I inquire, cocking a brow at her.

She bites her lip in that endearing fashion, holding back yet another chuckle. “I may have hoped, but you are beyond my wildest dreams.”

“See? Dreams do come true. I knew when I discovered you were single that I was making you mine. End of story. I think I did pretty well.” Lifting her into my arms, I carry her back into the villa. Enough of the ceremony and its niceties. I have a private party with only one other guest—my wife. “How would you like to spend the rest of our wedding night?”

“You. Me. Clothing optional. Sound good?”

“Sounds absolutely fantastic.”

And she is fantastic. Each and every time.

We lie together, the sound of the ocean a calming backdrop for our three hours of passion. My wife is insatiable with sex, and I’m taking full advantage. She loves getting off, and I have made it my personal mission in life to get her off multiple times per day.

What a chore, I know.

My hands drift down the length of her body, her skin softer than silk. To say I’m addicted is an understatement.

“What is your daily life like?” Greer asks, propping her chin on my chest. “Perhaps this is a conversation we should have had before we got married.”

I chuckle, stealing a kiss. “Fairly normal, in the off-season. During race season, I tour the circuit. But, you grew up around enough racing to know that scenario.”

Pressing kisses to my chest, she bites her lip, gazing off in the distance. “I worry about you getting hurt. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I’ve always worried.”

Stroking her hair from her face, I grasp her chin, directing that dark gaze back to me. “I like hearing that, actually. Good to know I’ve got you in my corner. I want you to travel with me, Gigi. I really want you there.”

“Won’t I get in the way?”

“Never. Besides, I owe you a trip to Paris.”

She nods, but I feel a niggling in the back of my mind. We’re running on pure emotion this past week. Hell, we reunited, hooked up, vacationed together, and now we’re married.

That’s a whirlwind if I’ve ever seen one. But, as my mother always said, I don’t do things slow and I don’t do them halfway.

I don’t have a single regret. Here’s hoping she’s not second-guessing our nuptials. “Hey, where’s your head at, Gigi?”

“You don’t owe me a trip to Paris. You don’t owe me anything, Ryder. I guess I feel a bit out of my element, wondering how I’m going to contribute to this relationship. You earn in a day what I earn in… ten years.”

“I didn’t marry you for your money, Gigi. I married you for this sexy as hell body.” Delivering a firm smack to her ass, I earn a squeal of approval.

“I didn’t marry you for your money, either.” I believe her. If there’s one thing I know about Gigi, she’s honest to a fault. She’s also generous with her heart and her time.

She’s my perfect.

“Good to know, even though you are rich now.”

Her eyes glaze at my humorous retort. “I don’t want your money, Ryder.”

Pulling her close, I knit my fingers in her dark hair, forcing her to meet my gaze. “I want you, by my side, every day. Is that okay with you?”

Now the smile returns full force. “That’s perfect.”

“So, you’ll travel the circuit with me?”

“Of course, even if I spend most of the race averting my eyes and praying for your safety.”

“Fair enough, so long as you cheer the loudest when I win.”

“Deal.” Leaning forward, she claims my mouth, her tongue slow and coaxing against mine. “Can I tell you something?”

I nod, winking at her when she straddles my waist. “I like this conversation already.”

“I didn’t want to go to Vegas and see you. I worried you’d be with another woman. But at the last minute, I decided to go. I planned on bedding some hot guy and making you jealous that you missed out.”

Typical Greer. I love that her emotions ran so hot all these years later. Proof they’ll stay that spicy for a lifetime.

“Well, you did bed a hot guy. Hell, you married him.”

A snort of laughter flies from Greer’s mouth as she smacks my chest. “Conceited ass.”

“Am I wrong?”

She cocks her brow at me. “You have your moments.”

“Take it back.”

“Or what?”

Rolling her onto her back, I move over top of her, cupping her head. “I’ll spend the rest of the night convincing you of all the ways you’re wrong.”

“I think I’ll enjoy your form of punishment.”

Reality sinks in the next morning, as we scramble around the villa, packing our things. Despite my repeated pleas, Gigi has to return to New York. She needs to give notice at her job and pack up her apartment.

I have to return to Charlotte to prepare for race season.

I don’t want to go anywhere without her.

“I wanted you with me,” I groan, falling back on the bed.

“You’re going to be so busy these next couple of weeks you won’t even miss me.”


“Okay, maybe you’ll miss me a little bit.”

“I already miss you.”

“Damn, I wish we had time for another quickie,” she smirks, sending me a saucy wink. “I’ll jump your bones the next time I see you.”

“Two weeks, right? That’s it. And then you move to Charlotte.” Yes, I’m pressing her. I want her near me. For some reason, even though we’ve only been together a minute, I feel whole with her by my side.

That and the idea of going without her luscious curves for fourteen days sounds like an experiment in torture.

“I’ll do my best. Ryder, I have to pack my entire life, while also settling up at work. Not an easy feat in two weeks.”

“I’ll hire movers to pack your stuff.”

“Most of it isn’t worth anything, to be honest. I also need to find work in Charlotte.”

Grasping her hand, I pull her onto the bed with me. “Let’s explore that after race season, okay? I’ll take care of you. Hell, you never have to go back to work as far as I’m concerned.”

“I enjoy working. Besides, you’d get sick of me, eventually. Always there, bumbling about.”

“Not a chance.” Sliding my hands along her jaw, I pull her mouth to mine, my tongue tangling with hers and earning a purr of approval. “I need you there. You’re my good luck charm.”

She fingers the medallion around my neck. “I thought that was your good luck charm.”

“Don’t need him when I’ve got you. Talk about one hell of an upgrade.”

We dally for the next twenty minutes, until the knock at the door snaps us from our reverie, reminding us that time isn’t on our side. The drive to the airport seems to take a minute, and her flight is an hour before mine.


I walk her to the gate, pulling her against me and hating that I have to be more than three feet from her side. “My first race is in two weeks. Sunday. Promise me you’ll be there. At least promise me you’ll try.”

Tears roll down her cheeks as they announce first-class boarding. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“Don’t. Screw your job and come home with me. I told you, I’ll take care of you.” I mean it, too.

“If only I was a total asshole and capable of that. I have to go. You be careful, Ryder. Promise me? I only just found you.”

“I’ve always been here, Gigi. Waiting for you.”

I force a bright smile for my wife as she hands her ticket to the attendant, turning back to blow me a kiss before walking onto the plane. I know it’s only two weeks, but having to watch Greer walk away from me—again—tears at my heart.

I’ll always be a fool for that woman. Glancing down at the ring on my hand, I give it a twirl, feeling the connection between the two of us.

There’s another hour before my plane boards. Time for a drink and some catch-up.

In the last ten days, I tossed my phone—and cares—aside, choosing to focus all my attention on Gigi. She’s the first time I’ve ever been able to accomplish that feat, at least since I turned pro. There’s a certain level of exhaustion you learn to live with when you’re a household name, one I wasn’t fully aware of until this vacation in Barbados.

Greer doesn’t want me for my money or celebrity status. In fact, I get the distinct impression it turns her off. I know it intimidates the hell out of her, although she’s worth more than every F1 team combined. She’s priceless.

My only worry? The fear I saw in her eyes when we discussed my racing career. She understands it’s what I do and who I am, but the terror was palpable as I discussed some of my near misses.

My reassurances that I’ve never had an accident did little to assuage her fears. The other women I’ve dated loved the thrill of the race. Likely, they loved the notoriety that went along with it—the flash of cameras, the reporters, and the guarantee that their picture would grace magazines was fodder for their egos.

Looking back, I realize that not one of them had ever worried for my safety. At least none had mentioned the fact before I sat my ass in a car flying around a track at over 200mph.

But Gigi? She’s scared to death I’m going to get hurt. She doesn’t believe me when I say she’s my good luck charm, but that medallion has brought me plenty of wins and no serious incidents. I used to look at it in the mirror, glistening against my chest, and feel her hands when they slipped it around my neck all those years ago.

Now, we share another piece of jewelry, along with the same last name.

Life is a trip.

I plant my ass at the airport bar, ordering a drink before dialing Greg. My buddy and his new wife moved into my guest house as they search for a home in the Charlotte area. I love that I’m able to provide an avenue for him to reenter the racing world, even though my blood boils when I realize what he lost because of his father’s selfishness.

“Hey, Greg, are you settling in okay?”

“Ryder, you don’t own a house. You own a castle. This place is enormous, and I haven’t even entered the main residence.”

I chuckle, swigging back my drink. “It’s not that big. How does Jillian like it?”

“She isn’t here yet. We figured I should get settled in first. Where are you, anyway?”

“Barbados. I’m flying home today.”

“One vacation wasn’t enough?” Greg chuckles. “Did you have fun?”

“That’s an understatement.”

“Wait a damn minute,” my buddy bellows into the phone. “You’re with my sister, aren’t you? I stopped at her apartment to say goodbye before I left Long Island and her neighbor said she hadn’t been home in over a week.”

“I was with Gigi, but she’s on a plane back to Long Island as we speak.”

“How did that go?”

Okay, sticky subject. When you have a public image, you want to control big announcements… like impromptu weddings. That’s why I’m not saying anything about my recent nuptials until after the first race. This ensures my head stays in the game and the media’s focus remains on the race and not my new bride.

It also ensures Greer won’t have to deal with a barrage of media attention when she’s several hundred miles away from me.

My primary goal is to keep her safe. And sane.

“It was amazing. Your sister is amazing.”

“Too much information, dude.”

“Hey, your mind went to the gutter all on its own.” Twirling the ice in my glass, I dread asking the next question. “Has Mandi been around?”

“Twice, yeah. She was none too happy you weren’t here, or that I had no clue where you went. She told me to tell you she’s moved out her things, but she plans on having a serious conversation with you once you get home. I don’t envy you.”

“At least she’s gone. Thanks for watching the place for me. Colton had to return to California, and I didn’t trust that she wouldn’t camp out there, lying in wait.”

“Does Greer know about Mandi?”

“She does, not that there’s anything to tell. Mandi and I are over. Done. Kaput.”

“And what are you and Greer?”

See? I knew it would come around to this at some point.

Clearing my throat, I swallow the last of my whiskey before offering a safe, but true, response. “I’m crazy about her. Just like I’ve always been. Gotta run. They’re boarding.”

I know Greg won’t let me slide without a full explanation, but I’d rather give him the details in person. I figure the conversation will go one of two ways—a bear hug welcoming me to the family or a punch to the jaw, followed by the bear hug.

Either way, I’m ready.

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