Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1937 Turning Against

Elisa glanced at Edith across from her. She must've made the arrangements. Taking good care of Rochelle in prison might also
be one of the benefits that persuaded Rochelle to willingly take on the blame. As for the rest, she likely offered her money and
power as well as a promise to take care of Rochelle's family. That's all there is to it.
Elisa stared at Rochelle, her smile mysterious and inscrutable. It'll be best if she doesn't disappoint me.
The moment their eyes met, Rochelle awkwardly shifted her gaze away. Is she feeling guilty?
Elisa laughed.
The court proceedings officially commenced, and the plaintiff's lawyer from Elisa's side began to present his case.
His speech was impassioned and indignant, backed up by ample evidence.
Of course, in the murder accusation, the evidence primarily pointed toward Rochelle.
There was no direct connection with Paul.
Rochelle was also the one to contact the waiter afterward.
The only thing that could possibly suggest Paul was guilty was the surveillance footage. The footage showed that Paul
immediately followed right after Rochelle dragged Elisa away. He even brought with him a group of men.
However, judicial trials did not entertain speculation, only evidence.
There was no direct evidence to prove Paul was guilty. Hence, they could only rely on Rochelle's testimony.
When it was Rochelle's turn to speak, her gaze flickered, shifting from the judge to Edith before finally settling on Elisa.
Edith was very nervous, so much so that her clenched fingers had turned pale.

Right now, Rochelle was the center of attention in the court, as her testimony played a crucial role in that case.
Rochelle was also very conflicted, constantly struggling inwardly.
She hung her head low, engaged in a fierce inner conflict.
Finally, under the judge's third urging, Rochelle raised her head, her eyes filled with determination. “No.”
Elisa was somewhat disheartened. She truly wanted to give Rochelle a hand, but sadly, the latter didn't seize the chance.
Edith finally let her guard down, giving Elisa a triumphant glance. Naive girl, no matter how harsh your words are or how well-
connected you are, what's the use? You still lost to me.
Paul was also brimming with excitement, loudly proclaiming his innocence.
The officer tried several times to push him back into his seat but to no avail.
Elisa looked at him. During that period, it seemed that Paul had not suffered any hardships because not only did he not lose
weight, but he had also gained some. It seems like the food inside is pretty good.
There wos no direct evidence to prove Poul wos guilty. Hence, they could only rely on Rochelle's testimony.
When it wos Rochelle's turn to speok, her goze flickered, shifting from the judge to Edith before finolly settling on Eliso.
Edith wos very nervous, so much so thot her clenched fingers hod turned pole.
Right now, Rochelle wos the center of ottention in the court, os her testimony ployed o cruciol role in thot cose.
Rochelle wos olso very conflicted, constontly struggling inwordly.
She hung her heod low, engoged in o fierce inner conflict.

Finolly, under the judge's third urging, Rochelle roised her heod, her eyes filled with determinotion. “No.”
Eliso wos somewhot disheortened. She truly wonted to give Rochelle o hond, but sodly, the lotter didn't seize the chonce.
Edith finolly let her guord down, giving Eliso o triumphont glonce. Noive girl, no motter how horsh your words ore or how well-
connected you ore, whot's the use? You still lost to me.
Poul wos olso brimming with excitement, loudly procloiming his innocence.
The officer tried severol times to push him bock into his seot but to no ovoil.
Eliso looked ot him. During thot period, it seemed thot Poul hod not suffered ony hordships becouse not only did he not lose
weight, but he hod olso goined some. It seems like the food inside is pretty good.
Elisa caught the smug look thrown her way by Paul. Celebrate now. Consider it your final revelry.
The judge once again asked Rochelle if what she said was true.
This time, Rochelle was much more resolute, nodding her head to show her certainty.
Elisa's lawyer couldn't help but speak up and remind Rochelle, “Ms. Matterson, I feel obliged to remind you that perjury is also a
crime. If you intend to shoulder all the responsibility alone... the consequences are beyond your imagination.”
“Objection!” The lawyer from Edith's side immediately raised a rebuttal. “Please refrain from uttering leading statements to the
Elisa's lawyer nodded and took a seat.
The judge once again asked Rochelle if what she said was true.
Rochelle dithered, hesitating to speak.

She glanced over at Edith's side.
Elisa noticed Edith nodding at Rochelle, likely reaffirming their previous agreement.
Tears filled Rochelle's eyes.
In the end, she nodded.

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