
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Journal Entry

Day 469.

I don’t know how I feel today. It has been a long and eventful day. The journey south started off well, I found enough supplies to last me for at least a month or maybe even two. I also found a convoy of abandoned Army vehicles, but better still, I found an automatic weapon and plenty of ammo. These are the positive points about today. The negative points are playing on my mind.

I was confronted with a roadblock just outside of London. The whole thing felt wrong, like it was set up. These weren’t crashed cars, they we piled up and strategically placed to block as much road as possible and to trap anyone who entered the blockage. Whether the Army did it or a group of survivors, I don’t know, maybe even the Screamers did it.

The group of Screamers I fought today were different to any I have met so far. They were very clever. They remained hidden until they were sure they could attack their prey… that poor man. I had to shoot him. I didn’t want to but it was better for him to die quickly than to be slowly eaten to death. I feel bad, the thought makes me want to be sick but I try to tell myself it was the only way I could help him. I shot a few Screamers too. They were quick but I think I managed to hit three or four of them.

Something that is concerning me is the way one of the Screamers looked at me. It seemed as though he was the leader, that he was intelligent. But those eyes, they seemed to look into the depths of my soul. It felt as though he was angry at me for killing the poor man. Like he wanted revenge for spoiling his fun. If I’m honest, it scared me. What if they become as intelligent as humans? But then again, some humans aren’t all that intelligent, that’s the reason we are in this mess. I don’t want to think about it anymore.

I made it to London. I just wanted to see what the situation was in our Capitol. Okay, I hoped to find some sort of help there but the place was completely empty. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought I would either find the Army defending it or the whole place overrun by Screamers, but there was nothing. Most unusual.

I headed west out of the city and have found an empty and reasonably safe industrial unit to park up for the night. Tomorrow I will continue west to Bristol and see what I can find there.

At the moment I feel like I’m the only one left. I try not to think too much anymore. Live each day and not worry about the future, and all that. But it’s hard.

Thank you for listening, my friend.


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